
Artifact Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"The Matrix is arguably the ultimate cyberpunk artifact."
"The Crimson Belet is the most important and potentially most powerful Belet in existence."
"You may have Imposter Mech enter the battlefield as a copy of a creature an opponent controls except it's a vehicle artifact with crew 3 and it loses all other card types."
"Weatherlight Completed... it's an artifact into an artifact. It's two mana for a 5/5 flying legendary artifact vehicle."
"Archaeologists in southern India came upon a rusted old iron dagger that might not seem like much, but it may just provide clues about a lost civilization!"
"You, Anne, should then be able to use the brooch to cleanse the power of the Shadow Synergy Stone."
"His whole world view had been shaken right he'd finally even though he'd seen the Precision of the vase he'd finally gone man that was really something else going on back here."
"There is only a photo. It's an old tin ax type or chroma print."
"It's a fragment of the coffin of eternal Darkness a legendary magical item that was created by a giant Craftsman long ago."
"The estimated value is literally priceless as it's the most important relic in history."
"The artifact is almost complete. My last enlightened one will have to finish what I started. Miles is the last key for our god of darkness to be set free."
"This represents the love between Carr and Merit, and in this tiny little object, in some ways, it's perhaps the most important thing from the entire tomb."
"Such fragments from the past allow us to get closer to the real car Merri."
"Like Jumanji, do you think Pandora's Box could have been a real artifact in some form or another?"
"2000 silver in exchange for an artifact of the ages. All right, I'm in."
"It is a spectacular piece of material history."
"This is a man-made structure... regardless of whether you believe it as Noah's Ark, it is a boat, it's man-made, it's something, yes."
"A famous organ is back home after nearly 10 years of repairs."
"One nice thing we have got which could kind of be the key to it is this now I know this doesn't actually look very much but this is a small fragment of a large terra cotta molded plaque."
"the Book of the Dead this book is one of the most amazing artifacts from this time period"
"A mysterious fragment with an incredible story behind it."
"This is not a mere trinket; it is a device steeped in dark magic."
"It's a historical artifact that's very important to the world."
"If Llewelyn's coronet is ever discovered, it could be one of the most valuable artifacts in the world."
"One of the most mysterious and intriguing artifacts to ever be found is the handbook of ritual power dating back to ancient Egypt."
"It's just you know an artifact of a time gone by, one of those things you just don't see anymore."
"This could very well be irrefutable evidence of advanced technologies discovered on an artifact hundreds of years old."
"And maybe with the gold made hot again, the writing would be refreshed. But for my part, I will risk no hurt to this thing; of all the works of Sauron, the only fair. It is precious to me, though I buy it with great pain."
"Oh wonderful, it's a knuckle bone, it's a little gaming piece."
"A mysterious dagger found on Tutankhamun's mummified body."
"The iron in Tutankhamun's dagger is extraterrestrial."
"A tiny little bead like this can tell so many stories, important ones at that."
"The most interesting artifact left in the wake of Michael Enland's brief stay was the 11 minutes of recorded tape."
"It's a georgian button, that's probably 200 or more years old, so that's pretty good."
"It's speculated that the letter might have been bought at auction and then donated to the Queensland Telegraph Museum."
"I think that could be a medieval horseshoe."
"That is no doubt about it, that is a hammered medieval coin."
"They have defaced a coin of the crown."
"That's a silver pocket watch from the War era, lost by a soldier."
"The Box likely belonged to a merchant who would have used it to carry scales so they could weigh gold and silver no matter where they were."
"The gold discs are the most fascinating items in the collection as they're both decorated with rapos ornamentation."
"Images etched into their surface include Birds, fish, animals, people, boats, and a chariot drawn by two horses."
"...there are only 13 ancient life-size crystal skulls in existence."
"Functionally in my opinion, there's no particular reason why these Sudan spearheads should be as big as this but they are."
"This out-of-this-world dagger was originally given to Tut's granddad Pharaoh Amanhotep III by the king of Metani, making it part of a cool family story."
"This is awesome. An old Spanish coin, probably carried in the pockets for a hundred years and then dropped out here, seemingly completely random."
"That's a museum quality piece if I've ever seen one."
"Well I am chuffed to have found my best ever Thames Roman coin it's in remarkable condition considering its age - being minted in the early 4th century and it depicts the bust of Constantine the first who ruled during 306 to 337 A.D 1700 years ago."
