
Labeling Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"There's something about strong women that people are so uncomfortable with that they just get labeled."
"You shouldn't need to put a label on yourself to identify things about you. That shouldn't be a necessary thing."
"Our brains really like labels, it likes categories, it likes defined homes for things."
"When you pack a house, you should always write on the side of the box just generally what's inside and then on the top and the side of the box what room it goes to in a different colored marker."
"The tragedy here is we're talking about a gunman who's too young to be called a gunman."
"American cheese isn't even real cheese. The FDA won't even let this be labeled as cheese because it contains less than 50% of pressed milk curds."
"The anger is troubling; if you dissent, you're labeled a conspiracy theorist."
"Threatening to burn someone's house down is just confrontation? I call that terrorism."
"Confucianism was labeled as a religion by the Western popular imagination."
"Branding peaceful protesters as terrorists is a tactic commonly used in autocratic societies, not in democracies."
"People, it's not like those songs didn't exist anymore, they were just labeled."
"Stop with the labels and stop with the division and stop with who's in who which camp."
"Should they have done what Kurbo does to unhealthy snacks and given it a red light instead?"
"Label your opponent as a Nazi or racist if you can't defeat their argument with real truth and logic."
"I got labeled as difficult. My husband and I... We got labeled as difficult because I said one word, and that was no."
"You oppose these things and a certain intelligence here comes and says you know Shambhav, Harsh, and Rajiv are bigots."
"In the music industry, we have a word for people like them: sellouts."
"Your depression, anxiety, grief, PTSD—whatever label you've been given—doesn't need to be validated with a disease label."
"Natural is not a regulated term, so basically anybody can say that their products are natural no matter what's inside of them."
"Therapy helps me make the balancing act of work and life actually an, not an act but rubber to the road."
"People will use labels as a justification for treating people in very inhumane ways."
"Our love for labeling things extends past just objects but also applies to people."
"The best possible boogeyman...the white nationalist Trump."
"Let's forget about all that; let's just put labels."
"He's labeling the serpents and the scorpions as the 'devil.'"
"Labeling me and casting me aside to the undesirable is not going to further the conversation."
"He does everything backwards in his vehicle and has even labeled the car so that people know that they're looking at his taxi."
"Direct your anger towards misleading labeling, not criticism of diets."
"The word 'fan' itself is outdated. People are either supporters, haters, terrorists, or people that want to destroy you."
"They want to isolate us from polite society and paint us as conspiratorial pariahs."
"I was put onto a drug called Ritalin as a medication and right through grade one through grade 12 of public school I was actually put into special education classes so I was labeled at a slow learner special needs kid."
"I love tags...you can use them on gifts, you can use them to label things, you can use them to anything bookmark whatever you want."
"I love doing all kinds of stuff, I don't like to put No Label on it."
"Whatever they do, they'll slap a label on their legislation, and the label is generally the opposite of what the impact of the legislation is going to be."
"The more these news websites will call gamers and people like PewDiePie white supremacists and alt-right, the more you're telling them they are the bad guys."
"I think it's kind of stupid to have a specific word that you put above your head that labels you."
"This is not conservative ideology this is far-right fascist ideology."
"Anyone who comes and objects and says hey this isn't appropriate are deemed a Karen."
"The tactic is that you say that somebody is intrinsically anti-semitic, and it sticks. And then the media parrot it and repeat it the whole time."
"To protest a government is fascist? This is a new low."
"Anyone who challenges the progressive left gets labeled a Nazi."
"We should be really critical of how things get labeled terrorism and also what that label does in terms of our expectations of a state response." - Ashley
"Someone has labeled you and you don't deserve the label that's what I feel."
"Labels aren't prescriptive, they're descriptive."
"Labels just make me feel like I have my life together."
"That's why I've always thought that the term npc was the perfect term to come up with these types."
"Label everything I promise you it will make you more organized and more efficient."
"Even if you have a completely legitimate reason to oppose social reform aimed at decreasing racial inequality, you're labeled a racist."
"If you don't blindly praise something, they're going to label you."
"There's always this weird pressure to label yourself."
"Every one of their intellectual opponents, be it a conservative, a libertarian, an old-school liberal, virtually anyone who doesn't bow to all of their authority is somehow a bigot or a racist or a homophobe or anything else."
