
Media Control Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"The narrative must be protected at all costs. What YouTube and many of these other big tech companies want is they want to homogenize perspective."
"The most important reasons you want to control the news on your own is to maximize that moment, control the format, and execute your plan perfectly."
"If we don't control and own our media, we can't control our images and how we're produced and depicted and distributed around the world."
"People began to get the message that he was going to act and that he cared about control of the media."
"Oprah has always said that she doesn't touch [__] unless she's an executive producer or she owns it."
"Five companies control ninety percent of what we see, hear, and read."
"The entire institution of information control, the entire narrative control system, is going to fall to pieces."
"When Joe Buck says it's so bad we're not going to show it to you, that's like your parents being like no you're not allowed to watch this movie."
"We're leaving it up to the whims of billionaires in the middle of the night to decide who gets to be on these monopolistic platforms and who doesn't."
"You know here's the thing if you were at Fox News if I was at Fox News they wouldn't be allowed to, right? Because it would be so tightly controlled there'd be somebody in government saying no no no we need this interview to happen."
"It terrifies me that these unelected billionaires can decide whether we get to hear from an elected president."
"Media warfare is a manipulation and control of news outlets, social media, any outlet of information."
"This is giving so much power to the corporation and so much less power to the creators, it's so discouraging."
"Democracy is a better system than it is to say that it's inevitable because once you say that it's inevitable you're forgetting all the things that you have to do or struggle for in order for democracy to come into being."
"A world where media, music, and content creation is monopolized under the control of mega banks and their investors."
"They want to control what you see, think, and hear."
"Currently, the People's Daily has deleted the video and postings, and the social media platform Webo has blocked related topics."
"News stories are being suppressed YouTube channels are being deleted individuals on Twitter and Facebook have been shut down completely."
"Who's determining who these four top candidates are? Well, it's the oligarchs who control the media."
"Ninety percent of news outlets in the United States are controlled by six corporations. They're not out to tell you the truth of what's happening."
"What's the only thing scarier than a ginormous corporation that owns all the media? An even more ginormous corporation running the delivery media."
"Stalin's main tool to maintain his cult was the press, presenting him as a wise, much-loved genius."
"The rich get richer isn't just a platitude, it's true—control through ownership or funding is exercised over major media, educational institutions, and practically every other facet of existence."
"They want to manage all images and videos so that they can be edited before it's ever released to the world."
"You have to control the conversation on your channel."
"They want to control the things that you can see and the things that you can do."
"Controlling the narrative is essential to advancing their agenda."
"Disney effectively shut down the story on Jeffrey Epstein."
"I saw the writing on the wall, okay? At that point, I knew it's not long before they start banning everyone."
"I think Prince Harry wants to tell his side of the story... this is his opportunity to have his say, to control the narrative."
"Xi Jinping really has pushed China and the Chinese media to basically directly serve the interests of the Chinese Communist Party."
"Whoever controls the interpretation of the news controls the future."
"You're giving low-level employees often a tremendous amount of power to manipulate search terms and the way these videos are distributed etc."
"Leonard Nimoy also tried and failed to prevent them from ever being shown publicly."
"They got the government and they got the media so and 100 billion dollars people don't realize how much money that is."
"CNN shut down Trump's Town Hall 20 minutes early."
"The thing is in China you do not, you only have one state media and you have different flavors of it that all filters down but it comes from the same source and they're not allowed to stray away from any given narrative."
"The Silicon Valley companies are foolish to think that they're gonna be the gatekeepers of who's can be able to consume this information."
"Pornography is a form of control, a sophisticated form of control."
"Fandom in any way getting to be behind the wheel of something is somewhat dangerous."
"The illusion of choice: six media giants now control a staggering 90 percent of what we read, watch, and listen to."
"When it came to him and his antics they shut him down they said you're not gonna do that you're not gonna push that type of narrative that young white girls are [ __ ] to just be used and disposed of like garbage."
"They're not your friends and not here to entertain you. They're here to control your mind and manipulate your behavior."
"The public were unaware. The press was muzzled and the king's affair kept secret."
"As predicted, Justin Trudeau is coming for yours truly, social media streaming services... they want to have full control of the media so they can control the narrative."
"I think the issue is saying that one, they control the media, yeah, saying they control every industry in the world and they're responsible for all the evils in the world."
"Show me the money! Show me as an investor in your company and somebody that might put my own money into Paramount Plus that he gets control of the Star Trek franchise for another couple more years. Show me!"
"It's not just about misinformation, it's about controlling the narrative."
"We live in a world of Neptune, a neptunian world where they control the narrative."
"So that's what's happening. They rigged the game, monopoly on mass communications, captured government and platforms to shape our thoughts. And Joe Rogan is pushing back against that."
"You get control of what people see and what people don't see."
"The reality of the streaming service conglomerate-driven world is that audiences don't have as much control over their personal libraries as they want you to believe you do."
"All I need y'all to understand is it was a target on Don's back from the moment Warner took over the company."
"Sony made a smart move by refusing to cede more control of its most valuable movie property."
"That's a miracle. Now there are a lot of people out there who want to shut this club down, but we own these platforms with billions of plays and millions of subscribers."
"The press is overwhelmingly run by oligarchs who are part of a status quo."
"One of the really cool things about being a de facto oligarch is that if pesky journalists start bashing you all you need to do is buy out the TV and media channels where they're bashing you."
