
Future Preparation Quotes

There are 187 quotes

"We've got 10 years now, I think, to prepare for the departure of this senior species, type 3 civilization, and the return of the Sakhar and their allies."
"We shouldn't dwell on them forever or deny the Next Generation their inheritance."
"A good man's actions set him up for a better future."
"Planning for a life which meaningfully begins at a certain age is just frankly naive."
"Releasing attachments to the past fills you with trust as you experience life changes and transformations."
"Don't try to raise great kids, raise kids that are going to be great adults."
"We look to the Past to help us move into the future and there are always little lessons that we can learn from everything."
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it."
"Time can catch up with you - start preparing for future airdrops now."
"Investing is the art of planting seeds for your future prosperity."
"You are forcing your children to then take care of you when you're in your 70s because you have nothing saved up."
"We have to confront our reality and prepare for that future."
"Having your own bank account, investing your money, preparing for your future is one of the best gifts you can give yourself."
"So long as we can view this as a continuation of the past and as building for the future, we'll be in a better place mentally to deal with what's coming."
"We're setting up systems that make it easier for the next generation to take on."
"Back them up, you'll care later. I haven't cared now, you'll care later."
"What's waiting on you in the future requires nourishment."
"You may have a hard day of school ahead of you because you're not gonna have a ton of rest but hey it'll be good it'll be worth it in the long long run."
"Everything you went through in the past was actually a setup for your future."
"Don't be misled by what you see now. I am at work in your life, preparing you to enjoy everything I've planned for you."
"We need to prepare for that, for instance in the educational system."
"Every game is gigantic... Today is one of them. So get this one out of the way, play your best, and then worry about what happens after that."
"People are sensing that we're going to need something else to meet those challenges."
"Complaining and excuses are the enemy to preparation for your future."
"We are building healthy habits that are going to help us tomorrow."
"It's always good to expand your horizons, that means your learning abilities and look at things that you may not need today but you will need in the future, especially when you have, you know, educated conversations."
"Life is a contract between the dead, the living, and the future."
"It is always your responsibility to yourself and to your future to make the best possible decisions within the context that you live and plan for a future that is understandable to you and that you will want to be prepared for."
"Prepare for the survival of our species, start now."
"This is an important primer for we're going into next."
"Understanding what comes next or at least planning for it is the whole point of the charts."
"We are not raising a child, we are raising the adult that they will end up being."
"Maintaining solidarity and communality is crucial for facing future crises."
"Don't just think about what you are retiring from, know exactly what it is you are retiring to."
"How many of you guys thought you were getting ready to retire?"
"The importance of strengthening our economy and making it more resilient to shocks like that in the future."
"Game twenty-seven is a win, brainstorming future loadouts."
"God has already seen somewhere in your future where you need this kind of experience in order to build the mental toughness, moral toughness, and spiritual muscles that you need in the future to sustain you."
"You've gotta be as open as you can so you can decrease your chances of being plopped into a place in the future where you're gonna freak out and become shell shocked."
"Strategy is not executing today, it's the plans on how to best execute tomorrow."
"You have to plan for there never being a cure."
"Positive outcome at this very moment you are sowing the seeds of your future through your thoughts feelings beliefs and attitudes."
"Technology is the way of the future... we have to start teaching young people about jobs around technology."
"Every little bit of practice adds up for the future."
"Every time something like this happens definitely makes me uh excited to do something like no prep here in the future but yeah definitely definitely a bummer to go out like that."
"And that's where these investments in the future are really important, not being reactionary and responding to damages and emergencies..."
"Prepare for the times that we are not going into. If you're wise, your eyes are open."
"Visions are definitely going to be important."
"Every new point and trait will help you in your next vision."
"There are things that you can do to make a difference today for tomorrow."
"The future will favor the self-reliant and prepared."
"The future and the preparations that you make need to have that in mind that the world is really your oyster you are free there are more options around you than your little narcissistic brain could even imagine."
"You feel strong, empowered, and ready for what the future has to bring for you."
"Give a kid a head start, give them a chance, prepare them."
"Prophecy exists so that we can be spiritually prepared for what's coming."
"You're not gonna make it through 2022 without having to raise money."
"We're preparing for that new wave, even if we're not quite there yet."
"My job is not to predict the future, my job is to prepare for it."
"In this way, laying up for themselves the riches that endure forever as a good foundation for the future."
"I want something to fall back on. I need a plan B."
"Live in Victory, Yah is reaching out to you to build you up in faith for the Times ahead."
"So yeah it's a part of history and it's a reminder that if you want to think about the future of civilization you have to include a defense plan against asteroids."
