
Congress Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"I will testify before the Congress under oath about everything I have said and more."
"What we have seen from the very beginning of this do-nothing Republican Congress is chaos, dysfunction, and extremism being inflicted on the American people."
"Every member of Congress pauses in remembrance of those that were lost that day and those that we will continue to lose."
"It's time for Congress to reinsert ourselves and demand transparency from our military leaders and intelligence officials about UAPs."
"I think there's a lot of proposals that members of Congress have been debating and talking about, the first part is you have to have a serious conversation with the American people, not a political conversation."
"The do-nothing Congress is the greatest thing going, people. Don't ever kid yourself. When Congress isn't doing anything, that's what you actually want."
"Imagine if every member of Congress loved America as much as you do."
"Respondents' inseverability theory would do violence to Congress's intent, invalidating hundreds of provisions that Congress chose to leave in place."
"This Court's precedents require respect for the constitutional role of Congress and those precedents emphatically foreclose the outcome respondents seek."
"We need servant leaders; we don't need rock stars in the Congress."
"Let's make Congress work for families again. Let's Empower members of Congress to be able to represent their constituents."
"Obstruction of Congress is an appropriate count to use."
"This Congress is a lot different than others."
"We need to have a generational shift in the United States Congress."
"We are here today not to defend the Constitution against the president United States but to defend the Constitution from the house managers."
"Congress better figure out that they're the problem."
"Four-term serving Northeast Wisconsin in Congress has been the honor of a lifetime and strengthened my conviction that America is the greatest country in the history of the world."
"We have more women serving in Congress than at any time before."
"At a certain point, it goes to Congress. You know that well."
"Bob Mueller was essentially referring impeachment to the United States Congress."
"Let's strip them of their committees let's mock them on the floor of the house well done Lauren Bobert."
"The house, the Senate, I want to thank Congress because they are really trying to get there."
"Insider trading should apply to people in Congress."
"Obstruction of Congress is about asserting privileges that are time-honored."
"I hold them to the bar that they ran on while campaigning for congress."
"It's like the members of Congress just get dumber every year... we live in this world now where there's so many incentives to just act in the worst way possible."
"I didn't want to be represented by a fascist in Congress." - Congresswoman Marie Guzenkamp Perez
"The constitution is clear that the number of justices is a question for congress not the judiciary..."
"He defrauded the voters, he defrauded donors, he's facing a 23 count indictment. He did not belong in Congress." - "Mr. Lawler"
"Congress has never flinched from its constitutional duty."
"He’s inciting, whipping up a frothy chant of violent impulses among his followers towards a United States citizen, an elected member of Congress."
"We need people on camera coming forward in the Congressional setting, testifying under oath."
"People in Congress on Capitol Hill have been galvanized to do what they were sent there to do."
"Vigilant oversight by Congress may serve to deter presidential abuses of office."
"The most important thing that Congress can do is to send direct assistance checks to every working family who needs them. Twelve hundred dollars for individuals, twenty-four hundred dollars for couples, and five hundred bucks for every kid."
"Ultimately, if we want to get rid of the military industrial complex, it’s up to Congress to do just that."
"I have considerable experience in getting things done in the Congress and secondly I had considerable experience in foreign policy and national security."
"You have to be some kind of lunatic, you know, some kind of deranged psychopath to get elected to congress and then go to like some luxury apartment building with an infinity pool and like a whole foods in the lobby."
"This is an example of the largest excess of a legislative undoing in Congressional history."
"McConnell is right about all of this that doesn't mean that Congress doesn't have a inability or a duty to investigate if they want to investigate they can."
"If the Supreme Court's job is not to exploit loopholes or is not to plug loopholes in the law and that's the job of Congress how do we have this ruling."
"How do we function as a society when we have congress people refusing to wear masks in the capital? It's just beyond belief."
"Americans hate Congress because Congress overall doesn't deliver for us."
"If you destroy the presidency and make it an errand boy for Congress, we're gonna be much weaker."
"The squad by virtue of their work in Congress has been integral to political shifts."
"Everything has to be shown to be what it is and the Congress party is itself in a position to help us in it."
