
Sherlock Holmes Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"To me, the best entry in the Sherlock Holmes universe to date is 2011's A Game of Shadows, which by the way I think is one of the smarter stories ever crafted."
"Ever since seeing Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows in theatres all the way back in 2011, for nearly a decade now, there's been just one big unsolvable conundrum stuck in my mind: Where's the next one? Where's the third Sherlock Holmes movie?"
"Despite all that, they just haven't managed to crack it, and the reason why, I deduce, is the very same reason why A Game of Shadows, for me at least, left such a lasting impression: It's pretty damn smart."
"Data, data, data. I can't make bricks without clay." - Sherlock Holmes
"The Sherlock Holmes stories were the beginning of detective stories as a genre."
"What differentiates us from animals is their mind, and Sherlock Holmes is the celebration of mind."
"British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's hero Sherlock Holmes said, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'"
"It was pleasant to Dr. Watson to find himself once more in the untidy room of the first floor in Baker Street, which had been the starting point of so many remarkable adventures."
"I am a brain, Watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix. Therefore, it is the brain I must consider."
"With a single spring, Holmes had left from the dummy's chair and had grasped the precious jewel."
"London has become a singularly uninteresting city since the death of the late lamented Professor Moriarty." - Sherlock Holmes
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, has to be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes
"Sherlock Holmes liked to say that 'Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth'."
"We've done the old sort of Sherlock Holmes Arthur logical deduction thing."
"Sherlock Holmes had never died just as he had never lived."
"But that is the problem which we are now about to solve," said Sherlock Holmes.
"Sherlock Holmes, best detective in the world."
"The distinction is clear: you see but you do not observe."
"I am sorry, but for months every move I have made has been watched. I am not a coward, Mr. Holmes."
"We meet again, Professor Sherlock Holmes... you think you've beaten me, Holmes?"
"I shall be alive, alive, yes, the winner... you've played into my hands, Mr. Sherlock Holmes."
"Remove the impossible and whatever's left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
"Sherlock Holmes's great deduction, case closed."
"You will no doubt be delighted to know, gentlemen, that Dr. Watson and I have solved the case."
"The secret is on that train, Watson. I'm sure that's where it is."
"Elementary, my dearest Lestrade. The pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fall into place."
"Phenomenal, elementary my dear Watson."
"Sherlock Holmes never seeks a general explanation for his observations."
"I presume, sir, that it is Mr. Sherlock Holmes who I'm addressing and not... no, this is my friend Dr. Watson. Glad to meet you, sir."
"This is the proudest moment of my life. At last I really feel like Sherlock Holmes."
"Do you guys want to see a third Sherlock Holmes movie? Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes movie? [Expletive] yes."
"Basil Rathbone's performance as Sherlock Holmes is arguably the most iconic."
"You always find the answer in the end, Holmes."
"You shall share our knowledge before you leave this room, Sir Henry, I promise you that," said Sherlock Holmes.
"Why yes," said he, "and the strange thing is, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, that if my friend here had not proposed coming round to you this morning, I should have come on my own account."
"One of the most remarkable characteristics of Sherlock Holmes was his power of throwing his brain out of action and switching all his thoughts onto lighter things whenever he had convinced himself that he could no longer work to Advantage."
"Sherlock Holmes, you should read that, you must."
"Lydia's death was less dramatic, but equally moving, I assure you, Sherlock Holmes."
"I'm no Sherlock Holmes, are you? Well, whether you are or not, here's your chance to match wits with Police Lieutenant Michael Forbes."
"Sherlock and Watson... it still isn't Basil Rathbone Sherlock for me, but they did a great job."
"It became possibly the best Sherlock Holmes-based animated film with a highly engaging story, great animation, solid voice acting, and featuring some of Disney's most underrated characters."
"No one comes close to Sherlock Holmes in just the sheer brilliance of his deduction."
"Conjured up in the mind of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who was only in his 20s at the time, Sherlock Holmes first appeared in the 1887 story 'A Study in Scarlet'."
"You either die a hero or live long enough to become Sherlock Holmes."
"The important thing is that I am now a free man thanks to Mr. Sherlock Holmes," said McFarlane.
