
Cambodia Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I really want to go to Southeast Asia... Cambodia has always been like my top one that I really really want to visit."
"Once you've been to Cambodia, you'll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands."
"The Khmer Rouge genocide resulted in the deaths of millions."
"Cambodia offers a safe, affordable, and culturally enriching living experience."
"Discover the ancient wonder of Angkor Wat, a sprawling temple complex in Cambodia's Siem Reap."
"To remember the jasmine that only grows in one temple along the ancient Khmer trail in Cambodia. Find that, you will have found the entrance to the Tomb of the Dancing Light with the first half of the triangle."
"Cambodia offers a unique blend of adventure, culture, and opportunity, making it a compelling destination for those seeking a new life or a new adventure."
"Cambodia has surprisingly some of the most astonishing beaches in the world, such as Coconut Beach and Sok San Beach."
"Cambodia is much more than that: white sand beaches, bustling cities, huge night markets, delicious food, and friendly people."
"Cambodia has become a popular destination for travelers seeking a mix of historical intrigue and natural beauty."
"Another thing you should do whilst in Cambodia is to visit a River Village."
"Phnom Kulen, Cambodia's sacred mountain, holds deep spiritual importance."
"Women in Cambodia contribute to various sectors including agriculture, education, and healthcare."
"The bamboo train, a unique and rustic mode of transportation, embarks travelers on a thrilling journey through the picturesque Cambodian countryside."
"They're now training their their base of training is in Cambodia really yes and uh they're just interesting bringing pro wrestling."
"Cambodia holds the unfortunate record of the largest population of landmine-caused amputees."
"Born in Cambodia 1940, Nor was a trained Doctor."
"The Hollywood movie The Killing Fields is how many Americans learned about Cambodia's terror."
"Cambodia might be your destination choice to retire alongside 100,000 other expats already living there."
"The biggest freshwater fish ever was pulled out of a Cambodian river."
"Cambodia is known as the kingdom of Wonder because of all of its incredible temples and its biodiversity and history."
"The cost of a mobile connection here in Cambodia is the cheapest I have seen anywhere in the world."
"So I've just broken down for you all of the cost of living a very comfortable Western style life in Phnom Penh."
"It's one of the biggest TV shows in Cambodia; every week, 'It's Not a Dream' pulls in massive audiences as it reunites families after decades apart."
"Cambodia suffered one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century... when 1.7 million people were killed as the Khmer Rouge communists of Pol Pot reigned here with terror for four years."
"What's less well known is how families here were deliberately and systematically separated, and they are still paying the price today."
"This place pours in about or over 50 percent of Cambodia's tourism."
"For me, it's been so interesting to see how many changes in Cambodia since when I was here in the 1990s."
"What I've been most proud of over the last two years is our work to help Cambodia develop its economy."
"Cambodia has terrific female entrepreneurs."
"Cambodia has the biggest delegation from Asia at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit."
"Good morning from Phnom Penh, Cambodia."
"The medieval Khmer built Angkor Wat in just under 37 years."
"Jaya varman undertook a vast Public Works program, building roads that connected every one of Cambodia's towns."
"I think that when you come to a country like Cambodia... you find out that it is entirely the fault of adults what has happened to the whole country."
"Angkor Wat in Cambodia is already known as one of the most important and heavily studied archaeological sites in its region."
"These country roads in the countryside of Cambodia are so beautiful and so lush."
"Cambodia for accommodations, it's a win."
"King Norodom now feeling secure in his reign and control over Cambodia decided to undertake a tour of the colonial capitals of Asia."
"The experience of Cambodia has been really friendly, really great."
"It's such a huge, huge part of Cambodian history."
"It is worth coming to Cambodia just to have soup for breakfast."
"This is why I love Cambodia, you never know what you're going to get."
"I cannot tell you how beautiful Cambodia is, especially because it's the wet season, it is so lush and so beautiful."
"There are a lot of exciting things actually going on in Cambodia today that are fascinating to follow."
"Welcome to Cambodia, thank you for making a video, so I think a lot of people come to traveling to my country."
"The Khmer Rouge was responsible for killing nearly 1.7 million Cambodians while in power, about one-fifth of the population at the time."
"Cambodia was more of an educational trip than anything else."
"This is a once in a lifetime deal, baby. Four-wheel drive, I ought to get my driver's license, Cambodia driver's license, that would be something slick."
"It tastes so shrimpy and so beautiful, you need to get these when you are in Cambodia. They are amazing."
"So this is how nice people are in Cambodia, they are so kind."
"Central Market in Cambodia is known as Phsar Thmei, it's basically a heritage."
"Angkor had been the capital of the Khmer, the indigenous people of Cambodia."
"In Cambodia, it is the women who take charge of trade."
"The kingdom of Cambodia, a fertile country and a friendly nation that appears to have forgotten its recent dramatic history."
"Tonle Sap is the heart of Cambodia, its most important lifeline."
"Under the reign of King Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia gained independence from France on the 9th of November."
"Upon his father's death in 1960, Sihanouk again became head of state, taking the title of Prince."
"I appeal to you to publicize abroad this very clear stand of Cambodia: I will in any case oppose all bombings on Cambodian territory under whatever pretext."
"Ultimately, the Cambodian genocide led to the deaths of 1.5 to 2 million people, around a quarter of Cambodia's population in the '70s."