"Representation is not only going to be led in Congress or in the chambers of Congress; it also needs to be at the local level."
"If we're expecting people to go to work, we have to go to work as members of Congress."
"It's about time we limit the terms of Congress."
"By 1922 Davis was running full tilt at his hydroelectric windmill the site Boulder Canyon had been chosen and the plan had been presented to Congress to build a 200 meter dam."
"It's a steady stream of accomplishments in this Congress."
"The prospect of what they are doing already, all of a sudden makes Congress way more relevant than it's been in a long time."
"Give members of Congress the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."
"This legislation... is bigger than anything, I believe, ever passed in Congress."
"We will be introducing legislation in the hundred and sixteenth Congress to end Pago."
"When both the populist left and the right want all of congress gone, we have a problem."
"BJP is equal to Congress minus 26 11. Very, very sad."
"I'm the only ex-con in the United States to be recognized on the floor of the United States Congress. I am in the congressional [ __ ] records."
"It really was just a mess and and and if we find ourselves in this scenario again hopefully congress can you know put in some guard rails to make sure that money goes where it needs to go."
"I will walk into Congress and say, 'We need to make this place more responsive and dynamic so we're going to have 12-year term limits.'"
"The privilege of being a member of congress should not grant you one more iota of protection or courtesy."
"But that doesn't mean that congress should get away with doing nothing again."
"Why is this Congress obsessed with itself and cares nothing about the American people?"
"The American people want to see this Congress start to focus on what's important."
"The important thing that's now new here is that Fusion GPS is basically having to make itself known because of this testimony to Congress by the founder of Fusion GPS."
"I believe it's critical that Congress does take control here."
"Is there a consensus that this is non-human intelligence... among congressmen there is, I feel."
"We owe that to the people. These are matters worthy of the Congress and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take this action lightly."
"It's a major dereliction of Duty in Congress for the country to be facing all of these problems and for us not being cooperative and working together."
"Change rarely comes to the halls of Congress, it bubbles up from on the ground."
"Alabama Republicans approve resolution calling for Omar to be expelled from Congress."
"It leads me to the suspicion and there's not a lot of competition for this this may be the best written Congressional committee report that the house has ever seen."
"In an ideal world, we actually don't expel any members of Congress over allegations."
"He was swept into office, the first black man ever to sit in Congress from any of the northeastern United States."
"This is one of the greatest humiliations in Congressional history."
"The responsibility of legislating around this issue is on Congress."
"We must fight not this, but we have to fight to get people elected in Congress."
"Id.me lied about its facial recognition Tech...Congress says."
"I think it's very encouraging that Congress has taken the initiative in forcing openness."
"It was essential for the Continental Congress to make a radical statement."
"The First Congress of the Communist International was held in Moscow."
"Barbara Jordan, the first African-American woman in Congress, died this week."
"Republicans certainly aren't going to win votes based on their abysmal legislative record. This has been the most unproductive, dysfunctional Congress in memory."
"It's a disgrace. I mean, come on, they are not getting representation. They don't have a representative that can vote in Congress."
"Trump's strongest supporters in Congress continue to say that this only makes him stronger." - Daniela Diaz
"All these things are up in front of Congress and the agencies right now and they all raise questions of justice: who's going to gain, who's going to lose, and what's the right judgment?"
"I think a lot of the Congress people did not ask questions that were conducive of helping the U.S become a stronger economical superpower."
"These house members and Senators represent many more who work and serve here and join together in prayer for Bible study and encourage one another."
"...Congress are the representatives of the people in this country."
"The more dysfunctional Congress becomes, the more important the courts are; the more important decisions made by the courts become even more critical to the overall capacity for governance within our democratic republic."
"Congress needs to be able to govern, and unfortunately, we're turning into a real circus with the clowns here."
"the Congress as in the lochner Congress as in the Dred Scott Congress has the authority and the responsibility to act on behalf of the citizens who elected them and not have that impeded by a supreme court"
"Three weeks later on May 10, 1775, Benjamin Franklin is back home in Philadelphia, just as the Continental Congress is called back into emergency session"
"...it's sick... I call on Congress again to pass my assault weapons ban."
