
Dislike Quotes

There are 1313 quotes

"Becoming Eenie has been the most horrible experience in the world. Spirit channeling, the occult, I hate it all."
"I despise April Fool's Day. It's the least funny, most annoying holiday."
"I don't like excuses, I don't like injustice, but I don't like excuses."
"The worst thing that I hate the most in this world is depending on anybody for anything."
"It lasts forever but like I said, I don't really like the scent that much."
"The bathroom is my enemy I just hate cleaning the bathroom."
"I don't know anyone that likes him, I [ __ ] hate his music."
"I hate Del Sol Valley, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart."
"I hate these sorts of games. Straight up, I don't like this [ __ ]."
"Man, I hate [ __ ] horror games. Straight up, like [ __ ]."
"There's not a single person that doesn't mind cockroaches. You'd be surprised, honestly, you'd be surprised."
"I really love piling on because he's a horrible human being."
"Admiral Holdo was so annoying. I was happy when she was gone."
"I hate turning people down. I hate being confrontational."
"It's a very negative system and I don't like that blue screen."
"Despite her interest in most living creatures, she absolutely hates insects."
"I hate this level it's goopy it's covered in shit."
"The cure for creative writer’s block is simply to pay attention to the things happening all around you."
"People don't just dislike Joe Biden, they hate him."
"Man, their songs are awful. Break me off a piece of that funk, that's disgusting."
"No one likes a lurker. Well, I'm not gonna be a lurker. I'm gonna be a stab people in the face kind of guy."
"The American people hate this man. Most people hate this guy."
"Everyone knows that candy corn is garbage. Everyone knows that. It's garbage."
"She didn't like the situation she was in, but she never alluded to doing away with Fred."
"Shit, it really is happening and I absolutely don't like it, but I can stand that."
"We're like it's go the whole film is gonna you know kind of be make or break on cole right it was yeah well was it john that's what it was that's what it was for you [ __ ] did not like i didn't like coal um unfortunately"
"The worst candy? Anything fruity. It's not even candy."
"I don't like getting hit, I don't like hitting, it's not fun for me."
"You don't like them? Just firing blunt wooden sticks at people."
"You know who I've always had a problem with? Bill Walton. I think a lot of people, yeah, you say that all the time, huh?"
"I really don't like sketch or sitcoms that much."
"Nobody likes Moria, even the other warlords don't like him."
"Do what we want or we will come get you. I don't like you people, I don't like you very much."
"This has no spice, there's no way. Cheers! Cheers! Wow, that's hot dude. I think mine is working. I hate spice, like I do not eat spicy food. Secretly!"
"I hate loot boxes. I absolutely hate loot boxes."
"There's two things I've come to learn about Baron Corbin: he doesn't like people and he loves to cause chaos."
"I put him in a similar category as someone like a rich Allison, where they're horrible but you'd want them to be your horrible."
"No one likes nfts and there's a very specific reason for that."
"This is why I despise them, yeah, they're pagans man as you said, no they do, they bought it, they own it, yeah man it's just shit."
"Astrology is ruining my life, hate me instead." - Opie
"We can all agree on one thing. F*ck that clown!"
"Do not be afraid. Shut up, I don't like you."
"I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere."
"I don't like any of that, that's just my opinion though, but I don't like it."
"Children being hurt... I don't like that idea."
"I hate video games. The controller's not even plugged in."
"There's a lot of people who are hated in this town, but by every measurement, I don't know of a single person who likes Dan Snyder."
"It's not like I love doing this, it's like I have to."
"I've never ever been a fan of Xhaka." - Co-host
"I think that's why I hated working on this [ __ ] video, because I hate fouseytube, and I haven't really hated anyone on YouTube before."
"Do you have any other questions? Is that how tea actually works? I always just spit it out cuz I hate the taste."
"Nanako Dojima, has anybody ever hated Nanako?"
"Pisces dislike close-mindedness and negativity."
"Pisces are turned off by rigidness and rules."
"Avoid being bitten by snakes because I hate being bitten by snakes I don't enjoy it at all."
"I just hated dressing up, I hated trying to be something that I wasn't."
"That's exactly why the American people hate this game."
"Nobody likes a backdoor. Oh yeah, nobody likes a backdoor."
"I don't like it. I don't like that type of behavior."
"I hate Christmas she's like oh that that's my birthday then I hate your birthday."
"There's one thing I hate more than all the cons on this reality TV show 90 Day Fiance, it is plagiarism."
