
Cleverness Quotes

There are 1102 quotes

"Somebody might be corrupt...that doesn't necessarily mean that they're not extremely capable and very clever."
"Nature has been very clever... as you go down into the medulla, the blood flow keeps on decreasing and the capability to wash away the solutes has been reduced."
"If something is achieved through a very logical process of events where you can see that was achieved because A, B, C combining to make whatever, it comes off really satisfactory like that was clever."
"Literally just keep spamming till the game gives you free items, it's that big brain."
"Isn't she clever... because you're allowing her to be."
"The Stop Woke Act: an excellent acronym and an even more excellent piece of legislation."
"Clever will get you around [] [] clever all good to get people just impressed like long enough which is all you need in a movie."
"We're clever, we're patient, and we love revenge stories as much as you people hate us for it."
"Trump's ability to beat the taxman is just evidence that he's smart."
"It took an hour and a half to get there, but flipping that narrative like that is brilliant."
"What he's doing is incredibly clever actually."
"No matter how bad you are in your vote of Commerce, you are still going to be able to do something. It's very clever and still satisfying."
"To have any hope of victory, we must also be clever."
"Once again, the mastermind Monkey D. Luffy has pulled off an impossibly clever plot and done the unthinkable."
"I bought as much frozen fish as I possibly could... it's healthy, it's nutritious, it's genius."
"There's these little moments of kind of wit like that."
"I think there's beauty in both clever and funny."
"The Magic Coffee logo's cup of coffee on top of the name is shaped like a top hat, a clever hidden imagery."
"I want to be a smart criminal, you know, a smooth criminal."
"Honestly, probably one of the biggest brain plays I've done."
"Rats are typically known for their cleverness and their ingenuity."
"There have always been clever women who knew how to help themselves in a male Society."
"Luke's biggest moment is that he made himself a hologram."
"Well, being a clever man, the culprit chose to die of old age."
"There's no way you'd fall into any of the obvious traps, right? You're not some dicker Jane off the street after all."
"To me, this isn't really a hack. This is just smart."
"Harus isn't a combat specialist, but he's still a thief. And what do thieves do best? They fight dirty. That's exactly what Harris intends to do."
"I felt proud of myself, I had stolen the honey of a spasm without impairing the models of a minor."
"Very tricky, very neat but yeah it's all about puzzle solving."
"People know that there are these kind of secret quiet ways to do the undoable."
"It was actually a quite evil but very clever way to justify the structural forms of Oppression that black people were subjected to."
"Entrepreneurs get a little too smart for their own good."
"Honestly that was quite a brilliant way of using their own terminology against them."
"From a different angle, they're reusing shots to make it seem like the exchange went on longer. It's cleverly done."
"If you take a look at old Jewish stories as well, there's a recurring archetype of a person in an unjust system who is not strong but is very clever and very quick-witted."
"These were just some of the times that the god of mischief lived up to his title and outplayed everybody."
"Yeah I'm thinking that is a pretty good hack there."
"New Super Mario Bros was a very smart title given all it accomplished."
"She seems very clever... pulling a coup off, essentially killing the king." - Olenna Tyrell
"He's the guy that spread the rumor that City and the Villa had equalized and it was three all. That's genius."
"There's something so cathartic about someone outsmarting Palpatine."
"Some of us had a scanner in the car, oh the F Buster. Tell the police that was some clever [__]."
"This week, it is all about you being so clever, it's all about you being wise, it's all about you not rushing into decisions."
"Scream... is a very clever movie, a very smartly written movie."
"Yo, we just figured out a way on how to finesse."
"Cunningness can reveal shortcuts even in the toughest quests."
"In the face of adversity, cleverness can be your greatest weapon."
"So this intentional date pun by Oda is undeniably and even disgustingly brilliant."
"You must defend yourself, you must be smarter than the average bear."
"That's such a smart joke, going back to the original Olympics."
"I'm gonna eat them, that's so smart, I'm a YouTuber, goodbye."
"Oh, snap! That's brilliant! Da-da-da-da-da-da, figure that easy-peasy, easy-peasy!"
"Old man: 'Can I at least get your phone number?' Gorgeous friend: 'Sure thing.' She proceeds to grab one of our store's business cards that obviously has the store phone number on it, hands it to him and says, 'Here you go. Have a nice day.'"
"That's a cat that knows how to get what it wants."
"Dogs can bring newspaper inside and hand it over, what a good boy!"
"These were 15 and 16 year old kids and they almost got away with the perfect crime."
"It's about using your ability cleverly to checkmate your opponent."
"Evil Morty is consistently way more clever than normal."
"I always thought I was pretty clever... This is clever."
"The more you try to be clever the less you are."
"I'd hardly call it luck, Professor. You see, I substituted a drug of my own for the one that this dear lady pressed on me."
