
Personalities Quotes

There are 262 quotes

"This mod makes it feel like the sims truly have individual personalities, something we've been missing in The Sims 4."
"I've personally never met an orc player that I didn't immediately like; they just seem like much more well-rounded people."
"Talking Smack was really great because of the personalities that shined on there."
"The real tees here is Johnny Adam versus Phil Keen."
"I think the personalties made the determination on who was going to be the good guy or the bad guy."
"He actually makes jokes. Dave Chappelle is a comedy man."
"Cars we know are interesting but sometimes the people behind the cars are even more interesting."
"There are no heroes so don't grow attached to personalities people have flaws people are complicated."
"Now this year's final table boasts a cast of characters that promise to deliver."
"I think Boris Johnson is sort of a smarter version of Trump."
"With that sort of flattery, let's introduce you now, Pink and Ted Kravitz and Karun Chandhok. Welcome, Pink!"
"Tucker's not duplicatable. You can't find another Tucker. A lot of people think they're Tuckers, then there's Tucker."
"On the one hand, industry consolidation and centralization sucks. On the other hand, Bobby Kotick sucks."
"People just sometimes want to watch the offline tv tournament for valorent that features players that are not pros at all but they like them as personalities."
"I feel like between the ivy league, the good boy, and the smart, they're my favorite."
"The personalities back then were so much more real."
"It just feels like you're actually watching people's personalities."
"He never got a [expletive] in the office, you know? He's not Trump, you know? Like, comparing him and Trump, it's like, 'Wow, this is like the most well-behaved, well-put-together dude on earth versus the biggest savage of all time.'"
"Sometimes, Jordan Peterson is just hard to follow."
"Vladimir Putin knows that Donald Trump is the stupidest and most foolish person he has ever met."
"It's all very sweet for Cancers, I don't even know what the downside could be."
"I'm open to personalities now sometimes it can, you know it can be an hindrance it can be a problem but listen man I got zero problem with personalities as long as we can keep them all in check and we're all pulling the same way."
"Was like watching the Jordan Peterson versus Slavoj Sadwolf was alpha."
"Haralabos, or simply Bob, is considered to be one of the biggest sports bettors around."
"My name is Monty Martin and I'm Kelly McLaughlin, and we are the Dungeon Dudes."
"I'm more like Neil Armstrong, you know, moseying around on the moon, while he's more like a Rocket Man."
"I'm not saying Bennett's lame, but it doesn't have the same impact as your Gene, you know what I mean?"
"I really liked having all the different personalities represented in one family."
"Let's get Tucker, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck all in the same spot."
"I kind of like the middle ground between those two, where the historical actors are still important, you can still get those quirky little personalities."
"Styles make fights, personalities make relationships, and these two have probably the worst brother personality dynamic that I've seen."
"Magnus did say that one of the biggest threats to him was Ding."
"The review space is moving more towards people and personalities."
"A reminder for our viewers: Ron DeSantis is a wet noodle."
"I don't think so you know what's interesting is is these Talking Heads Are are just the especially the obnoxious ones and I put obviously put Jim Kramer in that category."
"Battle for the crown, six the experts against Clemmer Robbie Foxx and Gia."
"They're going to be connected for life; their personalities will help develop each other."
"What level of excited are you? Are you a Maggie? Are you with Jess? Are you Gootz?"
"The specificity of the dynamic and the personalities."
"Drugs very much have personalities."
"Rock and roll is tough, and the personalities within often tougher."
"Party like there was only four of you. Robin Leech, Little John, the cuck, and a fat guy who thinks he's going to become part of a supercomputer."
"If you're a manic depressive leader, you're realistic empathic creative and resilient and that makes you Winston Churchill or maybe Franklin Roosevelt"
"He had more character with them really than Arnold Schwarzenegger, didn't he?"
"That's right, ladies and gentlemen, that is Chunks. I've been Harry Pinero, that's been Darkest Man, that's been Nella Rose. Make sure you like and subscribe, please do that ASAP."
"Josh, Casey, sneakiest person in the Villa. Probably Ste, yeah that Wasing that person."
"The personalities of Josh Harris and Mark Driscoll couldn't be more different."
"Buddy and Logan Paul you can tell are [ __ ] shyish goddamn braggadocious egotistical. They're natural heels."
"Mosley is a very popular, very well-liked guy and Floyd Mayweather is a guy that if you don't know him is easy not to like."