"Even the past relationships can be used to save you for a brighter future."
"There is a middle ground between spending all the money and not being set up for the future."
"Together we're going to empower our future selves, the Andre Jack of the future looking back at the Andre Jack of today."
"Everything that we learn at the end of the day gives us wisdom and knowledge for our path in the future."
"The things you learn in a failing situation can inform you for the future."
"We gotta fix the foundations fix the foundation for the current players fix the foundation for those that are wanting to play this game."
"Invest in yourself and prepare for what may be ahead."
"The worst is yet to come folks, so buckle up."
"Every scar, every tear leaves you with a choice that prepares you for future moments."
"As we start planning to grow our family even more we also start thinking more deeply about streamlining the way we are spending saving and investing our money."
"The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X
"You gotta figure out why you lost. Serious, it's serious. So we can win the next challenge."
"As more and more of these devices become hackable, we'll need these researchers more than ever."
"This is a year of action. Our progress is growing. With each milestone, we are preparing to go farther than ever before and lay the foundation for all that comes next."
"Enjoy yourself now, but also prepare for the new chapter."
"Having the courage to imagine our greatest and best future and convert any positive feelings that we have right now into making a plan for the next two to three years."
"Understanding the past can help you solve future challenges."
"The universe wants to almost validate: there is something to come that you are being prepared for, that you absolutely have in your future."
"This is a powerful time of healing, polishing, activating, and upgrading for what's up ahead."
"Teaching our kids how to spot when they're entering the negativity bias loop could create more critically thinking adults in the future."
"Handle the shit now so that you can be big enough and bold enough to get stuff that's way harder"
"Be a lifelong learner because the world in front of us is nothing like the world that's behind us."
"I feel like a lot of them are maybe trying to save money to have this foundation with you because I'm seeing the squirrel here, you know, like saving up something for the future. So yeah, for many of you, this person's love for you is very strong."
"Movies can condition you to accept what is to come, to better understand what is to come."
"Everything you are going through right now is shaping who you will become tomorrow."
"Passive income is all about putting in the hard work now, so that you can reap the rewards in the future."
"A lot of people come back to the same family. That's why when we have children and we teach them, we're preparing our future bodies."
"The future will belong to those countries that prepare for this eventuality by attaching their patriotism to the idea of inclusive and compassionate growth, not simply exclusion."
"What are some things that we can stop doing that would allow us to do these things which would help us be prepared for the future?"
"Having a lot of money is almost going to be a necessity, especially if you're going to be around for a while."
"If this isn't for me, I have to be able to let it go to have myself aligned and prepared for what is."
"Don't worry about your future, as long as you keep training, you will get into a strong class."
"Even just a little bit of insight into the world of AI is going to be a huge boost for you in the future."
"There's something about doing the dirty work, maybe not living for your own personal happiness but setting yourself up for future happiness."
"Each time we choose to experience using the Vipassana, I'm smoothing the road ahead, so to speak. I'm clearing the future roads because I'm not building up more negative energy."
"The purpose of this life, at least in large part, is to become capable of what might follow."
"Standards are high for men because we expect more in the future from you. And so we need to know you're going to handle what we got right now."
"There's a lot of changes coming out... and you need to invest in those future skills."
"Punk Hazard... outstanding setup for future arcs."
"The game also deals indirectly with the crucial importance of confronting climate change and widespread isolationism in the near future."
"They are preparing us for the future we know we are going to have."
"You cannot properly plan for the future if you do not understand what's happening right now."
"You learned what you don't want in your next situation; it's preparing you for something better."
"Your channel can be taken away from you in a heartbeat, and if you haven't been working on a career in the background, you're kind of lost at sea."
"The steps you take today are to prepare for tomorrow."
"We're actually looking at ways and possibilities that could happen and then trying to prepare for them."
"By the time you're 59 you can retire at 80% of your current lifestyle."
"Although I had to discard those trees, no experience has ever wasted. Every experience stands you in good stead later on."
"Set yourself up to really function well in your 80s."
"We're moving into a whole different career setting ourselves up for the rest of our lives."
"I much prefer to sleep well at night, to have peace of mind, and to know that if I want to have flexibility and optionality to do things in the future... I laid the groundwork today so that I could set myself up for success tomorrow."
"It's not a four-year plan; it's a 40-year plan."
"I really feel prepared for what's next."
"The best preparation for the future is to live as if there is no more time."
"Invest it, put away for that rainy day because the inevitability for all professional athletes... that rainy day is going to happen."
"State-of-the-art skills, tips, tricks, and techniques we share with you here on Online Training for Everyone will help you today and in the future."
