
Market Volatility Quotes

There are 455 quotes

"Appreciation is not guaranteed; it could go either up or it can go down."
"This is a super volatile, ugly point in the market."
"Looking at stock market headlines can feel scary, but stopping or delaying your wealth-building journey is not the answer."
"Implied volatility is actually very predictable, whereas stock prices aren't that predictable."
"The markets are up and down and up and down and all around."
"Stay humble everybody because the market can chop your head off in a heartbeat."
"Stop spending freaking money because when markets get rough, you want all of the freaking money that you can get your hands on."
"Always buy in low-volatility environments because it's more likely to revert back to the mean."
"The four most dangerous words in the history of investing are 'this time is going to be different.'"
"Crypto is in its very very infancy... by nature, infants are volatile."
"Handling Bitcoin is like handling nitroglycerin."
"We're gonna get past this. There's gonna be periods where Bitcoin goes through these iffy periods."
"Diamond hands, don't fall for this volatility."
"Expect big movements, big swings. That's the name of the game for the market today."
"If traditional markets tank, party's over. End of story."
"Everybody wants you to come out and say it's either going to the moon or it's going to zero."
"As long as the Federal Reserve feels they need to douse this house that is on fire with water, and as long as the fire is still raging or getting worse, this market will probably continue to either be extremely volatile or it'll just go down more."
"I'm very happy I got rid of my margin because this is the kind of market where you go 'whoops didn't see that coming.'"
"Traders are getting wrecked over four billion dollars worth of liquidations in the last four hours, nearly eight billion dollars of liquidations in the last 12 hours."
"Steady and true: weathering the storm of volatility."
"You are a few holds away from losing all your money if you're getting into this altcoin season."
"Zoom out and look at everything across the board, we're in a wild time."
"Honestly, it's an opportunity if there's volatility in a stock which is something you're looking for with call options to day trade."
"Corporate bonds: a buying opportunity during market dislocations."
"Gold is wild and it can take you. If you put, let's say, 15, 20 pips, it's really easy for gold to pull back."
"China capital markets... are the most volatile they've ever been."
"Things that go up at a high pace are the first things that come down at a high pace."
"Volatility is going to be crazy... setting us a range."
"Do your own due diligence and your own research before investing in crypto or the stock market because it can get pretty volatile."
"Bitcoin went on one of its periodic remarkable runs...if you were a Bitcoin holder and you panicked...you missed out on almost tripling your money."
"Volatility comes with the territory and if you can't stomach the fluctuations, then maybe you're not cut out for crypto."
"50 billion dollars in market cap evaporated. That's essentially like if today Uber just stopped existing."
"The markets are in turmoil... if you're not paying attention you're going to get wiped out."
"This is Bitcoin, this is what it does. You can't gain hundreds or thousands of percent in anything without getting your teeth kicked in sometimes."
"Taking small profits along the way you are able to take these moments of volatility as huge opportunity."
"How the [__] can I have a goddamn 22 million dollar swing in 26 hours? That's ridiculous."
"Even though I'm down 60k today, the last thing I would do is panic sell."
"If you are panicking with the markets right now being volatile I do recommend like I stated finding great projects you believe in for the very long term and investing that way."
"If there is a big black swan event, things will fall real fast."
"As soon as Bitcoin is going to sell off they're all going to go to zero and they may never come back."
"During volatile times, I will always be buying quality stocks in my dividend portfolio."
"FUD storms come and pass, presenting opportunities that are far too generous."
"These wild fluctuations are just the latest indication that many private equity firms, hedge funds, and other investors... are treating the stock market like a casino."
"This is the kind of market where whatever you invest in just goes up in flames."
"Dollar-cost averaging flattens out volatility and reduces risk."
"Dollar cost averaging: a strategy for investing during times like this."
"The EV sector last couple months, a lot of high growth has been painful."
"Innovation is highly volatile... Bitcoin is very similar to what Amazon stock did over the last 20 years."
"Crypto is very volatile, and you want to make sure that the money that you create from it is not eaten by inflation or the fluctuations in the market."
"Volatility will occur and markets will continue to have these ups and downs. I think that's a great opportunity."
"I love the prices going up, I don't like when the prices go down."
"Crypto is here to stay. I do think crypto is volatile though, and you can see it when we react to a tweet. Boy oh boy, that could not be more true."
