
Property Ownership Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"When you buy real estate, you're buying cash flow, not just a property."
"The free market is the most democratic system of property ownership ever devised by humankind."
"People who don't own property are much easier to control."
"The property of ownership, and as you see today, we have good nuts and bolts stories appearing about what actually happens in the brain."
"Closing is basically when all the money gets to change hands... and then you finally get the key to the property and it becomes yours."
"You gotta let people know that you are the new land baron in town."
"You own a house in Aspen and you're not even... Oh, it's my summer home, my three million dollar summer home."
"Individual landlords or mom-and-pop businesses own about 4 out of 10 rental units in the U.S."
"Individuals who are investors and who own property tend to do better under the structure of a left-leaning policy system."
"Property is also an outward expression of your success."
"It's an exciting day, right? Now you own your first investment property and you can go from there."
"He [Nipsey Hussle] was talking about good [stuff] man, talking about buying property, helping the black community, educating our children."
"I honestly never dreamed about owning a place like this."
"A country of property owners is obviously better than a country of renters."
"We've bought another house. That feels so crazy to say, it really, really does."
"Having something that is yours, something in your name, mortgage deed, whatever the case may be, is the most amazing feeling."
"The Catholic Church owns 177 million acres of land."
"It's nice to know that we own everything within our gates."
"He donated more than $4.2 million worth of cryptocurrency to his university, owned several properties throughout Florida and Puerto Rico, and enjoyed a 500 ft luxurious home."
"The shift to decentralization to owning your own property and digital rights right and not having a centralized body control and dictate what's going to happen that is that's the new shift that's moving towards to right."
"You don't have to worry about whether or not there's a public park or a bus in your area. You own more miles of property than I have walked in my life."
"Settling down and paying off debts and owning property or owning things that you know you can own that won't be taken away from you at some point."
"Experience the thrill of property ownership."
"Do you want your property rights back or not? Do you want to be able to fix what you own or do you want these companies to control you?"
"If you owned a duplex in inner city Baltimore right now, you wouldn't let nobody burn down your neighborhood."
"We don't actually own your property, you hold a license to it so long as you agree to their terms of service."
"It's my main goal, will it be an easy goal? No, but my own property is what I want in the future."
"We can't keep bitching about gentrification if we're not going to buy the land."
"No one has a higher claim over your life and property than you."
"Islamically, women are given property rights right from the beginning."
"Thank you Lord for letting me steward those hills because I know who owns the permanent deed my name may be on the temporary deed."
"Yeah, that's right folks, I am a homeowner now."
"I feel enormous pressure to buy and get sucked into this property ownership system that wants to turn me into a yummy [__]."
"I will never own a second property and this will never happen I'll never I don't know if I ever own a single property but never for sure own a second property."
"He's living in a small space, which by the way he doesn't own."
"Excited about putting our stamp on the property."
"All of this bit right in front of you is our land, our own soil, our own plants. Oh my god!" - Fizz
"It turns out I may end up owning my home free and clear after all."
"Did you ever have floppies? No, I had huge amounts of properties they're all next door."
"Literal house or home, family, close-knit people, property."
"The only difference between renting and Home Ownership is you're renting and there's nothing you can use your property for because it doesn't belong to you yet."
"The new owners of the house have not received a single letter from the Watcher or from any anonymous creepy stalker..."
"That house will be given to you in the name of Jesus."
"You can't just own something in America anymore."
"Most people own a house with or without a mortgage and then in addition to that some people own investment real estate business interests farmland gold and silver."
"The owner of that property capping that's cap caps are coming soon I already designed them."
"You will own nothing and be happy, be happy. What, a house? And that's, and that was one of those things."
"I wonder if that's ours and so we pulled in, and sure enough that was ours and we were super excited because it was really cool."
"Most properties over 90% of them are going to be Freehold which means you do actually own the land."
"I now own over 50% of the properties in the HOA."
"Having the opportunity to get this property and share memories with our kids as we make it our own was a big selling point for us."
"This is called building wealth over time. Hopefully, you're going to have that tenant pay down that mortgage so eventually you have no mortgage and all the cash flow will be yours."
"You've taken a huge step and purchased your first income-producing property. Congratulations for you!"
"Why the [expletive] are we paying rent when we can literally have homes with multiple bedrooms and garages and basements and pools?"
"I went to the town to try and find out from the public record information and saw that it was being claimed to be owned by the guy who lived in the other mini Mansion right next door."
