
Image Processing Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"Convolution is a technique that allows us to extract visual features from a 2D array in small chunks."
"Graphics Processing Units... were created and optimized to work with pictures, images, pixels. What are images? They are matrices of pixels."
"GPT-4 can process images and is generally better at creative tasks."
"Convolution helps extract features in an image, making it easier for the neural network to learn."
"When dealing with images, convolutions help extract features, making the learning process simpler."
"This is the fun creative part of processing and really bringing this data to life."
"Every image has pixel values... we turned them into first a grayscale and then we turned that grayscale into a numpy array."
"This is what we want to train on... we converted it into grayscale and we use that as a list of numbers that are related to this image."
"The processing of images was far too slow for some."
"Convolutional nets are used for any kind of image classification or even generation."
"What we really want is, if I give you two pictures of the same person, I want the vector to be similar."
"We're probably looking at the future of image reconstruction here with DLSS 2.0."
"Radiant image sharpening could process that image, add a bit of sharpness back, and get close to the native image for virtually no performance loss."
"It's also clear that Radeon image sharpening is superior to Nvidia's DSS by a considerable margin when we set both techniques to perform at the same frame rate."
"It really does an exceptional job upscaling your 1080p Blu-rays to 4k."
"DLSS is still the best option in terms of image quality and is the most versatile over a range of resolutions and quality settings."
"It's cool that you can get away with rendering lower extremely lower resolutions in the case of DLSS and have it still look functionally decent if not really good."
"DLSS: Output a higher detailed image than natively rendered resolution with a higher frame rate."
"Super sampling serves the same purpose as downscaling, offering benefits with fewer downsides."
"Neural networks have to figure out the two-dimensional nature of an image. They have to go beyond that to understanding constructs like there are objects in the world and there is space that the objects move through."
"Photoshop knows the difference between a panorama or a stack of images."
"All of these image upsampling techniques are fascinating, I think they're definitely the future."
"We've supported object detection for many years with our tools and image processing." - Bruce Tannenbaum
"Open Image Denoiser Included - Enhance Your Renders with Noise Reduction"
"This software has built-in OCR, and it means that it can detect text within images."
"Computers are more accurate than people at classifying images."
"Canon's cloud-based processing of raw files could yield superior noise reduction capabilities."
"AI art generators are not advanced photo mixers. They learn the intrinsic values of images and their text descriptions."
"Zebras... determine which parts are too bright."
"This camera has hdr built in hdr is high dynamic range where it captures a series of images overexposed underexposed and properly exposed and then combines those pictures together in post."
"One thing that you will do in this first week's problem set is write a function that lets you actually detect the edges in an image, which is pretty cool."
"Image compression is a type of data compression applied to digital images reduce the cost for storage and transmission."
"The beauty is the white balance gives you the neutral, the profile which as you notice has red green blue and CMYK and then a bunch of other colors here is what's going to allow the file to have a reference for all those colors."
"It's truly amazing how your smartphone can take images composed of millions of pixels and then perform calculations on every eight by eight block of pixels, compressing all that data into just a couple dozen numbers."
"JPEG goes through and analyzes each section of an image and finds and removes elements that your eyes can't easily perceive."
"Reference resolution: turning images into words for better AI interaction."
"Randomness or noise is at the core of many concepts in image processing and computer graphics."
"I do think that Opus is probably a little bit better than GPT 4 however the image capabilities seem to actually be a little bit more neck and neck than their benchmarks would like to seem"
"Integral images are a very powerful structure indeed and can significantly reduce the computational complexity of various spatial algorithms."
"One of the drawbacks to using an integral image is that that computational cost exists when we create the integral image in the first place."
"This is not a good way to do object tracking. Object tracking fundamentally should be involving image convolution."
"HSV is used to separate image luminance from color information."
"...we use something called shift stacking which is you shift your images along the path that you expect the object to potentially be on and then stack them together."
"Anything you can make look like an image may also be suited to convolutional neural networks."
"This is great but like how do I get started now?... doing projects... build like an image processing application."
"So, you start off with a noisy image, you predict all the noise and remove it, and then add back most of it, right?"
"Invariance means that the notion of a dog shouldn't matter if that dog is translated in the image or rotated or scaled."
"Arbumentations actually does that for you."
"Convolutional neural networks do this... They match pieces of the image, so you can look at these pieces and shift them around a little bit."
