
Social Cues Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Humans use eye gaze to cue each other about what is signal and what is noise."
"I want to empower people to be able to read exactly what cues are being sent to you, so you are never blindsided."
"Your brain has a superpower, and its superpower is to read these cues, but you have to give it a voice."
"How someone conducts themselves in this public setting is still very telling."
"A child... understands what they're feeling by looking at the facial expressions of the people around them."
"How do you tie your apron bow? The position of your bow actually tells people about your relationship status."
"Listen very closely to what people will be telling you...people always reveal who they are."
"Eye contact is vital for conveying important social cues."
"If their feet or torso point toward someone else, that's usually who they're really interested in."
"Generosity is actually an attraction cue for women as well because it means that he's going to be able to take care of you and take care of any children in the future."
"Sometimes you just know when someone walks with a certain energy, a certain strut, you already know that they're kind of like, at least entitled a little bit."
"He was avoiding eye contact or was he being aggressive, and all these like everything was just subtle nuances and intimate details."
"I wasn't seeing through the [___] that everybody else was picking up on."
"She made it obvious that I should ask her out."
"If she's clearly trying to talk to you, she's probably a little bit into you."
"It's important to read the room at times like this."
"You kind of feel it out but I would say if a girl is like looking at you you know make that subtle eye contact yeah she's interested."
"First impressions... it tells your personality a lot."
"Avoiding eye contact and acting cold could make things worse."
"Making eye contact with the bartender is like the universal symbol that says I'm ready."
"You don't interpret social cues in the way that other people do."
"Disgust and contempt, pay attention to those."
"If she starts playing on her phone, that means: a) Hey, she's just there for a free meal; b) She's already dating someone; c) She's not interested in you; d) All of the above."
"Once somebody says, 'I'm cool,' then I'm cool."
"Always look at the reaction of the friends, especially when you're meeting a friend group for the first time. Their reaction towards you will tell you how the girl really feels about you."
"They want a relationship, they may play it cool but their true intention is a relationship."
"Remember when fascists tell you what upsets them listen to them."
"Someone's trying to flirt with you, Libra. There's some exploratory energy here."
"If she's touching you more than she's touching other people around her, then that's a good sign that she might be interested in you."
"She smiles at you. If you see her from across a crowded room and she smiles at you, that's definitely a sign that she's interested in you."
"Ladies literally all we have to do is have eyeballs, look at them with your corneas and we're set."
"Is this person flirting with me? Dude, you're telling me this is going to take 10 minutes for her to explain?"
"Those who don't will let you disappear forever; that will tell you everything you need to know."
"If he's not reaching out to you apologizing or trying to initiate contact, then don't read into it too much but enjoy the attention."
"If she locks the door and it's just the two of you, it's a sign. Just don't move too fast. Take a breath."
"She had a really cute smile and she got kind of giggly when someone shows up a little bit of shyness that could be a sign of humbleness it's really good."
"Hairstyles were of particular importance in conveying a warrior's social status and even perhaps their seniority."
"Your clothes tell a man how you're feeling and how to treat you."
"If anyone ever laughs in a negative way about something you say, that's the red flag."
"He clearly didn't know how to read the room."
"Blushing is a sign of embarrassment or happiness or confusion. What is blushing and why is it so damn obvious all the time?"
"She's looking around at people, she makes eye contact with you and smiles."
"When it comes to attraction and arousal cues, pay attention to what women respond to."
"Some women have red flags, others have a red velvet rope. Everyone knows not to cross the velvet rope, but some people will test it."
"Body language is so important so obviously like don't look nervous you know like having your hands crossed is a sign of you being nervous or scared so try not to do that."
"If they are going out of their way for you often, do they want to commit to plans with you?"
"If they like you, they make it very clear. They always want to hang out with you, they're always initiating plans and the shooting conversations."
"If he's interested, he's going to pursue you."
"You gotta tell people to get their hat when it's time to go."
"When you see our Queens it's time to go and you know what I mean."
"A good sign for young ladies out there if there's a guy that you met that bends over backwards to help you out in something, it has nothing to do with him asking you out to dinner there's definitely an ulterior motive right?"
"When a girl is that obvious to you and you do nothing you make yourself look weak and like you have no confidence."
"Those dating photos will literally pay dividends."
"You start showing if someone's chewing just a little bit too loud."
"If I catch a guy staring at me a lot, does that mean he likes me? Girl, he likes you."
"It's like when a guest won't take the hint to leave, except these guests came with a risk of rabies."
"You've got to come up to me or make it apparent that you're interested, and women do, but you've got to notice the cues, you've got to notice them."
"You guys don't pay attention to social cues. They don't watch to see if a girl is uncomfortable if they feeling it or not, they just..."
"You can tell whether she's into you or not in a matter of seconds."
"Girls sometimes will obviously look at you and just because she looks your direction does not mean she's interested."
"Encoding are the social signals you send."
"Sorry, is anyone sitting here? Translation: Unless this is a person who looks remarkably like a bag, I suggest you move it."
"He would comment on our appearances which we would always share really blatantly weirded out looks at him."