"Goonies house has new owners as far as we know and they're very accepting of fans."
"Virtually every legal system says that all individuals are entitled to use their property as they see fit."
"I just own this house outright I pay the taxes on it and it just sits here but with the taxes and the utilities and everything it cost me like a thousand bucks a month just to have this place vacant."
"The best form of property is righteous property for a righteous man."
"Freehold estate. Look at the word freehold. How do you hold it? Freely."
"In a condominium ownership, you own a percentage of the common elements."
"...everybody has some way of doing this whereby you own your property outright."
"Helping other people live the American dream and own property."
"The housing market more broadly is rooted in profitable landlordism."
"Suddenly the tide turned and the police who had previously disregarded my claims shifted their stance now inclined to believe in my ownership of the property."
"Leasehold kind of defeats the point of owning your own place."
"It provided black people with the ability to own property."
"If anything could bankrupt you, it's property taxes and insurance."
"Of the entire world, this isn't just a mathematical analysis of renting versus buying should you buy or rent, this is about the history and Prospect debate over property of owning the Earth."
"I was 20 years old, owned two houses, and one of them was a rental."
"How does Aunt Maxie own the two buildings?"
"From generation rent to generation buy."
"Fantasizing about owning property on an island with you."
"In 1891, he is owning property in Nassau. So not only was he a farmer, but he was a landowner."
"The problem with owning a property like this is that new projects come faster than you can finish the old ones."
"'Get off my property.' I think that's the best part of being a homeowner."
"These are the people who bought the apartment buildings years ago and still to this day own them. So what does that tell you? They have a high likelihood of being sick and tired of these properties."
"You're in great shape because you just paid off the building."
"The property is hers and nine weeks later she gets the keys to her first home."
"Most millionaires or multi-millionaires own property."
"This property right here was free."
"A title free from defects and legal encumbrances. Merchantable title or marketable title refers to a property title that is considered clear and free from defects, liens, or other legal issues that could affect ownership rights or transferability."
"One thing that's really good if you buy a house up here in Wahiawa is to have your sewer line scoped."
"With each house you own, you pick up a ton of benefits."
"I won one, two, three properties."
"It's been so frustrating for me seeing the regulatory attempts at fixing this problem when the answer is so obvious. You just need to tax the ever loving sh out of multiple property ownership."
"The focal point of the song wasn’t so much the idea that America should share its land with immigrants, the country being the melting pot that it is; it was that the public ownership of property might not be such a bad thing."
"He told me that he had decided to keep the property and that he was going to buy me out."
"Empowering people as property owners is the single most important thing you can do if you want a capitalist economy to function."
"What in your life are you most proud of... probably buying my apartment at 25."
"It's a great feeling to know that I'm standing on the land I own."
"In real estate, a deed is best defined as a written legal document by which ownership of real estate is conveyed from one party to another."
"This is gonna be our third year owning this cabin."
"I can't believe it's mine, it's so gorgeous."
"We're helping to create higher paid jobs, we're boosting homeownership."
"Eventually when I do settle down and look into buying land and property and owning something, it will definitely be in my home state of Arkansas because I just love it here."
"The only people who are really winning are those that own multiple properties in addition to their primary residence."
"You want to buy property, own stuff around here in your community, and help your family."
"Would you want your property paid off, or would you prefer somebody to lend you 225,000 at five percent and you can get that money working for you?"
"Biddy became one of the first black women to own property in California."
"I owned an Airbnb house for several years."
"No matter how many properties you own, you can't live in more than one house at a time."
"Owning a home is an integral part of the American dream."
"I'm the one paying for this house, and it's in my name. We only put it in my name because you had just changed jobs and couldn't get approved for the loan. This house is entirely mine."
"A good credit score versus a bad credit score here in Canada could make the difference on if you're able to buy a property or not."
"There's still a chance you're going to be rich, there's still a chance you're going to own your own property."
"Bought property, became homeowners, started investing their whatever they did in the streets into something."
"Our joy is to see you owning property genuinely, owning something that you can call your own."
"That was pretty significant that African-Americans could own waterfront in America."
"You will own houses, you will own property, you will own land."
"I mean, I got the house, Daddy's rich, that's right."
"Fee simple absolute ownership is the ownership completely without restrictions."
"Everyone in Kerala owns at least some property."
"I think once I have my property and I can just like actually feel like I can build something permanent on it, I think you'll feel a lot more satisfied."
"You're able to buy anything you want, so if you say, 'I want several properties,' start speaking it into existence."