
Game Rules Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"I will just say absolutely no to wishes that are targeted at other players in a particularly vindictive sense."
"One of the really seminal early rule sets for the wargaming genre that people play when I was growing up was written by H.G. Wells."
"Artifact Lancea... makes it so that neither player can banish cards for the rest of the turn."
"Those are the rules, that's how it works." - Piggy Piggy
"You need a living voice of authority on the field to say nope fair ball, nope foul ball, he's out, no he's safe."
"People get confused when something goes into play versus goes into their hand. Both of those things are card draw. If you find cards with them."
"Trust your Dungeon Master to run the rules fairly."
"The rules are simple: Super Mario 3 has this blue bar in the bottom of the game at all time, and in it, we can see our total coin count. We want this lovely number to remain at 0 at all time."
"The goal of commander and any Rules Committee should be to do as little as possible, not to be holding regular meetings examining and poring over the giant library of cards."
"I would rather have no ban list than an expansive ban list if those were my only two choices."
"The rules of the game might literally get changed because of these historic events."
"Once you've kind of grasped the basic rules of transforming into your wild shape, it can be a really transformative experience."
"Imagine sitting down in a game of Monopoly and just letting your friend be like no you don't got to pay rent this time."
"The rules of Jenga state that as long as there are three layers above it you're fine."
"One cannot simply pursue one piece around the board willy-nilly. This is true. The aggressor must cease. That is the Only Rule."
"You cannot move the piece that because you killed yourself it's not true that she was having an affair."
"You must kill someone if you want to leave. It's as simple as that."
"It's not over when the clock runs out... Every time he gets 10 yards, he gets another point."
"Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!, A tier. This was Pot of Greed that was legal at three for about a year or so."
"The only monsters effect to be entirely written between parentheses."
"In chess, you get one move, and your opponent gets to move after that."
"If you're blue, that means you're civilian; if it's red, that means you're Mafia."
"Those are the basics but you can easily modify the game by adding a few specialty roles."
"Google Keep is a keeper on my desktop. I didn't really want it to be the note-taking app that I used, but Evernote's not as good at doing this kind of stuff. Google Keep is."
"Each day before nominations, you may publicly choose a player. They die if executed." - Adam
"The player who has the most points by the end of the game will be declared the winner."
"I wish it didn't make that an option but the best incentive is that your friend could just punch you in the arm or something if you want to do a move in chess when you shouldn't have."
"If someone puts down a +4 card, you must draw four and your turn is skipped. You can't put down a +2 to make the next person draw six. We know you've tried."
"I thought a knight was worth four... night is three."
"Those who don't follow the rules of the game can end up paying for it with their lives."
"The Champions could be winning 6 to zero but if there's no Champions left, the game is over."
"Basketball with no rules is just throwing a ball at a hoop."
"The rules are quite simple: you move once, you defend your position."
"Don't be afraid to try a new house rule or rule set but also don't be afraid to admit when something's not working and change it."
"Transparent scoring will be moving to a more transparent model similar to that of the past Seasons, placing a heavier emphasis on eliminations over placements."
"It's super important that both the DM and the players agree on what kind of game they're playing."
"Not every foul is a yellow. I agree, I don't think that's a yellow."
"Chess is pretty easy, you guys. I mean, you only have 16 pieces. We know the basic rules."
"We finally started to see the vet course that if you put the ball in the box is a penalty box Striker."
"How to play-- it's still about the suffixes."
"Jigglypuff is definitely the best character in the game with the proper ruleset."
"The only rule in the game: let me finish, no interruptions, then the choice is yours."
"To play this game, you gotta go to the bathroom alone and turn off the lights."
"Banning it today would have massive repercussions."
"But with power level plus homogeneity, now it sort of starts."
"Is the format better without soul ring? I would say yes."
"None of those letters were remotely legible okay so what should have happened this is the correct call would have been for them to lose three points and we lose one point."
"You just don't want them to choose a top card or the bottom three cards."
"Player engagement went up the more open and transparent we made the rules."
"The game is sound, and I actually think the necron rules are damn good too."
"Objectively, it's not broken at all at the NBA level."
"Every single rule in the official books started out as somebody’s homebrew."
"Believe It or Not There were reports at the time where players were getting banned just for picking this Champion."
"Daggerheart is 2d12 roll high with strength, agility, precision, presence, intuition, and knowledge."