"We work very well together, Mr. Holmes and I," said lestrade.
"Moriarty is no theory, Lestrade, but a very great fact."
"The catching of Moriarty will be the triumph of Sherlock Holmes."
"Sherlock Holmes represents hope in the middle of darkness."
"What makes Sherlock Holmes timeless and the reason that we like him even more 100 years later is that we very quickly realized that he didn't have to stay in Victorian London, he could change countries, places, periods."
"He would be able to tell that the rule is fake from the Death Note; there would be no reason to test it."
"Sherlock Holmes is the same person who shocked Batman with his presence, and even Batman himself has asked for his help on a case."
"Could the greatest detective in the world, Sherlock Holmes, solve the Kira case? The answer is yes, I mean what did you expect?"
"I mean you got your typical Sherlock Home type scenarios right someone died you want to know who killed him it's a mystery who done it Jinky zoinks Jeepers it's the creeper we gotta try to find the solution"
"He Sherlock Holmes bro, ain't nothing getting past his ass."
"Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went camping together once."
"Sherlock Holmes couldn't have been a bad guy."
"This is how a great scandal threatened to affect the King of Bohemia and how the best plans of Sherlock Holmes were beaten by a woman's wit."
"John is clearly a disaster, and his preoccupation with Irene texting Sherlock tells us why, he would much rather be with Sherlock than any of these women."
"if you want to hear a good sherlock holmes story then i suggest you pick up one of the original books"
"Though he published over 200 short stories and magazine articles, 23 novels, 13 plays, 4 volumes of poetry, and 13 books on spiritualism, Doyle is largely remembered for Sherlock Holmes."
"'Let's see how Sherlock Holmes solves this one,' scrawled on one of the vault's walls."
"There was only one Sherlock Holmes."
"Don't ever tell him, Watson, but so will I. So will I."
"It's like having Sherlock Holmes on your doorstep."
"Watson, for the past five minutes that young man's been summoning up courage."
"What I've come to see you about will take brains."
"It was a comforting thought indeed that for a while anyway there would be no desperate men at the door of our flat in Baker Street, no life and death cases to solve ahead, where four whole days as suspended and happily uneventful as this train trip."
"I had persuaded Sherlock Holmes to take a brief holiday with me as we ran through the countryside."
"I must apologize for calling upon you without an appointment, Mr. Holmes, but it is urgent."
"A clever device, Watson. It is new to me in the annals of crime."
"It was then in the spring of the Year 1897 that Holmes' iron Constitution showed some symptoms of giving away."
"I'm currently listening to Sherlock Holmes and it's being narrated by Stephen Fry and it's great."
"Going back to Sherlock, there was an additional layer of significance to telling a queer romance with these characters: Sherlock Holmes and John Watson."
"The real story of 'Sherlock Holmes' is the story of the friendship."
"My name is Sherlock Holmes, possibly it's familiar to you. In any case, my business is that of every other good citizen: to uphold the law."
"I think we can take leave of these joyful scenes and return to the modest tranquility of 221B Baker Street."
"Sherlock Holmes did not care if his clients were rich or poor; he enjoyed solving their interesting problems."
"Moriarty the Patriot is not only the best adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes characters, stories, and mythos but is also one of the best detective anime I have ever watched."
"It turns the narrative that has been known for over a hundred years on its head and makes Sherlock Holmes feel fresh again."
"You can call me Holmes, old sport. Detective Sherlock Holmes."
"I think I'm Sherlock Holmes, that was good JJ."
"Sherlock proposes there might be a criminal mastermind manipulating both Enders as well as Dreber's case."
"Oh Watson, it was necessary to test my theory."
"Tonight, step into the intriguing world of Sherlock Holmes."
"It can't hurt now," was Mr. Sherlock Holmes' comment when, for the tenth time in as many years, I asked his leave to reveal the following narrative.
"No case, however, in which Holmes was ever engaged, has illustrated the value of his analytical method so clearly."
"It was Elementary, my dear Watson."
"His incredible untidiness, his addiction to music at strange hours, his occasional revolver practice within doors, his weird and often malodorous scientific experiments, and the atmosphere of violence and danger which hung around him made him the very worst tenant in London."