"One of the big things is with the color-aware and color pop, there's this step where you go from one range to the next, and you can get these vertical artifacts that make it hard to make a coherent picture."
"Optimization was critical to just even getting an image at all."
"Piercing the digital veil, creepy AI technology can generate photorealistic faces from extremely pixelated images."
"Spatial resolution is a measure of how closely pixels or cells can be resolved in an image or a grid."
"This technology corrects the blurring effects of Earth's atmosphere in real-time, allowing telescopes to capture images of space with clarity that rivals those taken from space."
"Because I feel like a value of TMM is that it's going to do the shadows and highlights for you, so might as well let it do its job."
"Thanks to the AI analysis of BL, prores files from the iPhone can create synthetic depth of field by mapping the luminance to a percentage of lens blur."
"The diffusion model is going to take images that are pretty fuzzy and turn them into much nicer and crisper images."
"Remember, if your image processing software is destructive, you may want to make a duplicate of the photo to process rather than processing the original photo."
"Convolution has been around for a long time, has lots of good uses in math. It also is really useful in image processing."
"There is this understanding that AI will fundamentally change the way that applications for images and video happen."
"Concatenations are used to keep image contrast and maybe you've done this during your clinical time or maybe you're doing it right now."
"With stable diffusion, you can provide a database of images and watch as it slowly develops a realistic image from a faded noise image."
"We're actually going to zoom in on the center part of the nebula which is called the trapezium and we're going to erase away the top layer. This will reveal the layer underneath that is less blown out and will provide us with more detail in the final image."
"Working with image data in Python can be extremely powerful."
"Machine learning figured it all out automatically and created semi-transparent pixels along the edges of the subject, including the often challenging to get right loose strands of hair."
"Using statistics to summarize pixel values helps smooth out extreme pixel values or noise in the data."
"If you are zoomed way out of an image and you only need to display a zoomed out low resolution version of it, it is way more efficient to just sample from the already scaled down version."
"It's kind of like you have a clean image, you have a noisy image, and you want to predict what would be the less noisy version of this image if you knew what was the starting point."
"The fact that magic mask can do this is bonkers."
"Every image should be treated slightly differently and every image will require different processes to create the image of the art that we want to create."
"Now we will import our first images in Nuke."
"I was pretty impressed with the image processing and the Hasselblad collaboration, you know, color processing, all that good stuff."
"Computer vision is when we use machine learning neural networks to gain high level understanding of digital images or videos."
"This is a common situation in image processing when you have an image with millions of colors."
"The G9II's Real-time LUT feature...if you shoot in RAW plus JPEG but you don't really like the initial result, you can reprocess the photo in-camera and fine-tune your photos to get better results."
"The key is, though, that if you're using a 28 by 28 and you get a picture of this 30 by 30, shrink the 30 by 30 down to fit the 28 by 28."
"The biggest jump forward from the 10 is what an amazing job smart HDR is doing holding onto the colors and the highlights."
"So what I'm going to do is just apply a Gaussian blur to that."
"Template matching is a technique we can use to detect images inside of another image without training a neural network."
"That's some stunning results we have, AI has taken the characteristics of the style image and fused it with the basic sketch that we provided."
"Real-time stacking tool for instant image calibration."
"So what we do is we bundle them up together, so we put the 15 images along with the Stardust data science bowl data that was curated in the Stardust tutorial."
"One cool thing about it though is that you can apply any of the film simulations to your raw images and you are getting the same output as you would if you shot JPEG."
"Next.js automates image generation based on specified sizes."
"Annotations using OpenCV are very straightforward and simple."
"Brightness adjustment and contrast adjustment are fundamental techniques in image processing."
"Thresholding is a very important technique that is often used to create binary images."
"Adaptive thresholding is a very good example of how you can take an image that's challenging and isolate just about everything you want to."
"Bitwise operations provide powerful tools for manipulating binary images and masks."
"In very few lines of code, you can get this up and running, you can experiment with your own images, and that's a lot of fun to do."
"The hope is that collectively this sequence of four images across all pixels in the image will contain some useful information that can be merged together to form a single HDR image."
"Image reading is really easy using matplotlib."
"The result will be not only a classification image but along with it comes like a confidence image."
"What we're doing is we're plugging in an image and the brightness values are too far apart it's causing these really deep valleys and really high peaks and what we want to do is bring the contrast down so it's not so extreme."
"Decreasing the image depth to the minimum needed for making the measurements and using image magnification are always recommended."