"They're trying to make you seem like you're an idiot to question the narrative. To question the narrative that you're fed. If you're a conspiracy theorist, a white supremacist, racist, homophobe, that's how it goes, right?"
"There's no other thing to call this than terrorism."
"Anyone who criticizes Jews is an anti-semite."
"In an industry in which everyone is typed and tagged and labeled and pigeonholed she's Mercurial an exception to television's."
"What would you call it? You'd call it a monster, you'd call it Beast."
"According to the media, right? But then there's something that aren't that bad, and they put liberal on it, and now it's like either you're almost like forced to react to that."
"I'm not sure that labeling things clean is the way to do it because I'm not sure that it actually gives you any real safety. I feel like it might give you a false sense of safety."
"Label things...keep this guy labeled 'carriage power feed over up, cross light power feed back and down.' It's a simple thing that has saved me a lot of potential grief."
"Evil is only a label we place on those who threaten us."
"People are very tricky with the way they label stuff."
"Remember, having an organized and well labelled shop will keep you more efficient."
"You can't put a title on any category of person."
"Labels are key and a really easy way to do that is using the full sheet sticker paper really cheap you get a bunch in a package you print it on your regular computer."
"People will judge you. At every turn they'll dissect your personality, they'll examine your traits, and then they will label you with the results."
"If someone is old enough to be able to read 'don't eat me,' they technically won't eat it anyways."
"We have auto labelers for almost every task that we do, including our planner, and many of these are fully automatic, like no humans involved."
"A good rule of thumb is to label all of your resources."
"It would be better to label this differently and maybe explain what's going on with correct information rather than misinformation."
"They stamped my tortilla with an expiration date."
"Now we're going to put labels on, and it's important to put all of the appropriate markings on the inverter, the cables, the conduit."
"Labeling is magic. The Epson label Works labels are customizable and come in various colors. They're a great organizing tool."
"Hey boss, I labeled the bananas personal watermelons and they're pineapples."
"When does almond milk go bad? Oh duh, huge label on the top."
"Sit with good, bad, whatever it is, but try to be in a position where you don't need to label it."
"Everything's neutral until you label it."
"The problem with meat is that it all looks the same and what they should do is they should make it like rock so when you've got beef it just says cow right the way through."
"I think I'm gonna need labels because I don't know what half this stuff is."
"Fear not, yes I am labeling these."
"You can't label it like that, you can't tell people how to protect what's theirs."
"Menus were labeled with common dietary requirements."
"I love labeling things, it's just so fun."
"The thing I didn't like about it, feel like calling it 'DC Marvel,' and maybe someone's gonna be like, 'Oh, you're being a nerd, you're being a geek.'"
"You're labeled all kinds of things that you're just not."
"Don't label them until a few days because they take a while to seal."
"They can't slap a label and market it because it's just a commercially available material."
"In mass cytometry, we are no longer using fluorochromes, but we are labeling our probes with metal isotopes."
"I just try to squeeze all the air out and then I always label the bag with the date and what it is."
"For 99.9% of the time, swap out the word 'narcissist' and just say 'jerk.'"
"Whenever you come from a certain place and you're labeled as a certain person, they'll try to throw a jacket on you."
"This label printer makes everything easy."
"Everything is colored, everything is labeled, and yeah."
"Humans have this deep desire to classify, to apply labels to everything because that way we claim to what we name."
"So I'm actually excited I might like label some stuff too depending on how fancy I decide to get we shall see."
"That is perfect, because I often feel weird saying 'farmhouse' when I just had like a regular house in the suburbs."
"Labels don't help anyone... you're limiting the very students that are going to be in charge of your future."
"...put your darn name on the machine, how's that for step number one?"
"This is the best way that I can describe it. I get this question every single day like damn. 'Oh, what are you? What is this? What is this?' Though I try not to label myself, this just makes the most sense for me."
"Most objectification mindfulness practices are simply giving names to experiences. They are labeling exercises."
"You're trying to label individuals that actually don't want to be labeled."
"Labeling can make everything so much more organized."
"Once you give people these names and these labels and it provides some level of meaning and validation to them, it's very difficult to then take that away from them."
"For all the kids out there being mislabeled... Nobody's actually lazy."
