
Divine Revelation Quotes

There are 468 quotes

"Now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."
"One day the Lord showed me a scripture... If you have been sleeping, wake up because your life is about to change."
"The more God reveals Himself to you, the more your capacity to experience His supernatural power increases."
"Everything you need to know about heaven is found in the Bible. If God wanted you to know more, He would have recorded more."
"I am convinced that what God reveals, though is not something that we can always understand, it is never contradictory."
"Divine revelations are generally brief, clear, and concise."
"Prophecy and revelation indicate some profound secret being revealed through God, affirming the power of God and the holiness of the church."
"Faith is a response to the revealing God. The response of the whole self in the presence of the God who reveals himself."
"Christianity, of all the world religions, was founded by a man who came and said, 'I'm God, come to find you.'"
"By natural reason man can know God with certainty on the basis of his works, but there is another order of knowledge which man cannot possibly arrive at by his own powers: the order of divine revelation."
"By revealing himself, God wishes to make them capable of responding to him, of knowing him, and of loving him far beyond their own natural capacity."
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
"God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God."
"For the earnest expectation of creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God."
"We have this overarching theme in the scriptures... about revealing God to His people and showing the consequences of a trustworthy God and what happens when people trust Him or not."
"The Quran is God's Word, not inspired by God but God's direct revelation."
"Revelation of the one true God is absolutely true in all elements, and the divine author is none other than God Himself."
"No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, he has explained Him." - Jesus revealing God to humanity.
"The kingdom is about God bringing you the secret of your identity to show you who you are."
"Our challenge is hauntingly reminiscent of that faced by Peter, James, John, or Paul when they declared to the religious establishment of their day that God has sent new truths and new revelations into the world."
"To see Jesus is to see what God is like, the face of God."
"To see Jesus is to see what God is like... Jesus makes it possible for each of us to know God personally."
"The fact that he is starting to sound a lot like Tai Lopez and Robert Kiyosaki raises major red flags to me."
"The Holy Spirit is the one who inspires within us true worship that comes from revelation. For the scripture says, 'They that worship him worship in spirit and in truth.'"
"God does not send angels to tell you things the Bible doesn't because he's finished his revelation to man and it's in your hands or it should be."
"The Book of Revelation was given to John by the Lord's Angel."
"Dear brothers and sisters, God is the source of all truth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints embraces all truth that God conveys to His children, whether learned in a scientific laboratory or received by direct revelation from Him."
"Your foundation as a believer is in the revelation of God as Father."
"The whole purpose of what God is doing with Israel is to show the world that He is the Lord."
"As Muslims we have additional evidence and this is the evidence from revelation. The Quran says..."
"God Almighty... gave to Daniel the snapshot of all the ages."
"According to Second Esdras, the New Jerusalem is the Heavenly Mount Zion, unveiled as it descends—a captivating perspective on the celestial city's role in the narrative."
"The Quran is considered a work of divine revelation and is therefore believed by Muslims to be inimitable by human or AI efforts."
"Now after this, I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven."
"The ultimate revelation of God is found in Jesus Christ."
"If God is all maximally powerful and all-knowing, why hasn't he revealed himself to me in an obvious and convincing way?"
"The Quran comes from a source beyond human understanding."
"God reveals to redeem, he doesn't reveal to disappoint you."
"What Jesus was doing when he was walking on the water is he was showing his disciples that he is the Messiah, he is God in flesh."
"The Lord revealed Himself to Samuel by the word of the Lord."
"God reveals things through dreams before they manifest physically."
"You need to discern now that Moses knows that God is holding something back from him. And he says, 'I want to see your kabode, that's what it says in Hebrew.'"
"They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke of the marvels of God. Alleluia."
"God reveals to you the revelation, then it should be clear within that message how you as a believer are going to attain salvation."
"If what you're saying to me is true, if what you claim about Jesus and salvation and stuff is true and God has revealed himself to you and your friends and your family, why can't he reveal himself to me or why doesn't he?"
"A miraculous path is about to be revealed to you."
"Moment by moment, I will reveal my purpose to you."
"The generation living today will see my glory as did Moses and it shall spread like fire, wow."
"Prophecy can reveal the heart of God and strengthen your faith."
"Reapply, because I'm about to show you exactly my hand and what my hand can do."
"God uses crisis to expose himself to us at a whole different level."
"It's the revelation of Jesus Christ... the centerpiece of it all."
"The manifest presence of God... when he reveals himself to our senses." - John Bevere
"God wants to open up your eyes to the spiritual reality of heaven."
"Gabriel's disclosures are crucial in the unfolding of God's plans, purposes, and verdicts." - Key revelations for divine purposes.
"When you see this all shut down and you've come to rely only on me and not on these other things even your country even your economy even your buildings then you will see what I am about."
"All of this now puts you in line with revelation."
"I've told you these things in advance that when they come to pass you will know that I am He."
"I'm going to always share God's truth with all of you as I know it and tell you all to don't just take my word for it but ask God to have it revealed to you as well."
"Jesus said, 'Those who love me and are the ones that keep my word, and I will make myself known. I will appear to you.'"
