
Examples Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"Investing early...is super important. You'll see, as I show you examples, why it makes so much sense to invest as early as you can."
"These are great examples of someone being truthful."
"The most successful countries have been moving in this direction, and I can't think of any counterexamples to that."
"You can't set that precedent for our kids... it's not cool."
"A role model is an ideal that no one can live up to; an example is something or someone tangible that all of us can use to improve ourselves."
"Believe it or not, YouTube is built off of Python. Instagram is built off of Python. Spotify is built off of Python."
"You don't have to be a genius; there are strategies that help you grow your wealth over time."
"We've got at least 250 examples of error-free, always accurate information."
"This is a perfect example of Rapport building."
"Name three movies with vampires: Interview with the Vampire, Blade, Bram Stoker's Dracula."
"Call 'upper' on 'parrot'. It's going to return 'NORWEGIAN BLUE' in all uppercase."
"Nationalism that can succeed it succeeded okay in America and in Britain."
"Taking risks is not fundamentally good. So here's an example driving with your eyes closed is taking a risk should you do it no."
"If you want to look at commercial success, the most successful artist in the last ten years, you look at Adele, for example."
"In quantum field theory, intuition is built through examples."
"Did you include a personal example? Personal examples really help your speaking because it really helps with topic development."
"Examples make it so much more clear, at least for me."
"I bet you were starting to think of examples you had seen throughout this whole pandemic."
"Fallout 76 will get better and turn it around. Look what Rainbow Six Siege did, No Man's Sky, and all these other things."
"In today’s article, we will give you 10 examples of just that… 10."
"So, you have CS:GO and Valorant as two excellent examples."
"Because that wasn't real love, that love was just a sample, When it came to real love, they were a prime example."
"There's at least a dozen examples I can give you of people who have had amazing runs."
"Either we break through them and things get really exciting or as I showed multiple examples right now they can get rejected at them."
"I think this is a really good example of that."
"Shit like this matters, and you know, by the way, you can even use a smaller scale example."
"I'll give you an example: no one would have ever been able to anticipate..."
"Sometimes they're good like penicillin, post-it notes, or chocolate chip cookies."
"Great examples of pressure fighters in MMA are Tony and Khabib."
"Illustrations of becoming comfortable with diversity are drawn from the US Military, religious institutions, and earlier waves of American immigration."
"What Post had seen was an example of what's probably universal computation in the wild."
"It can be daunting to configure this completely yourself from scratch, but it's actually surprisingly simple and there are loads of pre-made examples to get you started, which is what we're going to be doing today."
"So let's start with some practical work, and these are all the practical examples you could follow and apply in a different way with the environment or with the trouble."
"Because see, if women intimidate men, then Serena Williams wouldn't be married, huh? Beyonce wouldn't have no man if men was intimidated by women."
"I just wanted to say, Edward, you put on a grand display of what a real engine is the other day, and you are an example to us all."
"We need examples of love and nurture in our families, civic institutions, and religious spaces."
"They show us all what real love should look like."
"High availability is making your application available most of the Times best examples Instagram rarely you see Instagram going down right or Facebook rarely you see Facebook going down."
"I literally give so many options and examples of poses that you can start with if you have absolutely no idea what to do with your body in your hands."
"I want to give you another example because boundaries are so powerful."
"Also, share with us some of your favorite story examples of great side characters that you love. We'd love to hear about those as well."
"So I want to start with just the on-the-go stuff because if I look at all the questions that I get people are usually asking okay when I'm on the road what can I grab so we're gonna grab a few things just to take a look and just give you some examples."
"Extreme examples tend to be more easily remembered."
"The bottom line is, talking about money, it is tricky. Tricky. So let's look at some examples."
"Now, the second most common type you will see is the upper leg type, or the swelling begins in the hips and it terminates at the level of the knees as seen in these two incredible examples."
"This specific example is going to let us finally understand what this sentence really tries to convey."
"Only those individuals are examples of Grace."