"So Britain's been using the Thames to trade with the entire world for hundreds of years - so it's not surprising we find objects that have been brought in from other countries - now this coin really is a cracker coming in at number three"
"That's incredible can't wait to get that home and clean it up - wow - I can't believe it it's Queen Victoria how you doing Ma'am oh is it Mam - your majesty haha"
"Everything here is a piece of history, but this one probably more so than others... literally standing here holding that flag pole that would have flown above that Fort whenever the Civil War actually began, wow."
"Every artifact added a new chapter to our understanding of this ancient culture."
"Using the holy Relic that possesses mother's primordial power, these people want to do something with that power."
"It's a spoon, it's a pewter spoon. Stick that out, start back here, we go, let's get behind it, get it. Ah, come on. Here is a rat tail spoon. That is old, old. That is an awesome artifact, that is a great find."
"You might have to suspend your disbelief for a moment when we discuss this next artifact, but bear with us because it's a story worth hearing."
"The wand owned by Leaf was really a very extraordinary wand."
"Lovely, that is a very nice example of a Roman hair pin."
"The Kish Tablet: It's the oldest written document in the world."
"And the star exhibit, a Roman brooch."
"The hawne Horde is the largest horde of late Roman silver and gold found in Britain."
"The Crosby Garrett helmet, an extraordinary artifact hailing from the late 2nd or early 3rd Century AD."
"The increasing frequency of earthquakes is also assumed to be caused by the artifact destruction."
"The Titanic wreckage has yielded more than 5,500 artifacts, including perfume vials."
"This is another very rare piece. It is the left arm of Pharaoh King Unas from the Fifth Dynasty."
"It's about 3,100 years old, made of bronze, and should technically be known as a 'jue.' For an artifact of such age, it's in remarkably good condition."
"The Cyrus Cylinder: This relic from ancient Persia is made of baked clay and was found buried in the foundations of a building in ancient Babylon."
"That blood when seen in correspondence with the image on the Shroud manifests truly the unique crucifixion of Jesus like nothing you have ever seen."
"The Shroud of Turin is without doubt the most fascinating single object probably on the face of the earth."
"The Shroud of Turin predates the historical factual provenance of the shroud."
"Here's an astounding fact: the image on the Shroud of Turin is so superficial that it defies any way that you can put color on fabric. It is less than one fiber thick."
"The historical provenance of the Shroud of Turin is probably something that most people don't really realize."
"That's one of those things that really should be in a museum."
"The Shroud of Turin found its way into Western history after the sack of Constantinople."
"The Eye of Agamotto is more than just the previous housing compartment for the Time Stone."
"Found an original noose found on the ground."
"Recent research suggests that this mask was originally made for someone else, a woman who may well have been Nefertiti."
"He explained that the box was a signaling device belonging to the head of the god Mountain sect."
"It just makes perfect logical contextual sense that if Peter was in Antioch and he was the first bishop and he established the church there and if he had the Shroud with him that he would have used the Shroud as a conversion device."
"This might be the most historically significant instrument in our museum."
"Joe Shuster's umbrella: A piece of Superman's creators' history."
"The actual dress worn by the model will definitely add value to the museum visitors' experience."
"Then, is it possible this could simply be an elaborate piece of ancient artwork?"
"This is almost certainly an authentic ancient artifact depicting astronomical bodies."
"It's a old wooden shotgun, look at that. That thing's been down there for a while."
"This is just fantastic. This is a cattle scapular, so you can see that a hole would have been driven through there to let it be hung up on a hook, also displayed in the shop."
"It's an object from the 14th century BC with both of the really big writing systems, Babylonian cuneiform or Acadian, and Egyptian in ink written on one object that is to me quite quite miraculous."
"The statuette could, through the pulling of a string, raise its arms (one of which is now missing) to reveal her body. Its purpose was to capture the movements of a sacred dance, and it may have been used either in festivals or to entertain the supreme god Ra in his temple."
"Our knowledge of the craft skills of ancient Norse Hunters has been considerably improved by this lone artifact."
"I think it's a little lady unfortunately she's missing her head and I've never found one of these type of figures with her head yet."
"This is pillar 43, probably the most important artifact in the whole world. It's essentially our Rosetta Stone."
"What the heck is that? What is that? It looks like a token. It's a religious token, 1884."
"In my hand is a piece of Roman brick. It's not very smart. We've probably seen hundreds of bits of brick like this before, except when you turn it over, you can see that nearly 2,000 years ago, someone scrawled a list of names in it."
