
Futuristic Technology Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"We could have cars that drove around off the ground, so that we have no pollution on this planet."
"If you can send a von Neumann probe out, why not do it as a digit-uploaded human consciousness or a big hard drive full of them?"
"What kind of Technology would we need to manufacture a new planet?"
"It's the computer for Minority Report, they're doing The Minority Report computer."
"We wish to be the leaders in apocalypse technology."
"In this future, GeForce is your Holodeck, your lightspeed starship, your time machine."
"I love the cyberpunk genre, the dark film noir settings, the ideas of transhumanism and modding your body with technology."
"This technology is hundreds and hundreds of years in advance of us."
"We need to govern this technology with an iron fist."
"This car's as close to space age as any on the road today."
"The whole extra part of it obviously going into space or you know space exploration but you got to think there's more app you know practical applications like maybe telepathy teleportation maybe time travel."
"At some point, the grid will be smart enough to almost collaborate with the homeowner to find the best time to charge."
"Turning every star into a Dyson sphere and harvesting the galaxy, that is what the ascended is all about."
"Ratnik 3, the futuristic combat suit, contains an array of armor and protective pieces from head to toe."
"This is sort of thing you would see in like an Iron Man movie or anything having to do with the future where apparently people just project numbers and letters and symbols out of their eyeballs."
"Teleportation technology could change everything."
"I'm going flying cars from Blade Runner. Flying cars in the fifth round is real solid."
"The Cybertruck will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat."
"We've witnessed the future, and yet here it is today. You can go and own it."
"I'm about to experience the most advanced futuristic technology in America. 3D printed food, drone delivery to your doorstep, 9ft tall exoskeleton robot suits."
"One of the areas scientists are most interested in is using nanobots to potentially repair brain tissue neurogenesis with a cybernetic twist."
"The end result being the average person plugs into the Meta Meta link neural device and they go into a reality of AI generated people and stories and it just feels better."
"In theory, two people with Neuralinks could communicate ideas telepathically."
"Flying cars and thought-controlled avatars: Welcome to the future."
"Fusion reactors could get you to alpha centauri within a lifetime."
"Would you guys be down to put the chip in your brain?"
"The Volkswagen hover car... it has to happen at some point."
"What if you were offered the opportunity to visit another planet? Experience the culture of an alien race, explore a new world with technology 5,000 years ahead of ours. Would you do it?"
"The holographic shroud masks not only your clothes but your face and fingerprints. It modulates your voice and sweetens your breath."
"We're officially living in the future. This app lets you relive your memories in VR. It's just incredible."
"Humans invent faster than light travel in our lifetime."
"Honestly, I'm seeing videos every day of these guys on hoverboards whipping down New York, we're so close to the Green Goblin in real life."
"It concludes with them destroying all the stuff that leads to Skynet so there should be no Skynet really in the future anymore."
"Urban Air Mobility is like The Jetsons, the next big thing."
"Qriket Destiny engages hyperdrive, allowing the empire to travel faster than light. Next up, the stars!"
"If you had starship point to point able to bring you food from anywhere in the world, what would you get first?"
"I genuinely hope that every atheist and every secularist every humanist every free thinker is just informed enough to be angry and just calm enough to channel that anger into useful productive ways productive."
"And what comes out of the cloud, what streams from the cloud onto your device in OpenXR or RealityKit to your spatial computing device will be this incredibly, beautifully rendered—and very importantly—interactive USD."
"Dedicated Robo taxi products have quasi-infinite demand."
"In about 50 years the technology is going to be there to reverse your age and basically be close to immortal."
"Neural enlightenment... perhaps save the world."
"There are still a lot of rides and experiences around Tomorrowland, some are about to actually feel high tech and futuristic like when Tron Light Cycle Run finally opens to the public."
"The Hum Rider... at the press of a single button the Hum Rider widens and then elevates, thus allowing you to drive over the cars in front of you. Incredible!"
"Imagine you had a big data OS, it's like the OS of the future for building all the software your organization needs."
"Baymax is so cute. Imagine real-life Baymax's living in like this world. That'd be insane."
"Flying cars and the ability to travel around the map flying freely—it's freaking awesome."
"Yes, blimps are coming, we just gotta figure it out."
"By 2040 upload your consciousness to the cloud; by 2050 download your consciousness into a new cloned human being."
"The world's first walking car and real-life transformer might be sauntering down our roads before we expect it."
"Real life kit now - introducing the Tesla Robo car."
"It's like a drone, and the only people on board are the passengers themselves." - Space expert Brandon Weikert
"The MacBook Pro with touch bar... it definitely feels futuristic compared to where we've come from."
"Technologies connected to UFO and extraterrestrial vehicles, if declassified and used for peaceful energy generation and propulsion, would solve the looming energy crisis definitively."
"When you and Tom Cruise get the pre-cocks in the room down the side, then you can go ahead and arrest me for doing something that's not illegal in advance."
"From locusts to nano tattoos, the future of remote insect control is stranger than fiction. Science marches on!"
"Starting off big right away, even though this technology will save humanity in the war to come, I must remind myself, liquid crystal cannot rise on its own."
"Imagine if you could eat a steak and a cow didn't have to die for it to happen."
"The Apple Vision Pro feels more like a piece of the future available today."
"Rumor has it that the US army are in talks with developers looking to produce the world's first futuristic flying vehicle to be used by soldiers."
"Lasers are going to be a huge thing this is it's kind of crazy when you think of Star Wars and all these sci-fi kind of predictions of what our future would be like."
"Laser guns are way cooler than conventional guns."
"Imagine a ship with a hollow dome on the back of it that is a blast cavity for small nukes."
"They've got like devouring shields and Cheyenne engines."
"I really like the nanobots as kind of a just futuristic enough thing that it feels like it's just on the horizon of our own futures without it feeling too sci-fi."
"We're gonna have nuclear-powered cars sooner than later, and we're gonna experience literally like mass catastrophes."
"Queen, the future is now, and artificial intelligence is on the rise. But with better AI, realistic robots should be on the rise too, right?"
"The concept of an anti-gravity device has been the dream of scientists and physicists for many, many years."
"We have arrived, or we will have arrived, a company called ASKA is building the A5 flying car."
"Let's have a Tesla bot making you lattes. Why aren't we? That's going to happen."
"Naomi figures out that Marco's rocks are being guided by a spotter ship called the Azure Dragon."
"By connecting a very few tiny wires directly into your brain, they could theoretically overwrite neural patterns of depression, anxiety, and even help heal spinal problems among other things."
"Speaking of Star Trek technology... how about charging your cell phone in 20 seconds."
"Using the Apple Vision Pro is kind of like that pipe dream we've always had of using transparent phones."
"He decides to check his health using the scanner eyes."
"Here’s a guy who is obviously smart — he didn’t just find the crashed timeship, he also knew what to do with it — but has been convinced by his own success that his brilliance was more important than the 29th century technology he was fortunate enough to stumble upon."
"People were controlling lights with their minds."
"Our world is full of technology that people once thought could only exist in science fiction."
"Imagine you can directly connect to the internet with your mind and instantly gain knowledge."
"Flying cars may be closer to us than we think."
"Solar freaking roadways were just ahead of their time."
"The ship was also equipped with facilities called holomatrix rooms, the 29th-century version of holodecks."