"Only one or two percent or a very small amount of these Fourier coefficients are actually necessary to be nonzero to encode the information in this very large megapixel image."
"We can open index.js and write some code. We'll first get from the vision library an image annotator client, which is a service that performs Google Cloud Vision API detection tasks over client images."
"All I did was a few matrix transformations followed by a few activation functions, and it's able to take something as complicated as an image of a number and predict what number that is."
"Beautiful! Now the last thing left to do is to convert this array into an image file."
"Now, whether you compress or expand an image depends on the same fractal principles, and Barnes's theories have now become a commercial reality."
"We see our source image being annotated with bounding boxes. Everything seems to be okay, we have the right classes, and the bounding boxes are in the right places."
"YOLO version 3 applies convolutional neural networks to the input image. To predict bounding boxes, it downsamples image at three separate places of this Network that are also called scales."
"To process images effectively, it's crucial to build models that respect the spatial structure of the input data."
"The convolutional operation preserves spatial dimensions while applying filters to input volumes."
"We could bilinear filter and we can bicubic filter, and as you can see, the quality of the images are improving as we zoom in."
"I'm surprised to see Edge detection, Edge cutouts, and the separation line between background and the subject is much better processed by Oppo."
"What's up guys, in today's video I'm going to show you how to use pre-processing on images to make your object detection better in OpenCV."
"It's not image manipulation, it's image enhancement."
"We're going to be learning how to take an image, a PNG, a JPEG, a bitmap, and how to convert it into a CPP or C++ byte array code that will tell us exactly what each pixel color needs to be."
"Stacking my sky images... dramatically impacts on the ability of the software to remove the noise from the image."
"Visualization is a way to simplify communication; we process images much faster than we process words."
"Sony TVs tend to be about processing."
"If you're generating a lot of images, I still recommend getting an external upscaler."
"You do have quite a flexibility of recovering shadows with the camera."
"You can process images really fast; every single pixel is one thread."
"When you load an image, what it actually does is it extracts the pixels from this image and loads them into a NumPy array."
"Here is how you segment your images using Gaussian mixture model."
"Autopilot analyzes the entire image and comes up with recommended settings for denoising, sharpening, and upscaling images."
"These videos are intended for students, researchers, image processing enthusiasts who would like to perform or get started with image processing in Python."
"Pillow is an excellent, excellent library for rudimentary, for basic image handling, image processing."
"Scikit-image is an image processing library in Python... you can use it for image segmentation, geometric transformation, color space manipulation, analysis, filtering, and feature detection."
"Images are so easy to work with that I really absolutely loved it."
"If we design good augmentations, then the augmented versions are actually very different images but they have the same class because they're generated from the same image."
"We are currently being battered by a storm here in the UK, and so I thought what better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than to do some image processing."
"This tool essentially makes it super easy to distinguish foreground objects from background objects in your image using a very limited number of steps."
"We're going to take a look at processing M45 in Photoshop to give you guys the best results possible."
"The star reduction especially in this image has really made the nebula punch out."
"The singular value decomposition allows us to pick how sharp we want our image."
"Denoising is a technique that can remove noise from images after rendering and thus saving rendering time."
"OpenCV, also known as Open Source Computer Vision, is the largest computer vision library."
"An auto encoder is where you have an input image and an output image."
"This process is going to work and it gives you just so much more control over the individual parts of the image."
"We start with our RGB image, we convert that into YCbCr color space, which separates illuminance and chrominance."
"You can now lift a subject from a photo, isolating something from an image."
"If you can detect objects, you can also segment images."
"The lowest layer features in the image model are essentially learning edge detectors."
"These high-level features are capturing the most salient high-level features in that image."
"If you imagine that the inception activations over the real images come from some Gaussian distribution, what is the distance between these two Gaussians? That distance is what the Frechet Inception Distance answers."
"Image uncropping tries to extend the borders of images in a plausible way."
"Frequency separation is the way to go if you really want to do it the professional way."
"We merge them together and we get an HDR image."
"My advice about HDR would be: use it carefully and don't allow yourself to just completely blow the doors off of your image with HDR."
"Remote sensing image processing is basically extracting information from data recorded by sensors on board aircraft or satellites."
"If you don't have millions or thousands of images that typically are required for deep learning, you'll find that the accuracy that you get with tens of images with XGBoost is probably far superior to what you would get with deep learning."
"Remote sensing image processing lives at the interface between image processing itself, computer vision, signal processing, and machine learning."
