
Early Start Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Investing early...is super important. You'll see, as I show you examples, why it makes so much sense to invest as early as you can."
"The importance of investing early cannot be overstated."
"Once you graduate, depending on what track, you can start your career early and kind of get progression that way."
"Life is the sort of game where, like, the earlier you start, the better off it is. There's kind of a snowball effect to life."
"If you're going to be a successful investor, it makes a lot of sense to start early."
"It's day number two, it's still dark out, let's get it cranking, let's get it ripping."
"Julia Vins is often known as Muscle Barbie and is a weightlifter who started bodybuilding at the age of 15."
"I feel like you recognize you followed your heart and you won... major transformation here for you."
"Investing as early as you can... that one year difference will literally double your initial investment."
"Starting early is one of the most effective strategies for achieving financial objectives."
"Invest consistently and start as early as possible."
"It all started when I was very, very young... my parents were music teachers... they got me started on bass immediately when I was four."
"The sooner you begin, the more money you can compound over time. You'll be amazed at how much and how fast it grows."
"I started lifting weights at 11, training seriously at 13, stepped onstage at 15."
"Starting at 20 years old is fantastic, that's a great age to start."
"I just try to get in a little bit earlier than everybody else."
"Start investing sooner rather than later, even if you don't have a lot of money to invest. Time is the key factor."
"The secret to my wealth? Invest at a young age. You can just buy the S&P, but if you still do well at 23, I'm pretty sure I can make you a multi-millionaire by the time you're my age."
"Starting early as a student in Bug Bounties really enabled me to start finding jobs in cybersecurity after I graduated university as well."
"The earlier you start this stuff, the easier it's gonna be later on."
"Head start in your career by gaining experience early. It makes a huge difference."
"Start something early to stand a better chance of success."
"The sooner you start, the bigger the advantage you have because you're learning the most valuable lesson in business: how to get people to give you money."
"The younger you start them, the more benefit and the better they will be. Wrestling is one of those sports."
"Investing and saving at an early age is key to becoming a millionaire."
"I started this morning at five o'clock in the morning I had thirty million dollars how much money the a Benaglio zero dollars"
"Start early, start early, start early to take advantage of the compounding memory dividend."
"I've got a pretty early wake up tomorrow. They've asked us to come in at 8:30 a.m., so I'm going to wake up at 6:30."
"Slayer iron man are highly recommended to get into slayer early on once you get some decent gear."
"Start saving early just to give yourself the option and the freedom."
"I do think that definitely there's a role to start early and to do it in a way where there is a sense of taking ownership of your finances and your future."
"Start earlier...the separation that you have with your competitors and your peers just grows larger and larger."
"Starting early is probably the biggest advantage you can give yourself."
"Prepping for an early start - editing videos and hitting the sack."
"Oh I was a hustler. I mean, I've been investing in the stock market since I was 13 years old."
"Rise and shine, rise and shine. Yeah, we're getting this one bright and early."
"well it's really early here at the tampa rv show but we wanted to get this unit in before the uh show starts and um i wanted to give andre a little bit of a break let her sleep in a little bit so she's all ready"
"I wish that we were pushed earlier... if by that time I could have done what I wanted to do with my life, then I would have been so far along by the time I was 18, 20."
"Your money journey starts really, really early. The habits that you pick up, the mindset that you have with money, it's like a muscle that you flex."
"I've been singing since the age of four."
"The best way to really ace the GRE is to start very early because the exam is full of tricks."
"We are getting to work bright and early before it gets hot because come out yeah."
"It's never too early to start earning."
"I've been like I was hustling from probably the age of twelve."
"I started pioneering when I was 11."
"I won $9 in an online free roll at the age of 15 and never looked back."
"My first ever track was when I was, I thought I was 13 years old."
"When investing, consistency and starting early are key, rather than obsessing over finding the perfect investment."
"Paige Beckers grew up in Minnesota and first picked up a basketball at 5 years old."
"He looks fantastic began his athletic career in wrestling at the age of five."
"I started doing stand-up when I was 11."
"There's no way I could be where I am if I hadn't got started so early in life."
"She started her career as a stand-up comedian at a very young age."
"The earlier you get started, the better."
"Start early or, if you can't start early, at least start strong."
"I've been a professionally signed model since I was two."
"Make sure you're focusing this year on building a new skill set or starting a side Hustle the younger you start the better because it will push you so far in terms of earnings when you start your 20s."
"I was 14 when I started working on seventh heaven."
"The sooner you're on the ship, the sooner you get to have that soft start, the sooner you get to jump in the pool. So you want to get in there as soon as possible."
"Start now and set yourself down that path early."
"Developing new skills doesn't come overnight, so start as early as you can."
"That's how powerful compounding is, and start and how powerful starting early is."
"I'm really glad I started early but I'm nearly done."
"Start early, start the language early."
"You don't have to wait until you're 20 to do that."
"I think a lot of people are like, 'Oh, I'll wait until my career before I start thinking about the real world and how to contribute to the real world.' Our argument is that you should start as early as possible."
"I started doing YouTube by the age of 10."
"I started making money at the age of eight from acting and modeling."
"I started a career a full-on career when I was 12. I earned some money not a lot it's definitely like a I don't know what what's that called like a faux pas or false belief"
"The earlier you start, it's like a complete incredible head start."
"Our biggest tip though regardless of what national park you visit is just get there early, start your day early."
"I started when I was 11 years of age uh by 14 I was playing bars."