"A cue is a subtle but powerful social signal."
"If they're more drawn to people, I start thinking connections. They're always wanting to make connections. Their eye contact will lead to body contact."
"Just say, 'Hey, what's your name?' And if she asks you what your name is then it means a good chance she likes you."
"Because we're so caring and emotional and empathetic, we read social cues better, so we learn the social cues quicker."
"If someone needs to clarify that many times that they're having a good time, chances are they're probably not having that much of a good time."
"If your significant other feels uncomfortable at a party it's time to go, yes."
"Henchman is quite dull, doesn’t know how to read a room, such as trying to get King Dice’s autograph when The Devil is angry at him."
"Someone feels like they overstay their welcome or they have overdone something with you."
"But at the very least I can say you should learn to pick up social cues when somebody is clearly not displaying interest."
"If a girl is trying to get away from you, if she's shying away, not interested in talking to you, don't continue trying to talk to her because it's a sign of disinterest, not a sign of interest."
"Sometimes it's hard to take a hint, especially on Christmas."
"Making introductions is a really interesting way to kind of explore how we can indicate power difference and also social difference by the very simple fact of how we choose to introduce someone."
"Being like creepy. Like, wait, how are you creepy at a skate park? Oh, just like staring. Or like, staring at you specifically. Or like, just talking a bunch. Or like, being, uh, you know, usually when you go to the skate park, you're trying to work on something."
"Because if a woman is taken and she's in a marriage or she's got a relationship or she's not interested in a relationship she's just not going to make eye contact with you."
"It's almost like you're asking for permission, but the reality is, you could tell she's not that into it. And it sucks when you're on a date and you recognize, 'Ah, she's not feeling it.' Then you feel like [ __ ]... I wasted my time."
"Remember, when someone is reaching out to you first, you're only going to ask on two separate occasions to get together. If they give you vague answers, you'll stop asking altogether."
"You've been hitting on me all night. I know."
"Test the waters to see if they will reciprocate. If you're interested, test it and see if they're swimming. If not, who actually cares?"
"Read the room. If somebody's not engaging, just end it."
"You're scaring me to have to behave a certain way by greeting me at your door, telling me everything is open to me. I feel like it's a backhanded, you know, not a backhand, it's not the right word but, um, a test. You know what I'm saying."
"If they have headphones in, yeah, you're not allowed to talk, like, you can't say 'hey, take your earphones out' because immediately I don't like you."
"Where'd you get the tank, you know? It's just like, 'I hate you.'"
"If she tells you to come over for some coffee, she's definitely not asking you to come over for coffee."
"Gentlemen, when women are in uncomfortable situations, we are the vulnerable ones. Exactly, so we are prone more prone to accept what we don't want to avoid an extremely uncomfortable situation. So you need to be aware of cues."
"You gotta have a social awareness to pick up on that."
"...the old money crowd engage in a lifestyle where the simple lifting of an eyebrow speaks volumes."
"The social nuances of fashion are not merely matters of personal taste; they are forms of non-verbal eloquence in the realm of the affluent."
"Perhaps he would take Philippa's disinterest as a hint and not bother calling on her the next day."
"Appearance matters a great deal because you can often tell a lot about people by looking at how they present themselves."
"Lack of interest in conversation might be the biggest warning sign."
"We need to quit blaming people; we need to get better at picking up on the cues they're giving us."
"Have some common sense, read the room."
"You're gonna know if someone wants to talk to you or not."
"When someone closes one eye, it is a wink, and it means that they are pretending."
"How can you tell if somebody wants to talk to you? They're looking at you, not rolling their eyes or making a face."
"If she offers an alternative time to go out, chat, text, whatever, then she likely really is too busy."
"There's so many indications and social cues that you get when you're in person to actually understand intent."
"It's never someone's job to realize if someone likes them."
"We are exquisitely sensitive to both social, emotional, and behavioral cues that people are giving us."
"If you can sort of bring yourself back and really center your life around telling the truth, you start to be able to pick up on these cues from the people around you."
"Communication is key, and we're talking about learning about how people communicate, reading those signs, what kind of information they're sending out to you."
"If a woman looks at you at least three times, it usually means that she is interested in talking to you."
"I can read the room... I'll know who was here, who wasn't here, who moves funny, who doesn't."
"You get certain vibes from people."
"If she volunteers to do something with you, to spend time with you, that's a key sign that she wants you to ask her out."
"I was picking up on the cues from people around me of how it would be good to act."
"You have to interpret intent; you're not getting any social cues from the person."
"If they're interested, they will show you; they will look at you, they will smile at you, they will wave at you."
"If a girl come and talk to you first, that means she really wants you."
"I adequately read the room and realized... not the best idea."
"Women do not put hurdles in the way of men they want to get to know."
"When you can read these cues early on, you can adjust in real time and it creates a really powerful result."
"Look for entitlement, like that idea of they won't wait in line, they're special, they expect special treatment."
"That expanded mindfulness... gives us a lot more social cues and bandwidth."
"It's all about reading the room, reading the vibe, and working with that."