"Mother's always been real clever about hiding her worries."
"He got people talking, you know what I'm saying? I mean, it was a clever move if you're playing chess."
"It's like upgraded cunning, it's like cunning +1."
"This is fucking genius like you all gotta admit this is very smart."
"Mahomes complained about the refs this year, I actually think it was a genius move by him."
"The revenge I came up with was an amazing plan."
"It's hacky but clever. That is [ __ ] unbelievable."
"The ghoul is a legend distinct among his kind for his cleverness and cunning."
"That was epic. I really like that bit of logic."
"That's a great move. You gotta move the cereal, not the milk."
"He's Odysseus, man, his trademark thing, same way he escaped a cyclops using their own strength against them."
"So Hermes makes his debut as a trickster underdog wrangling an improbable victory through cunning and trickery."
"There is a mask to blend in with Lynels but it doesn't last very long because they're smart."
"He skillfully plays them off against the Russians."
"It's like she's got life hacks upon life hacks."
"That's kind of brilliant. Like, it's horrible, but it's so that's brilliant."
"Queen of swords is very discerning, very logical, very clever, witty."
"We can get away with anything as long as it is clever."
"We fixed something, so we're knocking out two knocks with one fix."
"So many little things that David was able to maneuver like hacking the keypad to get out."
"Making a deal with the devil never pays he's smarter than the average bear."
"You did it, Mikey, you're on the right track!"
"A fish-loving green heron skillfully manages to collect the bread from a passing tourist before dropping the bread into the water, tempting the fish beneath the surface to bob their heads and take a bite."
"I solved the mystery, George. Your best-laid plans defeated by me."
"Dude, that was big brain! The anvil was a decoy!"
"The thorns proved to be the sharpest tools in the box."
"From taking free Photoshop requests literally, to finding ways to sneak forbidden snacks into the cinema, it's time to take a look at even more genius people who beat the system."
"I just outsmarted the system personally. He wrote the terms of service, you know? I just know how to break the internet."
"Numbuh 4 definitely has his moments of genius, like in 'Operation: POOL' where he defeats the entirety of Negative Sector V."
"This is Lovely isn't it, it's very very clever and super interesting."
"There will always be clever folks who develop smart ways."
"Super clever and don't like to stick to one thing."
"Sometimes when you try to be cheap and clever you are successful."
"We did it! We tricked the robber, and now the cops are here. High five!"
"Rewarding cleverness and non-obvious strategies."
"I wouldn't call it cheating. I'd call it being smart."
"He must have figured out some trick, some cool trick that doctors hate him about."
"Some people can write good jokes that don't make you go ha ha ha, you know? They do get to you. They're very clever."
"Guys, that was good. I'm actually gonna have to check now. That is smart."
"In the end, Sing cleverly shoots the drills instead, providing a rare example of a character quick thinking their way out of a game."
"It's complete genius to get that little icebreaker for free."
"Smart he is when he takes all of these measures to frame another Imperial officer."
"I'm out of here, oh my God I just outsmarted the police."
"Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, eating a Christmas pie. He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum, and said, 'What a good boy am I!'"
"That is the greatest trick I've ever learned."
"You gotta be an economic ninja to work your way through this scenario."
"What's really smart and witty about the way they did it is that they treated the metaverse as a way to join together the different iterations of Spider-Man movies that have existed."
"That's pretty clever, go and buy yourself a nicer hat."
"He was proud of how smart he was because even though he was forbidden ranged weapons, but no one forbade throwing after all. His joy was interrupted by a warning."
"Very impressed by this movement, really. Some of the innovations that are in this are super, super clever."
"What are you thinking right now? You always were clever."
"He wouldn't steal the flashlight; he'd take the batteries out."
"Kudos to you, well done. I mean, you locked me out really, really well. That was really well played."
"That was such a clever way of getting in those moments."
"One of the best instances of malicious compliance I have witnessed."
"Your analytical mind makes you clever and genius."
"They mock a lot of Disney conventions in a smart way."
"The patrons had nothing to do with me, but I wish I had been this clever."
"We're very clever here in America, we don't change our habits, we just find ways to get around them."
"Genius way to fix a zipper okay you put it on the fork big brain play."
"You are so clever and you can manifest a lot of things for yourself."
"It's really quite genius in my opinion."
"...that's what I did and it's a brilliant move."
"Cleverness is a good Gemini quality."
"The fact that something like that ends up having the same powers as Metro Man, like, that's a disaster. But I liked how Megamind's plan of becoming Metro Man, in a sense, to, like, scare him. Yeah, that was really clever."
"How do you make the number one disappear? You add a 'G' and it's gone."
"This is the most distilled version of that, like distilled water, they have distilled all the essentials of gaming minus the extra thrills and delivering only thrills. Wow, that's quite clever."
"When you're kind, brave, and clever, anything is possible."