"Villagers win if they can correctly identify and kill the werewolves. Werewolves win if they can restore a legitimate democracy to the village."
"We're putting a 30 second timer on every single round. Every team has to get all their guesses in within 30 seconds."
"Declare one card name, both players show all cards they own, and remove all cards with the declared name from the game, the place where you put your tokens for the rest of the match."
"If we get to a certain amount we will hunt one of you for sports we don't want the table's turned... if we get to another tier you get to hunt one of us for sport."
"The rules of real life don't necessarily apply in this room."
"Planeswalkers as commanders, it's definitely the most talked-about rules change, the most demanded, the most hated."
"Possession doesn't count, I am disqualifying any case of one established character taking over another. However, Fusion is fair game."
"If you drop a piece, you have to go back through your game."
"Featuring the 5th edition rule set from DND as well."
"Never a penalty, gets the ball brilliant tackle, never a penalty, perfect tackle."
"Even though Minecraft is a sandbox, that doesn't stop the game from having unspoken rules."
"The second one is worth two points if it goes in."
"How can you have 13 penalties and no saves? What's happening to penalties these days?"
"The London Mulligan is going to differ from what you know as a Mulligan right now."
"It's not their fault, you play to the whistle."
"Minecraft is a game where there are no rules except actually there's many unwritten rules."
"It's like the person in college who does the littlest work on a group project but gets the most points."
"If you don't make the rules you don't run the game."
"No time limit, no move, that's how we like to do it."
"You're unaffected by card effects this turn, ah, Merry Christmas!"
"Whoever can blend their smoothie and drink it quickest wins."
"The GM cannot cheat, it's his game. The rules are suggestions to the GM."
"It's almost like the rules of the game are changing right in front of us."
"Kaiser Coliseum is a very powerful Floodgate that basically equalizes the game between you and your opponent."
"Custodies became an absolutely top-tier army with subtle buffs and rule adjustments."
"I'm not allowed to know how the other participants rank."
"I mean one of the rules was that they weren't allowed to stop playing."
"Remember, the name of the game is the floor is lava, so if you're touching the ground, you lose, oh no!"
"Men, you don't have the option to change the nature of the game. If you think you're gonna go and change the nature of the game, I got news for you."
"You gotta know the rules to the game, you gotta know the rules to getting in the game, staying in the game, and knowing when to walk away from the game."
"You cannot keep stolen vehicles, you can only keep vehicles that you buy or acquire yourself through missions and activities."
"In rock paper scissors paper always beats rock."
"For every archetype that makes it to the final stage, they are banished for the rest of the series. Who will be the last card standing?"
"No actions, reactions, or bonus actions for that matter. No movement. Auto Fails on strength and dexterity saving throws."
"One of the things is you can only have five religions in the game. Two of them have already been founded okay 2:05 you can only have five in the game after that."
"Is it dumb? Is it complicated? Oh yeah, absolutely. But is it giving us insight into the rules that Scott and everyone who touches this universe operate by? Yes, it undeniably is."
"Hero limit was positive, it changed the game."
"Rope is cool, rope and grappling hook are cool."
"Grab a flag, the last person to complete it is eliminated."
"Unfortunately, only one person is allowed in at a time, so he forced me to wait."
"They've dared to give them some fairly interesting and strong rules here."
"This banning seems more like a statement ban than anything else."
"Whoever has the most stars at the end of the game wins."
"That is actually a really, really great wrestling stipulation."
"Red light green light, it's red light green light challenge."
"Well, it's been fun, you guys. It's been real fun. So, 180 to grind, yeah. 180 grind, 3 out. 3 out and you grind up something. That's game."
"So here's the first of several slightly odd rules in the game."
"Those who make win, those who miss don't. You're welcome. I saved the NFL overtime."
"You cannot in any way go for the ball try and score a goal or give them any reason to believe that you aren't going to forfeit the game at 3 30."
"Omniscience just gets rid of that rule... you're breaking one of maybe the fundamental rules of the game of Magic."
"I believe that's how the chain of command works in Hearthstone and how the interaction is gonna go through."
"Both Mirror Box and Mirror Gallery have similar effects; the primary one here is the legend rule doesn't apply to permanents you control."
"Frenzy... might be the best rule in the game."
"Handing my sign should we make a fire woody didn't we have a sign and we're playing never have I ever."