"I think it's kind of lazy. I think it's like it's an all-encompassing label that lazy people use to try to group people."
"We need to be more careful when we throw out words like narcissists and abuser."
"I really don't like that 'mafia state' label. I think it absolutely... a snappy headline can obscure a thousand words of analysis."
"Once again, I got my trusty cardboard box. We're going to label it and poke some holes with a screwdriver. That way, we know exactly where these valves came from."
"Do products made in Japan say 'Made in Japan'? Well, anyway, that says 'Made in Japan,' but that's not gonna focus because it's too close."
"...the psychological piece and that's why diet culture is so successful because as soon as you label something as toxic that amygdala is like oh okay I'm never gonna eat it you know..."
"So when you see someone on Twitter when you see someone in the audience calling me a Zionist what they're calling me is a [__] Jew because that's the only goddamn thing that means at that point right."
"Any label you put on yourself is such a bad trip you're laying on yourself, no matter how good it is."
"...we need a different label because we don't want to send the message that we are this thing when we are actually something else entirely."
"...We're all existing in an environment that is inundated with multi-billion dollar campaigns from big food and all of this labeling."
"But let's be careful with what we're labeling anti-Semitism because the Jamie Foxx thing not so much, the Cardi B thing not at all."
"Label the ladies as much as you can, my friends."
"Just because it says 'skinny' doesn't mean it's healthy."
"Just because it says 'gluten-free' doesn't mean it's healthier."
"Then once we got our eighth individual pieces i taped them all together in stacks and labeled the stack the last thing we want to do is get things mixed up that would just make our life that much harder."
"Labeling is something that is going to make you and your brand stand out."
"Labels you've seen me if you've been following along you've seen me use these before in lots of um graphic transfer techniques."
"The labeling is what's so important to us but we are not saying that we are going to proceed with Ecoside because it is not an uh prosecutable autonomous crime under the Rome statute."
"I love it when I'm called a leftist. It's like, 'Oh [__], who was the one who called me a leftist?'"
"...we're just labeling a bunch of things left and right your money or not you're masculine you're not you're feminine you're not."
"Nothing as clean and organized looking as an actual printed label on something."
"You are the only one that can label yourself."
"We want to really apply that here because I really don't want you to watch this and go around and apply this label to like YouTube pastors and mega church pastors because there's a good chance you're going to be wrong."
"Acknowledge the thoughts and call them what they are."
"When observing something, we want to avoid labels that are too broad or too specific."
"Whatever you want to label this record, it does not matter because the music is absolutely spellbinding, almost hypnotic in its appeal."
"If you even discuss it, you become like a Hitler or a Nazi... you become a climate change denier and once you get locked into one of those labels, you know, you're a piece of [ __ ]."
"Love how everything is nicely labeled."
"Label everything, even if you think you have the most amazing memory."
"The biggest issue in our unhappiness is that we label difficult events as bad."
"When you see a bag of compost that says 'organic' on it, you feel like, 'Oh wow, like this is good clean stuff.' It's not."
"...when the record was finished the song was then white labeled."
"Labeling these people as something that they might may not actually be will take away from when people are actually doing those things. It then desensitizes people to these actual problems and devalues those problems in themselves."
"Labels across the board probably raises everybody's effectiveness no less than thirty to thirty three percent."
"I love the final touch that labels put on things but especially with these closed bins that are not see-through it's really handy to have a label when you have multiple people in the house or yourself and you get confused what's in which bin."
"Every one of them to label even one irrelevant is a total, total disgrace."
"Data labeling is the process of identifying raw data and adding one or more meaningful and informative labels."
"I made a lovely label for our chicken eggs here so I thought that was cute and I like it so this is our big big jar for for chicken eggs."
"Produce stickers on fruit and veggies are full of information."
"If you go around labeling people a terrorist, that's a problem. That is a huge problem."
"Tags are customizable labels that let you track transactions however you'd like."
"These vintage inspired label makers don't use any ink because they use thermal technology to print labels."
"...this shelving unit that has all their names on the these things here."
"Am I the a-hole for telling my friends to stop saying I'm non-binary? I like to pass an early judgment based on the title alone, and based on this fun, I would say probably not. Nobody should be giving you a label and saying when or how you should be using it."
"If the label shows your intent, wear it. If you go to a conference of intellectuals, the people wear a label."
