
Legislative Impact Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"Americans choose to use TikTok to express themselves. I don't think Congress should be trying to take away the First Amendment rights of 170 million Americans."
"Maybe making it harder to obtain a firearm in Indiana might decrease the amount of illegal guns acquired and killing people in Chicago."
"Snapping our fingers and getting rid of those prohibitive laws isn't going to change the effects of those laws unless we do so affirmatively."
"Queer audiences were some of the most dedicated Disney fans in the world, but with the company's reluctance to recognize queer characters in their media bleeding over into real life, we saw the consequences of queer erasure spilling out into actual legislation."
"The religious right is wanting to enact legislation that has the effect of making women slaves to their biology."
"If Donald Trump wins and Republicans hold Congress, they will pass a nationwide abortion ban."
"Kristen Smart's disappearance led to the passage of the Kristen Smart Campus Security Act."
"It's not just the Republican Party, it's the Koch brothers, it's ALEC."
"2021 was the best year for Trucking growth jobs growth since 1994."
"This is coming from a man who sponsored the 1994 crime bill."
"This legislation is fully paid for with its tax increase provisions in the bill raising 1.5 trillion dollars over 10 years."
"I think we have to really see that reality that's impacting our communities every day before we push forward laws and legislation that adds more Authority and resources to a system that's biased against us already."
"If the Republicans lose the House, there will be no wall, end of story."
"Policy change includes the Civil Rights Act and the voter I attack."
"This sort of legislation and this sort of battle is a really important one for defining the future of work."
"Here is Joe Biden, the bill I'm about to sign is not just about today, it's about tomorrow, it's about delivering progress and prosperity to American families."
"I've been actually getting traction having lawmakers realize that when they invest in Public Defense they are investing in a resource that can be massively beneficial to their community."
"He voted against legislation that would help reduce the cost of prescription drugs and help cap the cost of insulin."
"Despite passing legislation, including popular bills like the COVID relief package, Biden's popularity has fallen."
"Georgia flipped blue for the first time in 28 years. Our hopes for the Senate and our entire legislative agenda hinge upon it."
"Every part of Biden's proposal will be there in a big, robust way."
"Having control of each chamber of government is equally important and it could stop Bad actors like this from being able to implement their extreme beliefs on the entire nation."
"It's not the answer... to legislate away people's jobs. We need new technology, that's the only path forward."
"You couldn't be kicked off because you had a pre-existing condition, that has saved so many American lives."
"I am thrilled that his name for John Lewis but I'm even more thrilled that it is going to impact the rights of our minority populations for decades to come."
"They don't give a anymore. They're just out here telling us their plan, and there are people backing it up. Actively putting it in place. I mean, all you need to do is just look at what the Democrats just passed with this inflation reduction act."
"We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history."
"This bill will expand consumer choices in a current non-competitive market."
"The Democratic budget resolution is transformational; it's probably the most significant single piece of legislation that we have seen certainly in decades." - Chuck Schumer
"The Democrats, um, they did exactly what they said that they were going to do here. Okay. So you have to understand that they actually did come through for the categories of people who we've been talking about for the past several months."
"I would go ahead and give this out of 5 stars a 1.5."
"Their whole agenda is to tear down. I mean that's really what they are there for, that is where they get the Bona fides among their constituents, the people who voted them in."
"It is no exaggeration to say that this current session could completely reshape this country and redirect our future for generations to come, and not in a good way."
"They're excited and that's true even in the Canadian Parliament."
"No longer can a minority of senators block those things that would lift more than 140 million people out of poverty and low wealth."
"If you want them to do that, all you have to do is lower the tax burden in the United States."
"Step by step, law by law, mind by changing mind."
"This is a very major victory for the Second Amendment. It took all those silly gun control laws that New York passed in a hissy fit and basically dramatically shrunk them already."
"You've taken the ground from under me... sensible gun laws now look stupid."
"Once regulators understand how much safer a robot taxi network is, they will stop allowing people to drive."
"You're going to be feeling the positive impacts of this bill right away."
"In terms of what presidents can do on crime I'll give Donald Trump a little bit of credit for the first step act."
"This kind of legislation hurts poor women, women of color, black women. It disproportionately hurts people who are already marginalized."
"If a single Democrat gets COVIDed anywhere in this process, they're done."
"Should the Bible influence our politics? The answer is absolutely yes... it's legislative morality."
"If we don't take the Senate, everything that we've been talking about in this race will not pass."
"At least the Republicans passed a tax cut which they fooled some people, was good for them. At least they did something. The Democrats have nothing, the Democrats are doing nothing."
"The only thing that might save the conservative agenda truly is that there's a Republican Congress."
"Real change happens in state legislatures for better or worse and sets the stage for what happens at the federal level."
"Families and workers deserve to know that they can put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads. They should not be at the mercy of constantly shifting legislative timelines."
"What is really interesting here is that all the things that Biden has done from the American Rescue Plan to the guns bill to the inflation reduction act are incredibly popular."
