
Gaming Issues Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Simulation lag, and poor Sim AI behaviors are extremely frustrating as a player."
"We're continually seeing statements that say things like a certain proportion of the audience or a small percentage... are having issues with the game, and it is gaslighting, isn't it?"
"To complete the frustration, it is a buggy game. And, while there wasn’t anything game-breaking, some moments got close."
"Fortnite is broken and we deserve this for trying to play as soon as the map came out."
"Anti-piracy measures like DRM can actually negatively affect people who legitimately bought the game."
"This Pokémon Shiny turtonator represents an issue that the game is encountering."
"We gotta get those things patched, you can't have players sitting inside buildings that can't be seen or touched firing out."
"People have been noticing character locks happening; boosted characters may be locked if you refund the pre-order."
"Boosting exists across virtually every online game. It's a plague in the likes of League of Legends and CS:GO as it is here for us."
"It's not fair to blame Sony, none of this would have happened if CD Projekt Red had the game in a better state."
"If your cursor starts to drag down the screen a little bit you're gonna have some stick drift."
"Do you agree? Do you think there is a big camping issue in modern warfare?"
"Review bombing is always going to be an issue as long as there's audience participation in that process."
"The issues are so severe and so frequent that people wonder if this stuff will be fixed."
"It's embarrassing that we don't know how our own matchmaking works..."
"I've had a couple of issues with polygons stretching and tearing."
"That's a level of deviance that I think really shocked people who followed this case."
"Performance updates promised post-launch due to optimization issues."
"Joy-con drift has been a problem since the switch launched to put the more people buy switches and the more they play those switches the more drift rears its ugly head."
"The spawns in the game's current state are rough."
"Trials can possibly recover from the damage done by said with this terrible bounty system."
"Warzone's Foundation of a frustrating map and laughable anti-cheat are definitely major contributing factors."
"Stream sniping affects such a small portion of the community, but it's definitely something that needs to be fixed."
"This queue time issue seemed to be one of the most important ones they wanted to address overall with the game."
"I'm not gonna lie I'm really garbage at building."
"There were problems, but the community rallied and proved that they would not be disheartened by a couple of hours locked out of a video game."
"This track is almost 26 years old and the hit boxes are still too big."
"I'll stop talking about loot boxes I'll stop talking about game industry bollocks when the game industry stops [ __ ] doing it all right."
"When I die because of lag, that is the worst."
"Let me know what you think about moving because of that power glitch every time we come back it's actually it is a little frustrating to have to reload the game every time just so it resets."
"Why would you do that? And yet it will happen. It will happen with Aliens: Colonial Marines. It happened with War Z. It happened with Duke Nukem Forever."
"There have been no mentions at all about removing loot boxes."
"We as a global community did not want the remote raid issue to come to this point by any stretch of our imaginations."
"High precision event timer can cause stuttering and latency issues in games."
"I feel like I touched on a lot of the main issues with Warzone."
"If you played a brand new game on launch, I guarantee you at some point you've turned it on and it just doesn't work."
"The blocking overall still has a lot of the same issues guys not targeting the right players double-teaming the wrong players just missing whiffing on blocks."
"I was supposed to have a FIFA Rose Rory video today, not a World Cup won either a regular one but for some reason I can't log on to FIFA."
"Every time we restart the PS3, we have to run the exploit again."
"Robopong, just super sluggish, there's this weird delay to every single command you input."
"That was not cool, how is there problems in my game?"
"If I can't open your game, you ain't getting it fixed."
"I think this game has the same text font problem as Nightmare Invasion."
"Peekers advantage in this game simply needs to be addressed it needs to be looked at and the netcode needs to be refined so game clients are more in sync with each other."
"Lag can cost you games. Lag can cost you wins. Lag can cost you fun."
"I think that this problem will persist into the future because I actually do think that it's always existed in Rainbow six siege in the past even with all the created camera positions that we have had."
"DDoSing is a massive issue... I don't know how they're gonna handle it."
"It's so broken winwall would be a fine ability he wouldn't be that big of an issue if it just wasn't so broken."
"EA, we're begging you, please fix this because this video is basically showcasing you the issues that we're encountering as a community."
"We know matchmaking has been the bone of contention for a pretty long time."
"It pisses me off so much, like I want to provide good content for you guys, the game is literally broken."
"It's not a simple thing but at the end of the day we're talking about fixing the Pokemon series."
"If your game is infested with hackers, there's nothing you can do other than fix them."
"Bugs and glitches, although sometimes comical, are also an extremely mentally draining part of the game."