"I don't believe in icons. I don't believe in personalities."
"Personalities and over-the-top action can hide a meaningful story that'll make even devils cry."
"There's three kinds of people in the world. Only three. Givers, takers, and destroyers."
"It's lit like you tell me this this is like some uh Alex Jones [ __ ]."
"The marriage was a successful partnership. Justinian was more introverted than his wife and preferred to stay in the palace working. Theodora was used to public attention and was happy to make the appearances required of a sovereign."
"Kai, Stellen, and Agnes, Jennifer Connelly's children, each have their own unique personality and charm."
"Grace Kelly was there with the ritual and Elizabeth... what was she like? Spectacular, warm, very human, down-to-earth, always laughing, great sense of humor."
"It's refreshing to see, and the personalities in that building merit this attention with that success."
"People fall in love with personalities."
"Many of these universes have their own personalities just like you and I."
"We have mothers, we have personalities. Personalities is what spice it up."
"People go to the Grand Prix's to see the personalities the colour the drama and the racing."
"Some of you guys just naturally attract strong personalities because if you do have a strong energy you will attract people with strong energy."
"He mentions that although he and his wife have different personalities, they are still compatible in many areas."
"Knowing the personalities of the numbers you use on a daily basis gives a whole new outlook on them."
"It is a fact that out of all the performers who've worked with Jim Henson, Frank is the one that would swear the most."
"Their off-camera personalities and careers played a huge role in the success of this show."
"Know your goats and know their personalities."
"We've got a few outer notice no did you you did which one did you get I got the family card Oh Oh your you must be like that yep I'm a personal friend of Cherie she's a very lovely and brilliant woman it just takes a bad photograph."
"I love your personalities as well because I can feel the love between you two."
"Many social media personalities gain huge followings by playing mischievious pranks on other people."
"Inherent in leadership are human beings, each with their own personalities, idiosyncrasies, opinions, egos, and agendas."
"But unless you knew our personalities in person or the dynamic, I don't think you can truly capture the essence of how we are."
"With personalities like these, there's never a dull moment."
"You got Bas Sethious Joe and then you have in the market money in the pocket ready to burn Jud."
"Can I please meet someone who listens to Taylor Swift, The Weeknd, and Drake?"
"...characters like Tetsuo, Kaneda, the Colonel, and the three espers are all characters with their own recognizable personalities, wants, and goals."
"...full of different little interesting themes and personalities that I really love."
"Trees, you're so lovely, even though you're covered in this black stuff, I can tell that you have really good personalities."
"I found Tom to be likable and friendly, Annie to be bright, inquisitive, and somewhat aggressive, and Doug to be on the defensive side."
"It highlights key aspects of their personalities."
"Donnie Deutsch is interesting because he kind of has a relationship with the president, he goes back with him. But I love Chris Cuomo because he seems to give zero [ __ ]."
"It's quite interesting to see how different the personalities of the cats are."
"Twitter people create whole personalities."
"Secretary of Treasury on the finance stuff, Secretary of Health on the other stuff, and John Kerry-- well, just John"
"Chip Chan: She's this Korean woman right, and for over 10 years she's been live streaming almost non-stop on different platforms."
"It's just timing and magic and just the right Personalities in the right period of time."
"Adam Cole's 'addictive' cows, O'Reilly's."
"Diesel Brothers became one of Discovery Channel's most popular reality television Automotive series because of its engaging content and the unique personalities of its main hosts David 'Heavy D' Sparks and David 'Diesel Dave' Kiley."
"John Gotti was the type that if there was two roaches right if there's two roaches you know over in the corner of the dorm John Gotti would say I got $100 this New York roach beat this Old Carolina Roach you know what I mean."
"I think your personalities complement each other beautifully."
"You need villains, yeah? That is it. You need, you do, you need the different characters, yeah? You need different personalities, don't you?"
"I've been a listener since the winehouse wednesday days and you both are beautiful smart and have such pure hearts and personalities."
"I think you'd find an interesting Fallout that happened to them they all became major recognized Personalities in Louisville."
"They wanted to capitalize on those big personalities because of their great award-winning coverage."
"Sandy, you're into Extreme Sports, Extreme weightlifting, extreme karate, extreme science."
"The difference between John and Paul is amazing to study."
"I'm totally getting the complete opposite vibe because Nigel is like a pirate and Levi is like a historian who owns a museum, right?"
