
Philosophical Thought Quotes

There are 556 quotes

"Imagine being trapped in a zoo. Well, if we really do live in a galactic zoo, then you'd already be in one."
"I think the best definition of evil - and I've thought about this for a long time, like what constitutes evil, and it's complicated - but I think if you want a one line summary, it's the desire to do harm for the sake of the harm."
"The very fact that you desire something is the proof of the existence of that which you desire."
"How do I know I'm not dreaming right now, or even more frightening, how do I know that my mind isn't being deliberately misled by some Evil Genius?"
"How old would you be if there were no calendars? If there was no concept of time? We would be as old as our thoughts."
"It's clearly absurd. Then again, consider the increasingly strange nature of our universe, as suggested by some new observations."
"Everyone has an angel? No, everyone is an angel."
"Throw up that sort of desire, that wish, like they are the cups into the sky."
"Once you’re exposed to certain ideas, it is impossible to unsee what you have seen."
"The entire franchise is one long meditation on the nature of human consciousness."
"There isn't anything more meaningful or real than the idea of individual sovereignty and that it's mostly predicated on not on rights but on responsibility."
"This town should not exist. It was always going to exist."
"It's about couldn't we all ever reserve the right for till the end of time..."
"If God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him."
"Magic is just science that we don't understand, man."
"Utopia may be an incredible distance away and will forever be beyond our reach, probably."
"It's almost as if the universe invented a way to know itself."
"What separates us from the animals? They don't imagine the future."
"You're already there. Then stay there and you're attracted. The moment your belief matches with any state, you fuse with it."
"Imagine if you can a horizon that falls further away the closer you draw to it."
"Our existence is likely to be singularly and remarkably unique."
"The universe is too beautiful not to be experienced by someone."
"We're all god divided, we're all equally divine."
"You're fortunate. This universe is already balanced. The only ones that need to die here are the ones who know how to time travel without the stones."
"I see the forms of making and unmaking each other as a continuous process."
"The endeavor to understand is the first and only basis of virtue."
"And if the whole world was to come together we wouldn't be able to create a single fly."
"Not everything is 100% dead and ugly and evil or 100% good and Angelic and unadulterated."
"You only exist for as long as you're remembered."
"Human beings, equal and different, reflect the divine image."
"Morality is something that is always a little bit in flux, that we're aiming toward without there actually being a destination."
"Plato put forward the idea that we are not alone in the universe."
"Isn't it more interesting to live in a universe where there are unknowns to discover new lands to explore then to live in an absolute box where when you find the edge no place to go from there."
"It's almost our work as a species to be able to believe that two things can be true at the same time."
"Wins rains and tides may change the face of the world but eternal truths will stay the same that is the beauty of it all."
"The beginning of wisdom is to realize you must emancipate yourself from the idea that you are the plaything of a supernatural boss."
"The point is the perception you're saying that there's a reality and a lie and there's no lie there's no the point is that you are a."
"May we all be guided and may we move from the unreal, the untrue, towards an understanding and an experience of Satya, the truth and reality."
"A just world is nothing without the dinosaurs."
"The truth will set you free. Truth is the most important thing in the world."
"Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine strong moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends, it is not probable, but it is ever possible."
"Perhaps this entity may even someday supersede its creator, and become a host unto itself, the pinnacle above all other pinnacles."
"Time is different for me than it is for you." - "On the concept of time."
"It makes a difference what you and I believe."
"It's often less important what you believe and more why you believe it."
"The secret is thinking from. When you enter into a state and think from it, you give it all the tones of reality."
"It's deep what we're dealing with, deep, amazing, right?"
"Silence is the language of God and everything else is a poor translation."
"When we sleep the soul is lit up completely by many eyes." - Aeschylus
"The intrigue and mystery of Lemuria New Atlantis and other lost continents and cities are kept alive by philosophers mystics futurists and the open-minded."
"I think, I probably quoted Mark Twain as saying I was dead for billions of years before I was born and never suffered the smallest inconvenience."
"God can make it impossible for me to not believe."
"It means rather that the heart has outsmarted the mind and the mind will need to bow to the heart."
"God is an infinite circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere."
"There's power in being passive, nature will run its course."
"Our soul is an essence of God. We're a spark of God."
"Perfection is imperfection, an evolutionary process that never stops."
"The power is not to be in control, the power is to be one with everything."
"I don't claim to know anything because nothing is absolute."
"If people live forever, they might not have been able to progress."
"Your body is just the universe experiencing itself."
"The desire for something doesn't mean that it exists."