"Labeling them right now is going to save you a lot of headache in the future."
"Labels like VK could be helpful in certain conversations, but sometimes they can just over complicate things, so there's really no point of saying like, hey, you're not VK enough."
"I don't like the label Islamic debt. I don't like Sharia lending. I don't like these labels as soon as he was debt and lending it has moved away from the intent of trade."
"In permissive mode, all the objects get labeled and policy type is being used."
"And it makes them well labeled and protected."
"What's wrong with calling a high school dropout a high school dropout?"
"I believe that this will be labeled toxically masculine in the next five years."
"You label a child a problem, what happens? It becomes a problem."
"You want to see what product this is? Here it is. The one that said organic, the one that said no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, the one that says non-GMO, USDA, and vegan. Doesn't make it."
"I think you know what I have to label the top ones before but we do have labels on the bottom so I might just like grab the labels as we go."
"...we start with a label data set where they're these very large regions labeled either as normal or tumor."
"Once that's come through, that label will be available to set as part of the metadata of the document."
"...you might need them in case they fall out and they're nicely labeled as to what the size of each of these screws are."
"If you're making music and it draws your mind to the true, the good, the beautiful, then you know you shouldn't have to label it."
"They all call him a Jew, some of them do."
"Democrat real the left, your lefty."
"There's a loophole in US labeling laws."
"The word 'narcissist' has become a buzzword. I mean, every time we encounter someone we don't like, they get labeled as a narcissist." - Chris Reese
"It's going to be a tag of some sort."
"We human and we like to label things, so it's tempting to do it here as well."
"The mentally ill were labeled, stigmatized by being labeled with derogatory names."
"The costume packaging of the ghost face costume is actually labeled 'Father Death'."
"Diagnosis is basically labeling a disease."
"...we're all deviant and that means that depending upon time and place, we're all available to be labeled as deviant..."
"We got some good stuff this box is labeled nightlight but I'm not seeing anything that has to do with the nightlight in here."
"If it says 'mayo made with avocado oil' on the front, flip it over. Don't just take them at their word."
"Proper labeling is crucial, use a lead number two pencil or a permanent film marking pen that's archival safe."
"He just wants to be good, people label him as a villain."
"So somehow we've got to find a way of labeling these cells because I mean I can see that in that Row for example and in this row."
"This belongs to Charlie, this belongs to Ella, and something like that. Keep a whole big folder of them and then just stick them on any of their belongings for school."
"The brilliance of the story is most of us, as we go along, want to label."
"My dear boy, please don't put a label on me. Don't make me a category before you get to know me."
"I like that they label all the stations here so this is the pastry station."
"Aside from their adorable rainbow packaging, it's actually just the way that they label their products."
"The internet has tried to put me in a box."
"He scrolled the word 'bully' on her forehead."
"You're gatekeeping! I'm just going to call everybody a gatekeeper."
"Was Brandon labeled dark, Melanie?"
"Christians should be careful not to slander a Christian brother by the careless use of pejorative labels like critical race theory."
"If you hear or read a brother say something that you think is unchristian or unbiblical with regard to race, don't call it critical race theory; call it unchristian, call it unbiblical."
"Christians should be so hesitant to slander a brother with pejorative labels that we go the extra mile to make sure we know whether his actions or statements are really owing to his infection with the lethal aspects of critical race theory or not."
"Christians should be careful, oh so careful, not to slander a Christian brother by the careless use of pejorative labels like critical race theory."
"Label images with all the elements that your model will see…"
"A requirement to label AI systems is not the same as requirement to watermark them."
"You can see why I'm vigilant about naming; if something's a sub, I name it 'Perk Sub', 'Bass Sub', and if it's an effect, I name it who it's for and what the effect is."
"How children think about themselves is often determined by the labels you put on them."
"A good tip with these is always label them because once you have a few synths, you don't want to be plugging in the wrong power into a device and blowing it."
"Everything will have labels like 'Curb Appeal Cucumbers' and 'These Peppers are Permitted'."
"AI generated content should be labeled as such."
"Gracie did a beautiful job labeling our jars."
"Whole grain doesn't mean whole grain; it's got to actually be whole."
"What we're trying, striving for, is confidence and certainty in our labeling skills."