
Allegations Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"Corruption allegations are often made...mainly as a mechanism of political and even bureaucratic struggle."
"Blair went from a simple plagiarism allegation to allegations of emotional abuse, doxing, manipulation, spreading horrific lies about her friends, making her friends homeless, accusations of buying subscribers, hypocrisy, and the biggest allegation of all: being the new Creep Show Art."
"Our job is to investigate many of these troubling allegations that have come forward in the last few months, determine what the true facts are, independently investigate and verify the true facts, and to shine light on these facts, whatever they may be."
"That is a serious allegation, particularly in Qatar."
"These are all allegations. Nothing's been proven yet."
"It's not possible for me to know for sure whether or not the woman's allegations are true."
"Women are in a position where if they make an allegation against you, more than likely everyone's going to believe them."
"The accusations surrounding this game's studio are, in a word, enormous."
"Cuomo has actual allegations not just on the nursing home front but also personal allegations of sexual harassment which should not be okay in any type of work environment."
"If he loves his daughter, it is time to step aside given the allegations Britney is making against her father."
"It's insane, it's... insane to hear heinous accusations... of violence, sexual violence that she's attributed to me, that she's accused me of." - Johnny Depp
"A false allegation can devastate a career and a family."
"The idea that someone can make an allegation against you on social media without any evidence and the next day you can be fired from your job because of it that's scary to most of us."
"She is not a victim of the allegations she is making against Johnny Depp."
"Ms. Heard cannot run away from her own allegations."
"This woman, Blasi Ford, who's a psychologist at a university in California, she is alleging that 36 years ago she was at a party with a bunch of drunk guys and Brett Kavanaugh was there."
"I don't think that this is about his race I think this has a lot more to do with the fact that there are a bunch of women as in dozens of women who came forward with credible allegations all of which backed one another."
"These are all allegations we do not know if any of this is true or not."
"Critical has allegedly known about the CP stuff for years but does not say anything until he's rated? Do you find that to be a likely story?"
"You didn't talk at all in that video and you haven't spoken at all in the last three years about these allegations against you, why not address them?"
"I'd rather be soy than wrong, I guess. If there's any topics that you should be a Centrist on, I feel like allegations with people that you don't know on the internet would be the thing."
"Well in 2020 things really took a turn now lori denies that this ever happened but a bartender claims that she witnessed an argument between the two of them during that fight she apparently heard l'oreal i killed my effing wife for you."
"This is incredibly damning and very very worrisome."
"From my experience with Johnny, it's impossible to believe that such horrible allegations are true."
"I have never seen people throw out an allegation with no supporting facts whatsoever...and still maintain that a dude's life should be ruined over it. It's pretty unbelievable."
"The FBI's job is not to be the fact checker for anonymous and unverifiable allegations."
"When there isn't evidence to support allegations... that is unacceptable."
"The worst they said he Michael Jackson did was a little grabby grabby under the covers."
"He has never touched a woman that didn't want to be touched."
"Serious allegations have surfaced... that could permanently damage my career."
"This document will come out and we will see exactly what these allegations are but she so she told me in broad brush strokes that the pattern of the torture that she was hearing about."
"Plagiarism in the production space is a career-ending allegation."
"They imprison Muslims, and there are allegations that they traffic human organs."
"Jeffrey star confirmed the predator situation."
"When you're talking about what was the number 700 hidden allegations, it's absurd, it's disgusting, and it is not of God, period."
"These charges in today's indictments are only allegations, and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty."
"I will not allow these false allegations to be weaponized as a way to silence my voice."
"Mere allegation ain't enough to get anything done."
"It's still ongoing and yeah about those animal cruelty allegations this week."
"Serious allegations stick, whether they're proven wrong or right."
"These are very serious allegations and if the Biden Administration did in fact attempt to coordinate with a foreign government to influence the U.S election that's something the American people deserve to know."
"The defense attorney told jurors that the case against his client will 'evaporate upon your close scrutiny arguing that the numerous allegations were in fact consensual sex or fabricated'"
"Destroying his career is disproportionate punishment, and he didn't do all the things he was accused of."
"What do you think about the allegations that Gracie has stated? Do you think that Aaron truly is the abuser that his family says he is?"
"It goes to show that maybe some of the things that were alleged by Meek were probably true."