"The Petry family, the family that took time to bring you good wine, invite you to listen to Dr. Watson tell about another exciting adventure he shared with his old friend, that master detective Sherlock Holmes."
"The lives of Holmes and Watson were not always filled with action; they spent many a quiet evening at home in Baker Street discussing the problems of the world over a glass of port."
"I am going to tell you a most unusual adventure that occurred to Sherlock Holmes and me early in the last World War."
"The family that took time to bring you good wine invite you to listen to Dr. Watson tell us another of his fascinating stories about his old friend, that master detective Sherlock Holmes."
"I have persuaded Sherlock Holmes to take a brief holiday with me."
"Moriarty the Patriot is the story of Sherlock Holmes's nemesis, Moriarty."
"When in addition I see a Chinese coin hanging from your watch chain, the matter becomes even more simple."
"You love it, love what? Being Sherlock Holmes."
"Everybody loves a Sherlock Holmes based series, well how about one where he's a mouse?"
"We arrive at Baker Street on an overcast summer morning to find Holmes standing by the fireplace smoking."
"There can only be one explanation for my having successfully penetrated the most carefully concealed lodgings in all of London."
"I have other plans for you, Mr. Sherlock Holmes."
"I mean to find her," said Sherlock Holmes.
"Anyhow, I'd rather have you than Scotland Yard, Mr. Holmes."
"With a heavy heart, I take up my pen to write these the last words in which I shall ever record the singular gifts by which my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes was distinguished."
"It lies with me to tell for the first time what really took place between Professor Moriarty and Mr. Sherlock Holmes."
"Holmes stood for a moment in deep thought."
"The case of the Gloria Scott was an early one in the long and distinguished career of Sherlock Holmes."
"I'm the amazing Sherlock Holmes, the genius detective from London."
"It was Elementary, My Dear Mr. Holmes."
"You look positively glowing with health, Watson."
"I pick up quite a lot of hints that way," he said. "I think Sherlock Holmes was one..."
"But as Sherlock said once, the impossible has been eliminated, whatever remains must be the truth."
"Baker Street super sleuth is back fighting crime on The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes tomorrow at 11:00."
"It's fear, Mr. Holmes. It's fear."
"It's a near-perfect show, a near-perfect Sherlock Holmes adaptation without even really trying to be one."
"Work never makes me tired, but I always become exhausted when I have nothing to do," said Holmes.
"United by a hunger for the Holmes, they are the detectives."
"The room seemed brighter. 'Thompson, I have solved your mystery,' shouted Holmes confidently."
"It is fear, Mr. Holmes. It is terror."
"Oh my God! Helen! It was the band! The speckled band!"
"This incident gives zest to our investigation, however."
"Amazing, though elementary, my dear Watson."
"To a great mind, nothing is little," remarked Holmes, sententiously.
"Old woman be damned!" said Sherlock Holmes, sharply. "We were the old women to be so taken in."
"To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time," remarked Sherlock Holmes.
"It was the first link in my chain of reasoning," said Holmes.
"I'm afraid... afraid of death, Mr. Holmes," she cried. "Please help me. I'm not 30 yet, and look at my gray hair. I'm so afraid."
"Ellen, oh my God! Ellen, it was the band, the speckled band!"
"Thank you, Mr. Holmes. I feel better already," Helen said with relief.
"My dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes, you did very well," read the letter from Irene Adler.
"What a woman! What a very, very clever woman!" exclaimed the King.
"Is Mr. McFarlane a stupid man? I think not," mused Holmes.
"No need to worry, Watson," Holmes replied. "I've been to Blackheath and also to Norwood."
"I am now a free man, thanks to Mr. Sherlock Holmes."
"It was in 1886 that an impecunious 27-year-old doctor whiled away the empty hours during which patients failed to call at his South Sea consulting rooms by writing 'A Study in Scarlet,' the first ever Sherlock Holmes story."
"Do you like BBC Sherlock? Yes, I like Sherlock."
"Astute observation, my dear Watson."
"Simple, fitting fact to theory, my dear Watson."