
Spiritual Recognition Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"You can honor a man even without him knowing and it can be recorded in the spirit."
"I've heard of you and this is what I've heard of you that you know God and that you have his spirit"
"You love the formless, but you recognize the formless as yourself in the other."
"You're a sheep like one. Congratulations, you've made it."
"They see you as sacred, wise, and helping them come out of distortions."
"You are the Christ the Son of the Living God." - Simon Peter
"Notice the parallels, notice the duplication, notice the miracles."
"Some of you are going to realize tonight there's been gifts that you've had for 30 years in church and no one's ever spoken to them."
"Your angels notice the changes you're making."
"You are God this is not a statement of arrogance and this is not sacrilege but a recognition of the Divine spark within you."
"Look upon others without condemnation... just seeing the unfolding of God in them."
"You're highly ranked in the spiritual world. You can't make this [ __ ] up."
"Anointed people can sense anointing. Somebody gets up to lead worship, you're like oily."
"There's no reason or possibility for him at all not to see kind of God's grace and presence in his life."
"You don't need recognition from people, you don't need recognition from man, you need recognition from God. That's the only recognition that you need."
"When you see Jesus Christ in Scripture, you know He is Lord."
"Your name is written on them, like they know it's spirit, they can't miss you."
"Your connection inspires them to shine their truth, feeling empowered and recognized for their divinity."
"God's not holding anything back from you. As much as you can demand, God will provide, but not from a state of needing and wanting it to feel whole, from a state, are we recognizing within you that spiritual substance."
"You can tell a spiritual master by the sound of their laughter."
"You both have a tremendous level of depth. You might be old souls."
"She recognized the attributes that only belong to God."
"Your spirit is something that I've seen even before coming here."
"If I do this the Whole 30 days for sure... I got the tag of the VIP."
"When Jesus turned and he saw her he said daughter."
"They recognize your generosity, spiritually kick-started their ascension."
"When people pour libation what we are recognizing is that we did not make ourselves."
"The heart of David has been discovered in you."
"You may be overlooked in this world, but Heaven takes notice."
"Divine feminine now has a new person who sees them in all of their Glory."
"Recognize the divine beautiful essence in every being."
"Your faith may be proved genuine and may result in Praise, Glory, and Honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
"In heaven, we're going to recognize one another intuitively."
"We will recognize each other in the afterlife."
"Love is the recognition of our shared being or our shared reality."
"Compassion is about recognizing the spirit in others."
"The disciples recognized the Lord Jesus in the breaking of the bread."
"They recognize the light of Christ in you, not because of what you say, but how you move."
"They recognize you as an Angelic presence in their life."
"Worship really is just recognizing who Jesus is."
"May you not be big on Earth and they don't know you in the spirit."
"and the truth of this and then if if we can recognize it on any level maybe we should consider that we should recognize it on all levels and particularly in the level of which in the context what Jesus is bringing it to us in"
"Your pain, your loneliness, your hard work hasn't gone unnoticed in the spiritual realm."
"We recognize your sovereignty in all things and honor it with our entire being."
"Ether Chapter 12 is the Hall of Fame for faith, Book of Mormon edition."
"Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet."
"In your daily interactions, it is crucial to penetrate beyond the superficial layers of those you meet and recognize them not merely as fellow humans but as other beings of light."
"This journey of recognition begins with the acknowledgement that there is a vibrant spiritual entity at your core."
"Whoever keeps the Commandments and teaches others to keep them, he will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
"So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us."
"The kingdom operates not by learning but by recognition."
"When you recognize Jesus, your priorities change."
"They're journeying deep into love and joy, just feeling this victory of being recognized by spirit."