
Carbon Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"The great versatility of the carbon atom makes it the element most likely to provide the basis, even exotic ones, for the chemical composition of life on other planets."
"The reason why carbon is thought to be like the best foundation for life because you can form so much complicated stuff with it."
"Carbon is especially fit to make life possible in the environment found here on earth."
"Life as we know it can exist only when based on organic compounds that would never have formed but for carbon."
"I'm a carbon chauvinist because I expect the life that we find and we will find in the solar system in the Galaxy will be carbon based."
"Carbon is like the fourth most abundant ingredient in the universe, and you can make more molecules out of carbon than you can all other kinds of molecules combined."
"Biochar... it's called a recalcitrant form of carbon and that means it doesn't break down."
"The ingredients for life are widely available; carbon is made by stars everywhere in the universe."
"They're taking carbon out of the atmosphere and producing oxygen that we will need, but they're not doing it for us."
"If you can't find it or it's expensive, you could just not replace them with carbon. But if it's got it everywhere, it's going to have to match, isn't it?"
"Carbon markets allow the reduction of carbon emission in the least costly way."
"Healthy soil is different from different farming operations. I define a healthy soil as one that is self-regenerating and fit for purpose. Carbon is really the key driver to fertility."
"Proper Honda race car, carbon goodness gosh."
"Water is everywhere. Water is extremely good at what it does and carbon works in water especially well."
"They're super lightweight, they're fully carbon, a full carbon Aventador."
"Carbon atoms with six protons in every nucleus appear in more kinds of molecules than the sum of all non-carbon containing molecules combined."
"Full carbon dancing shoes, pretty much."
"Despite all of our diversity, we all base ourselves around carbon."
"There's a similar biochemical basis of life, all centered around an element known as carbon."
"So even though there is such a massive diversity in all the organisms, they all boil down to the same kind of molecules."
"Carbon as an atom exists with the ability to form four bonds."
"The carbon atoms can bond into lots of different things and bond together to form more complex molecules."
"Carbon combines with lots of different things and acts as the backbone for organic or carbon-containing molecules."
"Biological molecules are based on carbon, and there are four main types found in all organisms."
"...carbon drives farm profit...the more carbon you have in your soils, the more nutrient cycling, the more water you can hold and store to make you resilient."
"Climate change as we know it is all about too much carbon in our atmosphere, but carbon is not our enemy; it's the building block of life."
"The way we grow our food, fiber, and fuel either puts carbon up into our atmosphere or pulls it down into the ground."
"...so we need photosynthesis and root exudation, and we need to look at what are the factors that really promote that or optimize that, so they're going to be the starting point for most of our soil carbon..."
"The human body contains enough carbon for 9,000 pencils."
"High diversity plots actually accumulated 21.8 percent more carbon."
"There's four times more carbon under the plants than between the plants."
"Carbon is the element most important to the changing character of our atmosphere."
"...any secondary carbons when broken become primary will form an aldehyde."
"Few people realize that there's more carbon in the first three feet of soil, than all the atmospheric carbon and all the biomass combined."
"It's an out and out race car with a proper carbon tub."
"The triple alpha process is the fusion of helium nuclei into carbon and then into oxygen."
"Anything alive on the planet has carbon. That's what makes it organic."
"Carbon has a great bonding capacity due to its structure."
"Carbon can form a variety of different structures because of its high bonding capacity."
"We wanted to illustrate our capabilities in carbon, so we wanted to make that evident."
"Carbon is in group four, so it has four electrons."
"They're pure carbon, the only difference is that natural diamonds are formed in the ground, lab-grown diamonds are formed in a laboratory."
"Graphene is the thermodynamically most stable material based on carbon."
"All of the pigments, all of the flavors, all of the colors, aromas, and therapeutic effects that any plant on Earth can possibly provide or create is going to be a function of how much carbon that plant gets."
"One of the distinct advantages too is that we're capable of tying the carbon load directly in with the macronutrient load."
"...having a carbon-based fertilizer line is that we have reduced carbon that the plants can access and that reduced carbon is actually an energy source."
"More carbon is always a good thing for your soil."
"We've stored about eight tons or so of carbon in our yard through our gardening practices."
"Carbon is the mothership of life."
"We must regenerate the Earth's soil carbon sponge."
"An organic compound is going to contain carbon."
"The relative molecular mass is the average mass of a molecule compared to 1/12 the mass of one atom of carbon."
"The amount of carbon in permafrost is two times more than the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere."
"Carbon 13 NMR tells us information on how carbon atoms are arranged."
"The hardest allotrope of carbon is diamond."
"Graphite and diamond are perfect examples of polymorphism."
"All living things are based on carbon chemistry."
"Carbon forms the structural backbone of all the organic biological molecules."