"Now this may look like a piece of rusty iron but this is in fact a plow chef from the 1940s."
"The Lamella Orphica is an example of such an artifact. It's an engraved piece of gold foil and it's around 2,400 years old."
"Lindisfarne came up with the goods again when a team found the oldest example of medieval prayer beads."
"this is literally a piece of history right here"
"The oath gates were said to have been given to man by the heralds themselves."
"This is an unusual little home altar that is electric. This is going to date to probably right after the Second World War."
"It may be the only extant copy of one of the limbs of the royal children made for Queen Victoria."
"Lovely little find I love finding musket balls."
"At what point is an artifact just junk that's getting in the way of cool things?"
"This is the thing it's the burial shroud of Christ."
"What we know as the Shroud of Turin is the very burial cloth that covered Jesus at the moment of his resurrection."
"The truth is plain and clear that this is the actual burial shroud of Christ that Jesus Christ really did die for our sins so that we can be forgiven and that we also can be raised from the dead just like him."
"That's why they started calling it 'Acheiropoieton,' not made by human hands, and wouldn't you know, the very moment in history that the Shroud probably for the first time is being paraded around in public, everybody starts to see it."
"Generate that artifact on the next set of qbrs."
"The large ornate sergeants brass railroad Keys reading Hardware Etc."
"...inside was a purple ribbon with a bronze straight arm cross attached."
"This item is one of the only items on this list that I'd say is a must-have for any artificer build, unless you can already fly of course."
"The Bullet Hole is a physical Connection to the Past, specifically to Thursday April 28, 1881."
"These are the actual bullet holes made by Billy the Kid on April 28, 1881, while imprisoned in the room above."
"This apparatus dates to the early 1800s, made in Philadelphia. So this actually traveled over the cobblestone streets of Philadelphia at one time."
"100% authentic and all the pieces of fascinating insane evidence which point toward its authenticity and why it's important, why it's an amazing artifact, relic, a miraculous thing that we have in this day and age."
"If we can retrieve this artifact and use it with the energy generation Technology, we may be able to not only protect the new home world but also heal the rift within the zorgan society."
"This is a full-size replica of the Ark of the Covenant. It was created by a company that had the designs through Paramount."
"One of my favorite artifacts in the entire exhibition is this one here. At first glance, it just looks like a little piece of paper, but this is the message book on which the last message of the war was taken down."
"She introduces herself as ansuo, then shows her the golden armor piece."
"The strange cylinder and its baffling scroll...received their due share of attention."
"The artifact has opened New Paths to us but it is our values that will guide us as we walk them."
"...the fact that the video didn't really break up just once a little bit of artifact All the Way Beyond two thousand meters it's just excellent."
"Perhaps the stolen artifact lent the invaders their overwhelming power."
"This is possibly the most amazing artifact in here. This is Phil's elixir of life."
"It's two daggers and it says Ides of March."
"...this album, if nothing else, is a really cool relic of its time."
"...a fascinating sword and a hybrid but it also tells a story between cut and thrust."
"My mind is blown, that is the most incredible thing I've ever seen touched with a metal detecting find."
"The Ark of the Covenant is one of history's most sought-after objects."
"I have the original microphone I recorded Golara on. I will never tell you how I got it or why."
"This lantern was exactly 100 years old when I got it. How cool is that?"
"A hundred... well now it's 108-year-old lantern."
"Something 108 years old can be used to this day."
"The artifact is so well preserved that when it was found its lid was still closed."
"This is wicked, what a great piece of history."
"...what we have here is would be amazing enough just on its own this is what we refer to as a Confederate drum canteen."
"If this had been the second edition Encyclopedia Magica, you would've gotten the most broken artifact ever."
"That is the Eight Trigram Seal that was used to seal the Kai Rubi away."
"This Bell is associated with a remarkable figure dating back to Ireland's earliest Christians in the sixth century AD."
"That treasure is the Tara brooch."
"Here is exactly one of those seals referred to in the biblical text."
"This banded agate about an inch in diameter... was probably worn in a precious setting... all the way around the rim."
"So we have gold-plated third-century AD scroll, written in Greek, but it reads in Hebrew."
"This artifact's purpose is one of healing and unity, not conquest."
"I left the artifact back where I found it, deciding that some things are better left untouched, their mysteries free to captivate the next wanderer brave enough to venture into the deep Maine woods."
"The Lena removes a set of distortions and artifacts that weren't so in your face."
"The flip-down hatch on sera focuses chest reveals the ancient amber, a silver artifact constructed around a blue crystal core."
