
Financial Instability Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"63% of people in the United States live paycheck to paycheck. So one paycheck could easily change their fucking lives."
"Comparisons are being made that a company called Credit Suisse... is potentially at a Lehman Brothers moment."
"40% of Americans couldn't respond to a $400 emergency...sometimes the conversations we have...miss the forest for the trees."
"A total lack of confidence in the entire financial system could do it too. It's like what are we not paying attention to that could really wipe out everything."
"So many people owe more on their car than it's worth is extremely troubling. We're looking at a massive financial crisis if this trend continues."
"A survey in 2018 found that a third of middle income adults don't have $400 to cover an unexpected expense."
"We could see a global financial crisis of proportions not seen for many generations."
"It has basically kept the asset inflation going... weaknesses which is going to Doom the dollar."
"The value of your currency can just fall off the table, you know, it can just crash and there's nothing you can do about it."
"The financial crisis of 2008 may have been the first death throes of the Ponzi scheme, but governments around the world weren't about to sit back and let it fail."
"The global financial crisis... the symptom of a much deeper problem."
"This thing is in very very big trouble who cares what the stock market does tomorrow or next week or next month the economy's done."
"It takes a bank in Switzerland that has already had a ton of problems and had to go through some restructuring back in the fall and even needed emergency swap lines between the Federal Reserve and the Swiss."
"We are in a financial system which is being held together by duct tape effectively at this point."
"Debt was a key part of the crash in 2008...virtually everybody believes it was."
"Many of us are only one really bad year, one medical issue, one lost job from complete financial ruin. Absolutely none of us are one really good year away from becoming billionaires."
"China's local government debt and credit portfolio losses increased posing a risk to bank profitability."
"Your bank deposits gone, his stock market money down in value."
"If one of these things actually failed in the sense that they had to shut their doors and depositors were not protected if that were the outcome you would see a banking crisis worse than 1931 I mean it would be uh be horrendous."
"When you have large amounts of debt and a slowing economy and a reduction in revenues then that means that you can't service that debt that you're going to potentially default on it."
"It's clear that all of this is leading to war and financial collapse."
"All of this financial freedom is actually the complete opposite it's very unstable."
"When two out of every five footballers in the United Kingdom are declared bankrupt in retirement, there is something seriously wrong."
"The financial sector has led to a series of increasingly severe financial crises."
"However, the same psychological factors that hurled America into a state of financial chaos before are growing once again only larger beneath the surface."
"The whole house of cards is being held up by these artificially low interest rates."
"Their money is about to fail. The U.S. dollar, the world reserve currency, the fiat money system is about to fail."
"The lord tells us that finances can grow wings and it can fly away. It can disappear overnight."
"There's no exception in modern history: when your debt for a nation is over 100%, you have a depression and an economic financial failure."
"The 60/40 portfolio is completely exploding in their face. It's the everything lose portfolio."
"You want to see a real crash? Take a look at what's already happened to the cryptocurrencies."
"I honestly think that we're gonna have some kind of economic collapse the next five to two the next five to ten years which is gonna be on an unparalleled level."
"76 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"The probability for recession is increasing higher and higher by the day."
"What is in process here, unlike 2008, which basically was a failure at the top, this is basically a bottom up failure, where it's going to be the regional banks and the community banks that are under massive pressure."
"It's not just about AMC and GameStop, it's about market corruption, crazy market action that increases the fragility of the system."
"You're one bad recession away from being down here."
"The excessive use of abusive leverage by these speculators could swiftly erode the stability of the entire real estate market and banking system."
"Hyperinflation will wipe out any Fiat money any Fiat assets or instruments absolutely 100."
"This rise would be punctuated by terrifying drawdowns along the way."
"The United Kingdom is in crisis, the pound is crashed, the Bank of England has had to step in to prevent pension funds from collapsing, and the chancellor is enjoying champagne receptions with hedge fund managers."
"The third biggest stable coin fell as low as 69 cents triggering a massive sell-off."
"The collapse we are going to see is the collapse of the currencies."
"As governments continue to head towards the direction of one centralized worldwide government, we're going to continue seeing Tremors in the financial system."
"You could be rich at some point and then everything goes downhill."
"The collapse of SVB meant that 40,000 Tech CEOs got the message that the U.S banking system is unsafe."
"All of those assumptions are breaking down at the same time."
"Despite his assurances, First Republic Bank dropped 60 in its stock value in a single day."
"Smells like a bank run guys cuz Bank runs are on the menu right now and you can't avoid it."
"Putin may run out of money at the end of the day."
"If you live paycheck to paycheck, that 'eventually' is not okay."
"78% of Americans right now are actually living paycheck to paycheck."
"When the Euro collapses, when Europe collapses, we're going to have about eight weeks until the dollar crashes."
"The worries here could bring down a big player like that and of course that's going to create Ripple effects."
"The bull thesis falls apart as soon as inflation shoots back up."
"Look at the chaos that's going on. Up and down, up and down, up and down."
"The Panic on the Chinese stock markets tells us there are some serious fundamental issues going on."
"The financial structure has become more fragile... held together with tape and string by liquidity and by central banks."
"It's more like you put the money in the bank and then it gets taken away."
"I feel like relying on donations as your main like source of Revenue is just like inconsistent."
"Interest rates right now at this top level 2.25 as the highest it will be that shows you how weak this system really is."
"Finance is in trouble as a token but it's not yet chronic."
"In a depression, the rich get hit the worst. It's Financial assets that go down even more than the economy."
"Eclipses tend to indicate social instability which will play directly into market instability."
"A lot of economists are saying an economy laden with this much debt is just a giant bubble that's waiting to burst." - Rick Sanchez
"Total collapse is coming, and the state of the dollar won't matter."
"Most people cannot survive a $700 emergency. It's fucking sad, dude."
"The system is melting down, the dollar is on borrowed time."
"This could set off the next financial crisis."
"Everything right now has this good and bad, and we don't know what the market's going to do. We don't know which way it's going to go."
"The whole system operates in a vacuum. It's a perpetual state of insolvency, that's the truth here."
"Cracks emerge in the developed market central banks."
"Inflation fears resurface as concerns over persistently high inflation."
"Did they set this up because of the terrifying situation with Tether being so massive and pervasive in the crypto markets?"
"Of course not yet this is happening right now with nearly 17 what is this million been a trillion dollars of bonds with negative yields it's not going to end well yes it's a joke it's I call it the joke economy is what we've got now."
"All this fear about Banks, Banks and Banks... we are heading in that direction again due to Greed and leverage of the banks."
"We are living on borrowed money and borrowed time."
"At some point soon... the US dollar is going to collapse."
"Homelessness isn't an innate quality in a person... a lot of people in this country are one paycheck away from becoming homeless themselves."
"60% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck."
"When Lehman Brothers went down, it turned on a dime."
"His story serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of financial stability."
"It's just a manifestation of the craziest monetary policy in history."
"Evergrande is insolvent despite never reporting a loss."
"This is a full-blown currency crisis."
"So if Financial instability is holding you back I really think that is something you need to address first before diving fully deep into art as a career and again there's no shame in it."
"I think that Financial instability can be an incredible distraction if you are simultaneously trying to pursue an art career while being unable to support yourself."
"The economy is in a scary time, the 'r' word is being thrown around all over the place."
"The journey from Financial instability to the freedom of charting his own course had altered his perspective on life."
"Your savings gets wiped away every seven years."
"People tried financial responsibility during the best years ever for saving money, and it evaporated just months later."
"From billionaire to bankrupt, his life is a roller coaster story."