
Gaming Expectations Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"This is everything I have ever wanted for The Sims 4 and more."
"Hope is the only and last word we have when it comes to new MMORPGs."
"Right now, Halo Infinite is 10% of what we've come to expect from Halo titles."
"I'm cautiously optimistic, I want the game to be amazing."
"Cyberpunk 2077 will not only stand with Witcher 3, it'll surpass it."
"I really hope AC Mirage ends up being great, a return to form."
"If GTA 6 doesn't have a whole bunch of Lil Durk and Chicago drill music on the soundtrack, I don't even want to play it."
"If you are going into Diablo Immortal expecting Diablo 4, that is a you problem."
"The assumption that raids should be the best weapons in the game is an unhealthy expectation."
"Once we get the sequel, it’ll feel objectively better than the original, and pretty soon afterwards we’ll all be amazed that we were ever content with just playing Overwatch 1."
"After playing 64 again, you can climb all the trees; in those games, you can climb so I came here and tried to climb these palm trees, but nope."
"I wasn't even this jaded during the forces pre-release. I remember thinking that we were finally gonna try something cool again."
"Our intent was similar to Classic WoW... But in practice, it ended up just being something that players chafed against."
"The visuals on the campaign map are really the best in the strategy genre."
"Uncharted 4 is the last crusade for Nate in more ways than one here it is refined smoother faster sharper but not to a level I'm sure many had hoped."
"When I don't have confidence with something but I don't know how to answer something, this is what I do: I google it. Seriously, just google it."
"Halo fans expect way more from a single player campaign."
"With a generous budget, a large, very capable development team, and the backing of Sony, this latest take on the webslinger promises the most complete spider-man experience to date."
"Yoshi is going to be a monster honestly I feel that this character."
"The Fallout series does not need a New Vegas 2."
"I think by that time I'd be ready for it... Right now, I would like if Naughty Dog did something new."
"I think people just want the newer game to be better than what the older games were and not an actual step back that costs more."
"What can you expect from Night City in 2077?"
"There's always the promise of that, although knowing this game, it'll probably just be more bodies."
"Splatoon too could have been better, but it's a good game."
"If you went into this game with a certain expectation of liking it, what the [ __ ] is wrong with you? Nobody came into this thinking it was Fallout 5."
"I think if I'm paying 1200 bucks for a graphics card, I think I would be looking for a 60 plus fps experience here in Cyberbug."
"Marvel's Avengers feels like it could go either way."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 - hoping it's even better than the first."
"This is what Jurassic World Evolution should have been. This is what we all want to see."
"This is what I want a live service game to be."
"I hope that they learn the lessons... and I'm hopeful fingers crossed that Diablo 4 turns out good."
"The outer worlds is what a lot of people wanted Bethesda to evolve into."
"What is expected of you in the Object 279E is nothing short of domination."
"The game still plays like a hard-hitting survival Metroidvania."
"It's just so wild to think that that's what it's gotten to."
"I would like the game to be full and complete upon release."
"If Halo Infinite doesn't release with a robust and well-made battle royale, it will be one of the greatest gaming failures in history."
"The game pretty much expects you to be using them."
"To me Star Fox Zero was not quite a 64 remake, it wasn't quite a new Star Fox game."
"Dungeons are not fun I get it we are only 25 levels act one but thinking that dungeons are gonna be the end game with more affixes are not really convincing."
"But I just feel like it's so weird they're teasing all these elements when if it's literally just holding two items, that's not Double Dash."
"If this game fixes the character models, uses the next however many months of development wisely, is faithful to the originals AND has exceptional content and features…"
"This game seems to be a full jump towards what I wanted in a Pokemon game."
"Damn it feels good to know that there is karma and there is justice for what they did to you."
"I just kind of want to wait for a really good game, yeah. I mean, will they be doing the open-world thing, will they be taking their risk? I'm sure. It's gonna be a 343 game."
"I expected way higher frames for some reason, I don't know why."
"The division's gameplay reveal trailer for the first time and thinking well there's no way that Ubisoft is actually going to be able to make a game that looks this good."
"I've been avoiding this game for a while because I was under the impression that this was just a sandbox game and there wasn't much of a goal to anything."
"I went into Cyberpunk 2077 with only a few expectations, mainly that it would be an open world Witcher freestyle RPG."
"Dead Matter was described by many to be the ultimate delivery of what Daisy should have been."
"The night time fully exceeds the expectations that I had set for it prior to playing."
"I'm hoping that after the first patch it'll become like a 9.5 out of 10 game."
"The original release of No Man's Sky was perfectly playable; it was just kind of underwhelming and overpriced."
"You cannot have everyone watching this video believe that you're gonna pull the featured."
"Just give us like a good default game and like change things from there."
"I remember being so hyped for sea of thieves then it was multiplayer bloody and over the top."
"Even if the game was shifted to a Lobby shooter at this point, players were still expecting it to be a competitive Lobby shooter that could stand up to the likes of Battlefront, Battlefield, and even Team Fortress."
"Allan Wake 2 really feels to me like what Silent Hills should have been."
"I want to see at least some stuff that makes me go 'yeah, this is a home console game.'"
"GTA 6 as a game needs to blow GTA 5 out of the water the map needs to be not just bigger okay it's going to be bigger but it needs to be far more detailed."
"Hopefully this game breaks the mold of games like this and isn't buggy at launch."
"Horizon Forbidden West is going to live up to expectations and expectations are very high."
"This is the poster child now for me of what I hope everything looks like in this new version of d d."
"Bethesda, when they were underdogs and you didn't know so much about it, their games over-deliver beyond what you would have expected for it."
"Pyramid head is not supposed to be pink and fluffy. That's the point."
"I hope we get a new pack walk out and walk out pack animation, a pack walk animation, whatever it is I hope we get a new walk animation."
"I do think it's on hold just because like the flamethrower animation which is a stream of fire from what they've let spring condole dudes that's what I'd like to see even more."
"I'm legitimately expecting one of the biggest and best games ever made."
"I'm enjoying it but... this isn't the RPG I thought it was going to be." - Paris Lily
"And if that's any kind of hint for what we're going to see with Among Us in 2021, then I'm definitely on board."
"Modern video gamers have expectations that they have of the AI in their video games."