"Censorship only works in a totalitarian system. It only works if you've got control of absolutely everything."
"90% of news outlets in the United States are controlled by six corporations. They're not out to tell you the truth of what's happening, they're out to tell you the picture of the world that they represent."
"This is not a regime of censorship that will Target exclusively the right."
"I hope Catherine and William do influence the Queen to turn around and say, 'Don't let them air the Christmas Day speech.'"
"The media has been bought up by just a few corporations, and those corporations are all globalist corporations."
"Method Man is the reason why all shows now have a dump button."
"More screens and magazines controlled by just five giant media companies."
"Whoever controls the media or controls the information... controls the world."
"We don't want them saying that, we want them saying only good things."
"Nobody talks bad about China. That's right, because guess what? The state, China, the Communist Party of China, controls their media."
"Facebook just went to Total warm and shut down blocked all news throughout the entire country for like days."
"The more that corporations are controlling that flow of what stories are being told how they're being told and who's telling them ultimately I think is a it's not good for a free Society where we need the free flow of ideas."
"Every day, I mean he would always control the media, control the narrative, friends and friends."
"They're pulling in the end game, shutting down alternative media, advancing war agendas - there has to be a catalyst to get us to their designed system."
"You tell the Press who they can put on, what are you, a dictator?"
"In reality, you're usually only seeing what a celebrity's PR team wants you to see."
"Savinkov controls the radio, Savinkov controls the newspapers, Savinkov controls the army. Slowly his black tendrils wrap around the last vestiges of democracy and freedom in Russia."
"He is a dictator like the things that he's doing canceled elections yes canceled elections shut down shut down opposition media..."
"The media is only owned by a few companies and they only are owned by a few people."
"The involvement of the U.S. Security Services in the information flow that American citizens are and aren't getting is a huge story."
"If they all deplatform someone the same day in the same hour... it means they picked up the phone and they call each other."
"Kelly Ripa and Ellen DeGeneres... who got to control what."
"If he doesn't black networks and acquisitions, he can't take those black networks and black content global."
"You all see why black own black and control media is important right because this conversation is not going to take place anywhere else with all this layer and nuance."
"As it relates to what it's doing to our Our Youth and how it it's really brainwashing and and they can influence anything just by turning a dial."
"They want to control what you watch, what search results are returned to you."
"Change the channel if you don't agree with the messages."
"The power that a tiny few people have in controlling the information that people receive or don't receive is being used ever more blatantly to censor challenging narratives."
"The problem is the digital distributors such as Amazon keep acting as if they have control over it shows you purchase on Amazon Prime cannot be downloaded on your computer at least not anymore."
"We're against corporate power. We don't think corporations should be able to make unaccountable decisions about what can and cannot be said."
"Yeah, we know that the Jews run the goddamn media, so if you advocate that, bitch, don't expect to be a part of too much goddamn media."
"If there's a live sports game already in progress with iOS 15.6, you'll be able to restart, pause, rewind, or fast forward it."
"Demons like Vox who owns the entire television industry and lords over people in that way."
"False copyright strikes are always an attempt to silence."
"Spin... puts the album artwork right in the middle... media controls."
"Big Brother's watching, and oh my god, for me, for sure, there were like 20 channels of me; now there's like three because I complained, and then they terminated mine."
"It's time that we create something that we can have some control over because Disney has shown absolutely positively no respect for Star Wars."
"I need to have more control over what the cameras are doing and what media or people who are not media are doing with the filming."
"They won't even let Trump say it. You know, it used to be politician-censored media, now it's media censoring politicians."
"Welcome to Arnold Holiday News, the only news you'll ever need because you have no other choice."
"Ownership is everything. We created it, we envisioned it, we expanded upon it to make it what it was, such a phenomenon. But if you don't own the media, which is going to be the one that packages and delivers it as they see fit, can't win."
"Could the Hunter Biden story be censored, be prior restrained before anybody even talked about it? Sure, I guess if it was during a time of War."
"It's like a weather report; they control the narrative."
"My dear boy, you cannot control the press."
"One of those examples is the show Media controls on top panel toggle. You'll have the media control buttons right on the panel, which means you don't need to click deeper to pause the video."
"This is a deal where the NFL would take an equity stake in ESPN and in turn give ESPN control of the NFL media arm."
"All the media is in the control of the Meccans, all the propaganda is in their control, all the money is in their control, all the politics are in their control. But Islam for some reason keeps on spreading because of this Quran and the relentless character of the Prophet."
"Controlling our media is the closest thing there is to controlling how we think."
"You can control your PC as if it were a regular media player through Home Assistant."
"This is a world where the Patriots control the media 100% and use it to keep a never-ending war in progress."
"You know how to control a radio show and you were ridiculously prepared."
"The government did what governments often do, especially non-democratic governments who control the media; they lied."
"He quietly ran his show, had the media in his pocket, the news in his pocket, all the local mayors and politicians in his pocket."
"Our playoff system now is dead simple, you control your TV channel via a web browser on your PC, tablet or mobile device."
"The inclusion of dedicated media controls... definitely adds to the value of the keyboard."
"Media playback controls are the primary interface for users to control their media playback experience."
"Who should control the content of programs?"
"We actually want to make it as easy as possible for users to get and control your media playback."
"The reality today is that five corporations control the entire world of social media."