"I hated the side quests to unlock size schnoodles."
"Toenails are gross, I don't care what they say."
"This is the most disliked pack... since Sims 4 history."
"I mean it's nice why you don't like having wax clogging up no no."
"You remind me of some guy that I don't like very much, but you got good taste."
"I hate jungle with a burning passion, so how appropriate that the jungle is now burning."
"I absolutely despise soulmate Aus I'm a hater from the bottom of my heart."
"I love that he's doing that... I got no love for those guys."
"Honestly, I can't even really stay mad at the things that I don't like about them."
"Taxes are something that nobody enjoys talking about... a necessary evil."
"Everybody hates making dispensers, I don't think it's just me."
"I hate that people feel like they have to tell you they don't like you."
"I feel personally offended by it because everything I loathe about this frankly miserable slug of a woman is what I hated about myself when I was in my early 20s."
"I don't really like Tauruses. I think I realized I don't like Tauruses."
"I don't do respect the Prime Minister. I despise the Prime Minister." - George Galloway
"It's not that I don't get it, it's just that I don't enjoy it."
"Suns Room hates Sun. He hates it so much that when it builds up in his system, he spits it out as fast as he can. He just won't abide it. To him, Sun is crass." - Sun Shroom
"I'd rather have like ten thousand straight shots of vodka than have that again."
"Easy to do the stuff you love, but it's about getting yourself to do the [__] you don't like every single day."
"He's probably the only person in the world that I really dislike."
"He just kind of has all the makings of someone you would just love to hate."
"I'm sorry but I never liked it from the start."
"Who's that man? Oh my [__] hate Stuart Little."
"I think that's one of my insecurities and I think that's probably why I didn't really enjoy jump roping that much."
"It just feels like you're trapped almost in a way, I know some people that love it, I don't know how you could love it."
"I don't like this, bro, I don't like this, bro."
"Husk went from a grouch who didn't really like anybody."
"Ever since Inner Agent Three, I have a little distaste for Splatoon."
"I might shoot toward Brentwood, why? I know I'll hit somebody I don't like."
"I absolutely despise Andrew, and I was sickened by that interview."
"I genuinely hate running, but I want to mind over matter myself so badly."
"We'll figure it out later" is my least favorite phrasing.
"I hate this debate more than any other debate."
"They are the Justice League, and I hate them." - T.O. Morrow
"Every step of growth gets you out of a little more of the stuff you don't like."
"You can start something and completely hate it and then go back and redo it."
"There's nothing more I dislike on this planet than a hypocrite."
"I just don't like it... I think it's like... I hate the card, man." - Ashley
"The lightning is so cool... Just, uh, as long as I don't get struck by it. That would be... Hate, hate it."
"I hated Ash's Buizel for being cocky and unreliable."
"Literally my least favorite thing in the world. Physical challenges? No thanks."
"If you can hear something and you don't like it, you should be able to find a way to fix that."
"Gabby Hanna is one of my least favorite people on the internet."
"There's a big difference between disliking somebody and discriminating against somebody."
"Juggernaut does not like the cracking mercenary called Deadpool."
"Let's put it this way, all five of us dislike the guy openly."
"I don't like bullies, I don't like people pick their own fights, I don't like dudes that fall out with their girlfriend and put out the sex tapes."
"None of it makes sense, he just seems like such a punchable dude."
"Cooking sucks. It could be cooler... Lots of things it could be."
"I know these instructions. I don't like that guy at all."
"We rather be disliked for who we are than to be liked for who we are not."
"He really didn't like it when people suffered."
"I don't like sand. It's cold, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere."
"The crowd chants 'we hate Jordan'."
"You're bigger and wider than Angela, so the bullet would have had to hit you unless..."
"If I dislike you, oh, I dislike you a lot."
"I hate when I say like cringy motivational statements like that."
"I don't hate actual cooking; I hate the time suck of cooking."
"People just really don't like bullies."
"I hate our main character, I hate Nathan Drake, I hate him with such a burning passion, I think he's an awful human being."
"I personally have never ever liked this look."
"Oh my god I hate the grocery store."
"I was always one of those students who hated school."
"We're going to a haunted house, no, no, I hate haunted houses, you know that."
"I hate fusing, I got a heat press to fuse."
"The plot is an absolute mess, none of the characters are likable."
"It's as bad as mode and I hate that song."
"This drink is toxic as [ __ ], I hate it."
"I'm never gonna watch that again."
"I hate Stephen Singer. Mother's Day is coming up."
