
Species Survival Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Turning our species into an interplanetary and interstellar species... will definitely prevent our species from being completely destroyed."
"Remarkably, these salamanders remained unaffected by the extinction of many species and the complete transformation of ecosystems."
"Our specific civilization is vulnerable in some ways, but I don't think our species is going to go extinct."
"The DNA which is characteristic of any species is naturally selected so that it becomes a set of instructions for surviving and reproducing in the normal environment of that species."
"The FDA is nowhere built to handle... true democratization of [technology]... ongoing survival of our species... not compatible."
"Living fossils like Relicanth remind us that some creatures have stayed relatively the same over millions of years."
"The Skaarj are gonna go extinct without their queen."
"We want to be on track to become a multi-pass species and a space breaking civilization."
"Females are really the ones that are in the driver's seat when it comes to the trajectory of the species."
"Self-destruction can be good for the species, as death is necessary for evolution."
"Nothing destroys the hope of a species like killing the one that saved them on countless occasions."
"The Amazon dolphins are not the only river dolphins in the world, but they are one of the few types that are thriving."
"We must reach far beyond our own lifespans. We must think not as individuals but as a species."
"He believes there will come a time when the Lesser species will inevitably destroy themselves."
"This vehicle represents hope for our species."
"Ultimately, the most important thing to the well-being of the species comes down to having an irrational passion for someone else's well-being."
"Prepare for the survival of our species, start now."
"They prove the indomitable nature of our species."
"As we start to think about this future where we are experiencing death as a species and a planet."
"Symbiotic relationships between marine creatures are crucial to many species' survival underwater."
"Either we are a multi-planet species or a single planet species."
"Pumpkins would be likely extinct today if it wasn't for us humans."
"Being a multi-planet species is important for the long-term survival of humanity."
"Any species that takes care of its own does better."
"There is no price too high to pay for the survival of one species."
"I wonder how many creatures that we believe are extinct are really not extinct."
"Just what the Australian night parrot did, eluding detection for 50 years, is beyond me."
"Your species deserves to live and to thrive, however, you need supervision from other words than yourselves. I will do this for you."
"He's practically the last of his species because of the evolutionary double-edged sword that he's dealing with."
"Even in the end, he does make peace with Oh and Tip, and eventually helps his species flourish again."
"The giant panda is our ambassador since they also need a tailored approach in order to thrive."
"If we want to survive as a species beyond the estimated age of our planet."
"The long-term wellbeing of the species depends on young people."
"We are taking a much more active approach in conservation efforts like the Species Survival program."
"Being a multi-planet species is a tremendous risk mitigation for human civilization."
"The Atlantic salmon survival will be an indicator of how smart we are."
"It really does bode well for the future of my study and, more importantly, the long-term survival of the species in the region."
"It's up to us to provide good friendly habitat so that these young dogs are able to increase their numbers and ensure a robust population for the survival of this phenomenal species."
"There are more females in every species because the number one goal of any species is to prevent the species from going extinct."
"The more that can be done for the manatee today, the more realistic are the possibilities for the future success of the entire species."
"Maybe there's hope for the species yet."
"These twin bears owe their lives and the future of their species to the team at the panda nursery."
"It will be an important step towards ensuring the survival of the species."
"Zoos continue to play a very important role in the survival of many different species."