"We need to focus on the youth and get them prepared to take over the world."
"From now on, you are all heroes in training."
"Just focus on your child's interests and abilities at the high school level, and that will help them to prepare for their future."
"The easiest way to save for the future is to buy United States savings bonds."
"The difference between your next and your now is your knowledge."
"What is it that we want to learn from this situation that we're going to need inevitably for the future?"
"Giving our children the tools to manage their anxiety now is only going to help them when they're adults."
"It helps to distinguish between strategy competing for the present and preparing for the future."
"We will go to the lawyer, we will make a will, you will get my house if I die and this will not be a problem."
"Let's make sure you're maximizing the system so your 40, 50, and 60-year-old self are just sloppy excited happy that you actually maximized all the compounding growth opportunities out there."
"You gotta think way ahead of time."
"But man, it is so much more important to do this right now because you built an app, but you're saving yourself so much time in the future."
"Prepare today for what you may need in 20 years."
"We are investing heavily in helping adults learn valuable skills and prepare for the economy of the future."
"If you survive 2020, then embrace it because it makes you stronger and prepares you for what's going to happen in 2021 or 2027 or 2032."
"You're actually being sown in your tomorrow because God says you're gonna survive this."
"You're really preparing for your future right now, and you can't just let everything and everyone into your space."
"The way things are now does not have to be the way they remain, but you must seek God for wisdom in preparing for what the future holds."
"We want leaders who are capable of critical reading of the signs of the times, but how do we prepare them for that?"
"The level of the intellectual disability often drives what services are going to be appropriate when we think about planning for the future."
"Planning and predicting are two completely different things."
"It's my right to save when my days are done."
"What can we all do to increase our confidence in investing and come up with a plan that's going to set us up for a better future with more money and reserves?"
"We need to understand the change and prepare our people and our societies to get ahead of that change."
"Prepare yourself now, start training on different things."
"What can we be doing with our time now that can prepare us for the jobs of the future? Right now, people can be learning, ramp up your skill set in terms of what you're learning online, what you're consuming, take an online class."
"Ultimately, the best way to handle any sort of devaluation from anyone in the future is to improve the relationship with yourself."
"What this means is basically that you take your hard-earned money, your paycheck, your income, and you immediately, right out the gate, allocate a portion of it to go into a separate account that is for you, for your future."
"...have a plan, save up for that plan."
"We are educating our students for jobs that don't yet exist, using technologies that haven't even been invented yet."
"Every child in every neighborhood has access to high-quality public education that prepares each for success in college, career, and civic life."
"What can you learn from this situation, how would it benefit you to do things differently in future?"
"We should not be going into the season patting ourselves on the back because all that's going to do is set us up for failure."
"The transition to IPv6 is coming, so it's good that you're learning it."
"We have to learn what I've been saying about integration with all of the other personae of ourselves if we are going to save the planet for future humans to inhabit."
"Education prepares one to live a fruitful, prosperous, and happy life for the future, to assure a sense of security and stability as well."
"This little beauty... is going to literally save our lives in the coming days."
"Please put some money aside for your future medical care because that is the time you really need that money."
"Time flies, and before you know it, we're gonna be old and not have anything saved."
"Know that with me, you have everything you need to face tomorrow with a heart full of peace and a soul brimming with hope."
"That is teaching real world skills that will serve her well for the rest of her life."
"We're preparing our students not just for today but for the jobs of tomorrow."
"There's so much that we can learn from the past as we prepare for the future."
"Getting an education means so, so, so much because by the time y'all get older, you're not going to be able to do nothing without that education."
"You want to be financially prepared."
"I'm saving money, and I want my kids to start on another level."
"Every experience you have is for your future self."
"You're finally feeling empowered and preparing yourself for the future and what's to come."
"Playing is often a way so that they can practice skills that they are going to use later in life."
"No matter who you will become in the future... you need the knowledge in proposal communication because we all go in the future we're going to communicate to conduct business with other people."
"Prepare yourself for anything that's going to come in the future in your preparation."
"If you're going through that reincarnation, it's an opportunity for you to leave certain primitive data for your future self."
"Clearly, we place a premium on giving our children a good education so they're set up to succeed in life."
"It's so important that we get the right lessons out of this inquiry."
"You got to have a Plan B, and that's education."
"Set yourself up for the rest of your life, leave with your mind intact."
"Listen, take my word for it, that reading is for you either now or in the future."
"What can we learn from the past that will help us in the present and prepare us for the future?"
"You may be opening yourself up to learning new skills, intuitively gravitating towards things that are going to help you in the future."
"I'm trying to save up for college next fall."