"Name three blue things: Blueberry, the Twitter bird, and the Blue Nose What lizard."
"Companies like HC, Netflix, Adobe deploy more than 50 times every day. Amazon deploys new releases every 11.7 seconds."
"So if you're still not convinced, let's check out another example."
"None of them have shown us an example in which they've succeeded."
"The best example I can think of is indoor sport shooting, something like MMA fighting where you have lights flashing on and off and different angles of light."
"If this is what Shanks has shown us then these are examples of what powers will look like towards the end of One Piece."
"It gives me a lot of examples for future blogs and webinars."
"If you can show an example of what you mean, it's just going to make communication with your designers and your developers so much easier."
"From there we ran through various examples of using X lookup, one being set to approximate match, the negative one, and one using multiple values by understanding that the return array can have more than one column."
"It's incredibly inspiring to see all these examples."
"Looking at examples of the conditions of that return and how we make that return sustainable."
"I think there's loads of great examples I would love if you could share those with me."
"And we showed you a few use cases."
"The Silver age hath arth and I'm going to show you some pictures as examples as well."
"Popular writers tend to cherry-pick examples while ignoring counter cases."
"So in this example, both sides are true, so and will result in true."
"I've got my father-in-law staying with me and my mother-in-law they're just perfect examples of this."
"The best way to explain it is with examples."
"Here's some examples of backdrops I've used recently."
"That's the answer right, give me give me a couple example."
"True friendship can't be made overnight but to that I would say look at itadori and Toto."
"...the bullet Journal method can be a little confusing at first but I'm hoping that these real world examples give you more ideas of how you can start your bullet journal and feel very confident in doing so..."
"And the examples go far beyond this."
"I'm going to prove it to you with examples of full-time creators making money from small views."
"The scriptures talk about all of these people who are good examples of faith that did not have evidence of the things that they believed until after the promise."
"I think it's always a good idea for somebody to give examples of what not to do, and Cam has done this amazingly well."
"Parents get into a fight and this happens all the time, giving you actual examples."
"But then we move into the more controversial examples…"
"As long as they're good. Don Cheadle guys. Yeah, perfect example."
"Towards the end, we had a really great example of like, hey, you know, from where I'm from, like, this is some things that I've seen that were effective."
"One of my key complaints is that why do the people keep rolling their camera, right? Paranoia. Let's say if it taught me the most famous example...I get it."
"Just because you don't have the best example doesn't mean that you can't figure it out."
"It's much better to learn it through getting lots of examples, naturally varied review."
"It's really helpful for me...getting different examples of something is how you get to the core understanding."
"There's way more examples of it being done well."
"Nobody is 100% clear of supporting wokeness like your toothpaste the paint on your wall all the things."
"It's just really important to understand and see what these examples actually look like."
"There are examples that might actually be a little bit more difficult and bring about more disconcerting thoughts."
"In philosophy, all you've got when you're trying to understand something is a series of examples."
"Sometimes these standout figures are normal humans such as Caiaphas Kane or Sly marble."
"Stick with me until the end of this video because not only am I going to explain to you what an automation is, I'm going to share six examples that I think you'll find really useful."
"In part two, I'm going to actually give you two such examples of application of storm that has generated interesting and new biological insights."
"He used his humanity for the sake of good and his marriages demonstrate that."
"You definitely want examples of your work in your portfolio."
"So who are the greatest examples of princely rule that the prudent man should imitate?"
"There's no example of a significant sizable socialist-leaning country that's ever been successful ever."
"Exceptions and examples of what works are spontaneously offered by clients."
"Let me tell you a story about what we did with a client that was somewhat similar to you."
"Stranger things have happened, look at Leicester winning the league and stuff like that."
"Couples like that give me so much hope that people like that exist out there."
"When God shows you examples, that's like Him taking you in the cool of the day to see the stars."
"Every Bible example tells us we're not going through the tribulation."
"Menace provided a simple example of machine learning and how altering variables could affect the outcome."
