
Energy Crisis Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"We can end the energy crisis; we can end the global warming."
"When we run out of sufficient fossil fuels, some people are going to start freezing. We will be much, much more worried about cold waves than heat waves."
"Alzheimer's is a fuel shortage or an energy crisis in the brain."
"This is a public service announcement, and I say that because I'm hoping to help you to avoid being scammed in this energy crisis or energy price crisis."
"Unified quantum field theories... fulfill Einstein's lifelong quest."
"A major proof that everything in the world is interconnected: sugar shortages are likely to erupt as a result of the global energy crisis."
"The BBC has prepared secret scripts to be broadcast If energy shortages cause blackouts for the loss of gas supplies this winter."
"There's an energy shortage in Europe... everything depends on cheap energy but Europe no longer has it."
"Texas was seconds and minutes away from catastrophic months-long blackouts."
"U.S. capital running out of gas even as colonial pipeline recovers."
"We're kind of in an energy crisis, and so we need more energy."
"The global energy crisis is suddenly thrusting nuclear power into the spotlight."
"Star builders are interested in fusion on earth because right now today we're in an energy crisis and fusion promises to be a new and clean energy source."
"Europe's prospects for sustaining will as they come under duress associated with limited energy supplies."
"Germany is quite literally facing its most serious energy crisis in Generations."
"We are talking about huge, huge increases in people's energy bills over in Europe now."
"Once you affect them in the pockets, these are people that didn't have really tough lives. Now they're being affected by the cost of energy to the point where they have a problem with what's going on."
"We do need to move to sustainable energy... if we don't move to sustainable energy, then it's unsustainable and we'll run out, and civilization will grind to a halt."
"Many who were alive in the 1970s remember the first OPEC oil embargo of 1973 and the long lines that resulted at service stations for people trying to get fuel."
"The magnitude of the energy problem that lies ahead is absolutely enormous."
"Our energy systems are under attack and they're causing economic, political, and physical conflicts around the world."
"The year is 2044 and the whole world's gone downhill somewhat after a massive fuel crisis."
"There are no grounds at all for the attempts by our partners to shift the blame for the energy crisis in europe onto russia."
"Motivated by the 1973 oil crisis, the compact fluorescent bulb showed up in 1976."
"The president warning of a cold, dark Christmas after relentless Russian attacks on Ukrainian power infrastructure."
"Europe's energy crisis: a giant warning sign for the U.S."
"What's happening so crazy crazy news yesterday was that all the Middle Eastern uh countries have cut the oil supply."
"We could seriously be looking at much higher prices and blackouts and shortages."
"Europe is prepping itself for an energy crisis."
"The worst energy crisis in decades is currently happening across the globe."
"The UK faces significant risk of gas shortages this winter and a possible emergency situation."
"Could Europe really run out of natural gas this winter?"
"The Chinese coal shortage are being felt worldwide right now."
"What Russia did today, cutting off gas supplies to two NATO countries, proves the point indelibly."
"The fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine has sunk Europe into the worst energy crisis in decades."
"The world has woefully little energy. There are three billion people using less electricity than one of our refrigerators."
"But many seem to be discounting the potentially larger reason behind the ban which is the current Chinese energy crisis."
"The risk of direct conflict between Russia and NATO is rising, and the West needs to make a tough decision for this new situation amid the serious energy crisis."
"The spike in energy prices and gas prices has now led to Germany not having an export surplus for the first time in two decades."
"If rich people are having trouble with their heat and their power, you know poor people are getting shafted super hard."
"Energy predicaments can't be solved by politicians trying to solve problems."
"Western Europe is headed for energy collapse." - Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó
"We are stumbling toward an energy crisis... likely to be far more severe and long-lasting."
"He speaks energy companies that profit when there's have energy companies that profit when there's an energy crisis military industrial complex that profits when it's a war pharmaceutical companies that profit when there's a pandemic."
"What happens if Europe can't find enough gas? Will we see blackouts?"
"A surge of Ukrainian strikes targeting oil refineries deep within Russian territory has plunged the world's largest country into a petrol crisis."
"The female brain goes through an energy crisis right around age 40."
"One of the many causes of war is actually the shortage of energy."
"The future which will help solve the global energy crisis problem."
"...now of course we progressed through 2000, we had the energy crisis, gas went through the roof..."
"Russia further cut its oil output just days ago, and now 75 million people face losing power. Energy bills already took twice as much money out of your pocket last year, and put roughly 1 in 6 people behind on their payments."
"We will see oil wars and no gas signs at gas stations again."
"I believe that mankind is about to face a severe energy crisis as there has never been before."
"If you can't move your family, if you can't get food to your home, if you can't heat your home in the winter because you can't afford energy, like that's terrible."
"It's not a energy crisis of oil, it's energy crisis of ATP which is our body's own energy system."
"Access to clean energy is becoming difficult across parts of the world."
"This importance stems from a shortage that is not present today but may be closer than is generally realized: a shortage of energy, of power."
"Societal collapse can typically be cast in terms of energy; when energy expenditure begins to outweigh energy return, that's when collapse ensues."
"America's energy crisis is spilling over into how people live their lives."
"The energy crisis that is pushing people into poverty in cold homes at the moment is caused by fossil fuels."
"Is this energy crisis beneficial to some powerful interests in the world?"
"The solution of this catastrophe is very straightforward: end the war in Ukraine, re-establish energy flows into Europe, and save the global economy."
"Energy shortages are going to be one of the keys if we have a really tough decade ahead."
"If nuclear fusion can be effectively harnessed, the world's energy crisis would end."
"The exponential growth of AI can one help solve the other or will it exacerbate the problem?"
"Seriously, energy is the most pressing problem we face; it just seems to me that our country should try and find a balance between becoming independent on one hand and acknowledging that there are no simple answers."
"One of the big problems moving forward is solving the energy problem in a way that doesn't destroy our environment."
"It's crunch time for Russia and Europe in terms of gas supplies... this is the crucial time for Europe to pump up as much gas into its gas storages as possible ahead of winter."
The invasion has left all of Europe with a "new normal" of volatile, spiking energy prices.
"We are cutting everyone's energy bills by an expected 1,400 pounds this year."
"We are all running out of fossil fuels in a relatively shorter course of time, and given that we have a lot of pollution problems because of fossil fuel-related energy, there is a strong need to develop nonpolluting solutions."
"British residents will see an 80 percent increase in their annual household energy bills."
"Europe was severely impacted by issues across the energy sector."