"There has never been a leader of a legislative branch like Nancy Pelosi and there never will be again."
"Joe Biden just proved that he's kind of where Ronald Reagan is legislatively and economically."
"Any executive actions I take are replaced if they pass a bill that fixes our immigration system."
"President Biden is supporting this assault on the presidency."
"A vote for this bill is a vote to help the well-connected get further and further ahead while leaving the needs of hard-working American families behind."
"They have the ultimate chance to be the heroes and prove that they will push legislation for the people, but they aren't."
"We've just enacted the most significant tax cuts and reform in American history."
"Their laser focus on limiting that ability. Why do you make it earlier so that church goes long they can't make it to the poll on time? It's directly targeting black churches."
"A massive shift happened sometime between the beginning of the assault weapons ban in 94 and the end of the assault weapons ban in 2004."
"Why wouldn't the executive order establish appropriate punishments for hateful rhetoric against anyone of any group?"
"Manchester's veto allowed America to dodge a serious bullet. The Build Back Better bill is dead." - Republican Representative Dan Crenshaw
"What the Crown Act does is basically dismantle that conditioning."
"This legislation is nothing less than an effort to kill cryptocurrencies in the US."
"It's the Sexual Assault Survivor Bill of Rights. A Bill of Rights that enshrines a couple of very basic things. Now the first one is to not have your rape kit be destroyed before the statute of limitations."
"Facebook endorsed SESTA and right after SESTA passed, when multiple dating sites shut down, I think it was literally three weeks later Facebook announced that it was starting a dating app."
"Vote by mail is here whether we like it or not we have to push back against hr one at all costs."
"This bill could become the most significant climate bill to ever pass Congress."
"No single legislation was going to get the US all the way to the 50 number, but this gets us really close."
"If we lose the majority in the Senate, then Biden's presidency is basically done for the next two to six years."
"2024 doesn't look very good for the Democrats unless they're able to pull off these bills."
"Thor: Ragnarok revamped the character and injected a fresh dose of humor into the franchise."
"You can make a heck of a big difference in state legislatures, much more than at the federal level."
"The actual legislation is really transformative on climate."
"He got stuff done, and he was passionate. And every piece of legislation he either wrote or helped get passed had the underdog in mind."
"I think is a great law. I think they need to hear exactly how their actions impacted the lives of so many people beyond the ones that he killed, so I'm really glad that this law was actually passed."
"Maybe the measures we have done they say, 'Look at these live cities and they've got these strict gun laws and there's still shooting there.' Well, how many shootings were not there because of those strict gun laws?"
"His work on civil rights saw the banning of racial discrimination in public places, housing, the workplace and made voting rights fairer."
"Once the bill is passed, Arvind Kejriwal may even create a situation where he resigns."
"Conservation and innovation will do more to impact our environment than any rules and regulations that Congress can write." - Roger Marshall
"More laws on the books aren't gonna change anything if we're not actually changing things."
"Time and the laws of trade will restore things to an equilibrium if legislators do not rashly interfere in the natural course of events."
"Nothing so epitomizes President Obama's contempt for American values and traditions as ramming two bills, the stimulus package and the health care bill, through Congress in his first year."
"Buy it when you see it because if you dig this, this gun could be banned in the future."
"The fast-paced march towards socialism that this bill takes, it literally is everything Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been talking about and fighting for in her tenure in public office. It's all there."
"This legislation marks a significant milestone... in finance and Technology."
"If they get this through, they would have truly outdone George Orwell."
"The biggest motivation is how he and the Republican party has intentionally undone everything that meant something to him."
"Conservatives care about the everyday Canadian, seeing the bill as an existential threat."
"Kaylee's Legacy also stays strong through Kaylee's law which was passed in 2019."
"Their constituents kinda think, 'Oh no, they're trying to do good.' I'm kinda past the point where I think that their motives are good because they're doing so much damage."
"We saw a vote of over two-thirds of the United States Senate, Republicans and Democrats, to make sure that we boldly invest in what is candidly the most sweeping broad-based anti-Chinese Communist Party legislation in our nation's history."
"It makes the election for the house and the senate more important than any we've seen in our lifetime."
"The largest social reform plan in modern history."
"Biden's legislation creates more fairness, that's just what it does."
"Millions of Arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban."
"This ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of Republican elected officials."
"The first step act... aims to reduce repeat offending and expands early release programs."
"The music modernization act... legalizing landmark copyright reform for songwriters."
"Joe Biden apologize to Joe Manchin... He killed Biden's agenda."
"All they want is power, and in exchange, they have legislated the monstrosity American government has become."
"Are you not entertained? They kept you entertained while writing laws to take away your freedom."
"This bill would move even further from policing and criminalizing of deeds and acts to the potential policing of what people think or feel."
"This current session could completely reshape this country."
"Ottawa's online harms Bill actually threatens marginalized communities."
"This bill was holding the American people hostage."
"Every time our country has made a great leap forward, it's taken the courage, imagination, and impatience of young people to push our legislators to deliver."
