
Reality Questioning Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"Is our world real, or could this all be a dream or simulation created by unfathomable forces?"
"Relax the mind and ask the question: Do I truly understand what this reality is?"
"How do I know I'm not dreaming right now, or even more frightening, how do I know that my mind isn't being deliberately misled by some Evil Genius?"
"The deepest point of all these thought exercises is to teach us to be skeptical, to distrust our senses, and to consider that there could be deeper truths."
"To question our understanding of reality, just as the cave dwellers mistake the shadows for reality, we may base our perceptions on incomplete or distorted information."
"Whether or not we live in a computer simulation... has gained some popularity lately."
"The truth shall set you free, the problem is finding the truth in the simulation is like a needle in a haystack."
"What I've not heard until recently is that some scientists take this simulation seriously."
"The simulation hypothesis proposes that all of our existence is, in fact, a simulated reality."
"If we question our reality, that's where we start to take our power back."
"It's entirely possible that we are all living inside a simulated reality and that everything around us is nothing more than lines of advanced computer code."
"In this game that questions reality and in this dark world which may be a game within the game of Valtor, Jebel is the extreme limits of imagination."
"If survival itself is dependent on the utilization of a scheme of pragmatic projections, in what sense can we say that reality is something other than that?"
"I genuinely think there's no greater tell of the simulation than Deja Vu."
"Are we playing a game? This [ __ ] does not feel like a [ __ ] game anymore."
"Within philosophy a question has long been posed that asks if we live in some kind of simulation rather than an actual reality."
"What exactly are we looking at? Is this real?"
"This is going to be a dark fantasy story where players will be challenged to question both their reality and the choices that they make."
"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
"We might be in the Matrix after all or where somebody's crazy experiment."
"What are stars? What are galaxies? None of that is real."
"Not from the lens of I think reality is like a matrix simulation or something like that but from the lens of just being fascinated by light play in general."
"It's the type of movie that has you questioning reality as well as who can be trusted and who can't."
"But in order to accept that, you would have to first abandon everything you thought you knew about reality, about biology, about everything. Everything out the window."
"History may be entirely mythical, meaning you may not even exist."
"Don't be distracted by The Matrix, we need to unplug ourselves from the Matrix."
"The whole way that we have been trained to see how the world works, it's not necessarily true."
"Some of them feel like they could be real at least half of the time."
"Have you ever felt like your life was a TV show?"
"What if your life is nothing but a computer simulation?"
"There is a popular theory that all that you experience in life could possibly be a computer simulation."
"It's a really harmful set of beliefs that sex basically isn't real."
"Do you think we're all trapped in the Matrix?"
"Did I pass out and wake up in a different Universe?"
"What if we're all just confused because we're in a simulation?"
"Inception probably incepted into you the idea that reality may not be actually real, but instead is a dream."
"Sometimes it feels like we're living in a simulation."
"The blue whale challenge... over exaggerated or didn't happen."
"It's all a game, it's a thought experiment. We're in the matrix."
"One of the glitches in The Matrix is parallel universes, the Mandela effect, Deja Vu experiences."
"This is all a simulation... this is Grand Theft Auto, this is The Truman Show."
"Plus, this could be a simulation so who knows."
"What if reality wasn't what you thought it was? What if everything you know is false?"
"Nothing in this world is what you think it is. Nothing operates the way you think it does."
"Could our waking reality be just another layer of a cosmic dream, a simulation crafted by forces beyond our comprehension?"
"How do we know any of the disorders are real?"
"Near-death experiences: Illusions or reality?"
"It makes you question reality, it makes you question whether or not you can tell the difference between dreaming and sleeping."
"What if you realized that everything you were afraid of... was all just an illusion?"
"After 1999 when the Matrix was released... maybe we are living inside of a simulation and maybe sometimes the simulation glitches for some unknown reason."
"Bread tube isn't real... that's all bread tube."
"What if I told you this reality was only one of many?"
"Hello everyone, welcome back to 'None of this is real, it's all fake, it's all a facade.'"