"If you make false allegations, you should be held accountable. It is important for the future."
"With all the allegations laid out against him, people are starting to get convinced that Steve Harvey might not be who they thought he was."
"It's a 75 page complaint with explosive allegations of sexual assault, sex trafficking, and drugging of underage girls."
"The one thing I can maybe find that would be under the umbrella of what we would call Criminal is that there are now allegations that Jack Dorsey perjured himself."
"That was key to their strategy, that all changed in 2009 though when computer weekly published allegations about Horizon."
"These allegations were made by individuals who self-admittedly aren't even Financial or legal professionals."
"Diddy allegedly had a sexual relationship with Andre to secure his rise."
"It's something really scary to wake up and not know who is going to be at your door who is going to be outside of your home and things like that these allegations are not taken lightly."
"I categorically denied all of the allegations."
"If all you have are allegations of racism, you're going to find racism everywhere."
"Lives are being destroyed by allegation. It's happening all around us each and every day."
"Allegations, even if they are found to be untrue, still have the potential to destroy lives."
"We are appalled to learn of these deeply troubling allegations."
"We now have video surveillance evidence of what appears to be allegedly ballot stuffing around the same time we saw it."
"Significant damage can be done to alleged perpetrators in circumstances when there have been no findings of guilt..."
"They're not just making baseless allegations but looking for proof."
"President Trump acknowledged he raised corruption allegations against Joe Biden."
"There's a willful knowing blindness in the American media... not to look at extremely credible, well-documented allegations."
"A mere allegation ain't enough to get anything done."
"I've never done the things that these people are alleging."
"Relationships are very complicated, especially when you have someone who's fighting an allegation he believes is untrue."
"Clearly, now these accusations have been made."
"These allegations have been being made against the West for decades. And I think for the first time, we're starting to pay attention and really just demand answers from our government."
"These are allegations with no real tangible proof."
"The allegations weren't incredible, they were quite credible."
"Trisha's allegations were almost completely incoherent... the problem with Trisha's allegations is that they were almost completely incoherent."
"In an ideal world, we actually don't expel any members of Congress over allegations."
"Evidence should be your guide... false allegations exist."
"He's a piece of [__] but I think like the most damning allegations..."
"Looks like billionaires really were pedophiles."
"This isn't about Hunter Biden, it's about Joe Biden taking bribes, allegedly."
"Just because someone you dislike has allegations against them that does not mean that the allegations are true."
"It's not just that allegations were made, but there was a cascade of allegations one after the other, and every new allegation corroborated the previous one."
"The left's attack on Judge Kavanaugh is just another side of the coin of the left's attack on President Trump: unfounded political allegations based on the minimal of evidence."
"Forget about the dozens of allegations against Trump before he became president, it turns out that there are dozens of allegations against Trump while he was in the White House."
"There is no Russia collusion that President Trump has been involved in."
"The burden of proof is not on Donald Trump to prove that he didn't do it; the burden of proof is on the person making the allegations to prove that he did do it."
"There are allegations of literal slavery happening at private prisons run by ICE."
"Mr. Combs offered Miss Ventura eight figures to silence her and prevent the filing of this lawsuit."
"I brush it off every time but once you have an allegation no matter if it's true weight and validation, it's now happened once and to some will be believable."
"All of the allegations are out there which I know takes an immense amount of courage."
"These allegations are slanderous we believe we're done with selfish intent what a pathetic [ __ ] a guy who lied to his fans for years taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of their money by misleading them."
"Because what you put in your report was among the places Mr. Biden's lawyers found classified documents."
"Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts."
"Michael Jackson exposed pedophilia in Hollywood."
"If all of this is true and there's a receipt for damn near everything, Colleen Ballinger might in fact be the most prolific groomer hiding in plain sight, allegedly."
"He's innocent until proven guilty. These crimes are merely allegations at this point in time."
"None of this was really normal and more importantly the allegations, if correct, speak to a pattern over time."
"If they have experienced these things that have been alleged, then they deserve money. Period."
"...more damning allegations came in 2020 when the actor who played Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer said that Jos Whedon once pushed him up against a wall and told him that he was dead."
"By and large, these allegations relate to misconduct being committed by sub-postmasters and/or their clerks."