"God has revealed those things to him from God. Otherwise, he'll be a dumb, blind man."
"The Holy Spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep secrets."
"God loves people and this is something he's been revealing to Sabrina."
"If you would just glance towards heaven, then God can reveal himself even still to you."
"The word for all of us is Jesus. He is prophecy revealed, He is the Word of Knowledge, He is everything you need."
"If God really loves people and wants them to know him, he would make efforts to reveal himself to those people."
"God wants to give us the blueprints of heaven."
"But it was to us that God revealed these things. How? By his Spirit." - 1 Corinthians 2:10
"I am confident that you are revealing your plans for breakthroughs in my life."
"I know what God can do because he haven't written here. I know what God won't do because he's in here. Are you kidding?"
"When God shows you something, it will baffle your own understanding."
"If you really want to know if He's real, I encourage you to open your mouth and say, 'God, if you're real, reveal yourself to me.'"
"God reveals himself to those who have space to hear him."
"Every eye will see Him, not one person is going to escape."
"The Quran tells us that the sky will be stripped away from the earth."
"The Quran tells us that the angels brought a new type of knowledge, something very powerful."
"God does nothing without revealing his plans to his servants the prophets."
"Any concept of God that was not made clear to us at Mount Sinai is idolatry."
"God revealed himself as Yahweh Roa, I am the Lord your healer."
"The God of the Bible who knows the future... and he's written us this book... it's actually a revelation of God's will."
"A lot of people don't know that, but the reason why they don't know that is because they don't believe in God until God shows himself in one's life."
"God will expose something that isn't what you think it is."
"God speaks to us through dreams, revealing what's already done spiritually."
"If God reveals something to you, it will never contradict God's Word."
"The Quran is literally God's Word as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad."
"Jesus is the one true light that reveals everything in the darkness."
"The liturgy truly is the font and apex of the Christian Life, the home of divine revelation, and the primary agent of our transformation in Christ."
"The Holy Spirit helps by revealing the mind of God."
"The Bible is the unique inspired accurate Word of God that tells people who God is, what he's into, and what he's up to."
"Not only am I going to have the final word, I'm even going to let you in on how I'm going to do it."
"Dreaming dreams is simply a way of receiving revelation from the Lord in the night."
"The word of God is the principle of divine self-manifestation."
"Turn back to God and let his light shine into you to show you the treasures buried deep within your destiny."
"I know that I am Ilúvatar, those things that ye have sung I will show them forth that ye may see what ye have done."
"I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
"Allah will display himself to the believers in a manner that will give them comfort, in a matter that will give them hope."
"God is all about exposure right now, giving secrets, clues, and hints as to what He is doing behind the scenes."
"When we get along with God, what a place of revelation, what a revelation of self we receive."
"I believe that God Himself will be revealed in great power in this season."
"The truth about the Universal Father had begun to dawn upon mankind when the prophet said: 'You God, are alone; there is none beside you.'"
"Father, I pray for a supernatural release of dreams and visions."
"May your life change like day and night. I declare the vision that you need for your life and your destiny. In the name of Jesus, tonight may God reveal the blueprint of your destiny for you."
"Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do."
"And that's when I see the gates to heaven the shining light at the end of the tunnel."
"If you're gonna get a proper accurate view of God, you'll have to open this book and find out what it says about God because this is God's revelation."
"The Bible is not an instruction manual. It's living. It's the instruction where I see who God is so I can discover who I am."
"Why does your God reveal himself to everybody else?"
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard... Revealed it to us by his spirit."
"Revelation comes when we are on the way to do something."
"These aren't the only revelations that God was pouring out on the earth at the time but here's a careful selection of them that can be helpful for the organization and the gathering and the building of the kingdom of God."
"God does nothing in the earth without Revealing His secrets to His servants the prophets."
"God will show you everything if you are humble and if you have a teachable spirit."
"God is the only one who can reveal to you the secret of his divine nature."
"God appears to him which is mind-blowing and God says ask me anything you want."
"God can't just give every information to ever he told me things he said because he could."
"Allow God to do the revealing of who you are, because you're going to come out Israel, you're going to come out better."
"This is who the Divine is going to illuminate to you."
"Be possessed by the spirit of revelation and the spirit of truth."
"God brought you to heaven so that Jesus would speak to you directly."
"If you don't believe what we say, go ahead and just read it for yourself and then you know God will show you."
"God used a dream to tell Joseph Mary was pregnant with Jesus."
"Wisdom comes, the Holy Spirit seems to reveal things to me."
"We need to understand God's Spirit to comprehend His ways. Amen, the Spirit of God reveals the things of God."
"In this holy moment, God is telling Moses who he is."
"In that cave... the Word of God would be revealed, changing the course of history."
"God chose every single thing to reveal himself: wine, water, bread, colors, spit, mud. You name it, he picked every." - Father Patrick
"Continue to reveal that spirit of wisdom and revelation that they would know you better and the hope to which you've called us for your glory alone."
"Look, he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him." - Revelation 1
"The nature of God was revealed completely through Jesus Christ."
