
Personal Principles Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Can you be a leader in terms of your own personal integrity and principles? Because integrity is going to be a big word in 2023."
"We got to stand on truth, man. I'm always going to choose truth."
"One of the principles that I want to stand for is grace and humanity."
"I don't borrow money, and if you don't like that about me, I'm okay with that. I'm still going to be me."
"Sometimes I see a fact, and I see I'm wrong, and I try to weasel my way out of it in my mind, and at some point, I say, 'Norm, stop, you're wrong, accept it, acknowledge it because that's a bedrock principle for you, and move on.'"
"You don't get to say that the rules apply to you a different way than they apply to me."
"It's better to stand for something and have 50% of people hate you and 50% remember you, than to stand for nothing."
"I guess I just don't see why you wouldn't just live by that."
"There is a point where you have to draw a line in the sand."
"So unless I got a reason unless I got a real good reason to pick a fight with another black person I'm just not gonna do it I'm not gonna go around fighting black people because you voted for Biden and I didn't."
"The government should only use force for things I’m willing to use force for."
"Never forgive, never forget, and in this context, hold the line."
"I'm guided by faith and principle, not swayed by popularity."
"Just stand on your principles and don't pander to people and we'll be just fine. I promise you."
"Every single decision you make must reflect your worldview."
"I'm a grown woman okay, and I was raised in a certain era and I was raised a certain way, and I'm not making no apologies about that period."
"There's three important things to life... one, be kind, two, be kind, and three, be kind."
"I'm personally not going to be picking up this game just purely based on my personal principles."
"The only way to keep your house in check is if you've got a firm foundation rooted in the fact that there is a God and you are not him."
"Stand firm in reality, stand firm in your morals and principles."
"I don't necessarily like to make videos talking about people if they have done nothing inherently wrong."
"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."
"I'm really mostly interested in honorable intentions."
"Knowing your guiding principles helps you establish your goals which helps you establish your projects which helps you know what to do day to day it's all connected."
"I would ignore their words and judge them completely by their actions."
"You have to live your life by a certain set of immutable principles. You gotta live your life by your own immutable principles."
"Even if you're genuinely wrong, I'm okay with it if your motives are right."
"Compromise where you can, but where you can't, don't."
"Just because I disagree with the reasoning, that doesn't mean I don't understand it."
"I think those that's one of the key things that kept me from fully engaging in violence... at least try to be."
"That loss triggered something in me and how I invest. I almost never sell, so the rent to own, I don't do that because I would never want to see one of my properties sold."
"When they tell you what they believe, believe them."
"I do not like playing into double standards, even if it benefits me."
"I love that he took that risk even if it meant defying the principles he'd built around himself."
"Your confidence will be equal to how well you follow that code."
"Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles."
"It's not abandoning your principles to switch parties; I switched parties in pursuit of my principles."
"Jesus is the ticket. He says I am the way truth and life no man comes to the father except through me."
"If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. And [ __ ], I ain't got time to fall."
"My goal, my strategy, and my tactic are actually all the same for me: the truth."
"I'm never unfair to people, I'm fair to everyone."
"Compromising in any area of your life will always lead to further compromise in other areas of your life."
"I'm skipping them, I don't like the way that's done, I don't care if it helps me out, I'm not doing draft interviews."
"You gotta establish a certain level of respect and I think that goes for anybody."
"Putting my principles and responsibilities first has made me an enormous target, but I will not be deterred."
"Actions speak a whole lot louder than words."
"You're not gonna see me talk about some shit just because it's happening now."
"Ditching ideology doesn't mean you don't stand for anything."
"I will not sacrifice my integrity I just want to make that clear right off the bat."
"Principles are important. They make you. They drive you."
"I don't care anything about race, what are your values are you on my side and color is not determining that."
"I would rather believe something that's true even if it's painful."
"I don't take criticism from anybody that I wouldn't also take advice from."
"Use those principles to become yourself authentically, fully yourself."
"Loyalty isn't gray, it's black and white. You're either loyal completely or not loyal at all."
"Most people are just [__] that way. They want their political ideology first, their principles second."
"Everybody gonna be treated like I want my grandma to be treated."
"If you don't have a standard, you have something somebody said."
"He lives by a code, there are things that he believes about taking care not only of yourself but more importantly taking care of those around you."
"Compassion, vulnerability, and seeing the forest are my three little personal rules to be excellent every day."
"She has these three principles that she uh Shields to all of her clients and she talks about these as the only way to live in Truth uh capital T truth."
"The golden rule is that there is no golden rule."
"It is amazing that money chases me, and how much money I have turned down."
"A Man Must Have A Code: The Commitment to Realism"
"He didn't want to do signatures, he didn't want to do anything... that man is an example."
"Remember, stand for something or you'll fall for anything."
"He's willing to stand on his principles above all else."
"Living by a code that is resonant to your beliefs... stand for something, aspire to live your life by higher ideals."
"In my mind, that's a principle worth fighting for. I will not pay any money to somebody who sues me if I don't owe them any money."
"Remember, what's negotiable is contracts and issues, not your self-worth."
"It's important to live those ideals and carry them into the future."
"If you do not stand for something, you will fall for literally anything."
"I just don't feel like it's right to give respect to someone who hasn't given me the same thing."
"We've got to fight what we believe in and I stand by the things that we say and what we stand for."
"If you don't stand for anything, what would you fall for?"
"I think the difference for me is that my principles are derived from a faith in God."
"I've always been about that always will be about that."
"You need to figure out what are your values and set your life goal to honor those principles."
"Grind, self-belief, and creativity. Stay true to yourself."
"If your standard is going to be the man or your standard is going to be the principle, now your principles may differ from mine."
"That's the whole lesson here, your spiritual value is not to be sacrificed for any money."
"I don't go bounding off to create my own version of science."
"I remember going through this process operating the principle of Honor... I experienced a twenty thousand dollar income increase."
"Family over everything, like your word is your bond."
"When you're in the world, keep the laws of the world. But live by the laws of your heart."
"Follow the law but also transcend."
"Share your values. People have to know what you stand for in order to assess if you have integrity or not."
"I care about character, I don't care about achievements."
"Everybody respect the morals that you really stand on."
"I think going into your manhood, you start developing your principles of how you live your life, your morals and stuff like that."
"Integrity matters way more than winning."
"You always have to have your principles and your values."
"It's about finding your true principle you believe in that and it's about you because at the end of the day no one can be happy for you if you're not happy."
"It's important for me not to be worried and not to be anxious, and to return to first principles and to be very principled."
"The truth is the truth and that's, you know, integrity."
"You can apply your personal beliefs as long as they're more than personal but also logical."
"Sometimes you get principles you got to stick to them. That's greatness."
"I am not going to comment on the women's looks... that's not part of my DNA."
"Love and tolerance of others as a code."
"Your whole thing is in ideas and values and principles, whether you want to acknowledge it or not."
"Hope, positivity, and optimism; sanity, clarity, and reason; health, wealth, and positive relationships - that's how I operate."
"Discipline, respect, and enthusiasm. That's my pillars."