"Peeking outside the simulation... may have to do more with our consciousness."
"The sky is entirely simulated, and we have been deceived into believing that we're on a world that's hurling around the Sun."
"The sky simulation perpetuates the illusion that we're in a real reality, but it's not."
"Nothing in life is real. We are in the legit matrix, alright? Cool Neo, mate, we gotta get out of here."
"Is there a difference between true reality and a manufactured reality? If we're unable to tell the difference, are you real? Well, if you can't tell, does it matter?"
"I hope you all enjoy today's video... make us question reality, just change our way of thinking in general."
"Control is an illusion and nothing is as it seems."
"It's strange for atheists to say we think all those experiences aren't real."
"Is this CGI, is it just a broken water main, or is it something else?"
"The great truth is that there isn't one and it only gets worse since that conclusion."
"It's okay to be critical, it's okay to question reality."
"A glitch in the matrix maybe, as if we're living inside of a simulation or something else. You tell me."
"Deep fakes start with amazement and then incredible fear. What else would I believe? What's real?"
"So tell me. Is this real, or are you still dreaming?"
"Do any of you have memories before today that could objectively be considered impossible?"
"The idea that reality might be an elaborate simulation challenges traditional Notions of existence and raises age-old philosophical questions about the nature of Consciousness and the external world."
"It's about questioning things it's about finding what's real and what's true and training your mind to poke holes in that box."
"I don't think any of those things is actually real... just throw it the hell out."
"Something is just not quite right here, like a glitch in The Matrix."
"This shit's like the moon landing, dude. You don't know if it's real or fake."
"The simulation hypothesis: what makes us think that we are in the base reality?"
"Even if the story is not Supernatural, which I don't think it is at this point, even if it's not Supernatural, it's this guy, whatever monster Mr. bear is so convinced that it's real that he's willing to kill over it. That's terrifying."
"So what do you think? Is this video real or a well-made fake?"
"Wow, playing the game normally? Is this real life?"
"Real glitch in The Matrix: Unexplainable supernatural experiences."
"Life is a video game, right? We're living inside the Matrix."
"Everything we know is a lie. That's the problem."
"Everybody has experienced the Mandela effect... something is tweaking the simulation."
"I think it was a bad dream, but I'm starting to think that it could be something else or I'm just losing my mind."
"It's all a game, it's a thought experiment, we're in The Matrix, are you in on it?"
"Another example of how basic things in Steven's reality are not abiding by normal logic."
"Are your loved ones really there, or are they just manifestations of your own mind?"
"What if I'm the only one that's real and everything around me is something my mind is making up?"
"Is this place she goes really all in her head? Oh yes, I'm questioning if this place is actually a real place and her mind is just going there."
"If this isn't an illusion, I'm gonna go lie down now."
"In a world where time zones make us question reality, reasonable minds can differ on what time it really is."
"We truly are mutants in regular people like when the evidence left behind by reality, the evidence of the lie, the endless script, the endless trick, the ruse, when the evidence lies outside of a certain range people have been bred not to notice."
"You think you exist but you're just another part of it. Everything is just another puzzle."
"Let go of everything you think to be true, relax the mind, and ask the question: Do I truly understand what this reality is?"
"It's sort of crazy how untrustworthy our eyes are, you know? It really makes you go, 'Huh.'"
"We shouldn't say none of this is real instead we should say well we're in a it's from bit universe."
"How do I know I'm not in a simulation? How do I know I'm not in the Matrix?"
"You're mistaking its coherence and its consistency; you're mistaking that for materiality or for truthfulness or for what you call reality."
"Don't take this reality too seriously; this is just one layer of this entire universe experience."
"What if it's not real? Then what have I done?" - Chuck
"Some facts about OG Fortnite make you question reality though... the storm never existed on the mini map in the early days."
"Constantly question throughout the day if you are dreaming."
"I love the spirit of persona because it makes people question reality."
"If what I'm saying about the nature of reality is correct, the only logical question is 'why don't people eventually find out' - like Truman did?"
