
Income Strategy Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Traditional financial planning says that by the time you turn 40 years old, you want to have something like three times your annual income saved up and put aside for retirement."
"I saw a 178% increase from month one to month two, and a 737% increase from month two to month three. And that right there is what told me that it was possible to earn passive income."
"If you never learn how to make money in your sleep, you will work until you die."
"There are people out there who have massive dividend portfolios and literally just live off of the money that those dividend stocks are making them."
"Would you rather have right now a half a million dollar cash I give you... or would you rather take an income stream, guaranteed of $100,000 over 20 years?"
"With that, you now have a full plan to turn day trading into a source of income."
"Focus on passive income rather than those active income streams where you’re always trading time for money."
"The key is not to just make money, but to make money fast and outrun these bills."
"This is called passive income, an additional stream of income."
"The most important thing is how you make your money, not how much you make."
"You can make money on demand if you follow this formula."
"Teach your skills, sell your knowledge. Turn expertise into a self-sustaining income."
"Let's live on nothing. Like live on 60. Let's go make another 100."
"How you get paid matters. Charging by the hour will limit your earning potential. Value what you deliver."
"Now you just doubled your income without doubling your work because now your dividend income is paying you without you working."
"As long as you're completing those pay phone hits on cooldown every 20 minutes by phoning Franklin you will have no problem in making at least two million dollars."
"Step one is to create more income, step two then is to reinvest in creating and ensuring that you got more income coming in."
"The passive income is really going to complement the active income."
"Affiliate marketing can be passive income, but only if you have a system in place."
"To make five thousand dollars a month copywriting you need to find a company that's going to pay you five thousand dollars a month to write ads for them. Go right now and find a company that's willing to pay you money to write ads for them."
"Having a balance between passive income and active income is so, so important."
"This is what I've got to say it is by far one of the best if not the best method right now to farm some insane money from."
"Make money effortlessly with this simple strategy - no experience required!"
"Your income streams should align with what you enjoy doing and also what your audience is going to be interested in paying for."
"Two ways to make more money is to 1) make more money, or 2) save more money."
"This video is about how to make money on Clickbank $1000 per day tutorial without any website, without any prior experience."
"Dividends are an amazing way to create your own pension-like stream of income and even a small amount can start lowering your stresses about money, your job, and your future."
"So that was my video today, guys, and a brilliant way to make money with affiliate marketing and digistore24."
"I believe that's the mindset you have to have...making $150 per day much easier."
"Adding all those small margins up together make for a nice weekly paycheck."
"Passive income just keeps paying you; the real aim is to have as many different passive income streams as possible."
"Affiliate marketing can be a very lazy and passive source of income."
"Make your money based off your results and not off your time."
"Income investors typically only touch or spend their income they never touch their capital... only dependent on time itself."
"Wealthy people love investing for cash flow. That means you're taking your cash, you're buying an asset, and now this asset is paying you every single month."
"If you're being pitched for an MLM, the most important questions to ask... Can I make money without recruiting people...?"
"If you notice every single year at a certain time of year you make more money, double down on your work at that time, double your income."
"The MISC Prospector: mining is arguably one of the fastest ways to make money in the game."
"Passive income is all about putting in the hard work now, so that you can reap the rewards in the future."
"I've disconnected my income from my input and tied it to my output."
"Stop chasing little drips of income and build a stream."
"You only need to make three sales per day to make over $100 per day which is amazing, right?"
"Choose the recurring base program... that's where the money is at."
"If you charge $2,000 a month for a specific service, then that only takes two to four clients a month to reach a pretty decent income."
"Passive income isn't just cliche, it's really a thought process."
"Passive income is something that a lot of people are striving for."
"Find your way to make passive income."
"The Yield Max Tesla Option Income Strategy ETF is an actively managed fund that seeks to generate monthly income by selling call options on Tesla."
"Focus on how you're going to raise your level of income, keep your expenses in check, and give yourself the flexibility to grab hold of opportunities when they come."
"That is in our view best practices for how to build a retirement income plan."
"Affiliate marketing is an absolutely crazy way to make money."
"Once I realized this, I shifted my focus from income generation to value generation."
"The rule of four is how you actually are able to make more than the average American family of four per year."
"You don't only make good money when you fly International, you can make good money flying domestic as well."
"A customized income plan can be tailor-suited to your unique income needs."
"Passive income is essentially detaching your time from your income."
"Strategically contribute as much as you can to Roth in low income years and as much as you can to traditional in high income years."
"You're trading time for money, but what if you move to a model where you are trading results for money?"
"That's how we can take reseller hosting and we can start to create residual income streams from our existing or from new clients as they come on board."
"If you want to look at your long-term game plan and have significant income for years and years to come, generationally, this is it."
"Retirement is made up of different phases, and because of these different phases, your income strategy should change through time."
"The intention is to so right that more week now the less you'll make in your actual job."
"The conservation project reward of pouching two cards as an income is really, really strong."
"Passive income is all about spending an initial amount of time to work on something, then continuously earning revenue from that over time."
"If you've actually been looking for a strategy for affiliate marketing that you can actually use to make up to $500 a day, then keep watching this video."
"Learn my number one recommendation to making money online."