
Platform Responsibility Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Matt implies it's YouTube's fault that predators are on the platform, and therefore, that YouTube deserves to be punished."
"I've always felt a deep sense of obligation to make the biggest impact possible with this incredible platform."
"The president's view is that the major platforms have a responsibility related to the health and safety of all Americans to stop amplifying untrustworthy content, disinformation, and misinformation."
"Twitch should have a very hard-line stance about not allowing people to use those words."
"You don't care about the lasting impact that white supremacy running rampant on your platform will have." - Corey Kenshin
"However, it doesn't mean the data don't imply things, and you know I think YouTube ought to think very carefully about whether it wants to confront two people who have the proper credentials."
"YouTube silence has quite literally been deadly."
"I hope YouTube makes the right decision going forward because if we allow copyright abusers to thrive on this platform it's not YouTube that only pays the price it's every content creator on the platform."
"What can we do to make the network platforms less divisive of our society?"
"The solution was to pressure platforms to enforce their rules both by removing content or accounts that spread disinformation and by more aggressively policing in the first place."
"Should he be allowed to have a platform on YouTube where we are speaking right now? Absolutely not."
"YouTube should have taken him down just for [ __ ] false information and clickbait."
"This could set precedent that Twitter and other platforms are negligent in refusing to enforce their rules."
"Platforms are not responsible for what is said on their platforms."
"It's our responsibility to protect more than 150 million Americans who love and use our platform. Tick Tock is all about conversations and community, and I'm so grateful to hear from all of you."
"We really can't be having you using the platform to talk [ __ ] about other gangs."
"Under no circumstances should any platform create an 'unless' provision when saying you can't incite violence or send death threats. Those are crimes. There should be no exception to this."
"Giving platforms to unrepentant misogynists, whether converts or lifelong believers, sends a clear message: abusers welcome."
"Twitter is tackling threats of violence on its platform."
"If we do not have free and unfettered exchange of ideas on these platforms for all practical purposes we don't have it."
"Making people feel 'safe' on the platform is just opening the door to accusations of harassment."
"Nobody wants to see platforms amplifying fake news."
"Don't defend or support racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic views on your platform."
"One of the largest kids platforms on Earth operates with just the absolute bare minimum of care for its audience."
"Our top priority at Twitch is keeping our community safe and healthy."
"Twitter failed to report child sexual abuse material."
"YouTube finally went scorched Earth on this type of content."
"We do care deeply about giving people a voice and freedom of expression."
"I think if you have any type of platform you need to be talking about this stuff."
"Honestly, you know when if Twitch does that a lot of the liability gets off on their shoulders."
"Animal abusers on YouTube should not be allowed to have a YouTube channel. If you abuse your animal on camera, YouTube should automatically remove your channel."
"Americans need to see that these places are not going to be the final arbiters of how we speak."
"Why should social media platforms enforce allegations? It's such a horrible precedent."
"I'm not going to be the Arbiter of what goes on outside of my particular platforms."
"YouTube allowed and was complicit in Onision grooming children over the internet."
"To hold YouTube liable... I think would be completely ridiculous."
"The lesson out of all this shouldn't be let's talk about the precise degree to which you can call somebody a Nazi or white supremacist or whatever the lesson from this needs to be vey platformed a horrible person."
"The fact that they were choosing their platform over telling the truth, there's one side that's right and one side that's wrong."
"What about what Elon Musk has done to Twitter? Lowering guard rails against misinformation, does that contribute to it?"
"Sniper Wolf situation is unacceptable anyone who uses their platform to docks and put a person's family in physical danger deserves to be deplatformed."
"The major platforms have a responsibility related to the health and safety of all Americans to stop amplifying untrustworthy content and disinformation and misinformation especially related to covid and vaccinations and elections." - Jen Psaki
"A platform is the thing that always gets, 'Oh, Joe gave a platform to this person who I disagree with.'"
"It's only offensive in the fact that people think that just because you have a large platform that for some reason what you say is any more true."
"People with large audiences like Ludwig, Pokemon, and Mizkiff tweeted that it was time for Twitch to do something."
"With great platform comes great responsibility, and I have a responsibility to do what I think is right."
"I kind of feel like YouTube as a platform have now set a precedence where they need to do something about big situations like this."
"If he was on TikTok I'd be asking TikTok to do the same thing."
"I'm just a person on YouTube. I can't talk anyone out of an eating disorder."
"We just want to be responsible with our platform because people can take that one thing and just twist it."
"We're going to see how you as the platform can facilitate the payment to go through from the buyer all the way to the seller."
"Your platforms' recommendation algorithms... drive people who show an interest in conspiracy theories far deeper into hate, and only you have the ability to change this."
"When you use your voice and your platform to tear down anything with a group or a crowd of people, you're doing yourself a disservice."
"Things happen in life that's really difficult... our job is to keep people safe on our platforms."
"It's time to stop punishing all YouTubers for YouTube's incompetence."
"...let's create value for all parties, let's not try to say that we're somehow exempt from the rules just because we're a platform."
"I hope YouTube takes care of the creators better in that capacity."
"It's up to YouTube to protect its users and creators from those who use their platforms irresponsibly."
"It's really dangerous when platforms don't take necessary steps to protect their creators."
"I do not believe any person with a public platform should conduct themselves this way."