"You have to understand depending on what happens it could be good or bad for cryptocurrency."
"I think a lot of people will be willing to just stay long and sit through the volatility." - Nick Reese
"Volatility is not always horrible because it also works on the upside."
"It's extremely important for Bitcoin investors to do their homework and brace themselves for erratic returns."
"Imagine if the S&P dropped, you know, 54% in two months. You think anybody would believe, 'Oh well, they'll just print money again, it'll come back?'" - Harry Dent
"Just the last two days, two back-to-back fifty percent gains on option trades."
"You literally have job security, you're cashed up, and while that is the case, you have a stock market that is volatile as all hell, which translates into opportunity."
"It's going to set bitcoin on a volatile path."
"Volatility that could go up or it could go down."
"Volatility is the price of admission, but there's no better wealth generator than Bitcoin and crypto."
"There's never a dull day in the cryptocurrency space because this market is completely out of its mind."
"Capitalism has volatility... but it's still the best system."
"I hope it dips, but in the meantime, I hope it rips."
"Volatility is our friend. If we have volatility, we have the opportunity to make massive money. Money is made at the top and money is made on the way down."
"The bulls and bears have been locked in a battle for control."
"Valuations got stretched... a whole generation of investors forgot or never learned what volatility was."
"If you understand Bitcoin, you understand volatility."
"You shouldn't use short-term fluctuations in stock price as an indicator of your investment success or failure."
"800,000 traders with leverage got liquidated. Let that sink in for a second."
"Just enjoy the ride, don't worry about those day-to-day little volatile movements."
"Just because you're there during an NFT 'bull run' doesn't mean you're guaranteed to make money."
"How do you control something that by definition is one of the most volatile, violent things you see in the stock market?"
"If you're looking to potentially crush it like a two-ton man on a tuna fish can, then you need to have a strategy for both directions."
"Crypto is still a much ‘wilder West’ than any other asset class where you can trade on some exchanges for up to 50-100X leverage." - Vijay Ayyar
"Markets don't go straight up and they don't go straight down."
"It is a double-edged sword having real-time prices on cryptocurrencies."
"Trading without volatility is like trying to drive a sports car in bumper-to-bumper traffic" - Highlighting the necessity of market volatility for profitable trading.
"Elevated valuation pressures imply a greater possibility of outsized drops in asset prices."
"Whenever you see volatility, you have really a money-making opportunity."
"I'm a long-term investor... If stocks are going up, that's great, I make money. If stocks are going down, that's great as well... either way, it's a win-win for me."
"If you invest right now for the next 50 years, you'll probably make eight or nine percent. But are you okay losing 50 or 60 several times along the way?"
"If you loved them for the pump you shouldn't hate them for the dump. That's facts. Welcome to crypto."
"VO has shares in the top 500 largest companies in the US, investors can expect a lot of safety from market volatility."
"Speculation warning: Prices could go up in crypto."
"There are many ways to make money in the market and right now if you know how to play this volatility is probably a godsend."
"The skepticism some investors hold towards silver often stems from its historical volatility and the shadow gold casts over it."
"It's the closest thing I've seen to a trading floor with everyone's just screaming trying to buy these these $250,000 market cap crazy crazy crazy market cap things."
"Bitcoin was dumping this morning and I'm like yes finally some volatility."
"Crypto is in full panic mode all the monkeys are flinging poo at each other etc etc but there's never been a greater risk reward."
"You're not alone, we have many clients that are thanking us on a daily basis for not getting seduced into these crazy markets."
"Volatility is a boon, particularly if you rebalance."
"You're not going to get the consistent months and this psychologically messes with those traders."
"Hold on to your shorts, it's one of those days!"
"Long-term investing allows you to take advantage of compound interest and ride out most market volatility."
"Macro volatility is decreasing even if it feels like volatility is still really high."
"Assets maybe gold survives in that period and doesn't dump but even in during covet if we remember the covet collapse even gold dumped."
"Easy come, easy go. Bitcoin tumbled as much as 17% amid news that El Salvador's cryptocurrency rollout was faltering."
"We're in a situation where stocks are going to continue to go down they might bounce around and go down bounce around and go down."
"Raise cash, lower equity exposure, and get ready for some opportunities."
"Let's enjoy this, let's have fun, we haven't even had the most awesome exciting price action yet."
"The fed put is much lower than it was at any other time since 1987. and that means the market could easily go down 30 to 50."