"The premise of the exhibit was painfully simple but also frustratingly clever."
"Arrested Development had a bunch of meta jokes, reoccurring gags, and subtle references."
"Skoda's famous 'Simply Clever' touches."
"Scintillating means brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful."
"The endings always have a very clever way of tying everything together."
"No matter how clever we try to be, we can never actually do this."
"The bag charm is a glass slipper. That is clever, very very clever."
"He's able to look into the cookie jar and take the cookies out without having to take it off the top of the fridge."
"You gotta admit that's clever, that's innovative, my friends, that's innovative."
"What a great loophole, harmless too."
"The light is rather cleverly given."
"It's a very clever trick, Mr. Angier. We have yet to see the Tesla Booth work for us."
"I think it's a great premise. It's clever, funny, and nostalgic."
"This is so clever and especially in a grade one listed building."
"Oh nice, that was actually really sneaky, I can't lie."
"I love how easily he turns it back on them."
"Sneaky but clever Samantha Carter."
"The humor in the show was clever and witty."
"It's contrived, it's overly convoluted, but godamn it, it is actually cool as hell and a very clever way of handling things."
"...the family's big dog in the space behind Mosley is a genius idea."
"Then Columbo cleverly has Brimmer fill out a receipt for his files he brought over, and what does Brimmer do but start writing with his left hand."
"Don't be so kind that you forget to be clever, and don't be so clever you forget to be kind."
"Cleverness can't hold a candle to wisdom."
"That was actually pretty big brain."
"It's just so clever and mind-blowing."
"Clever, clever, clever, clever, clever. Grab a bit dumb."
"Clever isn't it? How's it going dazzlers?"
"I love that. Yeah, it's so good. That was great, very heavy on the comedy obviously, but I feel like there were so many little jokes sprinkled into that were so clever."
"Be wise, be astute, be clever, but be open."
"This movie is very clever... its message is really stunning and powerful."
"You sneaked out all by yourself, clever potato!"
"...it's incredibly clever this thing and I don't really know how it works but I'm glad it does..."
"I think one thing that me and M are known for is they do this very clever concept of layering."
"This is so clever, the way it opens is exactly where the hinge would be."
"Artoo's design is elegant and clever, especially the legs."
"This tic-tac-toe hack is genius, you start off with a corner, then bam, you're set to win every time."
"Stockfish, as we've seen, is very clever."
"To survive this game, a person must be either strong enough to fight or clever and sneaky enough to hide."
"He was very clever, he nearly got away with it."
"That high wiring is really smart."
"It's smart storytelling giving you the answers from the very beginning without you actually knowing it."
"Big brain evil [ __ ] - that's clever stuff, man."
"When it come to lyrics that are clever, ain't nobody out there better."
"I think it matches the level of cleverness and the level of self-referential joy that horror and slasher fans will get out of this movie of the previous four films."
"That is clever, very clever, to employ a poison which the victim is already taking."
"Being clever is not enough. You need social skills to get through life."
"That's really pretty clever actually... nice."
"Hackers are people who enjoy playful cleverness."
"There's really clever technology out there."
"It's a remarkably well thought out piece of kit, really. That's clever design."
"I may not be strong, but I'm Wily."
"It's a fine line between stupid and clever."
"What I liked about it is that if you can be clever and funny and smart with the way that you're holding the mirror up."
"Mathematicians are so clever it's really kind of like a little kind of a game of mirrors that we often like to say."
"This building that simulates a road with a double yellow line up it is so clever and beautiful."
"It’s easy to see that El Macho is much more clever than he may first appear."
"It's just so cleverly done, like from the beginning it's setting up for the end."
"The rules stated that the pass had to be bought by two people. It never said that they had to be together or even know each other."
"Their plan didn't work because I had found a simple loophole that was used by other people as well."
"It's really the story of a man who thought he was so much cleverer than Nick that he could outwit him every time."
"Yanara Singh, better known as Dowager Empress, was as clever as she was ambitious."
"Someone wants to be like this wealthy man, so they need to be clever."
"I thought that was a really clever one."
"The plan they came up with involved misdirection, disguises, and a briefcase full of garbage. Clever."
"A mother caiman runs a kind of nursery where she looks after all the other mothers' babies whilst they go off to feed. How clever."
"It's clever very funny I enjoyed all the performances especially Daniel Craig."
"That may have been the most clever ending to a Last Man Standing match in WWE history."
"...he's a great talker, he's a great promo, he's a smart talker, if that makes sense. Yeah, he's always clever, you know, whenever you actually follow what he's saying, it's a very clever path to how he gets to where he's going and I enjoy it, good promo."
"Because children are idiots... they're gonna pick someone stupid... children... are really clever."
"This one is too clever is the problem."
"Congratulations, you clever girl! Thank goodness you take after your mum when it comes to driving."