
Interstellar Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Turning our species into an interplanetary and interstellar species... will definitely prevent our species from being completely destroyed."
"Surrounded by gigantic clouds of interstellar dust and scorching hot gas, all these components make up the bizarre and fascinating picture called a galaxy."
"If we go and do an expedition to Papua New Guinea where we collect the fragments from the first interstellar meteor that landed there in 2014 and then we find that the composition of those fragments is some alloy that is completely artificial, that you don't find in nature, then it's something else."
"The trans-dimensional interstellar technology will benefit humanity."
"Chance moments probably drive a new aspect of our attempt to understand how and when or if we could communicate and find each other across the galaxy." - Dr. Lisa Coltenega
"Could you just let me feel something? I felt God wash over me."
"The Arecibo signal wasn't sent at the hydrogen frequency preferred for Interstellar communication."
"The earliest origins of Interstellar can be traced back to Carl Sagan."
"The visual representations of the wormhole and black hole in Interstellar was literally done as scientifically as possible."
"A sequel to Interstellar is reportedly in early development at Warner Bros."
"First time ever an object from interstellar space has been observed to visit our solar system."
"Astronomers traced umuamua's origins back to the vicinity of the star Vega."
"Monoliths with their striking and Monumental presence possess the remarkable ability to function as navigational landmarks in the vastness of interstellar space."
"The presence of monoliths on foreign planets can serve as a testament to the power of artistic expression."
"For the first time in history, humankind had welcomed an interstellar visitor."
"Life will not be able to be sustained on this planet anymore, so if we're going to be able to sustain ourselves as a species, we have to become interstellar."
"It was the voice of God seducing and commanding to be heard, the everlasting miracle of that interstellar metal."
"I think 'Interstellar' was just a really special, special film. I love science fiction films."
"Even if we just demonstrate that this object was interstellar, that it came from outside the solar system because it's made of materials that are different from everything you find in the solar system, even that by itself would be historic."
"Humanity while new to the interstellar stage has always placed a high value on the protection and safety of its people."
"These diverse elements forged by nucleosynthesis are eventually spread throughout the galaxy by stellar winds and supernova explosions, seeding interstellar clouds with the materials needed for the next generation of stars, planets, and eventually, life."
"Humanity emerged as a key player on the interstellar stage."
"Interstellar depresses me because it makes me want to watch more space movies that are that good."
"Interstellar is a call to take hold of your own agency. Don't shirk the duty of being an independent individual."
"Earth saw regular Interstellar visits, serving as a galactic trading Hub, aligning with the vision of the Galaxy's original Founders."
"'Oumuamua is the first and only known interstellar object to pass through the solar system."
"The first Interstellar visitor to our solar system, 'Oumuamua, presents a perplexing puzzle for investigators."
"We've seen the first interstellar object, which is Hawaiian for 'first scout.' It came riding through, riding through." - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"Can you imagine if we could actually gather a sample from an interstellar object?"
"The queue's mission to travel throughout the galaxy and seek out other species that seem to be getting too big for their boots."
"This gas that lies between the galaxies has been processed through stars and spat out into the intercluster medium."
"Interstellar space is the region between stars in a Galaxy; it's not empty but filled with various forms of matter and energy."
"When Cooper goes inside the black hole Gargantua at the end of Interstellar and transmits that data to Murph, she is finally able to solve the equation and save humanity."
"Interplanetary, that it must be known around the Galaxy."
"In the reality of Interstellar, love is a fundamental force."
"Our sun and Earth were formed out of an interstellar cloud much like this cloud, and if you've got the right ingredients, the right organic ingredients, you've got the right ingredients for life."
"Umuamua is the first interstellar object detected passing through the solar system."
"The role of dust as an important ingredient of our interstellar medium has become accepted."
"Its name, Oumuamua, comes from the Hawaiian term for 'scout' or 'messenger from afar arriving first.'"
"The first rule of interstellar travel: never stand next to a quantum generator when it's about to flout the laws of physics."
"Human cultural centers established on various planets became symbols of unity in diversity, fostering a Melting Pot of interstellar cultures."
"For the first time in known human history, we have successfully spotted and identified an object which has traveled to our solar system from interstellar space."
"If there was one piece of music that you could take with you to some other planet, it would be 'Round Midnight."
"Fell in love with the space king's daughter."
"We're all made of the interstellar medium that is floating between the stars."
"We have traveled between the Stars to bring you a cure, not a bandage."
"The Temple of communication allows you to send and transmit a message anywhere in the Galaxy."
"Interacting with material from other stars... I personally find that thrilling."
"I've heard you wanted in three different countries; you can't leave the solar system."
"The diversity of Earth's cultures enriched life in these distant colonies, creating a mosaic of human experience and knowledge that was shared among the stars."
"Voyager One spacecraft is in interstellar space, the space between the stars."
"Leaving the heliosphere and setting sail on the cosmic seas between the stars."
"...what is the concept of the passage of the time for people on an Interstellar Voyage? What does a week mean without a sun?"
"It's telling us something about the environment in interstellar space."
"We have been visited by an interstellar asteroid."
"...diplomacy with aliens is a delicate dance, where stepping on toes might not just be a faux pas, but an actual diplomatic incident."
"Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 traveled beyond the confines of our solar system, traversing the vast uncharted territories of interstellar space."
"Voyager 1 became the first man-made object to cross into interstellar space."
"The Murph really played a vital role in the film Interstellar and was more than just a piece of set dressing."
"It's interesting that this is the second [interstellar object] we see now in a couple of years when we had never seen any before."
"The free flow of thought, ideas, information, growth between planet and planet across our galaxy."
"We can master interstellar travel, but we still just can't accept each other for our differences."
"Earth becomes a hub of trade for people from other planets and thrives with the assistance of the corporate operations."