
Critical Situations Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"You're casting it to save your life because your airship has blown up and you're falling out of the sky; you don't have time to precisely word out the wish."
"Everything had to be very precise... if any one of them was off by a decimal point, we wouldn't be having this conversation tonight."
"He was composed in the most critical of moments."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, and that perhaps is overdue."
"When this emergency situation happens, time is going to be of the essence."
"In the world of Pokémon challenges, always be prepared for critical hits."
"Communications can be a matter of life or death."
"Labels like liberal and conservative don't mean much when you're fighting for your life and the lives of innocent people."
"Your ability to perform in those moments, positive or negative, is gonna have an impact on the momentum of the team."
"It is the difference between life and death."
"Some of them are saying I have to fight this because if I lose, I lose everything."
"I still thank Ben every day of my life for saving us in that horrible situation. I don't know what would have happened if Ben wasn't there."
"Sometimes it takes a serious situation to incentivize fulfilling your goal."
"Things are going to be intriguing, interesting, heated. It's so critical for you to be diplomatic."
"It's too much, they sacrificed themselves to get them supplies off."
"This would be a fight if I lose that star I lose all hope and Humanity."
"They're literally playing with people's lives at this point, you know."
"I think a lot of this is on the line right now."
"The reason we see it start with military applications is because it's mission critical and a lot of times it's life or death, so you get not only boatloads of data but you're getting data at scale tied to important mission critical outcomes."
"I won't ignore the serious nature of what's happening."
"All it takes is one person with a gun at point blank range."
"Whether you're innocent or not, get the [expletive] lawyer."
"The difference between being alive or dead was a single breath."
"Whenever a sign's flashing, it means desperation."
"Mistakes are just being made time and time again."
"Every day that fails to happen brings us closer to the point of no return for Ukraine."
"It's a very critical point for sure, be ready."
"If all investigators are eliminated, it's an end game trigger."
"Choices are almost always hard to make, especially when your life depends on them."
"The hits will come but when you're shooting to either save a life or return fire, this is where it really counts."
"You should have been holding on to that gun."
"Every decision I made in these tunnels had consequence, it was a life-or-death choice."
"Talon was lying in the middle of a minefield..."
"Courage is rare, it is rare to actually step up and intervene when a rape is occurring."
"Sorrys don't really do a lot when it comes to life and death situations."
"You're making people choose between having a place to live and eat or not like this is life in death situation."
"In space, even the smallest decisions can make or break your mission."
"Once I got down to my last life, I realized I was screwed."
"Controlling the way you panic in certain moments."
"Dialing 911 is going to bring you all of that plus some."
"I literally was in some situations where I would have been able to take away everything from myself."
"Reverse sweep, you guys! What on earth is this?"
"People can be better than we think when it really counts."
"This does feel like a really panicky situation where seconds matter."
"It's easy to say nothing's going to happen... but just because that's the easy street doesn't mean that you're always going to be right the one time you're wrong is probably the only time that is actually going to matter."
"Life or death your prejudices start to come out."
"Education is the single most important thing... throughout that entire situation."
"This isn't a sporting event. This is life or death."
"I guess things were worse off there than I thought, but I didn't expect things to get taken that far."
"Origi is the coldest finisher, especially in high-pressure situations because he's so calm."
"I was trying to think of a time that maybe saved someone's life and I think it's okay if you nearly died."
"If I need big gauze, I probably don't have time."
"This gadget actually really comes in clutch."
"Her swift thinking likely played a crucial role in saving both her life and the life of another person."
"You have to be able to multitask, you have to be able to take on all these things in life and death situations."
"15 minutes in certain cases can be the difference between life or death."
"It's most important to them that this gun performs on the worst day of your life."
"For health professionals, knowing how to perform under pressure can literally be a matter of life and death."
"There are times when we have to act with life in one hand and death on the other."
"She's just got the biggest grit in the most critical situations."
"For a serious accident like this, time is critical."
"I considered what I was doing a do-or-die situation, so I felt that what I was doing was forgivable."
"I really enjoyed making my the ointment video."