"Take advantage of the opportunities that we get, because we get such a head start on life."
"I wish I would have started this when I was a little kid."
"Learning is where you need to start as early as possible and as quick as possible."
"An early start sets the tone for a magical day at the park, making every moment count."
"He's been a pro since he's like 11 years old, that's how he plays the game."
"My childhood was really interesting because I remember at a quite unhealthy age of, I think, like 12, I was writing code."
"...he began training when he was still just 16."
"That hustle factor of starting to work early and on the internet definitely paved the way for me to do what I did later."
"Good morning, it's an early start for me."
"I love technology. I think by the age of like 10 I'd already, you know, built my first computer, started working for a local DJ company as a roadie, and which is really into technology."
"I had an entrepreneurial itch really early on. I was the guy buying five packs of gum."
"...your first proper day depends on the itinerary but it will usually start pretty early on in the day."
"I started making games when I was 12."
"Get yourself a cup of tea, get yourself a cup of coffee, we are bright and early."
"By starting as early as possible, you're maximizing your ability to save and grow your investments."
"I began campaigning for the Roosevelt tradition and the Roosevelt legacy when I was 10 years old."
"For a woman who'd been working since she was five years old the early hours in time away from home didn't seem all that unusual."
"It's 5 Bells, as in 5:00 a.m., I'm a little bit late, about a half an hour, but I'm hitting the road."
"The earlier you start, the better outcomes you'll have."
"I have to be up so early because I've got a 2 and 1/2 hour train journey."
"The power of investing early cannot be understated."
"By the time he had graduated high school, he was already working as a photojournalist for several local newspapers."
"We formed in 1979 when I was six, geez."
"If you can start when you're 18, I think that's fantastic."
"Good morning, happy Monday. It's so early."
"I've been doing this since I was literally 14."
"Good morning everybody, it's 3:45 in the morning right now, it's August 1st, Sunday, and my fam and I are ready to head out on family vacation."
"It's very early, it's 6:10 in the morning, which is earlier than I ever leave."
"It's really early though, it's 7:20 in the morning, started our day about an hour ago."
"We both started dancing when we were two years old, very, very young."
"Prevention is something that should be started very early."
"Learn as much as you can and start as early as you can."
"I started investing in 1986 when I was probably 14 or 15 years old."
"We'll be back at it early in the morning."
"Realize the power of investing early and the power of something like real estate."
"I fell in love with something at an early age and I worked hard for it."
"Eleanor Donahue's journey in the entertainment industry began at a remarkably young age."
"I started swimming when I was five years old."
"It's super early, but this is gonna be fun, guys."
"Morning folks, we've got a really early start."
"Don't have credit card debt, pay off the credit cards always spend less than you earn and start very early."
"I have a super early start tomorrow, I'm talking like 4 a.m."
"We might have to get up at the crack of dawn after all."
"It's an exciting day, thank God your Eman was up early because they came really early."
"Good morning guys, it is 5:00 a.m., and we are waking up to see the sunrise."
"Good morning everyone, it is eight o'clock, it absolutely feels earlier."
"Good morning guys, we're starting off the vlog really early because something exciting came."
"I left my house when I was 13 years old, I had a job ever since."
"Isn't it wild when you start off your day super early in the morning, but yet it feels like noon?"
"That's okay, that means we are starting early today, we're gonna have lots of fun."
"It doesn't matter how much you invest, it matters when you start investing."
"From the tender age of five, this early start was not merely happenstance, but rather a prelude to the extraordinary path that lay ahead."
"I've basically been on stage since I was three."
"I wish I started cutting hair at this age, bro."
"He's got the experience, started riding at a very young age and already with many championships under his belt."
"Good morning everyone, it's still dark outside, it's quite early, 7, but last night was really fun."
"I think I'm a little early, but I figured, might as well get the show started."
"Just look at that sun; we are up early today."
"The earlier you start, the bigger advantage you'll have in the long run."
"Good morning everyone, it's 4:30 a.m., and we're on our way to Montana."
"This is the start of my weekend vlog with him; we are up at 7:00 AM, bright and early Saturday morning."
"Let's get it going. I love when I start my day off early and get things done."
"I was on a surfboard before I could walk."
"The ascent of the Matterhorn generally starts with breakfast at 4 am, and you walk out the door at 4:30 in the morning."
"We're getting the ball rolling early this morning because we've got a lot going on."
"The earlier you start saving, the easier it is to hit your savings goals."
"I started work when I was 12 years old."
"Good morning everybody, great and I got an early start today because we have a 14-hour round trip drive today."
"Well guys, it's five o'clock in the morning, and we're off on another adventure."
"Leave early, leave no trace, no problem."
"We are going tomorrow morning, 5 a.m. Here we go!"
"I hope you're feeling motivated and inspired to start your day early, get out of bed, and make the most of your day."
"I've been on YouTube since I was like eight years old."
"You just sort of got the bug from an early age."
"I really started working when I was 13 years old."
"It's about 6 a.m. right now, and we wanted to start our ride before sunrise so we could get the sunrise view."
"Getting a really early start today to make up for yesterday."
"I've been running a career since I was nine."
"I leave my house already at 4:40 a.m. and I leave with a smile on my face."
"Start building a legacy now. You got to start in your 20s when you start building a legacy."
"Good morning, it's really, really early. It's 4:44, and we are already starting the day."
"It was early, it was still dark, my belly's full, and now it's time to go trucking."
"You're forced to go home early so you wake up early and you enjoy the day."