
Labor Value Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"You and your labor are far too valuable to be wasted on people who would swap you out for a machine or an AI at the drop of a hat."
"Market labor markets do not actually value things at their true worth."
"It's time to reward work, not just wealth in America."
"Companies do not value cashiers as much as they probably should, especially considering cashiers are the ones who interact with your customer base the most."
"We should always reward and never punish work."
"Money is mostly arbitrary, representing time and labor."
"The better you are at something or the more specialized you are at something or the fewer people that can do something the higher the value of that work is."
"The reason why a cashier at McDonald's makes minimum wage while LeBron James earns millions and millions and millions of dollars a year is not because of how hard they work."
"Money is literally just portable labor; it's the representation of that labor."
"No human being on planet Earth has ever done enough work to earn a billion dollars."
"The death of a fiat currency is imminent, it is the people that pay with the labor that it took them to earn that currency."
"We've undone it because the new kinds of roles that people play of providing information to giant algorithms so that they can automate things we've suddenly decided that's just too easy we're not going to pay people for it."
"Currency's value is partly because of the labor you can manifest into that dollar."
"The market dictates that you're paid equivalent to the value of your labor."
"It ain't much but it's an honest day's work."
"Human labour creates value, but is not itself value. It becomes value in its coagulated state, in objective form."
"Men do the hard jobs, the dirty jobs, the unappreciated jobs, and they may come out better than the ones with expensive degrees."
"Money only creates wealth when it's combined with human labor."
"It's about rebuilding the arteries of our economy. Hard-working Americans on the job. Prevailing wage."
"Labor is the source of value, so hiring more people should make you richer."
"My problem with socialism is that it is essentially somebody subjectively deciding the value of your own labor."
"You cannot have wealth without labor, and what whites took from them was their potential to convert their labor to wealth within their own community."
"People need to be paid for that and I say to them what better advert of the product that we present."
"Let's just help restore pride in blue collar because I am sick of hearing these stories of teachers preaching the fact that you will never be anything being blue collar it is not true."
"Labor is devalued when labor is at the lowest point it has been in centuries. When labor is this low, you cannot use labor to make up what you're missing in wealth."
"There is no meat in the world that is worth that many work hours of your life."
"A construction worker isn't low skill. Somebody working at the grocery store that you feed your family with, they're not low skill."
"I advocate taking pleasure in labor when it's not absolutely ridiculous to do so."
"Our Blessed Lord said the laborer is worthy of his hire."
"Money is cheap, manpower is expensive."
"My labor has worth, and I deserve to not struggle financially."
"A man is worth getting paid for his work."
"It is natural that what is usually the product of two days or two hours labor should be worth double of what is usually the produce of one day's or one hour's labor."
"Any mortal labor, be it scientific or artistic, is time well spent."
"Start with your minimum wage because that is a very fair amount for you. You don't want to go less than that because that's not fair to you, to be working making these things and not even making minimum wage."
"I don't need no employer valuing me, I need you to pay me for the time that I give you."
"The economic value of any commodity in a capitalist system of production is determined by the average socially necessary labor time that it takes to produce that commodity."
"Thou dost sell us all good things at the price of labor."
"The worker is worthy of the wage."
"The worker is a value-creating productive labor."
"The elegance of when you have someone's labor become more valuable is that value sets and then the next year builds on it."
"If the marginal product per dollar for labor is greater than the marginal product per dollar of capital, this tells us to use more labor because we're getting a better value for our money."
"You will not labor in vain; when your children are succeeding, you shall not be in the grave."
"To our modern eyes, this plain wool cloth might not seem like the height of luxury, but we can start to make sense of it when we tally the enormous amount of labor that went into these textiles."
"Your labor is not in vain in God; for that sacrifice that you made just to be here, God will reward you."
"This view that American workers are a cost to cut instead of a valuable asset to invest in is what's wrong with this system."