"Ignignokt is extremely smug and condescending while Err is a violent, angry trash talker."
"These cars are just like their owners' personalities. They're all so very different."
"Dissociation fragments a mind into separate Alters or alter Personalities."
"...if it's a house of 15 Toms right no one's going to watch and I think a personality clashes with a lot of people like I know a personality clashed with Chanel."
"I just find people fascinating. I think Jaclyn Hill is one of the Most Fascinating People to ever hit the beauty space."
"Brock bails and, you know, he's a temperamental cat anyway."
"I've actually grown to really enjoy the weird personalities and weird looks of my weird chickens."
"Most of the cool people I know are not famous."
"Being able to be around so many different personalities, so many similar personalities, all of it, it's like you just learn a lot talking to people."
"I enjoy all y'all. I have love for each one of y'all. Y'all all have y'all own personalities that I [ __ ] with."
"Reggie's cool-headedness and creativity seem like the perfect counterpoint to McGrath's resigned acceptance of whatever happens next."
"The best part about the characters is that because they have such bold and unique personalities their interactions with one another are fun and full of energy."
"Joe versus swerve with some build can be a good match but it could be good TV these are two personalities that are over and that the fans are really into."
"It's always funny to me how some people get so turned off or don't like people like that."
"It becomes much easy to understand book distribution when you see through the example of such personalities."
"Saucy Santana wants to catch a fade with DJ academics."
"Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw, I think a lot of people think that's the same guy."
"There are millions of strange personalities loose in this universe..."
"Once there were three little pigs... Let's not bring personalities into this."
"You got different personalities and everyone has their way of fitting in."
"WWE was great at creating rivalries, creating these personalities, characters, and whatnot."
"He is a star among stars. Sports are driven by stars. They're driven by personalities. He is both."
"But there are some other guys in the election that you just go, just like, like you're, I envision, like, CNN, you're walking to the airport, you look up, you're like, 'Oh.' Or you go, 'Chris Christie.'"
"Rugby league has the best characters."
"It's hard not to like him. We're pretty much opposite personalities and we kind of level each other out."
"The biggest factor in our lives in those days was one and only ravska, a school teacher. Used to say, 'India consists of three people: Mrs. Gandhi who was the Prime Minister, Sunil Kawaska, and Amitabh Bachchan the Bollywood star.'"
"...personalities are part of the creative process."
"...a vast rainbow of personality types that they would have."
"Check out our other reactions, reviews, short films, vlogs, and interviews. I'm Jaby Kawai, this is Achara Kirk, peace out."
"I was harassed by the Doris Day smiles, preferring vixens like Elizabeth Taylor."
"Personalities. That's what's going to drive... That's what drives all these reality shows you know whether it's cooking or whatever it's personalities."
"I really like how slick everybody is and I love everybody's personalities and how they kind of mesh together."
"The hardest thing to me is dealing with very strong personalities in this house."
"...Connor boak like Ben Shapiro like Dennis Prager all tend to be very boring."
"The clash of personalities on set added an intriguing layer to the creation of a cinematic masterpiece."
"They had the biggest match that you could put together of all personalities in wrestling."
"We had 11 million active viewers last week, so I'm sure most of you are up to date. Will is already in the championship, founder of the come gate conspiracy which took Twitter by storm, and now brought on as a host after Ludwig's unfortunate scooter accident."
"I guess you're never going to see Jerry Lawler again."
"Till next time, I'm Nate. I am Nick. That is Bilbo, and we'll see you in the next one. Bye-bye."
"Lex never found his Ric Flair in WWE."
"We have got to talk about Sean Tall, Sean Tom Marie Chantal Show, the Daily Chantal, Shantopoulos, Big Beautiful Me Foodie Beauty, Foodie Booty."
"...we have a bunch of really good personalities that mesh well together."
"...on podiums 4, 5 & 6 are Colin the irresistible, the ever eloquent junior minister, and chopper Brian."
"One of the things that I think always inspired me about Chess is the Personalities in the world of Chess."
"This is the largest black syndication radio station network in the country. 83 markets. So, I cold-called this guy named Ramses Jaw, who is like the main host, the most popular host in the show. Ramses Jaw and Q Ward."
"Welcome to Fresh Fishing guys, I'm Wayne, I'm Foxy."
"And on top of that, let's keep it a bean, outside of Aiden, who's the most entertaining streamer out there?"
"Griff makes me laugh, guys, he really does."
