
Classiness Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"It's not only what a woman wears that makes her well-dressed and look classy, but it's also how she organizes her own clothing."
"It's so muted and classy... it's just classy, absolutely classy. I love it."
"Despite the shortcomings, these are some very fun and capable, classy watches indeed."
"Only Christopher Lee could make dirty talk sound extremely classy."
"Idris Elba is very masculine and comes off very classy."
"but thank you guys so much for joining me on this truly epic journey and as always guys till next time stay classy"
"But all that said, the thing that I took away the most... was very classy."
"The Royals have been nothing but classy throughout this whole thing."
"Stay classy, and you don't have to worry about being mistaken as trashy."
"The way you carry yourself also lends to the whole quiet luxury. And then the way you speak. All of these things, it just kind of goes right into how to look classy, how to look expensive, how to look rich."
"Namly, the ever classy, out tonight."
"This looks so classy, honey. I love this top. I already knew I was going to love this top."
"Classy is feminine, unclassy is trashy."
"There's something classy about you and I think you both like to keep yourselves really clean."
"Real classy for someone demanding to be quiet when douchebag needs his beauty sleep."
"Whatever your choice of engine, you get the classiest cabin in the sector."
"He's like, 'They want to see you stand up for yourself,' but I think that Cameron should be the classier one."
"Wow call it what you want but that was classy."
"We need that magic back, something accessible, something classy."
"For me, it's just very, very classy and rich."
"I'm really looking forward to seeing him play um and obviously I think it's it's very classy um and cool of him what he did and what he said uh upon coming down to Houston."
"Also, the person on your mind thinks that you are incredibly attractive because you're very high class and they think you're very classy and they like that about you."
"I always struggle to kind of put it into words why I like Volvos so much but it's almost the stealth wealth it's the mature concept of this car that is just so classy so sophisticated and it's just a good look man."
"It's crazy how classy Hannibal is and he eats people."
"I don't know if that's garbage or not but uh it ain't classy, dude."
"Wow, super classy to mock a passionate young person."
"A woman who is classy and not needy and super confrontational, a classy woman, she longs for a man to lead out."
"Let's be classy and kind to one another."
"It smells classy, classic, and somehow cozy."
"If you pay for dinner on a credit card, then tip in cash, is that classy or trashy? It's classy as it gets, right?"
"Ladies Wood, located not far from Bristol, is classy. Very classy."
"Well because you carry yourself with a lot of class you do thank you absolutely."
"Fragrances that I love to wear when I want to feel very put together, classy, like I have my stuff together."
"How you doing? Where you been? Class."
"We want these fragrances to convey a classiness and an elegant confidence."
"It's giving you this really great air of classiness."
"I'm really close with my grandma, she's the epitome of what a classy woman is."
"It is flirty but classy, fruity floral, just beautifully crafted."
"You guys are the best, as always, this is Just Watch Movies, and you guys stay classy."
"It had a sense of classiness with it and timelessness to it."
"I absolutely love this aluminum panel here; it makes it look so classy."
"I've rented a boat, the classiest boat I could find."
"It's just a really nice, classy looking red color."
"Toyota to me just has this certain ambiance of classiness."
"There is a way to be classy without being trashy."
"I like an old-fashioned or a Moscow Mule to gauge how classy a drink is."
"I've always tried to set the standard for being a classy woman and exhibiting all things class."
"Class A B is nothing like astonishing or to write home about; it's just like it's classy, just like Rebecca, it's classy."
"Don't be messy, don't be nasty, stay classy."
"I think it just looks very classy."
"This is probably the classiest one in this list."
"I think it's a classy move, honestly. I think it's a clever, classy move."
"You take care of what you have... that is classy."
"I love Emily Noelle, I think she is just one of the classiest, most genuine people on YouTube."
"Coke represents classiness and it just tastes like a classic flavor."
"It's so timeless and so classy and so dressy at the same time."