"This is real, like a glitch in the matrix moment."
"Reality: What is reality and what could give you any clue as to what reality is?"
"How are unicorns fake but giraffes are real?"
"Is this real life? Is this finally happening?"
"Your senses are secondary. What you see with your eyes isn't the absolute truth."
"Are we living in a simulation? Leave your comments below!"
"Is this proof that we probably live in a simulation? Let me know in the comment section below."
"One of everything you've ever learned about your life, your existence, your world, and your reality. We're alive. After this video, you will know the truth."
"Never stop asking questions about what is actually happening."
"Of course, the big question is all about is Daniel real or not, and the answer we get is definitely unexpected."
"Even when Vi was there, she's like, 'Are you real?' So of course, once she's gone, then she's like, 'Hold on, was I even interpreting it right?'"
"What even is a delusion? What does it mean? You know what I mean?"
"I feel like this Terra is an illusion, a hallucination."
"There is an alternative, that we can think and authorize reality outside of the existing framework."
"It's almost like we were in a simulated reality version of what would be the squid game."
"This film does a really good job leaving into question what is real while still showing the value of the ritual."
"These are real things... there's something very, very strange about them."
"What seems to be true may turn out to be completely false, or vice versa. So be careful how you judge them."
"This is the type of ending that won't leave you questioning what the hell you've actually just witnessed but actually what even is reality."
"It's still terrifying to think about what other things we may have come across that are not real but rather digitally made."
"I think people don't know whether they're seeing a complete representation of reality."
"The Wachowskis were not the first to propose that we might be in a simulation and that reality was not as cut and dry as it seemed."
"Had this thought in my head: if I can't distinguish between this and real life, how can I be sure real life isn't just one big dream?"
"One of them must be real, one of them... What's the game going on here? Is anything honest, is anything real?"
"It made me question the extents of reality."
"It's as if my entire reality has been broken. How can this be possible?"
"There's almost a real interesting question there of, is it a dream, or is it something more?"
"I wonder how much time had passed while we were inside Jumanji."
"How do you know the truth? How do you figure out what is true, what's not true?"
"How do I get out of the matrix? How do I really take the red pill and wake up?"
"Is reality, at the core, indeterminate?"
"Elon Musk is even funding work in this field, and he believes that there is a one in billions chance that we live in reality."
"Now the thing about time is that time isn't really real; it's just your point of view."
"I had a dream that I was a butterfly... then I woke up and I thought, 'Oh, I just dreamt that I was a butterfly.' But how do I know that I'm not actually really that butterfly and I'm just now dreaming that I'm Zhuangzi?"
"Surrealism at its fundamental level questions the status quo of the world and challenges the notions of reality."
"It's a glitch, it's a glitch, it's a glitch in the matrix."
"Was it a dream? No, it couldn't be. But what if I want to go back to Wonderland sometime?"
"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real."
"If we're living in a matrix, there can be anything under the sun."
"Is this the real life or is it just fantasy?"
"It just makes you think, is this a simulation?"
"Is reality mental or physical? How is it perceived?"
"Can perception of reality be trusted? Is it true?"
"What is reality? That is the only question we're going to be asking next semester."
"Just the statistics of that tell us we are probably in a simulation."
"Holy moly, what is this real? Is this like a glitch in The Matrix?"
"Something is wrong with the world."
"Imagine this is real; it's not real, it's a matrix."
"Psychedelia became a door to another way of thinking about sound and song, not a world only reachable by hallucinogenics but obtainable by questioning what we think is real and right."
"Maybe the whole thing's a crazy dream. Ah, stay free."
"You might just be living in The Matrix and you don't even know it."
"I now believe we're in a simulation."
"Time hasn't existed for me for a while, and now it feels even more made up."
"There's a total possibility that all of this is an illusion."
"I love a book that just hits you one more time, and it's like, huh, what's true, what's not."
"The more you wake up, the more you realize that reality is fake and dreams are for real."
"This is all a simulation, do you guys not understand?"
"It's a book where anything could happen and you don't know what's real and what's not real."