"We must demonstrate unity to reveal God's glory."
"No one has ever seen God. It is God the only son who is close to the Father's heart who has made him known."
"Only those willing to go through will get to see God is more than a billboard on a highway of life."
"Sit with him for a minute, he might show you something that nobody else noticed."
"There is a deep longing planted indelibly into each of our hearts to see the glory of God."
"God's idea is not to show you, is to tell you, and by telling you then you begin to see."
"So in reality, the greatest grace gift is divine revelation."
"I have seen God, I know my purpose, I am the Son of God."
"God does reveal things to his people before anyone else."
"God showed me, told me something specific, and nobody can tell me that God is not real."
"When you have seen him, you have seen the Father."
"And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, 'O Daniel, I have now come forth to give thee skill and understanding.'"
"In case you claim on the day of Judgment that you were ignorant of this, know well that no one other than me deserves to be worshiped and no one other than me is your lord, so do not ascribe any partner to me."
"At the top of Mount Sinai, Moses received two stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments from God."
"Immediately he saw the heavens being torn open and the spirit descending on him like a dove, and a voice Came From Heaven, 'You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.'"
"Daniel did not make guesses or analyze, but God announced the future through him."
"God wants to lead you into more, and he wants Revelation to be natural and normal for you."
"Has the revelation of the Divine been sealed?"
"The revelation of end time Jesus will put a mantle in your life that will embolden you with clarity and confidence."
"The role of the Spirit is to interpret Jesus and His revelation of the Father."
"When God wanted to reveal himself in this little three-dimensional world he came down in the form of a man Jesus Christ."
"The combination of the Holy Spirit empowering this already powerful divine revelation can transform lives, radically transform lives."
"The Quran is stating an actual fact, since it has direct access to history as a divine revelation."
"Deborah sat in the heights of intimacy in this secret place with God and therefore received divine revelation and insights from him."
"If it was given by revelation from God, it was correct."
"I will summarize all of divine revelation in four words: 'There's only two things you need to know. Number one, I'm God. Number two, you're not.'"
"It is He who sent down the Dhikr, and it is We preserving it."
"I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned."
"I couldn't understand why the Lord is showing a cow a boy these things."
"The church recognized the crucial role of the written portion of the divine revelation fulfilling its mission of evangelization."
"The moment you come into the presence of God, He will give you revelations."
"When you open up this Bible, God speaks."
"The gospel has come down from the throne of God above."
"The Bible is true and it is the only divine revelation."
"When the church is built on this great communication of divine revelation, the gates of Hades will not overpower it."
"All prophetic speech is infallible divine revelation."
"The glory of God is the open revelation of the secret of his holiness. When God shows himself holy, we see glory."
"It is the true gospel not received from men, received from heaven."
"He takes good developments in the contemporary milieu but they're rooted in divine revelation and in the tradition of the church."
"God sent it down, he gave it to Gabriel and Gabriel sent it down to the prophet."
"How gloriously God reveals himself when he chooses to entirely independent of our petty little efforts."
"God is going to show you some things about himself."
"Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things in thy law."
"Every page of the Bible you read is revealing something of God."
"There is an architect of the ages and he reveals himself in the form of a father."
"Every eye shall see him at the second coming."
"For as Lightning comes from the East and shines to the West so also will the coming of the son."
"God’s Book reveals God’s thoughts."
"The spirit of Faith is not for those who read the Bible, it is delivered to you."
"God is willing and able to reveal to his servants what his will is."
"From there, the abstract is bold to confess that this God who has spoken is none other than the One Sovereign Lord of the Universe..."
"The Quran has stood the test of time as God's inerrant word."
"Divine revelation is not dependent upon acquired knowledge."
"...the very things that the tower builders were selfishly and sinfully grasping for themselves, they wanted a ziggurat with a stairway from earth to heaven. That's exactly what God showed to Jacob in this vision."
"...Jacob is saying, 'This is the gate of God, this is the doorway to heaven, what God has just shown to me.'"
"Our question tonight is the Bible or the Quran, which is God's word?"
"To answer the first part of the question, according to the Quran, the Bible is the word of God."
"We have this, we have God's word, his revelation, written down, we have the Holy Scriptures."
"If you believe, then you will see the glory of the Lord."
"Jesus is the word of God because it's his function in the godhead to reveal the nature of God, to make God known to his creation."
"If the Bible really was the revelation of God... when you read the Bible and you find some part of it outrageous and offensive, that's proof that it's probably true."
"The revelation of God that carried them through the rest of their lives came to them when they were in the desert."
"But if I choose to reveal my thoughts to you, how would I do that? I'd speak to you."
"Speech is revealing. God chose to reveal itself to us."
"God will never waste a revelation about you on someone they can't help you."
"The revelation of God is to be found all around us."
"What is God already shown you about your future? Tell them it's the Lord."
"This is revealed truth you couldn't work out, but we're called to know God better."
"God's last word is His Son and those whom He appointed."
"To the God who's made himself perfectly known to us in Jesus."
"The Holy Spirit wants to reveal Himself to you."