
Company Performance Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"What really affects a stock's price in the long run is its fundamentals: how much money the company is making, its profits, revenue growth, management quality, and innovation for the future."
"Behind every stock is a company. If the company does terrific over a long period of time, the stock will do terrific. If the company does lousy, the stock's going to do lousy."
"Their sales are growing and also their net income is growing, those are both beautiful metrics."
"I'm always excited for 40k games but the company behind it full control is not exactly known for its pedigree at this stage."
"23 percent is a pretty impressive growth rate for a company like this."
"A company that grows its earnings will likely have the stock price go up, a company that has its earnings decline will likely have the stock price go down."
"The main thing I look out for is if the company I'm investing in has an increase in free cash flow year on year."
"Wild ride, Snapchat's actually up to 35 now, so good job."
"Apple is just such a phenomenal company, and to see it up only now 0.5% and really falling, it's just shocking after such an earnings crush."
"Inflation has just been overshadowing the awesomeness of the companies that we like."
"Tesla is showing March deliveries when you order a 3: that's bullish."
"Diablo 4 is a tryout for Blizzard, and it seems like they've nailed this."
"Despite this global pandemic, Tesla reported a $327 million operating profit."
"East Asia Soft is top-notch, they're killing it with what they do."
"I'm definitely still hopeful that CDPR will eventually turn this game around."
"Blizzard needs to prove that they can make a good game and support a good game."
"If it's falling apart for Tesla, it's falling apart for everybody."
"My expectation is that most companies are going to be reporting healthy to very healthy quarters from Q4 of 2021."
"Dividends come from free cash flow. Despite challenges, 3M saw record free cash flow."
"The company's stock took a big dip this week."
"Don't be too bothered by stock market craziness as we demonstrate continued excellent performance."
"Staggering numbers for Coinbase: $1.6 billion in net profit."
"Supergiant Games: Consistently remarkable, consistently ambitious."
"I no longer have any expectations of Blizzard."
"I think we're going to have a fantastic third quarter, I think next year will be one of the strongest years we've had."
"As long as it happens before the end of April, there's no way Tesla's not going to 750."
"The only thing that was wrong with the company during this period of time... was it was overvalued."
"I think ARK has done an incredible job in explaining what they do."
"Tollbooth companies are highly attractive and common amongst the best investors in the world."
"Investing is becoming increasingly global and the best companies in the world are attracting more investors."
"Verizon has returned a ton more in that amount of time."
"What else do you want a company to be able to do? It's ridiculous how well they are executing."
"I still believe DraftKings will be your winner in the gambling industry overall."
"What problem does this company solve, and do they do it well?"
"The surprising answer is yes. After reducing working days, companies maintained and even slightly increased both their production and revenues."
"Virgin Galactic really seems to have started off really strong."
"2020 may not have been great for the world, but for Clash of Clans, I give Supercell a plus."
"I'm incredibly impressed with what sucker punch managed to accomplish here."
"JPMorgan Chase is on sale, the company has never been better positioned for the future."
"Wow, Square Enix, huh? Where Eden's been in the duff, they really be doing their thing with these games, bro."
"Tesla's q1 earnings didn't so much reignite the bull bear debate but seemed to shift sentiment far more to the one-sided negative."
"When you own shares of a company, well this company is working to produce more value."
"The stronger AMC is as a company, the more people who bet against the company should be concerned."
"Nvidia's exceptional earnings didn't prevent a sell-off."
"Disney is a company that's weak, it's trying to put on a front that it's doing well."
"As much as I'm not like the biggest Microsoft fanboy, they've done very, very well."
"It feels like the company has done a remarkably good job."
"WWE's latest financial reports are in and spoiler alert, they are very good."
"It ain't hype, ladies and gentlemen, and if it is Ripple's responsible for it because it looks like they're on target."
"Rocket Lab is constantly making improvements, fulfilling promises, and doing great things."