"Plants take up a net of 60 billion tons of carbon each year via photosynthesis."
"The moment you die, you stop intaking carbon."
"The potential for 55 Cancri e to host an atmosphere rich in carbon compounds not only intrigues scientists but also stirs the imagination about what other kinds of worlds could exist in the vast expanses of our galaxy."
"Carbon is unparalleled in its ability to form large, complex, and diverse molecules."
"Carbon atoms can form diverse molecules by bonding to four other atoms."
"Diamond and graphite are purely made of carbon, but their structure and their properties are very, very different."
"Carbon seems to be the magic element as far as the chemistry of life is concerned because of its enormous ability of bonding with everything."
"Carbon is definitely the best element that we have for assembling biologically relevant structures."
"Personally, on this kit, the rear end is my favorite. I love the carbon inlay, like that's my absolute favorite part."
"The carbon has this like metallic sheen and when the light catches it right, it goes from silver to gold."
"The diamonds themselves are just a mineral of one element; they're pure crystals of carbon."
"Each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement."
"Carbon is the basis for life, carbon is almost all we care about in organic chemistry."
"Permafrost contains a huge pool of soil organic carbon, 1400 to 1600 gigatons."
"Carbon is what it's all about; we're a carbon-based planet."
"We will be giving you an overview of the purpose of this guide and how exactly to use it to calculate embodied carbon."
"Carbon is the backbone of the diverse molecules of life."
"Carbon is abundant in the sun, the stars, comets, and in the atmospheres of most planets."
"Allotropes of carbon include graphite, one of the softest known substances, and diamonds, which are the hardest naturally occurring substance."
"The magic of carbon is due to its ability to make four covalent bonds in the second energy level."
"The presence of carbon in the world isn't necessarily a negative thing; it's useful for both the land, the ocean, the atmosphere."
"Carbon is such a key element because it has just the right amount of vacancies in its outermost shell, which is four in this case."
"Carbon is perhaps the most unique in its physical and chemical properties of the whole series of elements."
"We try to heal the land by bringing carbon to The Land."
"Organic, in my line of thinking, means carbon; carbon and organic are synonymous."
"Man, it is very high-quality carbon. You cannot see any kind of waviness or anything like that; it's just smooth."
"It always fascinates me to think that there are a lot of predicted structures out there which we have not been able to discover or build experimentally, and that could be the next generation of carbons."
"This is anthracite coal, the hardest coal, pure carbon; this was the fuel that energized the Industrial Revolution in America."
"Carbon-carbon composites are where the matrix is carbon, and the reinforcing agent is also made out of carbon."
"Carbon is the backbone of all organic biological macromolecules."
"Carbon has four valence electrons... it's going to be able to make four bonds in order to fill that outer shell which can hold eight."
"Good management can increase carbon in soils."
"Using durable wood products as a long-term carbon sink... has real carbon benefits."
"Meteorites are filthy rich in carbon, more chemicals than our bodies use."
"Carbon footprinting is only the first step in a series of many."
"This natural resource is set to be the hardest natural substance on Earth; it is made of 99.95% carbon."
"When we say organic, we're referring to any molecule that is carbon-based."
"All life on Earth is made from carbon."
"I'm really happy with how the carbon looks; it looks absolutely stunning."
"Revitalizing the carbon markets will be important."
"Life is built on carbon, and carbon has this wonderful property of having four legs that it likes other atoms and molecules to attach themselves to."
"Living things on planet Earth are carbon-based."
"One mole of carbon atoms would equal 12.011 grams."
"A single layer of graphite is called graphene."
"Carbon is an element, but when those molecules get rearranged in a certain way, you end up with a diamond that bears almost no resemblance whatsoever to carbon."
"It isn't true that Marinite is hard, it is the carbon in the Marinite that forms in iron that gives it the hardness."
"We've turned red clay into black topsoil... black is carbon, the soil organic matter levels have gone through the roof."
"A pile of coal and a diamond are exactly the same thing. Both of them are 100 percent carbon and nothing else."
"It's very favorable to trade carbon-carbon pi bonds for carbon Sigma bonds."
"Carbon causes hardening of martensite in steels because of the tetragonal distortion."
"Graphite is one allotrope of carbon."
"Diamond is a crystal made from carbon and it's the hardest naturally occurring material on Earth."
"Graphite and diamond have exactly the same composition, being composed entirely of carbon atoms."
"Carbon is the most life-friendly of all elements."
"It's a full carbon bike from White, I think it looks amazing, the angles are banging."
"Diamonds are kind of interesting because it's just carbon, it's like a chunk of coal, that's what a diamond is."
"If you take 12 grams of carbon 12, and you count the number of atoms that you have, then you find exactly Avogadro's number."
"Carbon, as an element, is the most extensive catenator in chemistry."