"However, Jay's been pulling some shady moves, allegedly using his clout to dodge taking a paternity test. Rymir's mom Wanda swears up and down they hooked up back in '92 but Jay's been giving her the runaround ever since."
"...ending that beef with the death of Tupac and shog Knight would provide a pretty juicy motive something that will gain credibility the further we go with even more allegations going forward."
"...the lawsuit goes on to say in great detail many other events similar abuses and displays of power the way that Diddy's described is like that of a movie Gangster surrounded by henchmen and protected by immense wealth and connections."
"If the entire Tick Tock Community knew that these supposed allegations are true then why would his ex-girlfriend of all people be sympathetic towards him?"
"I believe women, everybody believe women, but even if you're skeptical, the allegations sometimes could sound so crazy you're like whoa you gotta take it serious."
"Sources say that although Dion could be strict from what they saw it was no more than most parents and there was nothing to suggest any abuse was happening in the home."
"In late 2014, numerous allegations surfaced against Bill Cosby, accusing him of essaying dozens of women over several decades."
"Dominion alleges that the defendant committed a serious crime and those allegations injured the defendant in their traitor profession."
"Whenever these allegations are brought up however a fan of his will normally pop up to accuse them of harassing a gay man and claim this is all part of a deliberate homophobic campaign against a queer Creator."
"Vince McMahon will never admit to some of the alleged payouts to some of the women that forced them not to retire."
"Boston college professor Robert Bloom says it's clear the FBI allowed the pair to continue their own criminal activities."
"Remember that time Dan Schneider, known for feet fetish and creator of shows Drake and Josh, iCarly, Zoey 101, used the official Sam and Cat Twitter account to crowdsource foot porn?"
"Defamation is a crime. False allegations against me were subsequently discredited. I retired from my university with full retirement benefits two years ago, and no student, postdoc, or collaborator of mine has ever lodged a complaint against me."
"Every layer of this story, while currently alleged, at least matches something from his past that we know did occur."
"The disturbing pattern of allegations spanning decades has cast a dark shadow over com's career and raises some big questions about how the music industry turns a blind eye."
"The church never denied the allegations."
"There's serious allegations and they go to the most fundamental aspects of democracy including the peaceful transition of power."
"Nobody's really talking about that, all these sexual abuse allegations against Marilyn Manson."
"Quite frankly, on another note with the allegations that are going around right now, I mean, these are serious, serious allegations you guys."
"...why would you hire an attorney and like this woman said instead of a public relations person because the attorney's job would be to defend you against these allegations..."
"But as the allegations grew, so did resentment among some men."
"The Blasi Ford allegation slowly became more public that this was going to serve as a kind of apotheosis for people's very complicated feelings about me too."
"Reports of his allegedly problematic behavior on set were given legal weight when some of his former employees sued him for wrongful termination."
"It will make you feel sick...allegations of child abuse."
"His career Came Crashing Down with allegations of abusive behavior and assaults to Partners as well as his desire to partake in consuming humans."
"These allegations are corrupt political stunts advanced by those who don't want to see us follow the law."
"The allegations brought forward by Paul Rodriguez about his experience working with Will Smith during the filming of Ali suggest a side of Smith that diverges from the charismatic and benevolent image he typically portrays."
"As these discussions continue, it remains crucial for any allegations to be thoroughly investigated by appropriate authorities to ensure that justice, whatever the outcome, is based on truth."
"UA had been expelled from Sing B University because of Ching's fake allegations against him."
"No other woman since Miss Heard made that false claim back on May 17th, 2016, has any woman come forward."
"In her divorce petition, Valerie detailed a string of alleged infidelities, financial recklessness, and even violent behavior that she claimed Mack had been involved in."
"Donald Trump did not care about the threats of violence. He did not condemn them. He made no effort to stop them. He went forward with his fake allegations anyway."
"When he was asked how he could sum up all of this he described all of Amber Heard's allegations the two trials that took place in the UK and the USA as stemming from one little lie."
"It's a little ridiculous to move forward with allegations when you have literally no proof."
"The detailed court lawsuit provides shocking details about multiple incidents where Diddy allegedly essayed and ared the singer."
"There's a serious war against men right now because they don't need to have proof. You got women literally running around and literally saying one of the elements of the crime of rape it doesn't have to be physical, it's how I feel."