"The best examples of pure leadership are prophets of God, ancient and modern."
"Once I became Young Australian of the Year, I started to see so many more examples of what success could look like."
"How many examples do you need? Millions, billions, because that's what it feels like we've been given from these different examples."
"I want people to grow and be examples to other people."
"Use real-life experiences and examples to help the information stick for you."
"Finding examples like this is what gives me hope."
"What we need more than anything else is examples of successful conservative government."
"Examples of archetypes include the great mother, the wise old man, and the trickster."
"This course is for complete beginners that want to learn by examples."
"Claims that humans can't move at light speed are misinterpretations, disproven by examples like Kizaru."
"That is literally just one example of probably 25 different ways that you can use this guy."
"What are the most notable examples of this in wrestling history?"
"Leading with your curiosity is there an example of a person or moment or a question that comes to mind of like this is an epitome of a first principles thinker moment or question or way of approaching something."
"Kobe Bryant would never be the same, but in this moment from the depths of what should have been the ending, emerges one of the most powerful examples of resilience you'll ever see."
"Tomorrow we're gonna talk about friendship, but we're gonna see four stories that just really embody great examples of friendship."
"So how do microbes actually perform all these amazing things that these extraordinary things? I'm going to show you a few examples of the sorts of things that microbes can do."
"The minute they were born without any examples of how not to abuse it."
"Trace fossils include footprints, burrows, nests, and feces."
"Famous Scottish people include Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, and Sir Sean Connery, among others."
"Having concrete examples to explain to the business why they can't have anyone and everyone just remote in, it sticks a lot more, right?"
"A concrete example definitely goes a lot further."
"Here are some examples from 2020 that showed great relative strength."
"Just because one person can do it doesn't mean everyone can, but seeing example after example can inspire."
"So again, those are just some examples of some first-party ones. Let's talk a bit about some of the third-party ones."
"It's often hard to find examples of introverted leaders because they're not usually in the spotlight."
"There're a lot of great and classic historical examples if you think of Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Lincoln."
"...match plus action. An OpenFlow is just one example of how you could do that."
"There are 10 royal families that one can look at, for example, in Bahrain, you have a royal family, United Arab Emirates you have, a number of royal families."
"Both examples of faith for us because both of them were not perfect in their being able to know everything and to complete the best."
"Some product examples can be GPS pet trackers or organic pet food."
"What if I show you the best examples of how someone already got a product manager job to answer those questions?"
"If you don't have the best example, how will you know?"
"The point is to get lots of different examples so that you actually feel much more confident and fluent."
"One of the most powerful things that you can use our examples of things that you've learned."
"We need to learn from these examples."
"Let's go on to our final example, part C."
"Kanye is a college dropout too. Look at where Kanye is."
"The irrational numbers include numbers like the square root of two and pi."
"So it's actually interesting that way and these aren't included in the set nor are they geonotion battle droids but just to give you an idea."
"I hope you found those practical examples helpful."
"Many good things come in threes: French hens, Billy Goats Gruff, blind mice."
"Some of the best examples were shot with an ordinary stock DSLR camera."
"I think we do have some stunning examples I think of where things go well."
"Thinking about the right examples to show the system has an enormous effect on both the performance and the generalizability of the systems you're building."
"One good example of this has been Google Maps."
"So a bad example and a good example, well let's take a look at how the good person looked."
"You actually worked with teams so you build a bullet point and then you extrapolate an example of that."
"Now, this is just one of thousands and thousands of examples that highlight how the mind can affect the body."
"The best way to learn always is learning by examples."
"There's a good amount of examples out there actually for a lot under fifty thousand dollars."
"Just having a strong portfolio of examples will do a lot to help you kick start your online writing business."
"This is a great idea for us to think about pre-orders because pre-orders are simple enough that we can do lots of examples and really get a handle on what's going on."
"Examples of renewable resources are things like biomass, solar, wind, and geothermal."