"You cannot be conscious without her; she's the absolute role in your consciousness."
"Recognize that reality is deeply paradoxical."
"God wasn't manufacturing a man, he was reproducing himself."
"Are we really alone? I'm just opening up the possibility."
"To give and not expect anything in return... why love is so important."
"If the universe was shaped like a sphere and you're a person who lives on a sphere who's to say what point is more special than any other point on that sphere."
"The warm rains of new thought gently on the soil of human consciousness."
"Love does not come from the heart, it comes from there, down through the heart."
"Love your enemies, you can. What else? The bizarre imagery thing, something about Pearls Before pigs and logs in eyes, salt, murder, rain, God."
"Solipsism is an interesting thought exercise, but you have to realise, you’re not the main character of the universe."
"There's a thin line that divides heaven and hell."
"A funny word, forgiveness, you know, back to the Bible."
"There's only one crime and there's only one evil in the world, that is limited identity."
"Thought has been the father of every advance since time began."
"Reality is being flip flopped over on its head."
"In your kingdom, there are no accidents, no coincidences."
"Imaginative love lifts the invisible into sight and gives us water in the desert."
"The universe isn't up in the sky, the universe is within."
"There is no holistic non-contradictory definition that you can give for why a word might be bad."
"Morality isn't equality of the universe, it's a valuation from the human perspective."
"Take the blue pill and the story ends; you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want."
"There's so much life in the absence of life."
"Hope. It burns us. It burns the flesh, I know, but it's important to have it every once in a while."
"The brain is not the source of consciousness."
"Inception probably incepted into you the idea that reality may not be actually real, but instead is a dream."
"What is needed now is getting rid of our habits of thought that take back to the time when Every Little Valley on Earth was far removed from every neighboring Valley."
"Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus, every man who utters a doubt defines a religion."
"It's like we can actually change it somehow, despite being in the present, you know."
"That last step for everyone, believer or unbeliever, is faith."
"Life is suffering, but there is a way out of suffering."
"Nothing is either good or bad, thinking makes it so."
"Every panic button in my office had been torn out. The whole unit. That is incredibly suspicious." - Sarah Groh
"Without contraries is no progression; attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate are necessary to human existence."
"You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving."
"Could there ever be anything greater than this?"
"The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now."
"We exist, so someone must have brought us into existence."
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you he does not exist."
"Ideas have people, people don't have ideas." - Carl Jung
"This place we call Earth wasn't an accident."
"We are innocent, pure, and good, and we have the mind of the Father and an ineffable mystery."
"No one dies a virgin because life freaks us all."
"The demons appeared from nowhere, except it might be more accurate to say they never actually appeared at all. The demons are invisible."
"There needs to be a reunion of spirit and matter... there needs to be a kind of a reunion of spirit and matter."
"A world without pain is a much more dangerous and problematic world than with pain."
"Your thoughts are in the brain that your brain thinks."
"The man is born free, but everywhere, he is in chains."
"Just because you can't see, hear, or measure something doesn't mean you shouldn't believe in it."
"Something invisible will speak over the presence of something visible."
"I do not believe that everything with a beginning must have a cause."
"What's the end for these particular means? Freedom. True freedom."
"The most valuable precious commodity is innocence."
"The silence is much more important than the sound."
"Awareness seems to be unknown not because it is so mystical, but because it is so close to itself."
"It is this intimate ordinary familiar and unlimited awareness that each of us is."
"The sky is exactly as it is regardless, but the clouds are interpreted the way that we see that sky."
"What if you could change your mind, your thoughts, your feelings, and your way of being outside the bounds of time and space?"
"How many original thoughts actually exist... it's basically none."
"None of us know, and that's the most humble place you can be, is the place of 'I know nothing so that I can know it all.'"
"Resistance is not about the pursuit of happiness, it is about the pursuit of freedom."
"You can't believe in the chair standing up... I'm trusting myself to it."
"The search for truth is what we should all want."
"Faith as in belief in something transcendental, as in holding on to hope, as in what you might need to rattle the cage."
"Humanity is having one hell of an interesting ride this lifetime."
"The greatest trick of the devil is to convince the world that he doesn't exist."
"You can't judge darkness without light, right?"
"What if my actions can create a ripple effect that will transcend space and time?"
"What if impossible is in fact what if it's opinion and what if I don't buy it?"
"Isn't it crazy that the brain is the only thing that's ever named itself? Crazy stuff, man."
"And perhaps the same is true for me. After living so long, to die in the act of saving others would not have been a terrible thing. Also true."