"The International Congress of Mathematicians was being held in Amsterdam, so I decided with some friends of mine we would, that'd be fun."
"The president's plan for January 6th was to halt or delay Congress's official proceeding to count the votes."
"If it were up to me, we would fill congress with nothing but veterans."
"Making false or misleading statements to Congress is a federal crime."
"The only folks who can actually fix this problem is the United States Congress by passing laws."
"Congress has determined that the Thirteenth Amendment provides a basis for laws that criminalize race-based hate crimes and penalizes human trafficking and protects survivors."
"The Supreme Court should step up and fix this themselves. For years they've refused, and because the court will not act, Congress must."
"...because you know if you go back to let's go back to 1974 when I graduated from high school and went to Marine Corps I think if you look at our Congress and Senate I think clearly close to 60 to 70% of them had served in our military."
"It's vital that Congress enact PBM transparency legislation into law now."
"Expertise in Congress is far more robust in other policy areas than in intelligence."
"Term limits on intelligence committees hinder the development of expertise."
"Congress's budget power is undermined by a bifurcated system and agencies' ability to appeal to appropriators."
"A call to action in 1900: Mathematicians from around the world gathered in Paris for the International Congress of Mathematicians."
"I want us to be represented in both houses of Congress."
"Earlier this year, an oversight hearing was held by Congress where they renamed UFOs to UAPs - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena."
"The focus is on whether there's a significant interference with a power that Congress explicitly granted."
"But look in that audience congress has no idea what bitcoin is if I can get them to understand what bitcoin is like a year later you can talk to them about ethereum..."
"The legislative branch... includes the House of Representatives and the Senate which together comprise the Congress of the United States."
"What would really surprise the framers is how willing Congress has been to give up its own power."
"Congress cannot make any laws that apply to American citizens that don't apply equally to themselves and vice versa."
"The right thing to do would be to give them representation in Congress because they pay taxes and they're United States citizens."
"It wasn't an official American holiday until Congress decreed it so in 1941."
"The BJP today was very much like the Congress was in the '50s and '60s. Dominant, but not hegemonic."
"The BJP is not just replicating the Congress in its all-India presence, it's also replicating it in its high command culture."
"The BJP can speak the language and the equality but the Congress has abdicated it."
"We're going to have a lot of debate and discussions, and I think this is going to be a very fruitful period for Congress and for our country."
"All foreign [deals] should go through Congress according to our constitution."
"This is a wake-up call for those in Congress."
"Thank you for being here. The People's Progressive Party will hold its 32nd Congress starting tomorrow at the convention center."
"Harrison wins the election in a huge victory, and the Whigs also win both houses of Congress."
"It's an elaborate system of congressional back scratching."
"The president can't declare war; that power belongs to Congress."
"The bureaucracy is not creating laws; Congress is responsible for that."
"The trust level in Congress is at an all-time and historic low here in the United States."
"The administration looks forward to working with the Congress to responsibly strengthen Social Security."
"If I can weed out corruption out of Congress, I think that is the best way you can serve the American people."
"Our Congress by any metric whatsoever was a resounding success."
"Pericles called for a great Pan Hellenic Congress to discuss a variety of questions."
"Legislative power vested generally in the Congress, executive power vested generally in a president, and judicial power vested in courts."
"That was easy; there should probably be a law against congresspeople trading stocks."
"Moments where we recognize our shared humanity are rare in Congress these days, but this should be one of those moments."
"The elastic clause... permits [Congress] to do anything they see as Necessary and Proper."
"The legislative branch is made up by the house and the Senate."
"The Congress led the way really with those guarantees which have gone down very well."
"There definitely needs to be some changes made within Congress, within our laws."
"Congress can check the power of the President... they can override the veto of the President if they've got a two-thirds majority in both houses to do that."
"The core members of Congress today understand their country's in trouble."
"I am sorry for my lies and for lying to Congress."
"Effective congressional debaters know how to construct compelling arguments supported by credible evidence."
"He made us laugh even as he brought his own astute perspective to the work of Congress."
"You ought not wonder why they've lost confidence in Congress and are sick of the kind of circus that they saw being conducted in this room today."
"We're calling on Congress to help us meet that need and meet this moment."