"You know who invented early mornings? The devil. The devil invented early morning."
"Estelle reflects on her dislike for winter, associating it with cruelty, especially for the less fortunate."
"Princess Elizabeth thought they were all a bit yuck"
"His dad hates him because he's such a nerd"
"I hate the way that you dress, I hate the way that you sneeze."
"I'm the biggest hater, I hate everything about you."
"I'd rather die than spend another day stuck together."
"Many people are creeped the heck out by clowns."
"No better feeling in the world: leaving the class you don't like."
"I don't like violence, it's unnecessary."
"We didn't like that, it was just too much."
"I'm guessing this won't take much, expected that doesn't mean I have to like it."
"I hate being in love. It's the worst feeling I can possibly imagine."
"Hating somebody is not threatening. Hey, guess what? I hate asparagus."
"I don't like to do the work, but had to on that claim."
"Leave a like on this video except for this, this is a horrible movie."
"I hate dirty cops too, I never met one, but they just, I hate them."
"I don't like your jerk off name. I don't like your jerk off face. I don't like your jerk off behavior, and I don't like you."
"He funded a sequel because John O'Donnell hates you. No, not you in a specific sense, just you in a general sense."
"I'd rather shoot myself. I always wanted to do comedy."
"I do not like buying things, I do not like storing things, I do not like having things."
"Sir Gregor Cain seriously, Tom if we don't stop addressing this detestable [ __ ] in our videos, people are going to think we're in love with him or something."
"I also don't like the Blood Raven did everything series. It's just too easy, you know?"
"I'm starving. Man, I hate those things Coach Carr makes us eat, those bars"
"There might be someone who really dislikes you, even if they don't know you."
"Thanks, I hate spending eternity as an anguished tree."
"Tomorrow is my least favorite day of the week."
"I hate powder. I hate mixing powder with water."
"I find most of Anakin's scenes to be rather insufferable."
"For what we hate, we take seriously."
"I literally hate her... let me turn in my stan card right now."
"I literally hate the lighting in my bathroom."
"Short story long I hated this... there's just one colony they don't have any way to fight back they all just trusted this this this ship I don't."
"...I see a coward and a bully and boy oh boy do I hate bullies."
"I don't think I'm cut out for parenthood. Actually, I hate kids."
"Nobody hates snakes more than I do."
"I hate holidays bro, I hate them."
"I like doing that. I hate wet suits."
"There are very little things that I hate in this world, but being cold, I hate it. I hate being special."
"I actually think that could be true. I've already hated tomatoes, yeah, and I will always hate tomatoes. I can eat them every day and I will hate them."
"Nobody wants to have people hate on them."
"This person hates just how real and authentic you are."
"I'm not a fan, if you couldn't already tell."
"I hate this, but artistically so."
"I can't think of a character in literature that made my blood boil more than Dolores Umbridge."
"Umbridge his parents were unhappily married and Dolores secretly despised them both."
"But it does seem to me like that a real driving force behind all of this is a hatred of children."
"He hates dark magic with a passion."
"I for sure hate losing more than I like winning."
"I hate the word 'vlog.' I absolutely despise the word 'vlog.' It bothers me. It's like nails on the chalkboard. I hate it."
"If you've been watching AEW for the last six months, you're sick of the Young Bucks."
"I don't even know what seasoning it is but I just know I don't like it."
"She does not like the cold and certainly not combination of cold and wet."
"I hate this show so much right now."
"I hate soggy cereal, okay? Don't like it."
"I'm not joking when I say I don't like when balloons pop."
"What sound or noise do you hate? The scraping of a fork down a plate."
"I hate cheesy chrome aftermarket stuff."
"I'm gonna lose it if that has glitter on it. I'm gonna absolutely lose it."
"That is so scary. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it."
"Worst cookie: sugar cookie. Ugh. How do you even call yourself a cookie? All you're offering is sugar."
"I hate the beats that he gives me. I hate 'em. I'm like, 'I hate that beat.' I start getting mad. I start walking off. 'That song's wack!' They all start rapping, 'Talk that sh**!' Turn that sh** off."
"I'm starting to hate Christmas movies as much as I hate wearing these onesies."
"Relationship is where you stop liking somebody."
"I can't stand these types of dudes."
"God, I hate this [__] song, it's like psychological warfare."
"Get this out of my face. I hate this."
"If you love the look and feel of a clean home but you hate cleaning, don't worry."
"There are some home items you should just never own if you hate cleaning."