
Anti-terrorism Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"It is vital that we reach out our hand of friendship to all our friends in India and demonstrate that we are steadfast against terrorism."
"A unified effort against terrorism in the Sahel region would encourage a sense of pan-African solidarity and unity."
"We can feel sorry for and stand in solidarity with victims of terrorism and violence in the Middle East, in Europe, in Asia, in America, wherever, everywhere, equally and simultaneously."
"We will ban the terrorist group the IR rgc we will stand up for our Jewish friends and neighbors who have been mercilessly targeted with anti-Semitism."
"Hamas cannot remain in control of Gaza. It cannot retain the capacity to repeat that Carnage that was only underscored by this morning's appalling terrorist attack."
"It's like a kind of 'we don't negotiate with terrorists' kind of attitude about Putin."
"Operation was the first success of its kind in the U.S. government's new war on terrorism."
"This country stands united with the French people in our opposition to all forms of terrorism."
"The world needs greater unity and determination to defeat Russian Terror faster and protect lives."
"We need this back, we must stop the terror. I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you." - [Laughter]
"The only way to deal with terrorists is not to negotiate with terrorists."
"Democracy is stronger than organizations like ISIL."
"India has been in four wars with Pakistan, India has routinely called out Pakistan for funding terrorism, but every time a terror attack happens, there is never a corresponding anti-Muslim pogrom in India. That does not happen in India."
"Terrorism is never defeated by further terror."
"They need to be imprisoned, and we have to send a very strong message to terrorism that you're just not going to win here in the United States."
"The terrorists did not win, for we will never let anyone destroy our way of life."
"We must always guard against those who would use the fight against terrorism as a cover for oppression and the violation of human rights."
"We have achieved a strategic victory and it is inching closer towards victory against terrorism."
"We're against terrorism so freedom can prevail over fear."
"Please don't hate people, even terrorists... there is no such thing as a terrorist. If you think there's a terrorist, then you have a problem without a solution."
"We are resolved to keep the most basic commitment of civilization: to defend ourselves and our future against terror and lawless violence."
"The United States and India are united against terrorism."
"The fight must be merciless but not without rules because we are democracies which fight against terrorists."
"Rules matter, they're what separate the enlightened world from the terrorists who want to rip it apart."
"We reject terrorism; we condemn the indiscriminate evil, just as we've always done. That's what America stands for."
"This house has never cowed to terrorists; the members of this house will never be dissuaded in what they think is the right course of action by intimidation, bullying, or threats."
"The fight against terrorism is our highest priority in the Department of Homeland Security."
"Never retreat, not one inch of ground, don't negotiate with terrorists, correct."
"We must defend our security and values in the face of such terrorist outrages and refuse to be drawn into a cycle of violence and hatred."
"The defeat of the Islamic State in the Middle East was a collective achievement of the International anti-terrorism Alliance."
"Life should not be dictated by Terror."
"The acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms are activities aimed at the destruction of Human Rights, fundamental freedoms and democracy."
"The International Community should take the necessary steps to enhance cooperation to prevent and combat terrorism."
"We are moving together towards peace; don't use terror as an instrument of policy."
"This friendship is based on a common commitment against terrorism."
"We must not flinch, we must not shy away from our responsibility, we must not drift towards danger and insecurity while we still have the chance, we must act to destroy ISIL."
"People don’t get violent because they are poor. People get angry and violent, and terrorism grows when people feel excluded."
"Israel has the full right to defend itself against terror, as any other state."
"Islam prohibits terrorism; Islam is a religion of peace and love."
"The North Korean regime must be lawful, it must end its unlawful nuclear and ballistic missile development, and cease all support for international terrorism."
"Human rights must be respected, protected, and promoted in the course of fighting against terrorism."
"I'm an American, I'm anti-terrorism."
"We can't let particularly terrorists win. We have to make sure we find out who did these things and they are punished for their crimes."
"I condemn all forms of terrorism."
"The United States of America will stand with any country against terrorism."
"The United States remains committed to defeating terrorist organizations, as well as their evil ideology."