"Matt, you will never ever find a more important artifact in your life."
"It's thought that the book would have been owned by someone during the 1400s and that they likely carried it with them as a form of protection during pregnancy."
"I am holding the history of Winchester here right now."
"Next is the fa Hammer the beater forged for the Elven king of gondin in the first age."
"When you've got an artifact... you're touching history."
"This is a great story that not only incorporates an artifact from the battlefield but also a part of the civilian experience here during and after the battle of Gettysburg."
"'Infinitrix saber gauntlet: Wielded by the ancients, feared by many, and destroyed many more. Love is the most powerful thing in the universe.'"
"Tihun realized that the artifact's combat power was similar to a level 3 entity."
"The artifact possessed the remarkable capability to invigorate and empower allies."
"The Galilee boat may not be the exact one that Jesus and His disciples used but it's still a real treasure."
"Many believe the Shroud of Turin is the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ."
"Unreal to hold something that hasn't touched another hand in probably 1,800 years."
"It kind of almost belongs in a museum."
"The box, an amazing artifact. Fill it with enough bad material and it becomes a weapon powerful enough to destroy Gods."
"Then slams him on the floor. He demands for the artifact to be returned."
"It's actually got the blood of Leo Fender on it."
"Proof that man once used this. I'm guessing no longer."
"We found your artifact what what was it? If I may inquire."
"To our knowledge, that's the oldest signature outside of Graceland."
"I'm still in my house looking at a plaque that came from them."
"The Hammer of Glory lies in a mystical shrine atop a mountain in Canor."
"The Matrix of leadership, it's just a piece of robot God"
"There's a salt furnace as they say, and this actually has the original kettles that they used back in the day to make the salt."
"It's an artifact that we can go back to, and it's shared."
"My snug little home for a clay pipe for years and years, possibly 250 years."
"...my oldest U.S. coin, and it's only a few years after U.S. independence... you can only imagine the stories that this coin could tell if it could talk."
"Anytime we have titanium like screws rods plates, laminoplasty plates, it throws off a black shadow which is not pressure on the spinal cord, it's just artifact."
"It was more than just an artifact, it was a reminder of the magic and mystery."
"It's Elizabeth. It's an old pre-decimal penny I think."
"That's an excellent sign, I just found a beautiful piece of church, oh my Native Americans!"
"This is what we regard as a definitive human-made artifact in a very low-energy environment."
"The shroud records the image of the man as he was laid in the tomb, some 24 hours later."
"The authentic seven star Dagger of General Zio Zio himself."
"Powerful and evocative artifact at the start of the Cold War."
"A rare Roman brothel token was found hidden in the mud along the Thames River."
"El Cid was in the presence of the Sudarium when it was brought up."
"If this precious artifact's location becomes known to many, it will be bad news."
"The Shroud of Turin: a small piece of linen cloth that appears to show the imprint of the face of Jesus Christ."
"The St Cuthbert Gospel: it's an ancient religious text and is in fact the oldest surviving intact European book there is."
"Ethan puts one bracelet on his hand which instantly adapts the size to the wrist of the new owner, Ethan gives the second bracelet to Lily so he can keep an eye on the girl from a distance not to mention the useful properties of the artifact."
"And this little guy, I believe came with Genesis."
"Each artifact uncovered on Oak Island carries the weight of history and the possibility of a momentous discovery."
"Yes, these are Dracula's very real cannonballs."
"The most remarkable find is a piece of wood intricately carved with Roman numerals, unlike anything they've encountered before."
"I saw the ark of the covenant in Rome."
"The artifact with all the facts, dodging cap in my Dodger cap."
"...this is a pyrite chain that was collected from the fire pit."
"Excalibur's lost scabbard, Avalon, was ultimately procured by the Einsburn family."
"The piece most likely is part of a large cooking vessel that was used in the second half of the 1700s, most likely in the 1770s."
"The Shigir Idol is an incredible ancient artifact."
"This stunning golden neck ring was found in Esbjerg on Denmark's Jutland Peninsula in January 2022."
"Albert's got himself a we button that's been silvered or tinned. Um, but struggling to see, but there's definitely been some kind of decoration on it, but um, it's not survived. It's probably a liy button, 1800s beginning of the 1900s."
"Behold my masterpiece, the staff of the wanderer."
"The Shroud of Turin: one of the greatest archaeological discoveries, yet one of the most mysterious."
"You're holding a piece of history right there, man."