"Expect supply shocks, expect shortages, expect massive volatility to happen."
"If you can't handle a 50-80 drawdown, don't touch it."
"It's never good to ride out situations like that, but be in a position to be able to hedge quickly when you can and hedge strategically against your most volatile assets."
"Bitcoin shrugged off this infrastructure bill and the vote. I mean, for a second there it looked like it was going to come back down, right? Bitcoin was like 46.5 and it came down all the way down to about 44.8 and then boom, right back up."
"Understanding that this volatility is part of the magic that if you can step back and zoom out you understand this."
"Dollar cost averaging makes volatility simpler."
"The long-term trend of crypto is upward, despite short-term volatility."
"There's gonna be volatility and peaks and valleys."
"Bitcoin is up well over 1,000 percent this year... that is unbelievably scary to me."
"Uncertainty is your friend if you're an investor."
"Let's hope the Roni Rona doesn't take back off, but if it does, that is definitely something that could cause the stock market to go down."
"Patience is important, especially in this volatile market."
"You want to see a real crash? Take a look at what's already happened to the cryptocurrencies."
"If you think bitcoins being fun and games for the last 10 years in a relatively stable environment you ain't seen nothing yet."
"Don't worry too much about where Bitcoin is right now, when in doubt, zoom out."
"No thanks, I don't know, hey, play the dips on this one folks."
"Take that as entertainment, I'm not a financial advisor. The cryptocurrency market is volatile, it is highly volatile, however, high risk equals high reward."
"I just knew it could continue crashing, but on the alternate side, it could rip back up towards the close."
"Have you seen what's going on with Luna? It's crazy!"
"You're not gonna make millions off of a couple thousand in this market right now unless you find some balls out crazy coin that goes 1 million x."
"Is this a big deal in the long term? Probably not. In the short term, expect a little volatility."
"If inflation makes a U-turn, then you could see a change in what the Federal Reserve Bank says, you can see a change in what the market predicts, and all these things can create more volatility, but they create opportunities."
"All you need is one billionaire to say, 'get me every single piece of silver you can possibly get your hands on,' and it's gone."
"Crypto is fast but it's also harsh it's not an easy game."
"The Perfect Storm, the perfect setup here for such a huge pullback of double digits in a single day."
"It's frustrating, so look, it's a buying opportunity if you are somebody who says, 'Look, the fundamentals of Tesla sound, don't worry about this, this is just short-term drama.'"
"Bitcoin is fine, but we did have that sudden drop. Liquidations happen, do not be too greedy."
"Bitcoin's price could actually go way up or it could go down."
"Ripple's xrp prime for massive price shakeup as experts say non-security status could be in jeopardy."
"During abnormal times, derivatives markets can exacerbate these kinds of Market dislocations."
"I think one of the hardest things to do, especially when you're in a higher volatility environment, is that line between are you being patient and letting the play develop versus are you just not sticking to your trading plan."
"Financial education: your shield against market volatility."
"Bitcoin is talking about not to use leverage and just to buy spot because you never know when an event like this is going to happen."
"The volatility is very necessary for moving coins to strong hands which then allows price to move up from there."
"The consequence of having a lot of cash set aside is that I was able to take advantage of that volatility."
"Bitcoin dropping 15% in a single day is absolutely massive."
"Anytime there's volatility and any type time there's change there's opportunity."
"The market goes up like an escalator and then down like an elevator. So always going to be more volatile on the way down than it is as we're kind of grinding higher on low volume."
"Do not buy the green and chase pumps because the pullbacks are very aggressive."
"Until the VIX closes the day below 20, the bulls are not out of the woods yet."
"A 50% crash in stocks is terrible, but for bitcoin, that is just a mild correction."
"So, if you're lucky and do everything right and make zero mistakes and have zero market collapses while you're... you know, imagine being a top agent in Manhattan right now, right?"
"You've got a lot of reason to see red in the stock market right now, especially in the high multiple stocks which is exactly what you're seeing."
"Gold has had a bit of a wild ride so far this year."
"Don't panic sell in the event the market goes down."
"Volatility is good. It's like, listen, people that freak out and get pissed off about the crypto markets... Oh, I lost the bag. Usually, it's for one of two reasons..."
"Altcoins pump in bull markets, they get drained out in bear markets."
