
Digital Presence Quotes

There are 239 quotes

"Identity had been forever changed by the Internet; formerly it had meant 'who you really are' but now it meant 'any one of a number of persistent faces that you can present to the digital universe.'"
"Making your website perfect for the phone and tablet is an absolute must."
"This is the modern life, baby. We've got technology everywhere."
"He might be on the other side of a computer somewhere around the world, but he is real."
"The pandemic changed that because now, it's important to have the good background for those Zoom calls."
"Putting out content consistently puts you in people's eyes and ears."
"It's all up to you... who you're following, what you decide to look up or follow."
"My only goal is to do enough good content that eventually the people who hate me have to watch one."
"Being a parent means being responsible both online and offline."
"My message is available all over the internet for free."
"Relentless social media presence... providing something that's valuable to a viewer."
"Remote work technology, nothing new but increasing acceptance of digitally being somewhere makes it more common."
"You can spend a long time, many years building up these platforms, finding your fans for comedy or finding readers, and then it can be shut down in a minute."
"Glover even made a playlist for the Temple, which you could still find on his Spotify page till this day."
"For the price of one of these per month, you can have a business live on the internet today."
"Everybody's online, everybody's connected to the internet. That's how we got a lot of our initial customers."
"As I was mentioning earlier, it's really crucial to have a blog or to have a website that you can get people to come back to."
"You don't own the relationship you have with your audience, it's owned by the platform."
"I'm able to make money... because in the last eight years being on YouTube I have over a thousand videos circulating online."
"Chris was finished with YouTube. There couldn't have been a better smoking gun than his channel being online available for someone to buy."
"I will not stop doing that as long as there are airwaves and digits to carry our voices."
"What should a band, what piece of advice would you give? Be good on TikTok and YouTube, yeah."
"The time of you being able to not produce content on the 10 social networks is going away."
"Once you are connected to the Internet, you are no longer trapped in your body. You can actually be anywhere at any time that any other person or any other device is getting sensory information."
"I went from 160,000 and right now I'm at about 400,000 followers. I'm doing really well and I can't tell you how happy I am."
"And we're also on Twitter at Specialists news where we publish a lot of content for free."
"You need to have some kind of digital presence that showcases your products and enables you to participate in the conversation about your brand and fashion online."
"Regina's channel has been deleted by project zorgo for so long, she has over 2 million subscribers and now it's back."
"I don't think my channel will ever die. I don't. I don't see it dying unless I need to quit for some reason, who knows?"
"We are all just numbers on a screen if you want some advice for YouTube I'll tell you that."
"The number one personality on Facebook is not a Kardashian or a politician, it is Jay Shetty."
"I won't say goodbye because I'll see you in one of those videos."
"Put your vision on a website so others can see it too."
"I'm happy to play in both worlds, I'm just not going to read the comments on a post I make on Twitter."
"A strong online marketing strategy is key to keeping your business successful."
"Your social media represents you as well. Just be a good person. Don't obsess over likes; it's irrelevant."
"Without a website, you might as well not exist."
"Every Creator is going to have one or two platforms at the most... it's just impossible to be everywhere all at once."
"Squarespace helps you showcase your work or your extensive collection of Frasier DVDs."
"It's all about how you market it so if your marketing is on point your website really doesn't matter"
"It's going to be something where everything is on their website."
"I do live stream on Twitch three days a week."
"This is my place on the internet, my little safe space."
"I run my Instagram, I run my Twitter. I don't hire people. I take my work seriously."
"Now having a digital presence is like a currency if you have numbers and traction."
"This is your identity, essentially on YouTube, which is pretty awesome."
"Keep that in mind when my face comes on your computer and tells you how to draw."
"Having your own website is one of the best investments you can make today."
"Name it one more time: DavidHernandezMinistries.com."
"We need to be situationally aware, especially online."
"Finding your voice and presence online is a long journey, so better get started on it today."
"Having a professional website is a necessary investment in today's digital age."
"Nobody is stopping you from building your brand online. You need no permission."
"Users who join trends tweeted about how they couldn't delete their accounts without doing so to their Instagram."
"The risks of having an alluring online presence will outweigh any potential financial reward."
"If you have a business and you do not have a website, you do not have a business."
"Thank you all so much for hanging out for this segment. We'll see you over at youtube.com/timcastnews for the live streams and Timcast IRL for the live nightly show."
"YouTube? Hopefully forever. I love you, and I hope I'm around forever too."
"There really literally just is not – especially if you're able to make someone – even in the days of verification and the world making sense, even at that point, you could just make the claim that you are a second account."
"I'm just gonna give like a little digital footprint for myself so I can like look back."
"No Facebook, no TikTok, Twitter is where it's at. Twitter is where it's always been at."
"Evan had always disliked that on the internet everything felt permanent."