"What this package will do is lower some of the most important costs what they pay for health care for child care. It's anti-inflationary in that sense as well."
"We were taking action from the inflation reduction act to reduce prescription costs to seniors."
"Why not go and vote for legislation that'll help them or maybe just find some friends and care about them?"
"If these provisions actually get passed into law... it really is the child tax credit alone is like a universal benefit for parents."
"There is zero doubt the package would not be this good if it wasn't Bernie Sanders who was chair of the budget committee right now."
"Keep that same energy for America. Joe Biden has been responsible for some of the harshest crime drug legislation in the history of this country. Free them up."
"He did more than anybody else, man. This dude, he's them passed some laws and did some things that opened doors and opportunities."
"This bill is going to be Black America's new Civil Rights Act."
"We are witnessing the greatest effort to roll back voting rights since the Voting Rights Act passed in 1965."
"They could actually change our United States Constitution."
"The senate is what really decides whether or not court packing can actually exist."
"It's up to your state legislature and you should get out there and fight for it."
"Mitch McConnell could well be called the Newt Gingrich of the Senate in that he broke the Senate in the same way."
"Speakers warned of how the bill would legalize infanticide."
"Taking away the president's ability to act quickly and decisively in the event of insurrection might be a mistake in the long run."
"Give me one material meaningful significant thing the Republican majority has done besides 'well I guess it's not as bad as a Democrat.'"
"This recon is 150 billion dollars for rent and other housing issues. Wow!"
"Forty-five percent of senior legislative staffers report having changed their opinion about legislation after a group gave their member a campaign contribution."
"She really would shake things up and she would demand more of the so-called progressive caucus and demand more of the justice democrats."
"Thanks to your legislation, I could now self-identify as a woman."
"I'm going to be getting involved in my local politics here, and talking to legislators, and doing everything I can to affect change in a more meaningful way."
"There's nothing abstract about saying Joe Biden signed this bill and you're getting a better airport."
"This bill is absolutely gonna destroy games."
"Bernie is openly for that but he is hostile and openly against black reparations so you funny-looking negroes that's out there that keeps talking about the wonders of joe of bernie sanders he also voted for the 1994 crime bill y'all look crazy."
"We are sending two pro-choice senators to the U.S. Senate from Georgia."
"The Jones Act had never been passed or had been repealed prior to 1970, how would that have affected freight rail?"
"These bills, in fact, are all designed to give ordinary people a fighting chance to begin to sort of level the plane for just a little bit."
"A monumental bill that will be truly for the people."
"The republican bill is sizable it is significant and it is the path that the American people want to follow."
"We need to deliver on issues like the infrastructure bill, lowering Medicare and Medicaid costs, and the chips Act."
"Florida Republicans trying to undermine the voter enfranchising constitutional amendment passed there."
"So that's Joe Manchin, party pooper, radically boring, and the most powerful man in America."
"There is no doubt this bill is going to save thousands of lives." - Senator Chris Murphy
"The way that bill is written means that that $2,000 or $4,000 or $5,500 whatever you're getting per month if that bill passes would not be taxed."
"This bill can effectively ban anything the government deems inappropriate extremely quickly without warning."
"Had this bill been in place, those incidents wouldn't have happened."
"It does appear that the most vulnerable among our lawmakers seem to be the ones that are spouting all of this Russian propaganda." - Unnamed speaker
"A small group of Democrats will break off from the Democratic Party and vote with the Republicans to give corporate donors whatever they want."
"Cryptocurrency legislation 2021... Why in the hell would they all be putting in legislation if cryptocurrency wasn't here to stay?"
"With HB 2319 being struck down by an Arizona federal judge, Kavanaugh hit the drawing board once again."
"Violating our Second Amendment will not keep children safe... it will leave more people sitting ducks."
"We do have a new crop of Republicans who know what's at stake... and who aren't just going to vote no on these bills."
"Lawmakers are accepting... more money to people with children... child care tax credit... up to eight thousand dollars per child per year."
"This bill will deliver more help to more people than anything the federal government has done in decades."
"Your laws ignore our deepest needs, your words are empty air."
"Ron DeSantis's dystopian authoritarian vision is most apparent in the legislation he just signed yesterday."
"If it passes, the US will have pivoted in a major way toward a clean energy economy."
"If you are establishing a standard... that voting for a bill... is bad because it might... give Biden a win, then you just basically eliminated any chance of any bipartisan democracy whatsoever."
"The Magnuson Act had created a Mount Everest of opportunity for American fishermen."
"Ted Kennedy made his mark in the Senate with his support for countless major laws."
"This new bill is fraught with disaster for Ireland and the Irish."
"It's going to be although it's a smaller bill, it's still historic, transformational, and will make an enormous difference in the lives of America's working families."
"Even if the laws have waned... we still save seven hundred twenty-six lives at the very minimum."
"I was very instrumental in helping him pass the First Step Act which freed a lot of our brothers and sisters."