"Maybe the world will never be free of disaster, but there is good in the world too. Even the darkest hearts have room for those they cherish. Also true."
"Man's role in this world is crucial; he's literally the only source of Morality."
"Wouldn't it be nice if we could transcend survival somehow?"
"The world that we exist in right now is not all there is."
"Earth is a star trying to break out of its shell."
"Independent thinking is what makes us all human beings."
"We must seek something that is true even if it is accompanied by uncertainty."
"Our physical reality is a shadow of a larger reality."
"The whole idea here is to know why you believe the things that you believe."
"When you die, you either, there's nothing which is fine, or there's something. And if there is something... then I can't think of a greater adventure than finding out what it is."
"Roko's Basilisk is just a sci-fi version of Pascal's Wager."
"The reality of where we are going is more real than where we are."
"Love to me is uh the strongest emotion that that humans can have and we are ultimately emotional beings."
"The possibilities of the universe are so expansive."
"Are we gonna choose life or are we gonna choose our way in death?"
"Evil cleanses people, evil brings good to sinners." - Steve
"Just remember that evil cleanses people, evil brings good to sinners." - Steve
"Mankind is much bigger than all of these primitive symbols."
"Pain and pleasure have become indistinguishable to you, and in that case, may the mighty one have mercy on your soul."
"We're all in one big loop. You, me, time, space. It's all loops."
"The reward is the truth, God, immortality, and infinite love."
"God permits what he hates to accomplish something that he loves."
"It'd be very closed-minded to think and very self-absorbed to think that we're the only intelligent things in this entire vast universe."
"It's funny how people believe that we're designed but they don't believe in a designer."
"Time isn't real. YouTube isn't real. You're not real. Let's get into it."
"How many secrets do you think Mother Nature has covered up with a wave of her hand and the endless tides of time?"
"To understand something is to stand in the midst of it."
"What do we have other than the moment that we're living in right now?"
"What if nothing in this world is a coincidence? 'Maybe nothing in this world happens by coincidence. As if everything happens for a reason.' FATE"
"It's a useful way to help us think about quantitatively how to locate ourselves in the set of all possible worlds."
"The world we have created cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
"I don't think I'm a crackpot, but no crackpot thinks he is."
"Nothing is true until it is severed from the branches of Yggdrasil."
"Think of time as duration, the subjective experience of existence."
"Time is the mightiest force in the world, or even in the universe."
"Reality is more of a dream or a thought-formed hologram."
"A new justice is born and dies on the lips of each man who would pronounce it."
"Your ideas are waves, materializing into particles."
"We're like a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."
"There are things in life that we can't easily explain."
"The most real things in the world are the things we can't see."
"Existing for a while now in physical reality time that might be just a few seconds but in your time as you're sitting there and experiencing this it might feel like an eternity."
"We maintain contact with our humanity. It’s key."
"This drama will make you think that maybe just maybe there really could be another world out there."
"It was a bit idealistic, but it was at least a comforting thought."
"This doesn't need a fictional world with new discoveries... while and truly be a real thing almost."
"The universe is not physical, it's a thought."
"Just because you think something is wrong doesn't make it wrong."
"At least with this path the ideas that control us can die instead of us."
"What you accept to be true becomes true for you."
"It's a joke to think time can come to circumvent eternity."
"It's okay, city is in danger. He cannot destroy light any more than I can destroy darkness. One cannot exist without the other. Find the light in the dark, they somehow destroy each other."
"You're creating the world that you really are experiencing within you."
"The end of greatness... acknowledges the enormity and diversity of the cosmos."
"The conditions are so bullish, there's actually literally no supply."
"At its heart, the experiment forces one to question the commonly held idea that identity is solely contained in physical objects and phenomena." - Ship of Theseus
"We have a big gap between science and ultimate metaphysics, and that gap can only be filled by true religious thought."
"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
"There is a universe out there where another you is wearing the black boots you didn't choose."
"You become what you think about all day long." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"We all share this thing that scientists call consciousness."
"Hope is never mere, not even when it is bleak."
"Without God, it's like a broken pencil. It is pointless."
"Reason is no final test. There are some theoretical conclusions against which our whole being rebels."
"You now have a very useful insight into the gift of retaining selfhood that we all take for granted."
"Faith is believing in something when you have no good reason to believe in it, when you don't have evidence but you decide to believe in it anyway."
"Only human beings find their way by a light that illuminates more than the patch of ground they stand on."
"It's almost like if you were to imagine... we are the co-creators of our reality but we don't know it."