
Technology Growth Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"25 years ago, 16 gigs of RAM was a fantasy, and today everybody can have 16 gigs of RAM."
"Exponential doubling of technology is actually manifesting our ability to leave the planet in extraordinary ways."
"We should have one billion crypto users in 2024."
"Scalability is going to come much faster back to my point that I made in the beginning of the show is that we've been surprised at the scale and growth of the segment, uh, as aggressive as it has grown especially here in 2021."
"It showcases the growth of smartphones in general."
"Once those things get a little bit smart, they're not going to stop at a little bit smart for very long."
"Yes, EV growth will occur but will it occur at the pace that's been predicted? I don't think so."
"Blockchain technology is actually growing exponentially very very very fast."
"Android Pie grew at 2.5 times the rate of Oreo, and Android 10 is projected to grow at five to six times the rate of Oreo."
"The number of people interconnected could double every two years, taking advantage of Moore's law."
"Every state is coming online... it's more of a unique opportunity for somebody to come on board now."
"Microsoft is fueling the momentum, especially with ChatGPT growing so fast and the tech is very promising."
"Bitcoin is growing faster than Amazon, Facebook, Google."
"Smartphone technology has blown up considerably."
"2020 through 2030 is going to be crazy growth for virtual reality and augmented reality."
"The current network growth rate is the fastest growth rate of any technology we've ever seen in the history of mankind."
"Growth in cryptocurrency adoption is breathtaking, no matter which metric you look at."
"In a best case scenario, Tesla will be swimming in battery cells despite the production challenges that appear to have delayed the 4680 ramp."
"VR is something worth supporting and worth growing for years to come."
"The next 10 years aren't going to look anything like the last 10 years."
"I mean, the amount of dependency that we have on these radio signals is massive and it's growing every single day."
"VR over the last year has seen such a boom in growth."
"Cumulative miles driven with FSD beta also growing exponentially."
"Crypto adoption is catching up and going faster than internet adoption."
"Electric vehicle sales are outpacing the development of charging stations—major problem."
"Crypto represents one of the best growth opportunities and emerging technology opportunities that we've seen."
"It feels pretty on the money for what it seems like they've been working toward."
"Austin in particular has seen significant increase in tech companies."
"Tesla's capacity could reach three terawatt hours by 2030."
"Strong user demand forces blockchain networks and decentralized applications to grow and innovate faster."
"This isn't an s-curve of production this is an exponential curve of how good this self-driving technology gets."
"The explosion of RISC-V is all because of that freedom and that industry standards based approach."
"As Lightning grows larger it has more network capacity more Bitcoin can be transacted at faster speeds."
"If technology grows faster than the wisdom it's kind of like going into kindergarten and giving them a bunch of hand grenades to play with."
"Crypto now is growing faster than the internet and until now the internet was, I think, the fastest growing technology innovation that we ever had."
"Deep learning will add 30 trillion dollars to the global equity market capitalization during the next 15 to 20 years."
"Polygon is undeniably growing at a rapid rate right now."
"Vision is one of the fastest growing fields of AI."
"I'm expecting Tesla energy storage deployments to jump back up."
"Ethereum is constantly updating itself and evolving... the price will only go higher."
"She believes that Bitcoin and AI are about to see explosive explosive growth... I agree even though Bitcoin has been around since 2009 most of the Innovation adoption did not happen until like maybe three years ago."
"Artificial intelligence is evolving at an exponential rate."
"Nigeria's tech scene has been on a good run."
"Next trillion dollar Tech Giants will be birthed from crypto's first two decades of growth."
"XR is showing widespread growth in entertainment, medicine, retail, and numerous other industries."
"Crypto is growing twice the speed of how the internet grew."
"Automation is going to be big because there are only so many people that can keep up with DeFi."
"CSS is growing up really fast these days."
"If you look at the past 10 years, the number of mobile devices and computers and cell phones and components that are on batteries has just exploded."
"We've gone from chip capacity of say 100 gigabit to 10 terabits per second and that will continue expanding."
"Scalability via sharding means that the more people that join the network, the quicker the network runs."
"In just over two years, I've ballooned from two home-built servers to a whopping seven servers."
"In the coming future, gallium nitride has an opportunity to further eat silicon's share in power electronics and chargers for larger items like laptops and home appliances."
"Compute requirements for AI are increasing by 10x every 18 months."
"Chat GPT is the most sort of fast-growing consumer app we've ever seen."
"Technology is exploding in its power in what it can do."
"Technology is moving faster than the pace of Science Fiction."
"Technology basically scales exponentially, it doesn't scale laterally."
"This plugin framework has evolved significantly over the years."
"Moore's Law states that every 18 to 24 months, technology doubles."
"This is a multi-year secular trend and we are still in the very early stages."
"The Web 3.0 space is absolutely exploding."
"Over 90% of IT leaders expect to expand cloud services in the next one to three years."
"As software eats other industries, we think the technology opportunity is actually expanding itself."
"Blockchain technology is growing at a rapid rate and they need more blockchain developers than ever."
"Android is growing very, very fast."
"We're expecting 75 billion devices by 2025."
"...Linux is the fastest growing platform on azure."
"Polymer is one of the fastest-growing front-end technologies within Google."
"Every 18 months or so, the number of transistors in a chip will get doubled."
"Moore's Law was really like more of a hint, and nature no longer wants to pay attention to this hint."
"The Ubiquity of embedded applications makes embedded system a big and fast growing industry."
"The number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since their invention."
"You can't stop this Tech growth, and there will always be demand for developers."