"Disturbing rumors circulate about Diddy's parties, including group sex rituals and casting couches."
"Lucifer's been hurling all kinds of terrible aspersions and claims and slander against the name of God he's brutal he's IL legalist he's he's cool he forces us to be a certain way doesn't give us more freedom doesn't let us have his powers."
"This narrative that he likes little girl young girls, I mean, we'll see, I guess if there's more."
"Defending yourself from serious allegations now is abuse? What the [ __ ]?!"
"Nicholas Schreck claims that Rosemary Bianca was supposed to give your roster some LSD on the night."
"We should bring this up because nobody's talking about this, I feel like, Raj. You know what the court decides, oh, yeah. And that's the thing too, to make sure that we say it's alleged like accusations, because everybody's guilty in the court of public opinion."
"Cassie then moved forward with filing a civil lawsuit against Diddy for all that she allegedly endured."
"Michael Jackson done be sus things, yeah, and people overlooked it cuz it was Michael Jackson bro."
"All the allegations against Michael Jackson are lies in my eyes."
"Nothing in the allegations that have been printed ever happened."
"They claimed the plane had been emitting military codes."
"Amber and her friends in the media use fake sexual violence allegations as both a sword and shield depending on their needs. They have selected some of her sexual violence hoax facts as the sword, inflicting them on the public and Mr. Depp."
"Had I not responded to it the way that I did with a thorough video debunking it with strong evidence then I probably would not have recovered financially and career-wise from said false allegations."
"Even faking allegations like this for profit comes with a hard toll which is why it is overwhelmingly rare for somebody to fake allegations like this."
"When there is someone's entire career on the line I do think it's worth taking the allegations seriously and evaluating the likelihood and the truthfulness of said allegations."
"Several well-informed witnesses tell me that he used to promise abortion to those females."
"If you believe those allegations to be true, everything that happens afterwards makes total sense."
"If this turns out to be true, we might see some of the most powerful people in the entertainment industry get exposed."
"Virginia Roberts claims she was forced by Epstein to have sex with Prince Andrew."
"She says there's no truth in all these malicious allegations."
"I saw absolutely zero basis for the allegations. It was complete nonsense."
"I do everything so that when people make allegations, you're prepared."
"Platforming and promoting false allegations is so damaging to real victims."
"I am in favor of listening to women who come forward with sexual assault allegations."
"Despite the serious allegations, Feng remained calm and collected, knowing that he was innocent."
"False allegations are rare in the context of being reported to the police."
"An allegation should only stand on its merit."
"If somebody is making false allegations against you, you should stand up for yourself."
"These allegations, if true, are pretty astonishing."
"Sexual allegations should absolutely be taken seriously and by taken seriously I mean that they should be investigated, not that they should be automatically believed."
"Some of the book's most eye-catching passages include allegations that Harry's brother and heir to the throne Prince William physically attacked him during a dispute."
"The case before the court turns on whether allegations... form a legally cognizable claim for relief."
"We take any allegations of policy violations seriously."
"Sending you good vibes in the midst of quite serious allegations."
"Allegations are credible until they're proven false."
"If these allegations are proven, then they're very serious."
"Every one of the allegations and the representations in that affidavit are true."
"Michael Jackson never laid a hand on him or any other child."
"It's all allegations at the end of the day, so yeah, just be careful."
"These allegations are 100% provably false."
"The audacity of this man, the audacity of white men, the audacity of a society that allows a man with these kinds of allegations about him in the public domain."
"Allegations are not evidence and evidence is not a verdict."
"If a false allegation can drive a country like Iraq to war, then those responsible should be held accountable."
"Charlie is charming, wealthy, charismatic, successful, attractive, and attracted to women; all things that in today's climate made him an easy target for dirty politics and false allegations."
"We were subsequently provided with the statement of claim containing allegations of behavior that is both abhorrent and reprehensible."
"It's a very good thing to re-examine that and also to re-examine allegations that come out."
"This venue is your opportunity to separate fact from fiction and to set the record straight on a number of allegations reported in the press."
"The best way to deal with an allegation is to test it, have him on, push him for his proof, let's see if he presents it."
"It's fascinating to see how someone can deny the allegations against them when the evidence is overwhelming."