"For example, 4 times 5 is equal to 20. You could also write it the opposite order: five times four and it'll still be equal to 20."
"So let's get into actual real-world examples."
"But this is bad there's probably 50 more examples I could show you but I think you get the point."
"Additive and subtractive rhyme, you get something like free bleach."
"Or berries. They can all be berries."
"That is the greatest inspiration for me, is to share with people, because we didn't have those examples."
"Capitalism is more efficient, illustrated by examples such as the failure of war communism in Russia and the success of introducing elements of a market economy in socialist countries like Hungary."
"What is a catchphrase, you might well ask? Well, it could be a book, a film, a song title."
"Robert Caro showed just one of the dirtier examples of amazing."
"...examples of that would be something like a warrior's pose in yoga, doing lunges, doing a stair master, doing elliptical, cross-country skiing might count as that a bit."
"Kickstarter has seen huge successes in all different categories, from wearable tech like the Pebble watch to nostalgic TV throwbacks like Veronica Mars or this fidget cube thing, which was funded to the tune of six million dollars."
"Give students a lot of opportunity to practice critical thinking, and use concrete examples and diagrams wherever possible."
"The most important thing about writing history was to express a moral viewpoint to use examples of lives for moral purposes."
"Concrete example, pictorial example, and then an abstract example."
"Earthing is usually done for electrical appliances that we touch and they draw high current. What are some examples? Electric iron, electric kettle, refrigerator, washing machine, microwave oven."
"All right let's jump into some examples of writing flash specific tests with pi test."
"For sure you should know how to do these eight examples that we'll cover in this video. This will get you started."
"Tension pneumothorax, massive pulmonary embolism, and cardiac tamponade are examples of what's called obstructive shocks."
"So let's go back to our previous example in this video where we wrote some of the test cases for testing our control flows."
"So it's really important probably like the my like favorite thing about fluent for life is that it gives you so many different Native examples."
"So, if you want more examples, you should definitely check out these guided meditation videos and even try them out for yourself as well."
"That's is all we need in life, is examples."
"What are the best examples of this? Well, that's exactly what we're going to be looking at today."
"Don't think like a learner, think like a native. Focus on situations, get lots of examples."
"Phaser has hundreds of examples built in."
"You have to communicate because you can't expect your children to just work it out, right? We have to communicate and try to give practical examples about how this is done."
"What kind of numbers are irrational numbers something like a root 2 root 7 cube root of 29 certain special numbers like pi"
"Think about Colin Murakawa and Dustin Johnson, two perfect examples."
"The layout of the book is really wonderful so it starts with an explanation and then it starts giving you examples."
"Instead of boring you with theory, I'm going to show you examples to spark your imagination."
"Transformers Animated, Transformers Prime, Transformers Rescue Bots, Transformers Earthspark, Beast Wars, and arguably the first Michael Bay movie are all great examples of this."
"There is no harm to correlate with the real examples because that shows how clear you are on the overall concepts."
"Not to mention that I have a ton of real-life examples, so that way you can really see how I personally apply all these techniques in my own sewing."
"The right example is worth a thousand lines of documentation."
"Linux and the BSD variants are all examples of what's called either open source software or free software."
"Sometimes good advice, bad examples are important as well to learn from."
"You need to be objective in your approach, balanced, unbiased, and support your critique with examples."
"Worse service cannot be rendered to morality than that an attempt to be made to derive it from examples."
"And what I love about this plugin is that there's a link here that sends you through to a Bubble editor with plenty of examples of all the different styles of charts that you can create."
"A working example beats a concept any day."
"The best way to learn these rules is not simply look at the list and memorize them, but to work on them in the context of working out some examples."
"Every life is either a warning or an example."
"I hope these examples have been useful and that you learned something new."
"You know how I love to use examples, scenarios, and integrations to drive my points home."
"This is the perfect way to answer an interview question with specific examples in code."
"You must make sure that your example has the right result."
"We will try out some examples and finally, I will also explain to you the real-time use case that is using virtual environments."