"This is it, you can go down below, hit the subscribe button and turn on my post and vacations."
"Another important thing is to head to our website."
"I just wanted to start this site just to kind of showcase that and show that everything that we're doing in high-end places is also possible with free stuff."
"We're relaunching the site with new things... very very exciting."
"Make sure you're subscribed if you're not subscribed."
"Thanks for watching, subscribe, click on the bell next to it on my TC and we are the media."
"He's gonna be just fine, he has over 500,000 followers on TikTok."
"A successful image sent off into the void of the web."
"These are people who actually turning out going offline they're not slacktivists."
"This catapulted Cody to be one of the app's most prominent figures."
"Generally my social media for the future for people who maybe want to subscribe to your OnlyFans, social media is what's all the links they can go to."
"I wish I got an earlier jump start on social media."
"I got a yearbook I just didn't put my picture well some gee bunny vlogs are like I can always look up a YouTube video what I look like in our 12 great"
"Having a website is very important for branding."
"The first YouTube channel to be verified in Luanda."
"Just because you have 300,000 subscribers don't think it can't go away really quick."
"If you have a million people following you then yeah, that's a million people who all know you."
"My website is simply my name stephcarys.com."
"Personal branding is the digitization of reputation."
"Bob's career has reached the point now where there's so much content she's creating across various platforms."
"Every drawing is just practice for the next one... I must even be on the internet forever."
"During the whole week, I did not crave physical contact at all. The social interactions that I experienced within VRChat were enough."
"David had one of those personalities that drew you in just through a screen."
"This platform can be pulled out from under me tomorrow."
"Let's freaking go! I'm most likely to go live on Instagram or TikTok."
"You have to diversify your content and what platforms you're putting it on because it can all go away overnight."
"I'm also going to show you how to insert your social media icons like Twitter Instagram Facebook YouTube."
"Being in service is not just donating financially, being in service is having a YouTube channel, having a TikTok account, making an Instagram, sharing inspirational messages, or helping people in some ways."
"She just wanted to see her boys grow up, so she made a fake Facebook account and befriended both of them."
"Build up your presence on existing and new social media platforms."
"Identity will be the most valuable commodity for citizens of the future, and it will exist primarily online."
"When you have a large following on Instagram, it's basically the hidden reveal of like, 'Oh yeah, by the way, I'm a tribe leader.'"
"Pokemane is one of the most popular streamers on Twitch... her face is everywhere."
"Squarespace is your permanent home on the web. Social media may shift, but your website stays."
"When people search for you, they should find you."
"Follow us on what culture WWE and simon316 when it comes to social media."
"Can you remember when you were two years old and then you've had your own YouTube channel?"
"I just hit 14 million on Instagram too which is pretty awesome."
"If someone just found me they just came to my site I have these different strategies."
"Check out our webpage at thehistoryguy.net and of course, we're on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter."
"The website is going to be one of the first places they go to find out about what your organization is doing."
"The viewership has been insane across all of my platforms."
"Create your own content on your own page and you do you."
"I've always had this weird fear of not uploading."
"It is my dream to be able to type career mode into YouTube and be the first result to pop up."
"We still getting probably more millions of views on the Internet than we are at the Superbowl."
"Less than 24 hours after ex Artemis Wolf's channel was taken down she simply created another one in doing so she undid 99.99 of the harm inflicted upon her by me legally or otherwise in an exceptionally short amount of time."
"The vast majority of people are on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok."
"When you look at someone's digital footprint online... you can paint a picture as to what this person was going through just before they disappeared."
"Our digital presence online goes way beyond a profile picture on a website."
"A portfolio website is more than just a showcase; it's an essential tool for any artist navigating the digital landscape."
"Having an email list is so much more profitable than having a social media account."
"Every brand wants to have a digital presence on web3."
"...what are you guys doing to remain competitive right now to remain competitive we have to make make sure that uh well there's a couple of things we have to make sure digital pres our digital presence is on point customers are shopping online..."
"Your newsletter is the thing that you own. You don't want to be a digital sharecropper forever."
"People read our energies through the screen."
"By year two, I don't want you spending any money on ads. I want 100 percent of your leads to be coming from everything on your website SEO, just ranking well, getting good google reviews, having great SEO and backlinks."
"Every review you get is like a salesperson on the digital streets of America."
"I thought about our digital footprint, and I feel like, as a dude, you naturally care less than a girl. Honestly, yes."
"If you are in this world and you're not using ClickFunnels you're out of your mind."
"Now we have an actual website that we can send people to."
"You've got to have a website and you've got to tell your story."
"It feels so different, so it was very exciting to find that it actually is all still, you know, online."
"Building a presence on YouTube is like fine-tuning the engine of a car to get maximum performance."
"If you do get maximum performance out of your YouTube presence, YouTube will reward you."
"Better production, better sound, better everything and also we're on YouTube."
