
Corporate Response Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Companies begin pulling their ads; McDonald's, Disney, Nestle, AT&T, Epic Games, some of YouTube's biggest corporate partners withdraw their funding."
"After years of memes and rage-filled gnashing of teeth, you all actually pressured a multi-billion dollar Hollywood company into releasing a four-hour cut of a movie they never wanted to exist in the first place."
"Intel's response was good; they accepted the feedback, took the criticisms with the praise, and came back with a plan."
"This is what is now happening on a weekly basis: gamers get vocal, gamers put their feedback out there, and companies respond."
"Blizzard campus signs covered up by incensed employees."
"The backlash was so bad, Walmart has removed the toy from their website."
"Instead of pouring water on the fire, Activision Blizzard seems intent on just pouring gasoline."
"You can gauge a company based on their response to a hack like this."
"How a company responds to a breach can reinforce or erode consumer confidence in the company."
"We're gonna stay the course with the ship and as the economy recovers so will our stock."
"Peloton news was worse because it's a design defect that will require modification."
"They made a post in response to all of the bad press because it was getting big enough to affect their investors."
"Don't even think about it. Just contact Nintendo."
"It is solely based on the flat-out disrespectful and politically charged responses that both dice and EA on several occasions directed at their fans and customers for voicing their legitimate criticisms."
"All Sweet Baby Inc has to do is come out and say these statements by our employees are not good, we don't stand by them and we're going to punish them, let them go whatever and then just move on."
"Facebook is in trouble and they're panicking. So they're tracking sentiment, they're shutting down politicians, and for whatever reason, I have no idea why, allowing people to break the law."
"Amidst the breakout of COVID-19, the company announced they would be shifting 75 of their assembly line to producing face masks."
"Thank you WWE for looking at the situation and responding and reacting exactly how you should have done."
"They could actually come out looking a lot better if they said okay, we've heard you, we'll reconsider this feature."
"Hopefully that will force EA's hands to make a better game in the future."
"But let me say this, I'm glad that Amazon recognized that they could turn a negative into a positive as a company,"
"We see now that many of you are incredibly passionate about being able to continue purchasing classic games on PS3 and PS Vita for the foreseeable future so I'm glad we were able to find a solution to continue operations."
"Activision Blizzard's response to the lawsuit struck a nerve."
"Hopefully this added attention will force a response."
"If everybody says, 'Look man, we not spending our money at Walmart because they don't want to give the employees a raise,' and nobody starts going to Walmart, guess what they gonna do? They gonna give them people a raise."
"I feel like there's a very weird feedback loop that I think has been created by cancel culture, to where companies will overreact."
"Shell came out very early after the Russian invasion and stated that they wanted nothing to do with Russia."
"By the end of the day GameStop had announced a new CTO, Wall Street Bets was planning a Super Bowl commercial, and a news outlet complained about how the whole situation was sexist or something."
"You always learn a lot about a company when they respond to these types of things."
"The only reason why corporations are saying Black lives matter is we have forced them to say that Black lives matter because we have democracy in the streets."
"No fry zone: McDonald's, Starbucks, and Coca-Cola join the list of global brands suspending business in Russia."
"If people unsub and it's not fun, Blizzard gets that message."
"Power, not truth, but power, if you can get the mob to get behind you, the corporation will back down."
"Amazon's reply: 'It's untrue that AWS knew about a supply chain compromise an issue with malicious chips or hardware modifications when acquiring elemental.'"
"Disney is pausing the release of its films in Russia... citing not only Russia's invasion but also the massive humanitarian crisis as it is unleashed on Europe." - Disney Spokesperson
"We are appalled to learn of these deeply troubling allegations."
"Nintendo actually listened. This is incredible."
"People made enough of a stink about it that they could not handle the bad PR and scrapped it."
"Congrats to this customer for pushing us to be better than what we already are."
"Sony oversold the amount of digital consoles... but they actually upgraded those orders to disk consoles for free... That was incredible!"
"This Karen didn't stand a chance... all expenses paid lifetime ban from JetBlue Airlines."
"Firefox actually responded to this by completely redoing their web browser."
"We've decided to do the following: one, rescind all of our React trademarks and applications; two, discontinue the React World program; three, release all past Content ID claims."
"If that's what it took for Volkswagen to come up with a dedicated EV like this, well I guess something good came of a bad thing."
"Apple listened to us it never happens." - [Tom]
"Target isn't apologizing, they haven't learned the lesson."
"It's not a cause, it's an emergency and we're going to do something about it at Starbucks."
"In response Amazon hired a hundred thousand more workers in March and another 75,000 in April."
"There was just people dying everywhere and the boss is just like, 'Huh, scramble the spin team.' Like this is not looking good."
"This is one of the most epic get woke go brokes because four years ago Starbucks got attacked by a bunch of woke activists."
"You would think Ticketmaster and Live Nation would say, 'Yo, we got canceled, dude.'"
"I'm curious to see if Harley Davidson addresses it on January 19th."
"LEGO just replied to us, obviously they've seen all the comments."
"Nintendo is quietly gonna be taking care of this problem."
"Disney cited the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine."
"We understand this employee may have been motivated by disappointment and hurt with Netflix."
"The shocking visuals and presentation isn't even what caused Nintendo to strike down the ban hammer faster than you can say, 'Oh, I feel so sick.'"
"It's good that Nvidia will honor all RMA requests, but they did try to just chalk this up to 'well, you guys are all stupid'."
"Fans took to extreme measures to get their point across, and after months of social media protests... Chick-fil-A caved and announced they were bringing back the original barbecue sauce."
"The WWE did the exact same thing with Batista...the fans screamed enough about it to where the WWE actually changed it for once they listened to the fans."
"That's insane, like the fact that Taylor Swift made one announcement and it made Apple, the trillion-dollar company, change their minds."
"I'm very glad to see Nvidia has listened to feedback and is implementing this."
"Many companies at these very moments do not have a strategy that is aligned with a response to climate change, but it is possible to start."
"If we demand better products, then companies rise to the occasion and make better products."