
Spiritual Partnership Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Spiritual partnership is partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth."
"Partners with your blessing Lord watch over and between us in these days and uh Grant that uh every opportunity that we have to speak the truth in love we may seize and we ask it commanding one another to your keeping in Christ's name."
"Belief in self and then the last thing and this is easy and we're done belief in what you and god can do."
"Jesus is a better partner than any spouse could ever dream of being, and maybe he's just waiting for you to figure that out before He blesses you with one on earth."
"Even though you were paired together spiritually, this was still an individual lesson for you."
"You don't need just a boyfriend... you need the man of God that is for you."
"In order for you to have a successful marriage, you got to have a threesome: you, your spouse, and God."
"Two minds are better than one, so co-create with your divine partner. Reclaim your partnership with spirit; inspiration will flow through you as soon as you get out of your own way."
"God is always calling you and I to partner with Him."
"It's a partnership, the yielding of the will."
"Co-create with spirit. Keep tapping into your Libra intuition."
"The ultimate question: Will this be someone who will help me grow closer to Allah?"
"They feel like your soul mates, the divine masculine and feminine coming together."
"Be still and know I am God, know that I am holding in reserve for you wonderful uses for the wealth I have brought into manifestation through you."
"Don't forget the honor it is to walk with Him, to work with Him, to partner with Him."
"Such love as that between perfectly mated men and women multiplies their power; for when husband and wife both belong to God, working knowingly with Him, each one is then knowing together, thinking together, and working together with God as one."
"This is a Divine counterpart Emperor and Empress on your outcome."
"Just when you feel like you're done, along comes your twin flames."
"Recognize that your partnership with spirit is your number one priority right now."
"A twin flame complements your wholeness; you don't need anyone else to make you complete."
"Our relationship in marriage is a Christlike man, a Holy Spirit like woman, with God in the middle of it."
"Prayer is also a partnership with the Lord... partnering with His plans for the earth."
"The real power of intention becomes possible when you're focused on your goal with crystal clear focus and yet trusting and allowing, knowing that spirit will continue to guide and co-create with you."
"Faith brings a man or a woman in partnership with God, and folks, when you're in partnership with God, doors will automatically open."
"What is best for her spiritually is what is best for me spiritually."
"Remember, spirit is your weaving partner; you just have to be the first one to bring the thread to loom."
"Weaving your dreams into the fabric of life begins with a single thread of intention, and then spirit joins you as your co-weaving partner."
"In your crisis, get a partner in prayer through your prayer and your obedience and let's see what miracle awaits you."
"I'm the rib that God took from him. I'm his rest in brokenness until he wakes up and understands who he is."
"I want to offer you a relationship a partnership with the King of Kings."
"This partner of yours is also part of that mission and is working with spirit and the light."
"You fulfill this person emotionally, they see you as their divine soul partner."
"This person knows that you are their soulmate, their twin flame."
"God wants to partner with you and cause you to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit."
"This is definitely a Divine partnership, your twin flame."
"When God brings two people together, he will solidify and strengthen their bond through hard times; if one person can't take the trials you two face and decides to leave, then it's not the will of God for you both to be together."
"It is very hard, but it's an invitation to partner with God, see a life change."
"Trust God's design for your spouse, even if it doesn't match your expectations."
"Twin flames are not just romantic partners; they are cosmic mirrors reflecting our true selves, teaching us profound lessons."
"This new person here, so now we have the empress and we have the emperor, that is a divine counterpart here."
"Release illusions to manifest your true partner."
"My God is not punishing, my God gives me a hug, my God supports me, my God is a team player."
"Every person that we touch we touch because you sowed because you believed with us."
"I had an awareness that there's something different to Jesus and if I partner with him that's the right direction to go."
"They're envisioning a future as spiritual teachers together, writing books and speaking about their journey."
"If you partner with me, I will ensure that the devil will be sorry that he messed with you and yours."
"The other person can never give that to you... you can't have spiritual partnership if one person wants one thing and you want something else."
"It's time to take action, especially when it comes to this Divine partnership."
"Men and women must pursue the course of their happiness the way to Allah, mutually strengthening each other."
"Being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered."
"If with Him you suffer, with Him you shall reign."
"This is a destined partnership, it's here to help you grow spiritually."
"You're manifesting your divine counterpart because you've done the work."
"If you're thinking that the goal of relationship with the opposite sex is partnership in the gospel for the glory of God and our joy and good, then the end goal of dating is marriage."
"They understand how important it is to really be spiritual partners first, to understand each other on the soul level before anything else."
"When you listen for the voice of the Lord and partner with what He's doing, you'll always be relevant."
"Sacred partners are on the same path of mutual evolution."
"It's a contract of love that you have with spirit; you're co-creating your destiny with spirit."
"You and spirit, you are collaborating with spirit, manifesting the life that you want, the life that you know you deserve."
"The ministry of angels is to walk in partnership with the Holy Spirit to see that the word of God is never called a lie in your life."
"This twin flame brings out the devil in you, but it also brings out the angels and the lights."