
Elder Care Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Nobody should pay for their cost of their Social Care by selling their home, and everybody should have dignity and security in their old age."
"There were many things we could do to protect the elderly, including working on aged care home protocols and staffing."
"Our elder fellow citizens deserve our support and our protection."
"Nobody deserves to end their days unhappy living in a home where they can't function."
"We will strongly protect Medicare and Social Security."
"If somebody has potential ice Alzheimer's or dementia and you are ignoring it, then you are willing to put that man on a debate stage against Donald Trump."
"No one in America should feel forgotten right now."
"We need to make sure nursing homes follow guidelines and that if they fail to do so, they will be held accountable."
"He's got to look after his ailing dad, dad brick dad Rick."
"It's heartbreaking to think that this old lady's stuff is just left here."
"As long as I am president, we will safeguard our waters and our seniors."
"Let's settle this matter once and for all. Mama will be staying with us in the house."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of our elders at the very end of their life were intellectually intact?"
"Home care helps to promote [living one's best life]."
"Charles believed that this man should not have been in a nursing home."
"Attention must be paid. He must not be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog."
"This $2,400 stimulus check will serve as a supporting hand for seniors."
"Cases like this are sad, but it really shines the light on the whole sector that is elder law."
"I remember in like 2017 there's a picture of him um sort of that part of the Senate where they always hold press conferences and his hands were like dark purple it looked like it looked like someone who had been doing like the least subtle elder abuse ever to him."
"And the elderly, I just want people to know they don't want to be the ones needing help either. And this is my turn to give back for all their hard work."
"I do feel like in this country the way we treat old people, yeah, is very bad and it feels like you know in other countries they really respect their elders."
"If we want people to have the option to work later in life, we have to give them the tools, support, and legal protection that they can do so."
"I will never go into a nursing home."
"We're all stressed, but if it's to a point where another patient is so concerned they feel like they need to call APS, that's really unacceptable."
"So I went to visit her in this home for the old people, and it looked to me like a junkyard of human beings."
"These great women, these pioneer women, they would always care for our elders as they growed older."
"When finding a home for your elderly parents, set up an appointment but come in a few minutes early and say, 'Don't ask if you can walk around for a quick look.' The receptionist likely won't refuse you, and the salesperson won't be ready for you."
"When you become an elder's advocate, you break the cycle of isolation and secrecy that is at the heart of elder abuse."
"Japan is being drastically affected by the fact that they have such an elder care crisis."
"Can we agree that that is a problem even for a utilitarian, that their birth rate is collapsing to the point they can't take care of their elderly?"
"The problem with elder care here has to do with the fact that we have below replacement levels again."
"I'm an advocate for Quality Elder Care, long-term care. Now that's my mission at the moment."
"Traditionally, South Koreans relied on their family to look after them in old age."
"It sends a powerful message that we as a nation will not turn a blind eye to the plight of our elders but rather will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them, providing the financial security and peace of mind they have earned through a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice."
"Look at this grandmother tending to the plants; it's important for her that she feels needed."
"The family caregiving Alliance says that there are 31 million adult children who are caring for their aging parents or their in-laws."
"I want you to have the best possible life in the last few years of your life."
"If you suspect elder abuse is happening, you won't get in trouble for reporting it."
"If you suspect that elder abuse is happening in a residential home, it is important to call Adult Protective Services."
"Jimmy McGill has worked tirelessly to build a practice that helps the elderly."
"I'm thinking about putting mom into a retirement home; she said that she's had a lot of good years in her house but that she doesn't want to become a burden to anyone."
"Every day somebody is turning 65, every day somebody's going to be needing more services, more care."
"Why is it okay not to do the same for your parents and other older people that you love?"
"He's sassy and makes the elders laugh."
"Caring for those who have reached an older age has become deeply embedded in the backbone of their society."
"I love little old ladies and people that help them, if you are one of them you are a champion and I love you, take care grandma."
"Middle-income people can use an elder planner with knowledge of federal regulations of the VA and Medicaid to get their health care tab as low as legally possible."