
Moral Questions Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"At its core, New Vegas is about the ways human societies develop, and it's asking whether the societies of the post-apocalypse should rebuild with the values of the prior world in mind, or if a new world demands a new approach."
"What it means to be a good person in the world, how we can be ethical, all of these questions are interlinked."
"What is it if you gain the world, but lose your soul?"
"There's something horrifically wrong when all of these notable people and institutions are saying you know what's wrong with incest, what's wrong with this, what's wrong with that."
"Should we sympathize with Alex? Perhaps a more important question is: do we sympathize with Alex regardless of whether or not we should?"
"Should people be judged by the color of their skin or the content of their character?"
"The federal government needs to answer the question of whether or not The Unborn have god-given and guaranteed rights."
"Do you believe that people are redeemable, or do you think certain people are a lost cause?"
"Why should we cause the maximum amount of harm when we don't have to?"
"So a person takes life and our justice is to take life as well? What kind of twisted cycle of justice is that?"
"Divorced from all these questions of unborn-ness and bodily autonomy the actual question kill the moon asks us to consider is: is it moral to end one life to save billions?"
"This absolutely is a question of Christian ethics, of Christian morals."
"Is there even a point to killing Liam's wife?"
"If the world's worth fighting for, not just here, everywhere. How can we help?"
"What values does this teach our kids, or anyone else for that matter?"
"Can somebody made of Pure Evil actually redeem themselves?"
"Should they be punished? Should they be forgiven? What should happen to them?"
"It's a story about preservation and immortality, it's a story about the costs you pay in its pursuit."
"Progress is a spectrum, and the divide between material and moral advancement is typically blurred."
"There is no morality then, is it subjective? Right, because is it immoral to marry an 80-year-old woman or an 8-year-old woman?"
"Isn't the worth of human life worth three towers in Russia? That's the point in history we've come to, absolutely despicable."
"Why would you condemn anybody for doing anything in the name of God?"
"Vault-Tec's impressive tech capabilities, ensuring complicated life support systems functioned as intended and the morally dubious social experiments would be successful."
"What can we learn from this? What can we take away from this horrible story?"
"President Biden led an international summit for democracy this past week."
"Maybe being mostly harmless is simply not acceptable."
"You can cheat once? What's one cheating okay?"
"Greek myths address questions of personal morality."
"Is there still enough light in the world to truly banish this darkness and unseat them?"
"Exploring the question: how far are you willing to go for those you love?"
"Should a God that sees so much suffering intervene?"
"What good is it to gain the whole world and forfeit your soul?"
"Should we go over there and kick the crap out of these pirates? I'm thinking yes."
"Questions about what is actually right, if indeed there is a correct answer."
"A child singing for our annihilation and destruction, who teaches a child something like this?"
"Do you want villains to learn before they have to pay the ultimate price? That's such a Christian question."
"What you have that's worth losing your soul over?"
"This delves into the question of if parents should hide their past and mistakes from their children out of protection."
"Kiryu is forgiving, but has he ever truly been merciful?"
"What kind of person do you have to be to not accept the apologies of a child?"
"I think we have to take a stance. What's the level of time that passes? Can people be reformed?"
"If you're living a sexually immoral lifestyle, morally impure lifestyle, or a lifestyle of covetousness, you have reason to wonder about your own salvation."
"Realistic villains like Frollo contrast the message of who's the monster and who is the man."
"How do you know what the right path is, the right thing?"
"Men feel safe becoming priests or feel safe after they become priests, and this empowers them to act on their worst impulses."
"How low do you have to go to not only kill your own sister and your sister with special needs and then continue to cash in on her?"
"Are you okay with it we had this conversation I think the other day should the art be separated from the artist or not."
"In Undertale, there's a moralizing of the pacifist route, but is that always the right answer?"
"God isn't really a villain or a monster; he's a human that arcs these questions."
"When Hardin showed concern for her bending her morals to peer pressure, it was framed as romantic."
"Isn't their survival more important than your pride?"
"We erased a demon. How could that not be a good thing?"
"We need to talk about what is ethical here, where should we draw the line?"
"Is Dracula right to want all humans dead? No. Is he right to believe their institutions corrupt and their leaders greedy and violent? Oh yeah."
"What does he even do with his newfound wealth? Does he share it with his friends or is he just greedy? All we know for certain is he has hands and he knows how to use them. Let's just be thankful that he hasn't discovered knives and British slang."
"The question that must be raised: which side are you on?"
"Can we find it in ourselves to forgive the wrongs they have committed? Can we forgive ourselves?"
"Were we wrong to oppose apartheid? Were we wrong to oppose the war in Iraq? Were we wrong to stand up for the human rights of people in remote places all around the world?"
"The narrative of Kenneth Noy is more than just recounting of crimes; it is a mirror reflecting the challenges, dilemmas, and moral questions that society faces in dealing with criminal behavior."
"What is the moral issue here? The moral issue is when you have unsafe fishing boats or when fishing is not regulated properly."