
Emergency Procedures Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Whenever a controller tells a pilot to do something now, the controller is handling the flight with their intermediate danger."
"Children and invalids are to be given first priority."
"Emergency procedures: if I do have an engine out and I've got to land, the beach is really soft sand, this thing does not do well so the book says to keep the gears up, keep the bottom flat, and land in the water."
"Medical teams will enter the scene as soon as the suspect is no longer a threat."
"Gradually cooling the body slows down the metabolic process and can buy time for saving lives."
"Put your own air mask on before you try and secure the air mask of your child."
"Massive release on local radio, people were given like two hours to take only the most important things."
"If brian knew his po2, he could have bailed out."
"Stop everybody, stop drop and roll and stuff."
"Secure your mask before securing the mask of those sitting next to you."
"There comes a moment when you have to arm your ejection seat if you have to make an emergency exit, there is an explosive charge that literally blows your entire seat out of the plane with you in it. I was keenly aware."
"Experience has shown that if you don't fly the airplane when you're experiencing an abnormal situation... you must fly the airplane."
"If you develop symptoms do not just go straight to the ER."
"Do not change the bandaging until a doctor or emt does it for you."
"CPR is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions with mouth-to-mouth."
"The word was passed to make ready to abandon ship because of the fires... they knew that if the fire did get into the magazines... the entire ship was just gonna go up."
"Exactly the same thing will happen... if cabin pressure isn't restored."
"The fatigue length was not enough time to let survivors make the maneuvers that we want to see them do."
"AVPU scale: A is alert, V is response to voice, P is response to pain, U is unresponsive."
"I was getting chilled so I bailed out the dinghy to keep warm."
"Instructions for ditching were given... the entire crew assumed ditching stations and calmly awaited contact."
"So, I guess the only last one I kind of show you on the way back, please, we call a quick stop, it's basically what people think of as helicopters' landings are supposed to look like, which is not your traditional approach at all."
"There's a reason when you get on an airplane... make sure that you put your own gas mask on before you help anyone else."
"Pilots typically have about 17 minutes to get the aircraft down before the fire does that for them."
"Imagine a plane making an emergency landing in the open sea... passengers hold on to this cable like a railing and don't fall."
"The average passenger might believe that if they were involved in an emergency, the captain would land the aircraft and everyone would be fine."
"You put your mask on first and then you take care of the next person's mask."
"Put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others."
"You got to clear away all the debris away from the wellhead and protect that wellhead at all times, 'cause that's what you want to work on."
"A pocket mask is 90% more effective than mouth-to-mouth."
"Before helping others, put on your own oxygen mask."
"The crew struggles to raise the plane's nose and gain altitude."
"The only thing you're required to tell 911 is who you are, where you are, what service you need."
"You're supposed to secure your own oxygen mask before securing the mask of those sitting next to you, lest you pass out and help no one."
"At 1,000 feet (305m) prior to your collision with Earth, you’ll have roughly 6-10 seconds to get yourself in the legs down position."
"If brakes fail while going downhill, using an escape ramp is the best way to stop."
"Your vehicle may stall. Close your eyes, attempt to start your vehicle. Do not open your eyes, no matter what you hear. Do not open your eyes. When your vehicle starts, hit the gas as fast as you can. When the mile is over, you may open your eyes."
"Emergency switching: provided where it may be necessary to control supply to remove unexpected danger."
"Leave the emergencies completely out of this case. Special VFR is not allowed in class alpha."
"This is how stewards train for emergency exits, guiding passengers from the plane."
"Here's a reason why they turn the lights off in the cabin: passengers need to get used to the darkness in case an emergency landing happens at night. This way, their eyes are already used to the absence of light, which makes it easier to evacuate."
"The worst emergencies are those night landings. But there's never a situation where we skip pavement."
"So that's the drill. So we're going to do the drill over and over and over again. And you'll be driving down the road in your car, and you'll go, 'Boom, engine failure, pitch for blue line, mixtures, props, throttles, flaps up, gear up.'"
"The Escape capsule, if it landed in water, has flotation bags and a radio antenna."
"CPR is an emergency procedure performed on people experiencing Cardiac Arrest."
"Closing the barn doors, or using the barn door stop, is an entirely different matter. That is where not only do you put everything in full reverse, but you also turn the rudder or rudders 90 degrees to basically form a gigantic water break to slow the ship right down."
"Sometimes the only thing a pilot can do is land in the safest place possible."
"For patients with ongoing CPR and an advanced airway in place, use a simplified ventilation rate of one breath every six seconds without pausing for chest compressions."
"The Emergency Response guidebook provides instructions for handling emergencies."
"Conclusive evidence that in event of emergency, a pilot can eject quickly and safely."
"During any emergency it is important that you listen to all announcements and instructions carefully."
"The best way to stop a runaway diesel engine is to cut off the air supply."
"Passenger safety orientation should include emergency exits, survival craft embarkation areas, ring lifebuoy locations. The answer is all of the above."
"The most important thing to remember when launching an inflatable life raft by hand is to secure the operating cord to the vessel."
"We have to remember the word 'PASS' - the P stands for pull, the A stands for aim, the S stands for squeeze, and the last S stands for sweep."
"If the elevator does stop, press the emergency button and wait for help to arrive."
"A pilot may deviate from an air traffic instruction in an emergency but must advise ATC of the deviation as soon as possible."
"You're in the airplane, what do they tell you when there's a lack of oxygen? They say put the mask on yourself first, then help the person next to you."
"When an air failure happens in scuba diving, there is a very strict procedure: you have to help the person, no questions asked, because every second is vital."
"When an ATC clearance has been obtained, no pilot in command may deviate from that clearance unless an amended clearance is obtained, an emergency exists, or the deviation is in response to a traffic alert and collision avoidance system resolution advisory."
"Remember your ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation."
"You always want to make sure that you're taking care of the ABCs: airway, breathing, and circulation."
"The main priorities once the order to abandon ship are given are to make sure that everybody can get off as quickly and as safely as possible."
"Any emergency action required to prevent or respond to fire, flooding, collision, or other incidents that may endanger human life or the vessel, or pose an imminent threat to the environment, may be undertaken without prior Navy permission."
"It's a really important safety feature that gives the pilot time to recognize that there's a problem and get the airplane on the ground and get the occupants to safety."
"If there is an emergency, it will not come directly to the ground and destroy it. It will land easily, and a person's life can be saved."
"Keep the radar display in your view and be prepared to initiate a go-around if threatening weather appears on the scope."
"If the bleeding doesn't stop with one tourniquet, it's okay to use two."
"Everybody was able to get to school safely, but now they need a shelter in place."
"It's a hard thing to say to climb, conserve, and confess, and to pull the trigger on emergency fuel, but this could bail you out of a sticky situation on a dark and stormy night."
"Simple instructions are provided according to the route of exposure... 'Remove contaminated clothing, wash skin with soap and water, get medical attention if necessary'."
"Never rush, don't flail around the boat even in an emergency, take your time, move carefully."
"Go through a cold cloud only if you have an escape route of warm air below."
"Women and Children First when it comes to loading the lifeboats."
"Loss of pressurization comes in three forms: slow, rapid, and explosive."
"The employer must develop procedures to deal with serious and imminent danger."