"Tesla and Lucid are absolutely, positively destroying it, and it is really great news for the EV sector."
"Thank you all so much for watching this, and for being here and for donating."
"As long as you own one of those top few companies, you're gonna do amazing."
"A lot of people are doing it right now... if investors look through that sort of noise into the substance of what companies are doing, they're going to be pretty impressed."
"This is the most disruptive company that can execute and can scale."
"Lucid Motors stock has been on a tear recently and for good reason."
"We have the 'Nifty Five' holding up the entire averages, but they're not even doing that great of a job of it."
"Speaking of streaming services, Disney is killing it right now."
"At least in recent history, I think D4 was like Blizzard's smoothest launch ever."
"We gave you Meta, right? You guys saw where Meta went down, that only went three dollars in the money. AMD, who cares about that? We also gave you guys Microsoft."
"Managing to keep such a low free cash flow pea ratio and such a high growth rate, they're definitely doing something right."
"I don't need the price of my stock to dictate to me how well my company is doing. In other words, I don't care what the price is. Stop asking me. What I care about is the efficiency of my company."
"It's something you want to see if you're an investor in Apple... they've been crushing it."
"He's online to do like robotech... so I'm looking forward to what his company does."
"Plug Power had a phenomenal quarter and the stock has been absolutely flying."
"Hopefully in the future, especially Nvidia gets their act together."
"Tesla has done more than a 10x right over the past year and year and a half."
"I see it becoming a revenue story, a margin story, a profitability story, and an overall just respected company."
"The company currently has a low starting dividend yield, but it does have a very nice history of increasing its dividends over time."
"The real free cash flow number for this company isn't what it appears, and I think that's something that people should be aware of as well."
"As the stock price was going the wrong way, everything inside the company was going the right way."
"So all of these underlying intrinsic things have happened for the company while the share price has kind of flatlined."
"The reality is, in most cases, companies that do well are in a position to take much better care of their employees."
"How do you make the investors happy? You run a really good company, you increase Revenue, you increase profit, increase free cash flow, pay down debt or keep debt manageable."
"Interest income has quintupled for Affirm going from $120M in 2019 to $530M in 2022."
"The company gets an excellent rating."
"Even though this company has grown at an 8.7 percent Revenue growth the company's returns have been a lot better."
"The earnings of the company have grown at roughly double the rate of the top line revenue."
"...I expect to see growing free cash flow from this company, steady and reliable growth rates from the company, and growing dividend payments."
"Every time a company earns above an eight to ten percent return on Capital employed, that means that they're generating wealth for the shareholder."
"When a CEO changes, the company tends to change a lot, both in terms of firm behavior and in terms of firm performance."
"Your salary hikes will most likely beat the inflation as long as you are working in a good company."
"We are executing against the plan the way we should be executing against the plan the company is doing really well."
"The company just very materially outperformed our expectations."
"It's just beautiful when companies get stuff like that right."
"Free cash flow is often considered more reliable as a measure of a company's income than reported earnings."
"With free cash flow, you really have to dig into the numbers and see why they're changing the way they are before you can make definitive statements about the company."
"S&P Global is a company that's incredibly predictable, growing very quickly."
"That's what Coinbase did a great job of last year."
"Profit sharing plans allow your employees to benefit from company performance."
"This company has grown at around 18% a year; it's now forecast to grow at about 17% a year, so there's still an awful lot of growth expected."
"Dividends don't lie and the dividends are probably the best indicator of the health of a company."
"Over time, a stock's price trend is driven by the company's ability to put money in shareholders' pockets."
"34% revenue growth this company reported, which is absolutely amazing."
"A split would send a signal to the investors that the company is doing very well."
"If the company doesn't do well, there's no money to pay dividends."
"The vast majority of the relationship between human capital and the company's bottom line is actually explained by the links between the individuals in the company."
"In the long term, the stock will follow the company's performance."