
Courtroom Drama Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"In the furnace of justice, where the truth is sought and credibility is tried, the echoes of this courtroom drama will resound well beyond the bounds of the legal processes."
"Anatomy of a Fall is a compelling courtroom drama where this lady is put on trial for pushing her husband out a window, allegedly."
"It's engaging, there are twists and turns, and probably the mark of any great courtroom drama, you really come to hate this prosecutor."
"Hell no you're gonna take this one to trial bam it's beautiful beautiful thing."
"We've seen some crazy stuff happen on the stand, it could absolutely happen."
"The tension building courtroom segments and cross examinations made the game stand out in the genre."
"I finally figured it out. So this is why Lana tried to stop the trial."
"There's no crime, no victim, no one was hurt, no property was damaged, and they're asking for jail time. Are you kidding me?"
"I think people don't have to feel so restricted in this like straight jacket of how Society is trying to keep them labeled."
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, but once I told the lie, I had to keep mine from revealing tapes to shocking admissions on the stand."
"In the chilling silence of the courtroom, David Cal admitted his guilt, the weight of his actions hung heavily in the air."
"There is no human being in the world who is troubled right now who can't learn from what happened in this courtroom." - Defense Lawyer
"My heart just broke for this girl while she was on the stand."
"The last thing I want to do is be in a courtroom with Jeff [__] Germain."
"A Few Good Men: the best courtroom film of all time."
"What a huge win for Kesha to have these unsealed."
"It sounds like in the courtroom they were literally arguing."
"There's nothing quite like watching Karens get some legal karma in the courtroom."
"Judge McWhorter could not instruct the jury to ignore the testimony about the ghost because it had been brought up by the defense, not the prosecution."
"If what they're testifying to is true, that's fascinating. If this is all some kind of insane elaborate ruse, that's also fascinating."
"More compelling testimony today in the Kimberly Potter trial murder trial."
"This was all a game to you, this was all a form of witness intimidation to you."
"Sometimes there are absurd moments in this trial that it's just like I can't help but laugh."
"This case is a joke... an eight-day April Fool's joke."
"This case is all a big theater... courtroom dramas make for amazing movies."
"Despite the undeniable fact that Edward Marsh Hall's client had fatally shot her husband, his eloquence in the courtroom sparked broader debates causing a shift in public opinion."
"That judge was gonna cook his ass and he knew it. It amazes me how in control, how tough they are, right? How tough, hey, tough, kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill your key police car, just like that."
"The capital murder trial is the Super Bowl of Trials."
"There's nothing more thrilling than going to deliver a summation in a high-profile case that the courtroom is overflowing and it's standing room only."
"Newspapers reported her demeanor as she had ascended to the gallows; it was written that she had an unwavering expression set against a delicate clutch of a lace handkerchief, which lingered for a fleeting moment after the trapdoor had been sprung."
"The jury watched as detectives tried to calm him down repeatedly."
"Witnessing the strength and resilience of a pregnant woman fighting for justice, the court was captivated."
"Welcome to the trial of Terrell the Snitch. Still a better courtroom drama than the Trial of Peter Parker."
"And everybody sits down and they resume the proceedings. And that's why he was known as God. Like Daniel."
"Phoenix Wright is a game series where you play as a lawyer and have to defend people in court."
"I liked the beginning of this movie. I also liked the court aspect and how the Warrens have to prove in a court of law that the person is possessed or whatever."
"There are moments in some trials when everyone in court seems to hold their breath waiting for an answer. This was such an occasion."
"Everybody in this courtroom just thinking about sexual orientation. I mean, they're looking at Andrew Beckett, they're thinking about it."
"The glove doesn't fit, you must have quit."
"There's a story war going on in the courtroom, and I think neither one of those stories is as good as the story I have."
"Sounds a bit like a Celestial courtroom drama with a Jesus flavor, doesn't it?"
"By far probably my favorite courtroom drama because of that twist."
"She has an excuse for everything, but in this courtroom, confronted with the evidence, she can't run away from her own words."
"An amazing courtroom drama with an amazing Paul Newman performance, is a great film, check it out."
"It was just complete disbelief. I remember seeing the look on the judge's face when the verdict came back, and the whole courtroom outside of the jury was just in shock. It was heartbreaking."
"Reasonable Doubt can be seen in the video when Mrs. Crumbley first sees her son at the substation. Her reaction to seeing him in this complete state of disbelief as to what's going on is to look at him and say 'why, why.'"
"I don't see how we unring the bell, how the jurors unhear what they heard."
"I love how the prosecutor says we're not trying to put down Lindsay and TJ's marriage or that she had a miscarriage but oh my gosh I heard exactly those words."
"Atticus's closing argument lays out the evidence and challenges the jury to see the supposed equality of all men in the eyes of the court."
"12 Angry Men is a God-tier movie."
"Lizzie fainted and slumped down in her chair."
"Unfortunately, the trial isn't always about the evidence... it's about telling a story."
"That is good lawyering right there because now he's motioned for a mistrial based on something that he caused."
"Well, Sam, just when you thought his clients were done for, a witness would leap from the body of the court and start confessing."
"We have an insatiable appetite for stories about trials, courtroom dramas, lawyers, litigation; it's just ingrained in our culture."