"It's simple it's never have I ever done this before."
"You made Blair into the minus numbers which is minus 800 that becomes your score in positive form so - 800 becomes 800 points for you"
"Every week two heads of household will be crowned. Each HOH will nominate two house guests for eviction. To be clear, when nominations are over, four of you will be in Jeopardy of going home."
"hey man you gotta say about that should four pointers be added to the game or should they keep it the same how it is"
"So the goal is to get 21 points but if you get higher than 21 points you automatically lose."
"Uno is a game that doesn't really matter which rules you want to play by, you can play by the official rules and have a grand old time."
"Sink or shoot, whenever your opponents hit one of your ships, you have to take the little shot."
"In Canadian Rules Football, anything can happen in the last three minutes. Last two minutes, they actually mean something in Canadian football."
"Move played in the game: c takes b5. Broke the rule for what reason? Vacates c4 for a knight."
"...you're trying to protect the defensive player as well."
"Stick inference is when opposition hits our player's sticks."
"You're trying to make the game safer, right? That's what they're trying to do. You don't want star players going down or getting injured."
"We're changing the rules as we play. It wouldn't be Tube Town if you didn't change your rules."
"There is no stealing in round three, there is no penalty for missing a question."
"I'm not interested in taking anything away from you; I'm just asking that we all play the same game."
"I'll just hold my turn. Is that a thing? Can I do that?"
"Paintball producer fails to listen to experienced advice, has his rule abused and removed from the game."
"What Magic the Gathering has taught me is that calling a judge... is not a bad thing."
"If you want to play the game, you got to learn the rules."
"Scissors beat paper because they can cut it."
"But rock wins over scissors because it can break them."
"Paper is the most cool though because the piece of paper can cover the rock."
"The name of the game is to get the ball in the hole in as few number of strokes as possible."
"PCs can pull themselves free with a roll of 3d6 under their strength."
"Three on three is actually a different game than five on five."
"One of Jigsaw's main rules is that his traps have to be winnable and fair."
"Normal Sudoku rules apply and digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum to a prime number."
"All players must keep their identity a secret except for the mongoose of truth whose identity - and pure intentions - are revealed to everyone."
"That's the golden snitch essentially; if they get this, they automatically win."
"Compared to other games, pong has a small rule set and not very many pieces."
"There will be 10 crewmates and one imposter."
"That's the whole idea of this game, get over here to the individual game, there's no defense."
"The way to be judicious for the game is to blow the whistle."
"Everyone knows the rules: we each get three lives. Every time you laugh, you lose a life. Last man standing wins."
"The rules of my games are simple: I want to show you the value of life."
"That's the way the game is played, but you have been great."
"Even the quirkiness of rules that don't make any sense is almost the charm of it."
"Normal Sudoku rules apply; no two cells in the same position within a box can contain the same digits."
"In a chess game, the death of a king would result in an instant defeat because that was the rule, but the reality was completely different."
"Let's get to the rules of this one and see if we can get to grips with it."
"Scythe beats Hawk because sharp things are better than straw. However, Pervy Cook beats Scythe because no blade can penetrate him anymore."
"Let's have a look at the rules of Duplicates and see why Blackjack Fitz's puzzle has been so recommended."
"You win this game by getting three X's in a row."
"I hate it when people pretend that you're not supposed to talk about the clock because it's not a legitimate part of the game."
"Normal Sudoku rules apply, that's numbers one to nine in every row, every column, and every three by three box. Hurray!"
"When I say red light, you stop. If you move on red light, you're gonna get eliminated."
"You can take the white piece and you can jump it over a string of consecutive black pieces."
"Simple rules belie some very, very interesting logic that occurs in these puzzles."
"These next two auctions are the only two potential one no-trump forcing sequences in bridge."
"You can only add in abilities that break the rules if you already know what the rules are and that you know those rules work."
"To win a set, you should win six games with no less than a two-point advantage."
"It's got a very cool and short rule set."
"Understanding how the exchange areas work is really going to help you avoid too many men penalties and it's also going to allow us to really move quickly as we're subbing in and out."
"Poker is an exceptionally excellent game because the rules are very simple."
"If either side has a total of eight or nine, it's called a natural, and neither side will draw."
"Digits in a cell with a gray square must be even."
"Rock beats scissors, scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock."