
Disaster Prevention Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"These sort of incidents are increasing at an alarming rate. There's a huge turnover in the industry... we're just one radio call away from having the biggest aviation disaster in history."
"The key to understanding the disaster is found thousands of kilometers away, an unusual piece of evidence that tells the troubling story of a crash that could have been prevented."
"Without the sacred sakura, Inazuma would likely have been completely swallowed up centuries ago by that disaster."
"It is work, above all else, that saves us from the disasters of conflicting thought."
"We need to evacuate, because it's the only way we can prevent a disaster."
"The only natural disaster that we could prevent is an asteroid impact. So why not use your capabilities to the extent that you can?"
"At least you're straddling that line instead of just going overboard and just into a disastrous state."
"These are the guys who operate and control nuclear reactors and they make sure that another Chernobyl doesn't happen."
"Intercept and neutralize: the final defense against an asteroid apocalypse."
"As classical liberals and conservatives, you want to prevent disaster and deliver prosperity and joy."
"Putting your household things at higher altitude within the house, if you could take to an attic, that itself minimizes damage of property by 70 to 80 percent."
"Humans are the first species with the potential to block a doomsday Rock and switch off the evolutionary reset button."
"Texas was seconds and minutes away from catastrophic months-long blackouts."
"Remember that authorities who look at our forecasts can use the information to prevent the events from happening in the first place."
"Sometimes, it's only once we realize that there are holes in safety, that we can prevent the next disaster from claiming more lives."
"We're talking about propulsion that not only is going to get us to Mars more efficiently... but also to protect us from the inevitability of a disaster like The Kessler syndrome."
"Clear overgrown trees and brush from your area that will help keep your structures safe in a storm with winds or wildfire."
"Lessons must be learned... the disaster that never should have happened must never happen again."
"I don't think we're heading towards a disaster."
"When men lack a sense of awe, there will be disaster."
"We can employ measures to prevent the current issue worsening but what we ideally want is something that leaves us in far better control against any such disaster scenario in the future too."
"Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist."
"This does give you a sense of how the sausage is made and how disastrous things can be if you don't have adequate government regulation and oversight."
"I think ultimately that is a recipe for disaster."
"It's going to stop the certain kind of little disaster that could have happened."
"The actions of Mr. Murphy and Mr. Graham averting further disaster."
"It's like trying to stop a train by throwing a boulder on the tracks. It's going to make the train jump off the tracks; it's going to cause a disaster."
"It wasn't for the roof, we would have taken a serious hit, just lowered the flood by twenty percent."
"One of the special things about the asteroid impact problem is that, unlike the weather or earthquakes or other natural hazards, we could do something about it."
"Reining in the worst impulses of humans with power and in the process avoiding disaster at least for a few decades."
"The critical galactic test by NASA that could prevent a catastrophe on Earth."
"One water tank leak or a seam not fixed or a filter change too late could all these things stack up and that will like create immense disaster."
"If the constant emissions aren't stopped, this zone will become so unstable that a new disaster will occur."
"You're dodging a bullet. It's almost like you're avoiding something that could have brought disaster."
"Another incredibly stupid and preventable disaster happening because people don't want to do the [ __ ] maintenance."
"If this bomb would have gone off in that casino, we would have lost 600 people."
"You, mage, and you alone have the potential to prevent disaster."
"It was only Captain Rosak's incredible airmanship that prevented a total disaster."
"Without cohesion, it's absolute bloody catastrophe."
"Prevent disaster: choose the right bid strategy at the right time."
"These three guys likely prevented a bigger disaster happening that could have killed millions of people."
"As samurai, you should take it upon yourself to spend time playing in water. Not doing so could well result in disaster."
"Ninety percent is not enough. Only 100 percent will keep disaster at bay."
"That's a recipe for sooner or later a disaster is going to happen."
"This Haditha Dam, if it had been blown, it would've been a significant problem causing flooding in the passageway where U.S. armor intended to pass through. Instead, that didn't happen."
"Mechanical Innovations were also introduced to help avert possible disasters."
"We can move the asteroid off the impact with the Earth 10 years later so that it misses the Earth."
"Passengers tell their harrowing stories and experts reveal how more attention to Sea safety might have prevented the disaster."
"Without a chef, Luffy's journey would become an immediate disaster."
"Plastic wrap has saved many batches from dumping all over during a volcano."
"Maintain High Spirits and communicate the plan to everyone crucial information so you can avoid an outdoor disaster."
"What would you do to prevent a cosmic level disaster?"
"Putting a log on fire isn't easy, but it's easy to light a match. Use the match to light kindling, the kindling to light a twig, and a twig to light the log."
"So, be extra careful with fire, because just one match or little piece of smoldering coal can lead to a huge disaster."
"You can buy the best makeup, but if you're not addressing your skin, it's a recipe for disaster."
"These storm spotter programs were effective in contributing to a steady decline in the number of tornado deaths in subsequent years."
"If you can see a disaster coming and you've got lots of time to work on it, we're really good at fixing stuff."
"Disasters don't just happen; they're the result of a sequence of events locked together in time."
"It's a natural disaster that we can prevent through fairly straightforward means; we can literally go look up."
"Store up almsgiving in your treasury, and it will rescue you from every disaster."
"We did it, we saved the world from the next great flood."
"Every disaster starts with a small flaw."
"Without them, it would have been a whole disaster. Period. Go essential workers!"
"Cooperation works better when there is no disaster, and if you don't have cooperation, you have the makings of a disaster."
"If not for the rain, the fires might have consumed all of Meereen by now."
"A well-trained dog's nose can be the only thing standing between a tragedy averted and absolute disaster."
"In the age of super bridges, it's no longer enough to create a magnificent structure; you have to be equally inventive to protect it from disaster."
"Thank God for you, Justin, because this would be such a disaster and such a train wreck without you."
"...these breaks...would have mitigated a disaster like this..."
"If there's a train standing in Snettlefold station and we smash into it, there could be hundreds killed and injured. We've got to stop this train."
"It's very easy to slowly sleepwalk into an absolute disaster."
"We are the masters of prevention, of flooding, and I'll show you why."
"Congratulations, my kids, you helped avoid a huge disaster from happening."
"It's not that I don't have a self-preservation instinct, but I'd rather not have one at all than willfully let a disaster occur."
"Fire in a data center can have a catastrophic impact on business operations."
"May God in His bountiful mercy avert such a disastrous calamity."
"Her ears can detect impending disasters and sense when someone is lying."
"Man's best hope of avoiding disaster is to listen hard for radio advice coming from far out in starry space."
"She has to be careful to keep her powers in check lest she accidentally cause a natural disaster."
"You're taking lessons you've learned from the past, moving away to avoid a disaster."