"The periods of time with the highest VIX, the highest volatility, fear and uncertainty tend also to be the times where you're statistically more likely to get the highest returns."
"Most of them are very short-lived, some of them are very long-lived, but the longer-lived the fear sell-off, the better historically your rewards are."
"Your preservation of capital is going to matter more than trying to chase intermittent bear Market rallies."
"If you loved these alts five minutes ago, you should adore them after a ten to twenty percent haircut. Stop chasing the green and learn to love the red. It is Valentine's Day after all."
"Crypto currencies, they're very volatile but you can still make money with crypto."
"I don't think you can ever tame the beast the same way as you can gold and silver."
"Patience is a virtue. Is the FUD getting to you today?"
"Bitcoin can pull back 10, 20,000 or something... the idea that it can't do that just because of a few on-chain metrics is completely ridiculous."
"The rain in Puerto Rico is like the market in crypto: if you don't like it, just wait five minutes, it'll change."
"Dollar cost averaging allows people to mentally brace themselves for the highs and the lows."
"Cryptocurrency solves all this except for the volatility, but if the volatility is mostly upside, that's just extra yield."
"We are experiencing some more volatility in the markets."
"Days turn months in aggregate 1.7 months of gains have been lost every day this is extreme."
"The silver market is faster approaching breaking point."
"The truth divides the soul, it helps people grow, it burns the lies away."
"Don't diddle in the middle, because when the market gets choppy, trading gets sloppy."
"In crypto you'll see 10, 20 dips, and you know we call that a Thursday."
"I still find it funny that people are still worrying over a few hundred point drop here and there when it's above 30 freaking thousand dollars."
"It's gonna be shaky, but overall you'll be net positive."
"We would personally suggest an allocation lower in equities, 30 or so or less even now."
"Volatility is here. Got to take advantage while we can."
"Anybody can be making money from this fluctuation, from this change in the value of a futures contract."
"Bitcoin's retracement: strong moves up and then pullbacks."
"If you invest for 30 years on average you're probably going to see nine bear markets in your time with a whole host of five and ten percent declines along the way."
"Numbers still look good right up until the point that they don't."
"Keep it real, keep it true, do what you want to do, do what you're passionate about."
"Pure fear, it feels like the markets will never go up again."
"Look at the chaos that's going on. Up and down, up and down, up and down."
"Yesterday's fud price is today's fomo price."
"Of all the long stretch of speakers we've had, they're all saying this is an incredibly dangerous time for investors."
"You cannot make this up, yet people call XRP a scam. No, do you know how volatile any of these assets are going to be until there's regulation, until there's high enough liquidity where it's less volatile and grows over time?"
"Gold is a real heartbreaker there. Tapped the low and boom, went straight up."
"Regardless of whatever your strategy is, whether you're a short-term day trader or you like entering the swings, in times of fear like this, even slowly averaging up those dips and going long would still be considered a win long term."
"It is going to crash and if you think you've made money remember you haven't made money to sell."
"You've got to remove yourself from the emotion of stock prices going up and down."
"There's always going to be volatility, but those that stay in the market and continue to accumulate hold, they win, they profit the most."
"Focus on stocks with high volume and volatility."
"You want IV to be low when you're entertaining buying call options."
"Real estate might be less volatile than stocks, but it's not less stressful."
"Bitcoin, am I right? Like, what's going on with it?"
"Market crashes are inevitable, so you better get comfortable with them."
"Focus on long-term wealth, not short-term volatility."
"Sometimes people need to be reminded how very normal a 20 to 30 pullback in bitcoin is."
"I think it's usually the people who try to hit stuff within a week a month you know uh short-term time frames where they tend to uh lose money because they get chopped up uh without being clear on their goal."
"The only thing safe to say in crypto is that the retail investor is not safe."
"Hold on, AMC, hold on!" - A plea to support AMC during volatile market movements.
"The last price is irrelevant. The last price is a bit of a shimmer because if I trade one Bitcoin at 70,000 and that's the last price, if the next Bitcoin trades at 50,000, that's the last price."
"We hope we don't see that much of this in the world of crypto."
"Crypto is volatile, it is still highly unregulated and it's maturing. There is massive potential but there's also high levels of risk."
"Hold in there. This space is going to blow up. It may get topsy-turvy here in the short term but I think this is going to be a big year if you have a premium digital asset just hold on it's going to absolutely skyrocket from here."