"Neural style transfer is generating an image that matches the features of one image and the gram matrices of another image."
"The majority of the successes in how we interpret, form representations, understand images and videos utilize to a significant degree neural networks."
"When you're sampling from an image with a higher resolution, and you press it down into 4K, you get less aliasing, because you're using more, smaller pixels."
"Watershed segmentation is a pretty common and very powerful way of segmenting different grains or different cells."
"Multiple exposure mode can actually shoot, it'll take multiple images and combine them into a single image."
"A global adjustment is when you make an adjustment and it applies to the whole image."
"My personal favorite are non-local means and block matching."
"These tutorials are intended for beginner programmers who are students, researchers, or any image processing enthusiasts interested in automating image processing tasks using Python."
"Hi everyone, welcome to introductory Python tutorials with a special focus on image processing related tasks."
"How are we augmenting our images? I defined two different operations here for image and for mask."
"We are getting pretty good segmentation."
"We took one image, created an empty data frame, and filled the data frame with a bunch of columns."
"Each column corresponds to a different feature that describes the image."
"We applied canny edge detector onto the image and added that column."
"I hope you found this video to be useful, at least you learned two ways not to do semantic segmentation on large images."
"We're starting to see a revolution in image processing in the same way that we saw a revolution in text processing."
"It's a godsend, there's no download; it is what it is, you upload your image and within seconds it gives you a high resolution image."
"We've got our starless image and we've got our image we're working on."
"Live stacking is a way to generate images of deep sky objects relatively easily without the complexities that you run into with astrophotography processing programs."
"That is what sharpening and deconvolution is all about."
"Convnets are really powerful to extract the best possible representation of your image data."
"Strappy supports image optimization."
"We're able to take a very high dynamic range image and squish it down and make it fit into our standard dynamic range displays."
"This is all just remapped so nicely, and now you're not having to worry about blowing these things out; ACES is handling this."
"The cycle consistent adversarial Nets can solve image to image translation problems like object Transfiguration, photo enhancement, style transformation, and seasonal transformation."
"We'll take your images when you upload them, we will resize them for the resolution of the browser that someone's using."
"Images are just 2D arrays of data, and the algorithms that we apply to this data can shape it in useful ways."
"On the whole, I think most programmers should have an awareness of image processing."
"Image processing is a huge field and for me, I find it to be a very interesting one too."
"Edges in images indicate where the information of an image is."
"Keras is very useful in image processing."
"Turn your pictures into token sequences, and if you train on enough data, you get something that becomes a much more capable vision model."
"We'll use the CVT color method to convert that image to grayscale, then apply a gaussian blur to reduce the image's noise."
"Everything in a raw image is pretty much reversible regardless of the settings that you use here."
"This software is going to allow us to process, stack, and enhance our footage of Saturn to hopefully bring out some nice details of its rings."
"When we talk about computer vision, there are sort of three rough tiers that people kind of talk about: low-level computer vision, mid-level computer vision, and high-level computer vision."
"The convolution's goal is to locate features of an image."
"I'm very happy with the way augmentation is performing."
"Let's actually start by looking at the basics, for example, just looking at resizing of images."
"From SK image import io, and IO enables me to read images."
"Let's actually start by importing or reading an image into Spyder."
"Doing such a complicated task is literally one line in Python, and that's exactly why I love the scikit-image package."
"This is the convolution, I'm not sure how useful this is going to be for you, especially if you plan on applying this on light microscope images."
"All we are doing is taking this image, the entropy image, and we are calculating threshold based on whatever that try all threshold is."
"Gigapixel AI is an artificial intelligence method of increasing file size with dramatic increases that are really good."
"Optical flow as input we get two consecutive images from a video and as output we want to get the displacement of every pixel from image A to image B."
"Adaptive histogram equalization works very well and also has contrast limiting."
"Otsu's method automatically finds the best threshold value."
"Convolution is the basis of any digital image processing."
"When you apply a kernel onto an image, all it's doing is applying this grid."
"The results are better if I mask unwanted elements out, which is a no brainer, as auto masking is very easy and straight forward in any photogrammetry app."
"Once I've combined them all through the nodes, it sort of recombines it into a single image."
"You can approximate images as sums of these sines and cosines of different angles and frequencies."
"How cool is this process? You can start out with a single image and then turn it into an animation."
"So in the next video, I'm going to show you how to process your images of the Orion Nebula."