
Habitable Zone Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"We're looking at Proxima Centauri, the system that has the nearest terrestrial planet in the habitable zone."
"Gliese 370b is located in a habitable zone of its star."
"Kepler-186f sits in the habitable zone. It is possible that Kepler-186f has an atmosphere that can keep the water on its surface a liquid, which is a must-have for life on Earth."
"Kepler-22b, moving within the habitable zone of its system, could possibly pave the way for the development of Earth-like life."
"The habitable zone of Trappist-1 may well be wider and allowing for volcanic hydrogen potentially acting as a greenhouse gas."
"Did you know the place you call home is a habitable place in space called the goldilocks zone? It's a place in space a certain distance from our star where liquid water could be found. Guess what? It's where you are."
"The Earth fits into the Goldilocks zone, a rare environment in the universe for life to thrive."
"Mars is in the habitable zone; it seems reasonable that there's life on the other planet too."
"Proxima Centauri B is in the middle of the star's habitable zone; this means that chances are liquid water and life might exist on the planet."
"NASA just discovered their second earth-sized planet orbiting within the habitable zone of its star 100 light years away."
"People actually being able to discover planets that could potentially be in the habitable zone around other stars."
"Spirit has discovered evidence of a habitable zone on Mars, a place where extremophiles like those on Earth could have thrived and may even exist today."
"It's actually a big deal. This is the first planet located in the habitable zone that was found by the Kepler telescope."
"When we're looking for planets around other stars, we're looking for planets in something called the habitable zone, the distance from a parent star where liquid water could be stable on the surface."
"It's one of the best shots ever proposed to directly image earth-sized worlds orbiting around sunlike stars in the habitable zone."
"We are in a special place... not too far from the Sun where it might be too cold, and not too close where it might be uncomfortable."
"Between these two extreme areas, there's a narrow zone with the conditions that could potentially support life."
"The habitable zone is the perfect place for our Earth."
"The Goldilocks zone is a habitable zone in an area around a star, not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist."
"Earth happens to be the right distance from the sun, and it has a favorable atmospheric composition to sustain liquid water."
"The habitable zone is essentially the region around the star where the temperature is just right for liquid water to be able to exist on the surface of a planet."
"There are 24 planets that have sizes that suggest they should be rocky and are inside the habitable zone."
"Gliese 581c is particularly noteworthy for its position within its star's habitable zone—the region where conditions might be right for liquid water to exist, a crucial ingredient for life as we know it."
"The intriguing prospect of this planet being within its star's habitable zone does more than just spark the imagination; it drives forward the scientific quest to understand the conditions under which planets can sustain life."
"We're looking for that planet just the right distance from its parent star where water could be stable on the surface."
"We are at the right distance from our parent star in what is known as the habitable or Goldilocks zone."
"The habitable zone is the zone around the star that's heated to the temperatures where liquid water could be present at a planetary surface if the atmosphere is just right."
"Kepler is going to determine the frequency of earth-sized planets in or near the habitable zone of sun-like stars."
"There are seven Earth-sized planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, several of which orbit within the habitable zone of this star."
"It's called the hydro neutral zone, like Goldilocks zone, right? Not too dry, not too wet."
"Our place in the galaxy is important because it seems that galaxies have habitable zones just like planetary systems."
"Earth is one tiny pale blue dot in the immensity of interplanetary space, occupying less than a trillionth of what we might consider the Habitable Zone of our Solar System."
"In a habitable zone like ours... how many planets are projected... that might have Earths like ours? The answer was 11 billion."
"An orbit around a star where liquid water might exist on the planet's surface year-round is what we call the habitable zone."
"50 of these candidates are in the purported habitable zone."
"We have found two planets that in the habitable zone of another star and they are the best candidates found to date for habitable planets."
"Life as we know it can only survive by clinging to those few rocky planets that are lucky enough to exist in the narrow zone between too hot and too cold."
"...the habitable zone around Alpha Centauri is on the order of one arcsecond which is huge its resolvable by small telescopes that you many of us have in our backyards."
"It's planets in between, in the so-called habitable zone, that will have just the right temperature so that water will be in the liquid form."
"The relationship that exists between the Earth and the Sun is such a fine and delicate relationship that if the Sun was any closer or any further away than it is, the world would perish."
"The habitable zone is the region around stars where life as we know it could potentially develop if you have the right conditions."
"One of the Holy Grails of astronomy is a discovery of an earth-sized planet within its star's habitable zone."
"The Kepler Mission has found for the first time the proportion of stars that have earth-sized planets in the habitable zone."
"These three right here, E, F, and G, are in what is considered to be the acceptable planet habitable zone, Goldilocks zone."
"Planet hop from Trappist 1e, voted best 'hab zone' vacation within 12 parsecs of Earth."
"We're finding planets in the habitable zone where the conditions could allow for liquid water."