"Our digital assets send cues that change how people perceive and treat us."
"Having a good social media presence is only a small part of what we do."
"The cheapest way to acquire customers is to have a Google My Business and a good website."
"You do have to market yourself no matter what platform you're on."
"I'm platform agnostic, if Twitch and TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube disappeared tomorrow, I'm like okay, I gotta go be better at Twitter and whatever's left."
"Digital footprints will outlive us and how we choose to contribute ourselves online will reflect on us."
"Creating content carries three distinct advantages: you hold yourself to a higher standard, you understand it more deeply, and soon you'll have a digital paper trail."
"I think social media is great, but it's just a complement of your work."
"If you don't show up in the algorithm, then no one knows you exist."
"How many people follow you on Twitter doesn't have anything to do with how big your impact is."
"The most important part of running a radio station is your website; it's your digital presence and ultimately it's your home on the internet."
"You need a Content Management System in order to show your content to the world."
"Put yourself online; way too much competition in this space to sit on our introverted laurels or high horses about antisocial media takes."
"Websites are super, super important, no matter what field you are in."
"I feel like I haven't been in this space for a while because I've been trying to revamp my content."
"You're coming to the internet to show people you want to make a difference, you want to make a change."
"If you're not being talked about, if you don't have that credibility of being mentioned in other places on the internet, why should Google take a punt and trust you as being the best solution?"
"This is my life from here on out, just me and this stream and this camera and a dream."
"You underestimate the value of what your website can do for you."
"No matter where you create content or what you sell, you need to have your home on the internet."
"Follow us across a large array of digital platforms and stay up to date on everything you need to know."
"I want to focus on my own platform because at the end of the day, YouTube could be gone, Instagram could be gone, TikTok same for all of those platforms."
"Having a website is more important than ever."
"A lot of people feel a much more intimate connection to their success because they've done a lot of it via social media."
"The digital realm is where brands come alive."
"We can help you to build your knowledge, digital presence, and help you in order ways when you are looking for jobs throughout community."
"Imagine looking back on your life... I just was on my phone the whole time."
"Listen, if you don't have a website, it's time to make one."
"That character development, his digital footprint is forever."
"The revolution will not be televised; you can follow me on Patreon for free and all content there is available to everyone."
"We're putting out so much content in so many places."
"It's very easy to just be on YouTube... all you see is numbers. But linking that text to people is an entirely different experience."
"It's a pretty cool website; we're very proud of it."
"I am not just content on the screen like a video game, I am a person behind all of this."
"If you are found on Google, that's golden because everyone searches for everything on Google."
"We live in a digital age where people want to research before they make an investment; they want to be able to look you up to see your prior work and past accomplishments so that they can feel confident and safe in making the decision to hire you."
"My digital footprint is hilarious."
"Having your own digital assets and your own things that you create is really significant."
"Your website is now the most important place that you could ever build."
"Every person should have a blog and every business should have a WordPress website."
"The more online real estate you occupy, the more money you should make."
"I'm really happy that I now have another place on the web where I can share personal updates and new content in a written form."
"Take control of your life; it's time to take charge online."
"This has been the most successful thing I've ever done online."
"She's a digital girl, and I'm happy to have her."
"Our presence, like what we have online... it's life-saving."
"It's a new world we live in, where Instagram followers mean a lot."
"Owning your audience and eventually having your own website is so important."
"Your page will remain forever on System.io domain, which is really cool."
"A personal website is your home on the internet."
"Thankful for all the memories with you that are still saved on the internet forever."
"People online are just like you; they're not in the screen, they're a person behind it."
"68% of all online experiences begin with a search engine."
"The key difference between what you're doing and what someone like Glossier is doing... is the relationship you have down the camera lens."
"So a while back I made a cool 3D version of my logo that I like to use on various digital sets and animations on my Twitch stream."
"Thank you for being here, Internet."
"Is a website a necessity for a YouTube content creator? Absolutely yes."
"With our web hosting plan, you can create up to 100 websites."
"Everybody's on social media and you have to communicate with people where they are."
"We're now on iTunes and Spotify because we've been at the 21st century."
"Everybody has a platform now, as long as you have a smartphone."
"These days people need to realize the value the content or website, it's huge."
"I'm still a person even though I'm behind the internet, I'm still a person that has feelings."
"I would rather be in control of my own platform."
"It's really nice when you run an online business because my shop is very much solely an online shop."
"Agency sites are a completely different beast."
"Nowadays it's almost impossible for a group to debut without a YouTube channel."
"You have to have your own platform, you have to have your own website that you control."
"It's going to become increasingly important for me to have a website where I share what I have to say in its fullest form."
"Building your personal brand is just the digitization of your reputation."
"I'm glad that we can get into your living rooms and onto your desktop computers and onto your mobile devices to at least share some fond memories."
"Hello, good people of the internet."