
Right Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"I remember the lady told me... 'Are you arguing to see who's right, or are you arguing for what's right?'"
"When I hold down D, we are moving to the right; when I hold down A, we're moving to the left."
"Just because your path is the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path."
"Happiness is a basic right. I don't deserve happiness."
"Grief doesn't mean that we've made the wrong decision."
"This is not the time to be right it's a time to understand rather than be understood."
"It's very irresponsible to need to be right. Extremely irresponsible."
"It's your right to protect yourself from harm."
"What gives us the right to rewrite? Another question I barely know how to answer, honestly I think I included it for its wordplay value. What right? Who gives it? Are we rewriting? Aren’t we always rewriting?"
"However you feel is the right way to feel, because those are your feelings and they matter."
"I don't think that it should be a privilege to do what you love I think it should be a right."
"I think there's such a thing as right and wrong, and that only really makes sense to me if there's a God."
"The right ending is the one that sells."
"India, despite some very real challenges, has clearly been doing at least something right."
"Right was right, and two wrongs did not make a right."
"It felt so different to me, it felt... right."
"It's not unfortunate that I could be here. I have a right to be here."
"But two wrongs do not make a right."
"The right of protest is very important for us."
"First things first, yeah I think he's totally right. This is some sort of an early 60s Les Paul SG."
"You have the right to understand this book."
"The pursuit and proliferation of knowledge is definitively Right."
"We definitely want to be doing what is right and we want a clear set like a checklist of what it is we're supposed to do and we will follow it."
"Doesn't it suck always being right?"
"Equality is a right, it doesn't deserve credit. If you don't want to get it, then you never will."
"If left became greater than right, that's when we know we've ran out and that's when we know we're gonna return zero."
"If you're going to take the effort and the time to do something, you might as well make it as right as you possibly can."
"What I see, then I have a right to address it."
"I just want to live in a society where you're not trying to kill me. Yeah, I deserve to be here."
"Every force that is greater than the right succeeds to its right."
"Everybody deserves to have good clean water."
"We can come back into the present moment and be at home and connected, and this is our birthright."
"Access to the Internet should not be a luxury; it should be a right."
"Abundant health and well-being are my birthrights."
"We were placed in power by those who had the right, and the power through which we rule is the power of love."
"Discernment isn't able to tell from right or wrong; it's being able to tell what's right from almost right."
"Housing First shows us what housing really is: a necessity, a right."
"He who now is sovereign can dispose and bid what shall be right: farthest from him is best."
"In fact," said Mustapha Mond, "you're claiming the right to be unhappy."
"All right then," said the Savage defiantly, "I'm claiming the right to be unhappy."
"The human being can be happy, in fact, it is his birthright to be happy."
"It's a promise that good health will be a right, not an option."
"Education is a right more than it is a privilege."
"Education should and will be a right instead of a privilege."
"You're allowed to be happy; it's actually your divine right to have some joy and happiness."
"Healthy food is a priority and not a privilege."
"They said I was crazy, they called me a fool, but time and time again I've been proven right."
"It is a Birthright to have peace, it is a Birthright to be happy."
"Access to health information is a basic human right."
"Self-care is a right, not a luxury."
"Every cell in our body earned the right to be here."
"Everyone who was a citizen had a right to present themselves and be heard."
"Everyone has the right to be loved."
"Democrats believe health care is a basic human right and should be available to all."
"He goes to such great lengths to make things right, and sometimes that involves doing a wrong."
"Let's embrace intimacy; it's not an alien, it's available to us, it's our birthright."
"Happiness is not a luxury but a birthright."
"In our transformative journey, we have to worry about the right thing to do, not the easy thing to do."
"We believe that education is a human right and that every qualified student deserves that right."
"We don't see education as an industry; we see education as a basic human right for everybody."
"They have earned the right to govern Ontario for the next four years."
"Let's get back to doing the right thing instead of the wrong thing."
"We've all lost something, someone or something, and we all have the right to grief."
"It felt natural, it felt good, it felt like the right choice."
"The Creator has the right to forgive me. It's His right."
"We all know that things are right and we know that things are wrong."
"Voting is a right and a privilege you need to exercise."
"Health care is a human right, and decency matters."
"Education isn't a gift, it's a right."
"I have a right and a reason to praise Him."
"It's how you handle when you're right and how you handle when you're wrong."
"Happiness is the birthright of every soul."
"It is legitimate to insist on respect for one's own right to life."
"Everybody has the right to repent."
"Learning is considered a basic right in the United States."
"We will finally make sure that every American has health care as a human right, not a privilege."
"You guys have to fight for what's right for you, that's the key."
"Decide here and now that it's okay to be happy, in fact, it's your divine right to be happy."
"Education is not just a privilege but a human right."
"Our own body has a right over us that we need to look after it."
"You made the right decision here on love, loving yourself."