"Crash to you, Matt, I appreciate that, Robbie kind of just diverted and decreed while Sam just turned into full Adam Sandler character from the late '90s."
"I adore it. I can't pretend I don't think it's inanimate. They are little personalities all their own."
"I just absolutely love the contrast in their personalities."
"he gets hooked him too see ya about the only guy who doesn't gets hooked is is Bobby Cox."
"Ben was really interested in personalities."
"The colors they chose for the Turtles fit their personalities perfectly. Leonardo in blue, Mikey in orange, Raphael in red, and Donatello in purple."
"Hello, let's see, that's Bob, I'm Tom, Chick McGee's over there at the quality driver's Sports Desk."
"That's Allen Kulwicki in the front, or left, Rusty Wallace in the middle, and Jeff Bodine on the right."
"They have effectively cemented themselves as online personalities."
"I try to bring you closer to some of the personalities I've connected with and a whole bunch of great places."
"And until next time, this is Echo and Jocko."
"Not one person in this cast you knew but you ended up falling in love with them because of their natural personalities."
"He deals with people, egos, personalities, and he can bring that all together."
"Real life is chock full of problems and conflicts and difficult personalities."
"Until next time, internet. Signing off. I'm Nate. I'm Ben. We'll see you later, everyone. Peace."
"He's like Muhammad Ali mixed with Stone Cold Steve Austin."
"I'm Ricky Gervais with me Steve Merchant and of course Carl Pilkington."
"I'm Kim Whitley and I am Sherry Shepard, how's everybody doing?"
"It's a privilege for me to be here this afternoon with Alex Carp."
"You take five personalities or four personalities or whatever and put them through that experience, everyone's gonna experience it differently."
"Rusty Wallace may have the speed, Jeff Gordon may have the streak, but Kyle Penny has the spirit."
"They're all very colorful characters."
"Some big characters at this table and more to come."
"Coming up after the break, the Lioness and the Pearl of the Philippines, Reyna."
"You're going to be seeing a number of your favorite personalities talking about people, places, things, even activities."
"We're an integral part of the racing experience; it's real cash with real people, and you're dealing with characters."
"When you come to Sydney, there's only a couple of people you have to stop and see; the Aussie Cossack is one of them."
"At the end of the day, this situation that we're having is between people, right? It's people, it's different personalities, you have leaders, you have different characters at play."
"We were just three dudes with three different personalities that meshed well with each other."
"That was the best era, you had the characters, the flamboyance, bigger than life people."
"Who's ready for First Take tomorrow, man? I want to see what Skip Bayless has to say."
"I don't think Stephen A. Smith or Skip Bayless really need an introduction."
"I think we need to remember that fish are like dogs and cats; they all have different personalities."
"I had the amazing opportunity to discuss this beloved British toy line with many key personalities."
"The goal is to bring you closer to some of the personalities I've connected with."
"The calm of Ferris, the confidence in Beaton, really polar opposites and great to see."
"I loved Karen and Mia's shade, even Giselle showed her funny side."
"I'm Ricky Gervais with me Steve Merchant, who's that over there? It's Carly pilk boys."
"I love their personalities, they're very different."
"People are people, even though they have different personalities."
"I love watching Anthony Bourdain and Eddie Huang."
"History in the last resort becomes comprehensible only when we find the connection between the single personalities who appear and pass away and the individual threads which run through the whole course of human evolution reincarnating in personalities."
"It was great because we had so many personalities on there, and everyone really got a chance to talk."
"Animals can be people; they can have personalities, they can have names and life stories."
"Notice that they are more interested in discussing personalities and character attack over ideas?"
"The boys have accumulated an army of loyal fans because of their distinct and instantly likeable personalities and good looks."
"They know each other so well, and their personalities just shine through here in this matchup."
"The Space Race is really a story of personalities."
"Until next time, I'm Nate, I'm Chad, we'll see you later everybody, peace."
"There was a huge clash of personalities going on there, that was where the real rivalry happened."
"I did get to meet him; he's a super nice guy, and we plan to do some fun collabs in the future."
"Our personalities have some similarities, and I was like, 'Ah, okay, this one we can work together well with.'"
"Hello everyone, I'm Hugo, and I am Jake."
"The color purple is a color that is made by mixing colors, so we took on the meaning of mixing our 7 differing personalities to create the purple."
"That just shows you that not every snake, not every crocodile, not every lizard is the same, they all have their own personalities."